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13. Ilyon, Samguk Yusa, trans. Tae-hung Ha and Grafton K. Mintz (1972), pp. 67–68.

14. Lee and de Bary, pp. 72–73.

15. Ibid., pp. 77–78.

Глава 24. Возмущение

1. MacGowan, p. 225; Paludan, p. 72.

2. MacGowan, p. 225.

3. Ibid., pp. 226–227; Paludan, p. 73.

4. MacGowan, pp. 228–229.

5. MacGowan, p. 233; Fitzgerald, China, p. 279.

6. de Bary et al., p. 176.

7. MacGowan, p. 237.

8. Mark Elvin, The Pattern of the Chinese Past (1973), p. 47.

9. Graff and Higham (2002), p. 31.

10. Gernet, p. 175; Barfield, p. 124.

11. Barfield, p. 25.

12. Boulger, p. 163.

13. Roberts, p. 69.

Глава 25. Выборные короли

1. Gregory of Tours, 2.18–19; Collins, p. 36.

2. Gregory of Tours, 2.27; Collins, p. 33.

3. Gregory of Tours, 2.30.

4. Ibid., 2.31.

5. Ibid., 2.37; Patrick J. Geary, Before France and Germany (1988), pp. 86–87.

6. Collins, pp. 36–37.

7. Geary, pp. 90–91.

8. Geoffrey of Monmouth, History of the Kings of Britain, trans. Lewis Thorpe (1966), 6.14.

9. Gildas; 25.3; William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum, vol. 1, trans. R. A. B. Mynors et al. (1998), 1.8; Bede, 1.16.

10. Swanton, pp. 14–15.

11.0 Hogain, p. 216; Herrn, p. 275.

12. Swanton, p. 15.

13. О Hogain, p. 216.

14. Herrn, p. 277; О Hogain, p. 217. О Хогайн предполагает, что Камланн располагался гораздо дальше к северу, на западном конце стены Адриана, но более традиционна его привязка к Кэмелфорду в Англии

15. J. М. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship in England and on the Continent (1971), p. 14.

16. Collins, p. 43.

Глава 26. Вторжение и извержение

1. Mookerji, pp. 119–120; Kulke, p. 90.

2. T W. Rhys Davids, trans., The Questions of King Milinda (1890).

3. Charles Eliot, Hinduism and Buddhism, vol. 3 (1921), p. 198.

4. Thapar, Early India, p. 287.

5. Alexander Cunningham, The Bhiha Topes (1854), p. 163.

6. Samuel Beal, trans., Travels of Fah-hian and Sun-yung, Buddhist Pilgrims, from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.), (1969), p. 197.

7. Ganguly, Imperial Guptas, p. 120; Thapar, Early India, p. 287.

8. David Keys, Catastrophe (1999), pp. 254, 262–269. Существует теория, что Ява и Суматра изначально были единым субконтинентальным массивом.

9. Ibid., pp. 5, 247, 251; Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 2 (1916), 4.14; Charles Cockell, Impossible Extinction (2003), p. 121.

10. Cassiodorus, The Letters of Cassiodorus, trans. Thomas Hodgkin (1886), pp. 518–520.

11. John Savino and Marie D. Jones, Supervolcano, (2007), p. 85.

12. Keys, p. 259.

Глава 27. Американский континент

1. Keys, pp. 5, 189–190.

2. Richard E. W. Adams, Ancient Civilizations of the New World (1997), pp. 50–51.

3. Joyce Marcus, «The Origins of Mesoamerican Writing», Annual Review of Anthropology, 5 (1976), p. 37.

4. Ibid., pp. 39–40.

5. Elizabeth Hill Boone, Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate (2007), p. 14.

6. Keys, pp. 186-87; Adams, pp. 43–44; George L. Cowgill, «State and Society at Teotihuacan, Mexico», Annual Review of Anthropology, 26 (1997), pp. 129–130.

7. Saburo Sugiyama, «Worldview Materialized in Teotihuacan, Mexico», Latin American Antiquity, 4: 2 (1993), p. 105.

8. Richard Haly, «Bare Bones: Rethinking Mesoamerican Divinity», History of Religions, 31: 3 (1992), pp. 280–281.

9. Ibid., p. 287.

10. Boone, p. 13.

11. Haly, p. 297; Keys, p. 193.

12. Rene Millon, «Teotihuacan: City, State and Civilization», in Victoria Reifler Bricker, ed., Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, vol. 1, pp. 235–238; Norman Yoffee, ed., The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations (1988), pp. 149ff; Keys, pp. 192–193, 197–198.

13. Ernesto Gonzalez Licon, Vanished Mesoamerican Civilizations, trans. Andrew Ellis (1991), pp. 81–83.

14. Ibid., p. 92.

Глава 28. Великое и святое величие

1. John J. Saunders, A History of Medieval Islam (1978), pp. 5–6.

2. Karen Armstrong, Muhammad (1993), p. 62.

3. Irfan Shahid, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, vol. 2, Part 1 (2002), pp. 2–3, 140; Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates, 2d ed. (2004), p.17.

4. Alois Grillmeier, Christ in Christian Tradition, vol. 2, trans. О. C. Dean (1996), p. 306.

5. «The Letter of Simeon of Beth Arsham», quoted in Dionysius, Chronicle, part

3, trans. Witold Witakowski (1996), pp. 53–57, and in Stuart Munro-Hay, The Quest for the Ark of the Covenant (1996), pp. 60–62.

6. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1,1.10; Saunders, History of Medieval Islam, p. 13; Armstrong Muhammad, p. 56; Grillmeier, p. 320.

7. Procopius, Secret History, 1.1–1.2, 9.15.

8. Ibid., 9.27–30.

9. James Stevenson, ed., Creeds, Councils and Controversies (1966), p. 337.

10. Sevetus of AFAshmunein, History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria, trans. B. Evens (1904), Chapter 13; Antigone Samellas, Death in the Eastern Mediterranean (50-600 a.d.) (2002), p. 41 n. 77.

11. Fred Blume, trans., Annotated Justinian Code (2008), 5.4.

12. Gregory, pp. 124–126.

13. Blume, 1.14.

14. Ibid., 1.1.

15. Quoted in Sara Rappe, Reading Neoplatonism (2000), p. 197.

Глава 29. Мор

1. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, pp. 148–149, 398.

2. Procopius, Secret History, 13.32.

3. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 1.24.

4. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 1, pp. 340–341.

5. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 1.24.

6. Ibid., 1.24.

7. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 1, pp. 344–345.

8. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 7 (1940), l.i.

9. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 2, 3.20.

10. Pohl, «The Vandals», pp. 44–45; Collins, pp. 38–39.

11. Gregory, p. 121; Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 3, 5.3.

12. Cassiodorus, p. 444.

13. Gregory, p. 136; Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 1, pp. 394–395.

14. Collins (1999), p. 198; Burns, pp. 206–207.

15. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 3, 6.6.

16. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, p. 158.

17. Ehsan Yarshater, ed., The Cambridge History of Iran (1983), p. 155.

18. al-Tabari History, vol. 5, pp. 157–158.

19. Yarshater, p. 155.

20. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 2.22.

21. Ibid., 2.13; William Rosen, Justinian’s Flea (2007), p. 223.

22. Evagrius Scholasticus (1846), 29; Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 2.23.

23. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 1, pp. 434–435.

24. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 2.27.

25. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Books 1–5, trans. RoyJ. Deferrari (1953), p. 82.

26. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 2: 12; Evagrius Scholasticus, 27.

27. Procopius, History of the Wars and Buildings, vol. 1, 2.22; Evagrius Scholasticus 29; Rosen, pp. 222–223.

Глава 30. Небесный властитель

1. Lee, New History of Korea, p. 43.

2. Ibid., p. 46.

3. Robert Karl Reischauer, Early Japanese History (c. 40 BC – AD 1167), part A (1967), pp. 8–9; Milton W. Meyer, Japan, 3d ed. (1993), p. 27.

4. Reischauer, p. 11.

5. Reischauer, p. 134; Richard Bowring, The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500-1600 (2005), p. 15.

6. Lee, New History of Korea, pp. 44–47.

7. Reischauer, p. 134.

8. Bowring, pp. 40–41.

9. Joan R. Piggott, The Emergence of Japanese Kingship (1997), p. 75.

10. Reischauer, p. 138.

11. Reischauer, p. 139; Meyer, p. 33.

12. Kuroita-Katsumi, Prince Shotoku and His Seventeen-Article Constitution (1940), pp. 20–22.

Глава 31. Воссоединение

1. Yang Xuanzhi, «А Northerner’s Defense of Northern Culture», in Patricia Ebrey, ed., Chinese Civilization, id ed., (1993), pp. 10-110.

2. MacGowan, pp. 240–241.

3. Paludan, p. 75.

4. Yan Zhitui, «Advice to His Sons», in Ebrey, pp. 110–111.

5. Arthur F. Wright, The Sui Dynasty (1978), pp. 57–58.

6. Quoted in ibid., p. 58.

7. Ibid., pp. 61–62.

8. Ibid., p. 63.

9. Ibid.

10. Paludan, p. 77.

11. Rayne Kruger, All Under Heaven (2003), pp. 184–186; Charles O. Hucker, China’s Imperial Port (1975), p. 138.

12. Kruger, p. 189.

13. Ibid.; Roberts, p. 104.

14. Roberts, p. 82.

Глава 32. Правители Южной Индии

1. Thapar, Early India, p. 328; Benjamin Lewis Rice, Mysore Inscriptions (1983), p. 319.

2. Hermann Oldenberg, The Religion of the Veda (1988), p. 250; Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty, ed., Textual Sources for the Study of Hinduism (1990), pp. 15–17.

3. Rice, pp. 303, 305.

4. Pran Nath Chopra et ah, History of South India (1979), p. 61.

5. Sachindra Kumar Maity, Professor A. L. Basham, My Guruji and Problems and Perspectives of Ancient Indian History and Culture (1997), p. 189.

6. Bana, The Harsha Carita, trans. Edward B. Cowell and F. W. Thomas (1968), chap. 4.

7. Wolpert, p. 94; Bana, chap. 8.

8. Karl J. Schmidt, An Atlas and Survey of South Asian History (1995), p. 29.

9. Maity, pp. 189–190; Rice, p. 322.

10. Thapar, Early India, p. 330.

Глава 33. Два императора

1. Gwyn Jones, A History of the Vikings (1984), p. 25; Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards, trans. William Dudley Foulke (1974), 1.2.

2. Burns, p. 214.

3. Gregory, p. 137.

4. Collins, pp. 43–48.

5. Michael M. Gunter, The Kurds and the Future of Turkey (1997), p. 7.

6. R. N. Frye, «The Political History of Iran under the Sasanians», in Yarshater, p. 156.

7. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, p. 33.

8. Paul the Deacon, 2.4.

9. Ibid., 1.27.

10. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, pp. 149–150.

11. Saunders, History of Medieval Islam, p. 22; Armstrong, Muhammad, p. 58–59.

12. Saunders, p. 14; Thomas F. Cleary, trans., The Essential Qu’ran (1988), Surah 105.

13. Saunders, History of Medieval Islam, p. 14.

14. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, pp. 76–77.

15. Gregory, p. 150.

16. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, pp. 156–161.

Глава 34. Хозяева дворцов

1. Gregory of Tours, 4.27–28.

2. Venantius Fortunatus, Venantius Fortunatus, trans. Judith W. George (1995), p. 47.

3. Gregory of Tours, 4.51.

4. Frank Glessner Ryder, trans., The Song of the Nibelungs (1962), pp. 95–97, 188, 197.

5. Gregory of Tours, 8.9

6. Fredegar, Fredegarii Chronicorum Liber Quartus cum Continuationibus, trans. J. M. Wallace-Hadrill (1960), 4.17.

7. Ibid., 4.19.

8. Ibid., 4.30.

9. Ibid., 4.38.

10. Ibid., 4.42.

11. Geary, pp. 152–154.

12. Fredegar, 4.67.

13. Ibid., 4.85.

14. Ibid., Continations 1–2.

15. Geary, p. 180.

Глава 35. Григорий Великий

1. Paul the Deacon, 2.28.

2. Ibid., 3.35.

3. Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 12, p. 399.

4. Paul the Deacon, 3.24.

5. Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 12, p. 420.

6. Epistle 1.3, in ibid., p. 532.

7. Jeffrey Richards, The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages, 476–752 (1979), p. 173.

8. Epistle 5.36, in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 12, p. 704.

9. Richards, p. 174.

10. Henry Mayr-Hartin, The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England (1972), pp. 33–34.

11. Bede, 1.23; Gregory the Great, Epistle 5.51, in Schaffand Wace, Select Library, vol. 12, p. 753.

12. Bede, 1.25,5.24.

13. Quoted in Fletcher, The Barbarian Conversion (1999), p. 115.

14. Bede, 1.26.

15. Epistle 8.30, in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 12, p. 815; Fletcher, Barbarian Conversion, p. 116.

16. Epistle 11.64, in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 13, p. 133.

17. Bede, 1.26.

Глава 36. Поход на Персию

1. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, p. 298.

2. Theophylact Simocatta, The History of Theophylact Simocatta, trans. Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby (1986), 8.1-3

3. Frye, «Political History of Iran under the Sasanians», in Yarshater, pp. 163–165.

4. Gregory, p. 151.

5. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, pp. 126–128; Maurice, Maurice’s Strategikon, trans. George T. Dennis (1984), 9.4.

6. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. I, pp. 85–86.

7. Ibid., pp. 88–89.

8. Ibid., p. 92.

9. Theophanes the Confessor, The Chronicle of Theophanes, trans. Harry Turtledove (1982), p. 1.

10. Gregory the Great, Epistle 13.31, in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 13, p. 173.

11. Theophanes, Chronicle (1982), p. 3; Ostrogorsky, p. 84.

12. Theophanes, Chronicle (1982), p. 9.

13. Ibid., p. 10.

14. Fredegar 4.34.

15. Antiochus Strategos, «The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD», trans. F. C. Conybeare, English Historical Review, 25 (1910), pp. 509–510.

16. Theophanes, Chronicle (1982), p. 12.

17. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, p. 219.

18. Quoted in ibid., p. 220.

19. Ibid., p. 223.

20. Theophanes, Chronicle (1982), pp. 13–14.

21. Ostrogorsky, pp. 100–101.

22. Theophanes, Chronicle (1982), p. 15.

23. Cross and Sherbowitz-Wetzor, p. 55.

24. Fredegar, 4.48.

25. Collins, pp. 118–119; Ostrogorsky, pp. 102–103.

26. Theodore the Syncellus, Traduction et Commentaire de Thomelie ecriteprobablementpar Theodore le Syncelle sur le siege de Constantinople en 626, trans. Ferenc Makk (1975), 22.

27. Ostrogorsky, p. 103.

28. Theodore the Syncellus, 33.

29. Frye, History of Ancient Iran, p. 337.

30. Andreas N. Stratos, Byzantium in the Seventh Century, vol. 1 (1968), pp. 602–614.

31. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, p. 678.

32. Theophanes, Chronicle, pp. 327–328.

Глава 37. Пророк

1. Jerry Rogers et al., Water Resources and Environmental History (2004), p. 36.

2. Dionysius, p. 65.

3. Paul Dresch, Tribes, Government, and History in Yemen (1993), p. 6; Keys, pp.

60-62; The Holy Quran, trans. Abdullah Yusuf Ali (2000), Surah 34.15–16,19.

4. Saunders, History of Medieval Islam, p. 22.

5. Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, trans. A Guillaume (1997), p. 119.

6. Armstrong, Muhammad, pp. 58–59, 67–68, 94. Я крайне обязана Карен Армстронг за ее проницательный анализ разницы между племенным и городским арабским сообществом в пятом и шестом столетиях нашей эры.

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