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"Surely (конечно)."

"A Miss Wonderly checked out this morning (некая мисс Уондерли съехала сегодня утром). I'd like to know the details (я бы хотел знать детали)."

"Come along (пойдемте)," Freed said, "and we'll see what we can learn (и мы посмотрим, что мы можем узнать)."

dope [dqVp] guest [gest] surely ['SVqlI]


"That's all right. Can you give me some dope on an ex-guest, and then forget that I asked for it?"


"A Miss Wonderly checked out this morning. I'd like to know the details."

"Come along," Freed said, "and we'll see what we can learn."

Spade stood still, shaking his head (Спейд спокойно стоял, качая головой). "I don't want to show in it (я не хочу там показываться)."

Freed nodded and went out of the alcove (Фрид кивнул и вышел из ниши). In the lobby he halted suddenly (в вестибюле он неожиданно остановился) and came back to Spade (и вернулся назад к Спейду). "Harriman was the house-detective on duty last night (Гарриман был внутренним детективом на дежурстве этой ночью)," he said. "He's sure to have seen Archer (он точно должен был видеть Арчера). Shall I caution him not to mention it (мне предупредить его, чтобы он не упоминал это)?"

alcove ['xlkqVv] duty ['dju:tI] caution ['kO:S(q)n]

Spade stood still, shaking his head. "I don't want to show in it."

Freed nodded and went out of the alcove. In the lobby he halted suddenly and came back to Spade. "Harriman was the house-detective on duty last night," he said. "He's sure to have seen Archer. Shall I caution him not to mention it?"

Spade looked at Freed from the corners of his eyes (Спейд посмотрел на Фрида уголками своих глаз). "Better not (лучше нет). That won't make any difference (это все равно не будет иметь значения; difference — разница, различие) as long as there's no connection shown with this Wonderly (до тех пор, пока нет явной связи с этой Уондерли; to show — показывать, указывать). Harriman's all right (Гарриман хороший), but he likes to talk (но он любит поговорить), and I'd as lief not have him think (и я бы с радостью не дал ему думать) there's anything to be kept quiet (что есть что-то, о чем надо молчать; to keep quiet — «держать тихо» — сохранять спокойствие, хранить молчание)."

Freed nodded again and went away (Фрид кивнул снова и ушел). Fifteen minutes later he returned (спустя пятнадцать минут он вернулся). "She arrived last Tuesday (она приехала в прошлый вторник), registering from New York (зарегистрировавшись, что из Нью-Йорка). She hadn't a trunk (у нее не было чемодана), only some bags (только несколько сумок).

corner ['kO:nq] quiet ['kwaIqt] trunk [trANk]

Spade looked at Freed from the corners of his eyes. "Better not. That won't make any difference as long as there's no connection shown with this Wonderly. Harriman's all right, but he likes to talk, and I'd as lief not have him think there's anything to be kept quiet."

Freed nodded again and went away. Fifteen minutes later he returned. "She arrived last Tuesday, registering from New York. She hadn't a trunk, only some bags.

There were no phone-calls charged to her room (не было никаких телефонных звонков, занесенных на счет ее номера; to charge — заряжать; нагружать; заносить на счет), and she doesn't seem to have received much (и, кажется, она не получила много), if any, mail (если вообще какую-то /получила/, почты). The only one (единственный) anybody remembers having seen her with (с кем ее, по воспоминаниям, видели) was a tall dark man of thirty-six or so (был высокий смуглый мужчина тридцати шести лет или около того). She went out at half-past nine this morning (она вышла в половине десятого этим утром), came back an hour later (вернулась часом позже), paid her bill (оплатила свой счет), and had her bags carried out to a car (и попросила вынести свои сумки к машине; to have smth done — велеть, приказать сделать что-либо). The boy who carried them (парень, который нес их /сумки/) says it was a Nash touring car (говорит, что это был туристский /открытый/ автомобиль, «Нэш»), probably a hired one (возможно, взятый напрокат). She left a forwarding address (она оставила адрес для пересылки писем; to forward — ускорять; отправлять, переадресовывать) — the Ambassador, Los Angeles (/отель/ «Амбассадор», Лос-Анджелес»)."

Spade said, "Thanks a lot, Freed (большое спасибо, Фрид)," and left the St. Mark (и ушел из отеля «Св. Марка»).

received [rI'si:vd] touring ['tV(q)rIN] forwarding ['fO:wqdIN]

There were no phone-calls charged to her room, and she doesn't seem to have received much, if any, mail. The only one any- body remembers having seen her with was a tall dark man of thirty-six or so. She went out at half-past nine this morning, came back an hour later, paid her bill, and had her bags carried out to a car. The boy who carried them says it was a Nash touring car, probably a hired one. She left a forwarding address — the Ambassador, Los Angeles."

Spade said, "Thanks a lot, Freed," and left the St. Mark.

When Spade returned to his office (когда Спейд вернулся в свой офис) Effie Perine stopped typing a letter (Эфии Пирайн перестала печатать письмо) to tell him (чтобы сказать ему): "Your friend Dundy was in (твой друг Данди был здесь). He wanted to look at your guns (он хотел посмотреть на твое оружие)."

"And (и)?"

"I told him to come back when you were here (я сказала ему вернуться, когда ты будешь здесь)."

"Good girl (умница: «хорошая девочка»). If he comes back again (если он вернется снова) let him look at them (дай ему посмотреть на него: «них»)."

"And Miss Wonderly called up (и звонила мисс Уондерли)."

typing ['taIpIN] friend [frend] gun [gAn]

When Spade returned to his office Effie Perine stopped typing a letter to tell him: "Your friend Dundy was in. He wanted to look at your guns."


"I told him to come back when you were here."

"Good girl. If he comes back again let him look at them."

"And Miss Wonderly called up."

"It's about time (давно пора). What did she say (что она сказала)?"

"She wants to see you (она хочет встретиться с тобой)." The girl picked up a slip of paper (девушка достала клочок бумаги) from her desk amid (/из других клочков/ со своего стола; amid— указывает на нахождение среди каких-либо предметов) read the memorandum penciled on it (и прочитала заметку, написанную на ней карандашом): "She's at the Coronet, on California Street, apartment one thousand and one (она в гостинице «Коронет», Калифорния-стрит, номер тысяча один). You're to ask for Miss Leblanc (тебе надо спросить мисс Леблан)."

Spade said, "Give me (дай мне)," and held out his hand (и протянул свою руку).

amid [q'mId] memorandum ["memq'rxndqm] thousand ['TaVz(q)nd]

"It's about time. What did she say?"

"She wants to see you." The girl picked up a slip of paper from her desk amid read the memorandum penciled on it: "She's at the Coronet, on California Street, apartment one thousand and one. You're to ask for Miss Leblanc."

Spade said, "Give me," and held out his hand.

When she had given him the memorandum (когда она дала ему записку) he took out his lighter (он вытащил свою зажигалку), snapped on the flame (щелкнул огоньком), set it to the slip of paper (поднес к бумажке), held the paper (держал бумагу) until all but one corner (пока вся она, кроме одного угла) was curling black ash (не свернулась в черный пепел: «была свернутым черным пеплом»), dropped it on the linoleum floor (бросил ее на выстланный линолеумом пол), and mashed it under his shoesole (и раздавил подошвой ботинка). The girl watched him with disapproving eyes (девушка смотрела на него неодобрительным взглядом: «глазами»; to disapprove — не одобрять; to approve — одобрять). He grinned at her, said (он ухмыльнулся ей, сказал), "That's just the way it is, dear (это просто так обстоят дела = вот так-то, дорогая)," and went out again (и снова ушел).

lighter ['laItq] curling ['kq:lIN] shoe [Su:] sole [sqVl]

When she had given him the memorandum he took out his lighter, snapped on the flame, set it to the slip of paper, held the paper until all but one corner was curling black ash, dropped it on the linoleum floor, and mashed it under his shoesole. The girl watched him with disapproving eyes. He grinned at her, said, "That's just the way it is, dear," and went out again.

IV.The Black Bird

(черная птица)

Miss Wonderly, in a belted green crepe silk dress (мисс Уондерли, в зеленом креповом шелковом платье с поясом; belted — опоясанный), opened the door of apartment 1001 at the Coronet (открыла дверь апартаментов «1001» в «Коронет»). Her face was flushed (ее лицо было залито румянцем). Her dark red hair (ее темно-рыжие волосы), parted on the left side (расчесанные на пробор: «разделенные» с левой стороны), swept back in loose waves over her right temple (откинутые /назад/ свободными волнами над ее правым виском; to sweep (swept) — мести, сгребать), was somewhat tousled (были немного взъерошены). Spade took off his hat and said (Спейд снял свою шляпу и сказал): "Good morning (доброе утро)."

crepe [kreIp] flushed [flASt] tousled ['taVz(q)ld]

Miss Wonderly, in a belted green crepe silk dress, opened the door of apartment 1001 at the Coronet. Her face was flushed. Her dark red hair, parted on the left side, swept back in loose waves over her right temple, was somewhat tousled. Spade took off his hat and said: "Good morning."

His smile brought a fainter smile to her face (его улыбка вызвала слабую улыбку на ее лице). Her eyes, of blue that was almost violet (ее глаза синего цвета, который был почти фиолетовым), did not lose their troubled look (оставались озабоченными: «не теряли своего озабоченного взгляда/вида»). She lowered her head (она наклонила голову) and said in a hushed, timid voice (и сказала приглушенным, робким голосом): "Come in, Mr. Spade (заходите, мистер Спейд)."

She led him past open kitchen-, bathroom-, and bedroom-doors (она провела его мимо открытых дверей кухни, ванной и спальни) in a cream and red living-room (в гостиную в кремовых и красных цветах), apologizing for its confusion (извиняясь за их беспорядок = за беспорядок в них): "Everything is upside-down (все кверху дном). I haven't even finished unpacking (я даже не закончила распаковывать вещи)."

almost ['O:lmqVst] timid ['tImId] apologize [q'pOlqdZaIz]

His smile brought a fainter smile to her face. Her eyes, of blue that was almost violet, did not lose their troubled look. She lowered her head and said in a hushed, timid voice: "Come in, Mr. Spa de."

She led him past open kitchen-, bathroom-, and bedroom-doors in a cream and red living-room, apologizing for its confusion: "Everything is upside-down. I haven't even finished unpacking."

She laid his hat on a table (она положила его шляпу на стол) and sat down on a walnut settee (и села на небольшой диванчик из орехового дерева; walnut — грецкий орех). He sat on a brocaded oval-backed chair (он сел на парчовый стул с овальной спинкой) facing her (лицом к ней). She looked at her fingers (она посмотрела на свои пальцы), working them together (шевеля ими), and said: "Mr. Spade, I've a terrible, terrible confession to make (мистер Спейд, я должна сделать ужасное, ужасное признание)." Spade smiled a polite smile (Спейд улыбнулся вежливой улыбкой), which she did not lift her eyes to see (на которую она не подняла глаз, чтобы увидеть /ее/), and said nothing (и ничего на сказала).

"That — that story I told you yesterday was all — a story (та — та история, которую я рассказала вам вчера, была полностью — выдумкой)" she stammered (она запнулась/пробормотала, запинаясь), and looked up at him now (и посмотрела на него /вверх/ теперь) with miserable frightened eyes (жалкими, испуганными глазами).

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