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He laughed at her (он засмеялся, глядя на нее), his eyes still glittering (его глаза все еще блестели). "You killed my husband, Sam (ты убил моего мужа, Сэм), be kind to me (будь добр ко мне)." He clapped his palms together and said (он хлопнул ладонями и сказал; together — вместе, воедино, одновременно): "Jesus Christ (Бог ты мой)."

She began to cry audibly (она начала плакать громко; audibly — слышно, вслух), holding a white handkerchief to her face (держа белый носовой платок у лица). He got up and stood close behind her (он поднялся и встал близко за ней = за ее спиной).

sure-footed ["SVq'fVtId] extreme [Ik'stri:m] audibly ['O:dIblI]

She came to stand beside the desk, moving with easy surefooted grace in black slippers whose smallness and heel-height were extreme. "Be kind to me, Sam," she said humbly.

He laughed at her, his eyes still glittering. "You killed my husband, Sam, be kind to me." He clapped his palms together and said: "Jesus Christ."

She began to cry audibly, holding a white handkerchief to her face. He got up and stood close behind her.

He put his arms around her (он обнял ее: «положил свои руки вокруг нее»)). He kissed her neck between ear and coat-collar (он поцеловал ее шею между ухом и воротником пальто). He said: "Now, Iva, don't (ну, Ива, перестань)." His face was expressionless (его лицо было невыразительным). When she had stopped crying (когда она перестала плакать) he put his mouth to her ear and murmured (он приложил свой рот к ее уху и прошептал): "You shouldn't have come here today, precious (ты не должна была сюда приходить сегодня, дорогая). It wasn't wise (это было неблагоразумно: «это не было мудро»). You can't stay (ты не можешь остаться). You ought to be home (ты должна быть дома)."

She turned around in his arms to face him (она повернулась в его объятиях, чтобы смотреть ему в лицо) and asked (и спросила): "You'll come tonight (ты придешь сегодня вечером)?"

He shook his head gently (он мягко покачал головой). "Not tonight (не сегодня /вечером/)."

expressionless [ık'spreS(q)nlqs] wise [waız] tonight [tq'naıt]

He put his arms around her. He kissed her neck between ear and coat-collar. He said: "Now, Iva, don't." His face was expressionless. When she had stopped crying he put his mouth to her ear and murmured: "You shouldn't have come here today, precious. It wasn't wise. You can't stay. You ought to be home."

She turned around in his arms to face him and asked: "You'll come tonight?"

He shook his head gently. "Not tonight."

"Soon (скоро)?"


"How soon (как скоро)?"

"As soon as I can (как только смогу: «так скоро, как смогу»)."

He kissed her mouth (он поцеловал ее рот), led her to the door (проводил ее к двери), opened it, said (открыл ее, сказал), "Goodbye, Iva (до свидания, Ива)," bowed her out (поклонился ей на прощание), shut the door (закрыл дверь), and returned to his desk (и вернулся к своему столу). He took tobacco and cigarette-papers from his vest-pockets (он достал табак и сигаретную бумагу из карманов жилета), but did not roll a cigarette (но не свернул сигарету). He sat holding the papers in one hand (он сидел, держа бумаги в одной руке), the tobacco in the other (табак в другой), and looked with brooding eyes (и смотрел задумчивыми глазами; to brood— высиживать яйца; размышлять) at his dead partner's desk (на стол своего мертвого компаньона).

soon [su:n] door [dO:] bowed [baVd]



"How soon?"

"As soon as I can."

He kissed her mouth, led her to the door, opened it, said, "Goodbye, Iva," bowed her out, shut the door, and returned to his desk. He took tobacco and cigarette-papers from his vest-pockets, but did not roll a cigarette. He sat holding the papers in one hand, the tobacco in the other, and looked with brooding eyes at his dead partner's desk.

Effie Perine opened the door and came in (Эффи Пирайн открыла дверь и вошла). Her brown eyes were uneasy (ее карие глаза были неспокойны). Her voice was careless (ее голос был беззаботным). She asked (она спросила): "Well (ну)?" Spade said nothing (Спейд ничего не сказал). His brooding gaze did not move from his partner's desk (его задумчивый взгляд не двигался со стола компаньона). The girl frowned and came around to his side (девушка нахмурилась и обогнула стол, подойдя к его стороне). "Well (ну)," she asked in a louder voice (спросила она более громким голосом), "how did you and the widow make out (как вы и вдова разобрались = к чему вы пришли; to make out— разобрать; увидеть, различить; справиться)?"

"She thinks I shot Miles (она думает, что я застрелил Майлза)," he said. Only his lips moved (двигались только его губы).

"So you could marry her (таким образом, ты можешь жениться на ней)?"

brooding ['bru:dIN] loud [laVd] voice [vOIs]

Effie Perine opened the door and came in. Her brown eyes were uneasy. Her voice was careless. She asked: "Well?" Spade said nothing. His brooding gaze did not move from his partner's desk. The girl frowned and came around to his side. "Well," she asked in a louder voice, "how did you and the widow make out?"

"She thinks I shot Miles," he said. Only his lips moved.

"So you could marry her?"

Spade made no reply to that (Спейд не ответил на это: «не сделал ответа»). The girl took his hat from his head (девушка сняла /его/ шляпу с /его/ головы) and put it on the desk (и положила ее на стол). Then she leaned over (потом она наклонилась) and took the tobacco-sack and the papers from his inert fingers (и взяла мешочек с табаком и бумаги из его инертных пальцев). "The police think I shot Thursby (полиция думает, я застрелил Терсби)," he said.

"Who is he (кто он)?" she asked (спросила она), separating a cigarette-paper from the packet (отделяя сигаретную бумагу из пачки), sifting tobacco into it (насыпая: «просеивая» в нее табак).

"Who do you think I shot (кого, ты думаешь, я застрелил)?" he asked (спросил он). When she ignored that question he said (когда она проигнорировала этот вопрос, он сказал): "Thursby's the guy (Терсби — тот самый парень) Miles was supposed to be tailing (за которым должен был следить Майлз) for the Wonderly girl (для этой девушки Уондерли)."

reply [rI'plaI] inert [I'nq:t] separating ['sepqreItIN]

Spade made no reply to that. The girl took his hat from his head and put it on the desk. Then she leaned over and took the tobacco-sack and the papers from his inert fingers. "The police think I shot Thursby," he said.

"Who is he?" she asked, separating a cigarette-paper from the packet, sifting tobacco into it.

"Who do you think I shot?" he asked. When she ignored that question he said: "Thursby's the guy Miles was supposed to be tailing for the Wonderly girl."

Her thin fingers finished shaping the cigarette (ее тонкие пальцы закончили формировать сигарету). She licked it (она лизнула ее), smoothed it (разгладила ее), twisted its ends (скрутила ее концы), and placed it between Spade's lips (и вложила между губ Спейда; to place — ставить, размещать). He said, "Thanks, honey (спасибо, милая; honey — мед)," put an arm around her slim waist (положил руку на ее стройную талию: «вокруг ее стройной талии» = обнял ее за талию), and rested his cheek wearily against her hip (и прислонил устало свою щеку к ее бедру; to rest — отдыхать, покоиться, лежать), shutting his eyes (закрывая глаза).

"Are you going to marry Iva (ты собираешься жениться на Иве)?" she asked (спросила она), looking down at his pale brown hair (посмотрев вниз на его светло-каштановые волосы; pale — бледный, тусклый).

"Don't be silly (не глупи)," he muttered (пробормотал он). The unlighted cigarette bobbed up and down (незажженная сигарета качалась вверх и вниз) with the movement of his lips (с движениями его губ).

shaping ['SeIpIN] honey ['hAnI] unlighted [An'laItId]

Her thin fingers finished shaping the cigarette. She licked it, smoothed it, twisted its ends, and placed it between Spade's lips. He said, "Thanks, honey," put an arm around her slim waist, and rested his cheek wearily against her hip, shutting his eyes.

"Are you going to marry Iva?" she asked, looking down at his pale brown hair.

"Don't be silly," he muttered. The unlighted cigarette bobbed up and down with the movement of his lips.

"She doesn’t think it's silly (она не думает, что это глупо). Why should she (почему она должна /так думать/) — the way you've played around with her (то, как ты флиртовал с ней; to play around = to play about — забавляться, развратничать)?"

He sighed and said (он вздохнул и сказал): "I wish to Christ (я искренне хотел бы; Christ — Христос) I'd never seen her (чтобы я ее никогда не встречал)."

"Maybe you do now (может быть, сейчас ты этого и хочешь; to do— зд. употребляется во избежание повторения глагола)." A trace of spitefulness came into the girl's voice (примесь злорадства прозвучала: «пришла» в голосе девушки; trace— след, отпечаток; spiteful — злобный, злорадный, язвительный). "But there was a time (но, было время)."

"I never know what to do or say to women (я никогда не знаю, что делать или говорить женщинам) except that way (за исключением этого способа)," he grumbled (проворчал он), "and then I didn't like Miles (и тогда мне не нравился Майлз)."

silly ['sIlI] trace [treIs] spitefulness ['spaItf(q)lnIs]

"She doesn't think it's silly. Why should she — the way you've played around with her?"

He sighed and said: "I wish to Christ I'd never seen her."

"Maybe you do now." A trace of spitefulness came into the girl's voice. "But there was a time."

"I never know what to do or say to women except that way," he grumbled, "and then I didn't like Miles."

"That's a lie, Sam (это ложь, Сэм)," the girl said (сказала девушка). "You know I think she's a louse (ты знаешь, что я считаю ее паршивкой: «вошью»), but I'd be a louse too (но я бы тоже была паршивкой) if it would give me a body like hers — (если бы это дало мне такое же тело, как у нее). "

Spade rubbed his face impatiently against her hip (Спейд нетерпеливо потерся лицом о ее бедро), but said nothing (но ничего не сказал). Effie Perine bit her lip (Эффи Пирайн прикусила свою губу), wrinkled her forehead (сморщила лоб), and, bending over for a better view of his face, asked (и нагнувшись, чтобы лучше видеть его лицо, спросила; to bend (bent) — гнуть, сгибать, изгибать): "Do you suppose she could have killed him (ты считаешь, что она могла убить его)?"

lie [laI] louse [laVs] view [vju:]

"That's a lie, Sam," the girl said. "You know I think she's a louse, but I'd be a louse too if it would give me a body like hers — "

Spade rubbed his face impatiently against her hip, but said nothing. Effie Perine bit her lip, wrinkled her forehead, and, bending over for a better view of his face, asked: "Do you suppose she could have killed him?"

Spade sat up straight (Спейд сел прямо) and took his arm from her waist (и убрал свою руку с ее талии). He smiled at her (он улыбнулся ей). His smile held nothing but amusement (его улыбка не выражала ничего, кроме веселости /от сказанного собеседником/ = его позабавило сказанное; to hold— держать, удерживать). He took out his lighter, snapped on the flame (он вытащил зажигалку, щелкнул огнем; to snap— хватать, ловить; трещать), and applied it to the end of his cigarette (и поднес его к концу своей сигареты; to apply— применять, прикладывать). "You're an angel (ты ангел)," he said tenderly through smoke (сказал он нежно сквозь дым), "a nice rattle-brained angel (милый, пустоголовый ангел; rattle— треск; трещотка; пустомеля; brain— мозг)."

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