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"I asked you to keep her away (я же просил тебя держать ее подальше)," Spade complained (выразил неудовольствие Спейд; to complain — жаловаться, выражать недовольство). He too kept his voice low (он тоже говорил тихо: «держал свой голос тихим»).

mail [meIl] pale [peIl] warning ['wO:nIN]

When Spade reached his office at ten o'clock the following morning Effie Perine was at her desk opening the morning's mail. Her boyish face was pale under its sunburn. She put down the handful of envelopes and the brass paper-knife she held and said: "She's in there." Her voice was low and warning.

"I asked you to keep her away," Spade complained. He too kept his voice low.

Effie Perine's brown eyes opened wide (карие глаза Эффи Пирайн широко открылись) and her voice was irritable as his (и ее голос был таким же раздражительным, как и его): "Yes, but you didn't tell me how (да, но ты не сказал мне, как)." Her eyelids went together a little (ее веки немного прищурились: «сошлись вместе») and her shoulders drooped (и ее плечи поникли). "Don't be cranky, Sam (не злись, Сэм; cranky— расшатанный, раздраженный, капризный)," she said wearily (сказала она устало). "I had her all night (я с ней всю ночь)."

Spade stood beside the girl (Спейд встал рядом с девушкой), put a hand on her head (положил руку ей на голову), and smoothed her hair away from its parting (и погладил ее волосы от пробора). "Sorry, angel, I haven't (извини, ангел, я не) —" He broke off as the inner door opened (он перестал: «оборвал», когда внутренняя дверь открылась). "Hello, Iva (привет, Ива)," he said to the woman who had opened it (сказал он женщине, которая открыла ее).

eyelid ['aIlId] cranky ['krxNkI] beside [bI'saId]

Effie Perine's brown eyes opened wide and her voice was irritable as his: "Yes, but you didn't tell me how." Her eyelids went together a little and her shoulders drooped. "Don't be cranky, Sam," she said wearily. "I had her all night."

Spade stood beside the girl, put a hand on her head, and smoothed her hair away from its parting. "Sorry, angel, I haven't — " He broke off as the inner door opened. "Hello, Iva," he said to the woman who had opened it.

"Oh, Sam (о, Сэм)!" she said (сказала она). She was a blonde woman (она была светловолосой женщиной) of a few more years than thirty (немного старше тридцати лет; year— год). Her facial prettiness was perhaps (красота ее лица, вероятно; facial— лицевой) five years past its best moment (уже прошла лет пять назад: «была на пять лет после своего лучшего момента»; past— прошлый, минувший). Her body for all its sturdiness (ее тело, несмотря на коренастость; sturdy— сильный, крепкий) was finely modeled and exquisite (было прекрасно сложено и изящно). She wore black clothes from hat to shoes (на ней была черная одежда от шляпы до туфель). They had as mourning an impromptu air (в качестве траура она выглядела слегка неожиданно: «имела импровизированный вид»). Having spoken (сказав), she stepped back from the door (она отступила от двери) and stood waiting for Spade (и стояла, ожидая Спейда).

He took his hand from Effie Perine's head (он убрал свою руку с головы Эффи Пирайн) and entered the inner office (и вошел во внутренний офис), shutting the door (закрывая дверь).

facial ['feIS(q)l] exquisite [Ik'skwIzIt, 'ekskwIzIt] impromptu [Im'prOmptju:]

"Oh, Sam!" she said. She was a blonde woman of a few more years than thirty. Her facial prettiness was perhaps five years past its best moment. Her body for all its sturdiness was finely modeled and exquisite. She wore black clothes from hat to shoes. They had as mourning an impromptu air. Having spoken, she stepped back from the door and stood waiting for Spade.

He took his hand from Effie Perine's head and entered the inner office, shutting the door.

Iva came quickly to him (Ива быстро подошла к нему), raising her sad face for his kiss (подставляя: «поднимая» свое печальное лицо для его поцелуя). Her arms were around him (ее руки обвили его: «были вокруг него») before his held her (прежде, чем его руки обняли: «поддержали» ее). When they had kissed (когда они поцеловались) he made a little movement (он сделал небольшое движение) as if to release her (словно чтобы освободить ее), but she pressed her face to his chest (но он прижала свое лицо к его груди) and began sobbing (и начала всхлипывать).

He stroked her round back, saying (он гладил ее по округлой спине, говоря): "Poor darling (бедняжка)." His voice was tender (его голос был нежным). His eyes (его глаза), squinting at the desk (украдкой смотревшие на стол) that had been his partner's (который был /столом/ его компаньона), across the room from his own (на другом конце комнаты от его /стола/; own — свой собственный), were angry (были сердитыми).

movement ['mu:vmqnt] release [rI'li:s] squinting ['skwIntIN]

Iva came quickly to him, raising her sad face for his kiss. Her arms were around him before his held her. When they had kissed he made a little movement as if to release her, but she pressed her face to his chest and began sobbing.

He stroked her round back, saying: "Poor darling." His voice was tender. His eyes, squinting at the desk that had been his partner's, across the room from his own, were angry.

He drew his lips back over his teeth (он прижал губы к зубам; to draw back — отодвигать, оттягивать) in an impatient grimace (в нетерпеливой гримасе) and turned his chin aside (и отвернул подбородок в сторону) to avoid contact with the crown of her hat (чтобы избежать соприкосновения: «контакта» с верхушкой ее шляпы; crown — корона, венец). "Did you send for Miles's brother (ты послала за братом Майлза)?" he asked (спросил он).

"Yes, he came over this morning (да, он заходил этим утром)." The words were blurred (слова были размазаны) by her sobbing (ее всхлипыванием) and his coat against her mouth (и его пиджаком/пальто у ее рта; against — против, напротив).

impatient [Im'peIS(q)nt] crown [kraVn] brother ['brADq]

He drew his lips back over his teeth in an impatient grimace and turned his chin aside to avoid contact with the crown of her hat. "Did you send for Miles's brother?" he asked.

"Yes, he came over this morning." The words were blurred by her sobbing and his coat against her mouth.

He grimaced again (он состроил гримасу снова) and bent his head (и наклонил голову) for a surreptitious look (для взгляда исподтишка) at the watch on his wrist (на часы на запястье). His left arm was around her (его левая рука обнимала ее: «была вокруг нее»), the hand on her left shoulder (ладонь /лежала/ на ее левом плече). His cuff was pulled back far enough (/его/ манжета была оттянута назад достаточно далеко) to leave the watch uncovered (чтобы оставить часы неприкрытыми). It showed ten-ten (они показывали десять /часов/ десять /минут/).

The woman stirred in his arms (женщина пошевелилась в его объятиях: «руках») and raised her face again (и снова подняла лицо). Her blue eyes were wet (ее голубые глаза были влажными), round, and white-ringed (круглыми и широко распахнутыми: «с белком глаза, окружающим зрачок»). Her mouth was moist (ее рот был влажным). "Oh, Sam," she moaned (простонала она), "did you kill him (его убил ты)?"

grimace [grI'meIs] surreptitious ["sArqp'tISqs] cuff [kAf]

He grimaced again and bent his head for a surreptitious look at the watch on his wrist. His left arm was around her, the hand on her left shoulder. His cuff was pulled back far enough to leave the watch uncovered. It showed ten-ten.

The woman stirred in his arms and raised her face again. Her blue eyes were wet, round, and white-ringed. Her mouth was moist. "Oh, Sam," she moaned, "did you kill him?"

Spade stared at her with bulging eyes (Спейд уставился на нее выпученными глазами; to bulge— выдаваться, выпячиваться, оттопыриваться). His bony jaw fell down (его костлявая челюсть упала). He took his arms from her and stepped back out of her arms (он убрал свои руки /с нее/ и отступил из ее объятий). He scowled at her (он сердито посмотрел на нее) and cleared his throat (и прочистил горло). She held her arms up (она подняла руки) as he had left them (когда он отпустил их). Anguish clouded her eyes (боль/тоска затуманила ее глаза; to cloud — покрывать облаками, омрачать), partly closed them (частично закрыла их) under eyebrows pulled up at the inner ends (под бровями, поднятыми у внутренних концов; to pull — тянуть, тащить, натягивать). Her soft damp red lips trembled (ее мягкие, влажные, красные губы дрожали).

Spade laughed a harsh syllable (Спейд засмеялся резким смешком; syllable — слог, звук), "Ha (ха)!" and went to the buff-curtained window (и пошел к окну, занавешенному темно-желтыми шторами).

bulging ['bAldZIN] anguish ['xNgwIS] syllable ['sIlqb(q)l]

Spade stared at her with bulging eyes. His bony jaw fell down. He took his arms from her and stepped back out of her arms. He scowled at her and cleared his throat. She held her arms up as he had left them. Anguish clouded her eyes, partly closed them under eyebrows pulled up at the inner ends. Her soft damp red lips trembled.

Spade laughed a harsh syllable, "Ha!" and went to the buff-curtained window.

He stood there (он стоял там) with his back to her (спиной к ней) looking through the curtain into the court (глядя через занавески во двор) until she started towards him (пока он не направилась к нему). Then he turned quickly (потом он быстро обернулся) and went to his desk (и пошел к своему столу). He sat down, put his elbows on the desk (он сел, положил локти на стол), his chin between his fists (/свой/ подбородок между /своих/ кулаков), and looked at her (и посмотрел на нее). His yellowish eyes glittered between narrowed lids (его желтоватые глаза блестели между суженных век). "Who (кто)," he asked coldly (холодно спросил он), "put that bright idea in your head (вложил эту светлую/яркую идею в твою голову)?"

"I thought (я думала) —" She lifted a hand to her mouth (она подняла ладонь к /своему/ рту) and fresh tears came to her eyes (и слезы снова подступили к ее глазам; fresh — свежий).

curtain ['kq:tn] court [kO:t] elbow ['elbqV]

He stood there with his back to her looking through the curtain into the court until she started towards him. Then he turned quickly and went to his desk. He sat down, put his elbows on the desk, his chin between his fists, and looked at her. His yellowish eyes glittered between narrowed lids. "Who," he asked coldly, "put that bright idea in your head?"

"I thought — " She lifted a hand to her mouth and fresh tears came to her eyes.

She came to stand beside the desk (она подошла, чтобы встать рядом со столом), moving with easy surefooted grace (двигаясь с простой уверенной грацией; surefooted — твердо стоящий на ногах; sure — уверенный) in black slippers (в черных туфлях-лодочках) whose smallness and heel-height were extreme (чьи маленькие размеры и высота каблуков были исключительными; extreme — крайний, экстремальный). "Be kind to me, Sam (будь добр ко мне, Сэм)," she said humbly (сказала он кротко).

He laughed at her (он засмеялся, глядя на нее), his eyes still glittering (его глаза все еще блестели). "You killed my husband, Sam (ты убил моего мужа, Сэм), be kind to me (будь добр ко мне)." He clapped his palms together and said (он хлопнул ладонями и сказал; together — вместе, воедино, одновременно): "Jesus Christ (Бог ты мой)."

She began to cry audibly (она начала плакать громко; audibly — слышно, вслух), holding a white handkerchief to her face (держа белый носовой платок у лица). He got up and stood close behind her (он поднялся и встал близко за ней = за ее спиной).

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Книги, аналогичгные Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом. - Dashiell Hammett

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