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nod [nOd] waist [weIst] brokenly ['brqVkqnlI]

He nodded. "Your Sam's a detective." He looked sharply at her. He put his arm around her waist, his hand on her hip. "She did kill Miles, angel," he said gently, "offhand, like that." He snapped the fingers of his other hand.

She escaped from his arm as if it had hurt her. "Don't, please, don't touch me," she said brokenly. "I know — I know you're right. You're right. But don't touch me now — not now."

Spade's face became pale as his collar (лицо Спейда стало бледным, как его воротничок).

The corridor-door's knob rattled (шарообразная ручка двери в коридор затрещала). Effie Perine turned quickly (Эффи Пирайн быстро повернулась) and went into the outer office (и пошла во внешний офис), shutting time door behind her (закрывая за собой дверь). When she came in again (когда она снова вошла) she shut it behind her (она закрыла ее за собой).

She said in a small flat voice (она сказала тихим ровным голосом): "Iva is here (здесь Ива)."

Spade, looking down at his desk (Спейд, глядя на свой стол), nodded almost imperceptibly (кивнул почти незаметно). "Yes," he said, and shivered (сказал он и вздрогнул). "Well, send her in (ну, впусти ее)."

pale [peIl] collar ['kOlq] imperceptibly ["Impq'septqb(q)lI]

Spade's face became pale as his collar.

The corridor-door's knob rattled. Effie Perine turned quickly and went into the outer office, shutting time door behind her. When she came in again she shut it behind her.

She said in a small flat voice: "Iva is here."

Spade, looking down at his desk, nodded almost imperceptibly. "Yes," he said, and shivered. "Well, send her in."

1 ... 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
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