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laugh [lQ:f] attention [q'tenS(q)n] returned [rI'tq:nd]

"No, no witnesses," Spade said and laughed pleasantly. "Sit down, Dundy. You haven't finished your drink. Get your glass, Tom."

Tom said: "No, thanks, Sam." Dundy sat down, but paid no attention to his glass of rum.

Spade filled his own glass, drank, set the empty glass on the table, and returned to his bedside-seat. "I know where I stand now," he said, looking with friendly eyes from one of the police-detectives to the other.

"I'm sorry I got up on my hind legs (мне жаль, что я разозлился = встал на дыбы; hind — задний), but you birds coming in (но то, что вы, парни, вступаете в дело; bird — птица) and trying to put the work on me (и пытаетесь навесить это дельце на меня; work — работа, труд, действие, поступок) made me nervous (заставляет меня нервничать). Having Miles knocked off (Майлза убили; to knock off — сбивать, сшибать, зд. прикончить) bothered me (и это беспокоило меня), and then you birds cracking foxy (а потом вы, парни, вламываетесь по-хитрому; foxy — лисий, рыжий). That's all right now though (хотя, сейчас все в порядке), now that I know what you're up to (сейчас я знаю, что вы замышляете)."

Tom said: "Forget it (разговор окончен: «забудь об этом»)." The Lieutenant said nothing (лейтенант не сказал ничего).

Spade asked (Спейд спросил): "Thursby died (Терсби умер)?"

While the Lieutenant hesitated (пока лейтенант колебался) Tom said: "Yes."

bird [bq:d] nervous ['nq:vqs] knock [nOk]

"I'm sorry I got up on my hind legs, but you birds coming in and trying to put the work on me made me nervous. Having Miles knocked off bothered me, and then you birds cracking foxy. That's all right now, though, now that I know what you're up to."

Tom said: "Forget it." The Lieutenant said nothing.

Spade asked: "Thursby died?"

While the Lieutenant hesitated Tom said: "Yes."

Then the Lieutenant said angrily (потом лейтенант сердито сказал): "And you might just as well know it (и вы, наверное, знаете это с таким же успехом) — if you don't (если нет) — that he died before he could tell anybody anything (что он умер, прежде чем смог кому-нибудь что-то сказать)."

Spade was rolling a cigarette (Спейд скручивал сигарету). He asked, not looking up (он спросил, не поднимая взгляда): "What do you mean by that (что вы имеете в виду при этом)? You think I did know it (вы думаете, я знал об этом)?"

"I meant what I said (я имел в виду то, что сказал)," Dundy replied bluntly (ответил Данди резко; blunt — тупой; грубоватый).

die [daI] ask [Q:sk] bluntly ['blAntlI]

Then the Lieutenant said angrily: "And you might just as well know it — if you don't — that he died before he could tell anybody anything."

Spade was rolling a cigarette. He asked, not looking up: "What do you mean by that? You think I did know it?"

"I meant what I said," Dundy replied bluntly.

Spade looked up at him and smiled (Спейд взглянул на него и улыбнулся), holding the finished cigarette in one hand (держа скрученную: «законченную» сигарету в одной руке), his lighter in the other (свою зажигалку в другой). "You're not ready to pinch me yet, are you, Dundy (вы сейчас не готовы сцапать меня, не так ли, Данди; to pinch — ущипнуть, сжать)?" he asked (спросил он). Dundy looked with hard green eyes at Spade (Данди посмотрел жесткими зелеными глазами на Спейда) and did not answer him (и не ответил ему).

"Then (тогда)," said Spade, "there's no particular reason (нет никаких особых оснований) why I should give a damn what you think (почему я должен обращать внимание на то, что вы думаете; damn — проклятие, ругательство, to give a damn — наплевать на что-либо), is there, Dundy (не так ли: «имеется /ли основание, причина/», Данди)?"

other ['ADq] particular [pq'tIkjVlq] damn [dxm]

Spade looked up at him and smiled, holding the finished cigarette in one hand, his lighter in the other. "You're not ready to pinch me yet, are you, Dundy?" he asked. Dundy looked with hard green eyes at Spade and did not answer him.

"Then," said Spade, "there's no particular reason why I should give a damn what you think, is there, Dundy?"

Tom said: "Aw, be reasonable, Sam (о, будь разумным, Сэм)."

Spade put the cigarette in his mouth (Спейд сунул сигарету в рот), set fire to it (зажег ее), and laughed smoke out (и со смехом выпустил дым). "I'll be reasonable, Tom (я буду разумным, Том)," he promised (пообещал он). "How did I kill this Thursby (как я убил этого Терсби)? I've forgotten (я забыл)."

Tom grunted in disgust (Том что-то промычал с отвращением; to grunt — хрюкать; ворчать, бормотать). Lieutenant Dundy said: "He was shot four times in the back (ему всадили четыре пули в спину; to shoot (shot) — стрелять, производить выстрел, поразить; time — время, раз, случай), with a forty-four or forty-five (из пистолета 44 или 45 калибра), from across the street (через улицу), when he started to go in the hotel (когда он собирался войти: «начал входить» в гостиницу). Nobody saw it (никто не видел этого), but that's the way it figures (но это именно так, как это представляется = как это, видимо, произошло)."

mouth [maVT] grunt [grAnt] disgust [dIs'gAst]

Tom said: "Aw, be reasonable, Sam."

Spade put the cigarette in his mouth, set fire to it, and laughed smoke out. "I'll be reasonable, Tom," he promised. "How did I kill this Thursby? I've forgotten."

Tom grunted in disgust. Lieutenant Dundy said: "He was shot four times in the back, with a forty-four or forty-five, from across the street, when he started to go in the hotel. Nobody saw it, but that's the way it figures."

"And he was wearing a Luger (и у него был «люгер»; to wear — быть одетым, носить) in a shoulder-holster (в наплечной кобуре)," Tom added (добавил Том). "It hadn't been fired (из него не стреляли)."

"What do the hotel-people know about him (что знают о нем люди из гостиницы)?" Spade asked (спросил Спейд).

"Nothing except that he'd been there a week (ничего, за исключением того, что он пробыл там неделю)."

"Alone (один)?"


"What did you find on him (что вы нашли на нем)? or in his room (или в его комнате)?"

wearing ['we(q)rIN] except [Ik'sept] week [wi:k]

"And he was wearing a Luger in a shoulder-holster," Tom added. "It hadn't been fired."

"What do the hotel-people know about him?" Spade asked.

"Nothing except that he'd been there a week."



"What did you find on him? or in his room?"

Dundy drew his lips in and asked (Данди втянул губы и спросил): "What'd you think we'd find (что, вы думали, мы найдем)?"

Spade made a careless circle with his limp cigarette (Спейд сделал беззаботное движение своей самокруткой: «мягкой сигаретой»; circle — круг, кольцо, сфера). "Something to tell you who he was (что-нибудь, что сказало бы вам, кто он был), what his story was (какая его история). Did you (так вы /нашли/)?"

"We thought you could tell us that (мы думали, вы могли сказать нам это)."

Spade looked at the Lieutenant with yellow-grey eyes (Спейд посмотрел на лейтенанта желто-серыми глазами) that held an almost exaggerated amount of candor (в которых было почти неимоверное количество искренности; exaggerated— преувеличенный). "I've never seen Thursby, dead or alive (я никогда не видел Терсби, мертвого или живого)."

circle ['sq:k(q)l] almost ['O:lmqVst] exaggerated [Ig'zxdZqreItId]

Dundy drew his lips in and asked: "What'd you think we'd find?"

Spade made a careless circle with his limp cigarette. "Something to tell you who he was, what his story was. Did you?"

"We thought you could tell us that."

Spade looked at the Lieutenant with yellow-grey eyes that held an almost exaggerated amount of candor. "I've never seen Thursby, dead or alive."

Lieutenant Dundy stood up looking dissatisfied (лейтенант Данди встал, выглядя неудовлетворенным). Tom rose yawning and stretching (Том встал, зевая и потягиваясь). "We've asked what we came to ask (мы спросили то, что мы пришли спросить)," Dundy said, frowning over eyes hard as green pebbles (нахмурившись над глазами, твердыми, как зеленая галька). He held his mustached upper lip tight to his teeth (он плотно прижал верхнюю губу с усами к зубам: «держал свою верхнюю усатую губу близко к своим зубам»), letting his lower lip push the words out (предоставив своей нижней губе выталкивать слова). "We've told you more than you've told us (мы сказали вам больше, чем вы сказали нам). That's fair enough (это достаточно честно). You know me, Spade (вы меня знаете, Спейд). If you did or you didn't (если вы /это/ сделали или не сделали = cделали вы это или нет) you'll get a square deal out of me (я буду вести с вами честную игру: «вы получите честную сделку от меня»), and most of the breaks (и /получите/ достаточно шансов; break— пролом, перерыв, /зд. амер. разг./ шанс, счастливый случай). I don't know that I'd blame you a hell of a lot (я не думаю, что я буду вас чертовски много обвинять) — but that wouldn't keep me from nailing you (но это не удержит меня от того, чтобы вас поймать: «пригвоздить»; to nail— приколачивать, пригвождать, сл. сцапать, сгрести)."

dissatisfied [dIs'sxtIsfaId] yawning ['jO:nIN] deal [di:l]

Lieutenant Dundy stood up looking dissatisfied. Tom rose yawning and stretching. "We've asked what we came to ask," Dundy said, frowning over eyes hard as green pebbles. He held his mustached upper lip tight to his teeth, letting his lower lip push the words out. "We've told you more than you've told us. That's fair enough. You know me, Spade. If you did or you didn't you'll get a square deal out of me, and most of the breaks. I don't know that I'd blame you a hell of a lot — but that wouldn't keep me from nailing you."

"Fair enough (достаточно честно)," Spade replied evenly (ответил Спейд невозмутимо). "But I'd feel better about it (но я бы чувствовал себя лучше) if you'd drink your drink (если бы вы допили вашу выпивку)."

Lieutenant Dundy turned to the table (лейтенант Данди повернулся к столу), picked up his glass (поднял свой стакан), and slowly emptied it (и медленно опустошил его). Then he said (потом он сказал), "Good night (спокойной ночи)," and held out his hand (и протянул руку). They shook hands ceremoniously (они церемонно пожали руки; to shake (shook, shaken) — трясти, дрожать). Tom and Spade shook hands ceremoniously (Том и Спейд церемонно пожали руки). Spade let them out (Спейд выпустил = проводил их). Then he undressed (потом он разделся), turned off the lights (выключил свет), and went to bed (и лег спать: «пошел в постель»).

fair [feq] slowly ['slqVlI] ceremoniously ["serI'mqVnIqslI]

"Fair enough," Spade replied evenly. "But I'd feel better about it if you'd drink your drink."

Lieutenant Dundy turned to the table, picked up his glass, and slowly emptied it. Then he said, "Good night," and held out his hand. They shook hands ceremoniously. Tom and Spade shook hands ceremoniously. Spade let them out. Then he undressed, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

III. Three Women

(три женщины)

When Spade reached his office at ten o'clock the following morning (когда Спейд добрался до своего офиса в десять часов на следующее утро) Effie Perine was at her desk opening the morning's mail (Эффи Пирайн была за своим столом, открывая утреннюю почту). Her boyish face was pale under its sunburn (ее мальчишеское лицо было бледным под /своим/ загаром). She put down the handful of envelopes (она положила /на стол/ кучу конвертов; handful — горсть, пригоршня) and the brass paper-knife she held (и медный нож для бумаги, который она держала) and said (и сказала): "She's in there (она там)." Her voice was low and warning (ее голос был тихим и предупреждающим).

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