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Rowland R. Fantastical and Devilish Persons: European Witch-beliefs in Comparative Perspective // Early Modern European Witchcraft: Centres and Peripheries / Ed. by B. Ankarloo, G. Henningsen. Oxford, 1990. P. 161–190.


Marwick M. G. The Study of Witchcraft // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 1. P. 231–243.


Currie E. P. Crimes without criminals. Witchcraft and its control in Renaissance Europe // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. P. 107–132.


Crawford J. Evidences for Witchcraft in Anglo-Saxon England // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 2. P. 153–170; Howman R. Witchcraft and Law // Folk Law. Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex Non Scripta / Ed. by A. D. Renteln and A. Dundes. New York, London, 1994. vol. 2. P. 637–655.


Tyler P. The Church courts at York and witchcraft prosecutions 1567–1640 // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 6. P. 126–152.


Neil W. N. The Professional Pricker and his Test for Witchcraft // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by В. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 2. P. 275–283.


Kristof I. «Wise Women». Sinners and the Poor: The Social Background of Witch-Hunting in a 16th-18th century Calvinist City of Eastern Hungary // Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. An International Journal of Ethnography, vol. 37, No. 1–4,1991-92. Special issue. Witch beliefs and witch-hunting in central and Eastern Europe. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. P. 93–119; Nenonen M. «Envious Are All the People, Witches Watch at Every Gate». Finnish witches and witch trials in the 17th century // Scandinavian Journal of History. 1993, vol. 18, No. i, P. 77–91.


Midelfort E. H. C. Witch Hunting and the Domino Theory // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. P. 341–355.


Midelfort E. H. C. Were There Really Witches? // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. P. 141–157.


Holms C. Popular culture? Witches, magistrates and divines in early modern England // Articles on witchcraft, magic and demonology / Ed. by B. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 6. P. 21–47.


Gregory A. Witchcraft, politics and «good neighborhood» in seventeenth-century Rye // Past and Present, 1991. vol. 133. P. 31–66.


Gluckman M. Psychological, sociological and anthropological explanations of witchcraft and gossip: A clarification // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 6. P. 226–240.


Gaskill M. Witchcraft in Early Modern Kent: stereotypes and the background to accusations // Witchcraft in early modern Europe: Studies in culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1996. P. 257–287; Sharpe J. A. The Devil in East Anglia: the Matthew Hopkins Trials reconsidered. P. 237–254; Smith С. I. Northamptonshire in the History of Witchcraft // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 6. P. 341–347; Stufford H. Notes on Scottish Witchcraft cases, 1590-91 // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 6. P. 320–284;


Ewen C. L. E. A Noted Case of Witchcraft at North Moreton, Berks, in the early 17th century // Articles on witchcraft, magic and demonology / Ed. by B. Levack. 12 vols. New York, 1992. vol. 6. P. 207–213; Murray M. A. The 'Devil' of North Berwick // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 7. P. 284–295; Roughead W. The witches of North Berwick // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. P. 296–318; Thompson E. H. Macbeth, King James and the Witches // Studii de Limbi si Literaturi Moderne. Timisoara, 1994. P. 127–141. Статья также доступна в электронной версии: Thompson Е. Macbeth, King James and the Witches. Paper from one read at a conference on «Lancashire Witches — Law, Literature and 17th century Women» in the University of Lancaster in December, 1993 // <http://homepages.tesco.net/—eandcthomp/ macbeth.htm#Top>, 15.05.2007;


Clark S., Morgan T. J. Religion and Magic in Elizabethan Wales: Robert Hollands Dialogue on Witchcraft // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 4. P. 157–172; Estes L. L. Reginald Scot and his Discoverie of Witchcraft: Religion and Science in the Opposition to the European Witch Craze // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 4. P. 174–223; Hitchcock J. George Gifford and Puritan Witch Beliefs // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 4. P. 214–223; Moody E. P. Joseph Glanvill, Witchcraft, and Seventeenth-century Science // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 6. P. 299–325.


Goddu A. The Failure of Exorcism in the Middle Ages // Articles on witchcraft, magic and demonology / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 9. P. 540–557; MacDonald M. Introduction // Witchcraft and Hysteria in Elizabethan London / Ed. by M. MacDonald. London, New York, 1999. P. vii-lvi; Veith I. Hysteria. The History of a Disease. Chicago, London, 1965.


Hemphill R. T. Historical witchcraft and psychiatric illness in Western Europe // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992. vol. 4. P. 307–318; Leland L. Estes. The medical origins of the Witchcraze: A Hypothesis // Articles on witchcraft, magic and demonology / Ed. by B. Levack. 12 vols. New York, 1992. vol. 3. P. 293–306; Rosen G. Psychopathology in the social process: A study of the persecution of witches in Europe as a contribution to the understanding of mass delusions and psychic epidemics // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. C. 234–245; Spanos N. P. Witchcraft in Histories of Psychiatry: A Critical Analysis and an Alternative Conceptualization // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. P. 211–233.


Jackson L. Witches, Wives and Mothers: Witchcraft Prosecution and Women's Confessions in seventeenth-century England // Women's history review, 1995. vol. 4, No. 1. P. 63–84; Whitney E. The Witch 'She'/ the Historian 'He' // Journal of Women's History. 1995. vol. 7. P. 77–101.


Lamer C. Witchcraft Past and Present // Articles on witchcraft, magic and demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. Levack. 12 vols. New York, 1992. vol. 3. P. 362–366.


Heikkinen A., Kervinen Т. Finland: The Male Domination // Early Modern European Witchcraft. Centres and Peripheries / Ed. by B. Ankarloo, G. Henningsen. Oxford, 1990. P. 319–338.


Hester M. Lewd Women and Wicked Witches. London, New York, 1992. Среди ее статей: Hester M. Patriarchal reconstruction and witch hunting // Witchcraft in early modern Europe: Studies in culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1996. P. 288–305.


New perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology / Ed. by B. Levack. London, New York, 2001. 6 vols.


The Witchcraft Reader / Ed. by Darren Oldridge. London, New York, 2002.


Gibbons /. Recent Developments in the Study of The Great European Witch Hunt // <http://www.cog.org>, 23.09.2005.


Macfarlane A. Civility and Decline of Magic // Civil Histories: Essays in Honour of Sir Keith Thomas / Ed. by P. Slack, P. Burke, B. Harrison. Oxford, 2000. P. 1–15.


Unsworth C. R. Witchcraft Beliefs and Criminal Procedure in Early Modern England // New perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology / Ed. by B. Levack. 6 vols. London, New York, 2001. vol. 1. P. 1–28.


Waite G. К. Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe. New York, 2003.


Maxwell-Stuart P. G. Witch-hunters. Professional Prickers, Unwitchers & Witchfinders of the Renaissance. London, 2003.


De Windt A. R. Witchcraft and Conflicting Visions of the Ideal Village Community // New perspectives on witchcraft, magic and demonology. 6 vols. London, New York, 2001. vol. 3. P. 135–171.


Purkiss D. Women's Stories of Witchcraft in Early Modern England: The House, the Body, the Child // New perspectives on witchcraft, magic and demonology. 6 vols. London, New York, 2001. vol. 4. P. 278–302; Sharpe J. A. Women, Witchcraft and the Legal process // Women, crime and the courts in early modern England. London, New York, 2003. P. 106–124.


Amundsen K. Gender Transgressions: The Male Witch in Early Modern England. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2003; Apps L., Gow A. Male witches in Early Modern Europe. Manchester, New York, 2003; Kent E. Masculinity and Male Witches in Old and New England, 1593–1680 // History Workshop Journal. 2005. vol. 60. P. 69–92.


Purkiss D. The Witch in History. London, New York, 2003.


Stewart P., Strathern A. Witchcraft, Sorcery and Gossip. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.


Bartel P. C. Spell-casters: witches and witchcraft in history, folklore, and popular culture. Dallas, 2000.


Davies O. Cunning-Folk. Popular Magic in English History. London, New York, 2003.


Geyer-Kordesch J. Whose Enlightenment? Medicine, Witchcraft, Melancholia and Pathology // New perspectives on witchcraft, magic and demonology. 6 vols. London, New York, 2001. vol. 2. P. 131–147.


Bailey M.D. Battling Demons. Witchcraft, Heresy and Reform in the Late Middle Ages. Pennsylvania, 2003; Caciola N. Discerning spirits. Divine and demonic possession in the Middle Ages. London, Cornell university press, Ithaca. 2003; Zika C. Exorcising our Demons. Magic, Witchcraft and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe. Boston, 2003.


Hodgkin К. Reasoning with Unreason: Visions, Witchcraft and Madness in Early Modern England // Languages witchcraft. Narrative, Ideology and Meaning in Early Modern Culture / Ed. by S. Clark. London, New York, 2001. P. 217–237.


Freemen J. Sorcery at Court and Manor: Margery Jourdemayne, the Witch of Eye next Westminster // Journal of Medieval History, 2004. vol. 30. P. 343–357; Gaskill M. Witchcraft and Power in Early modern England: the case of Margaret Moore // Women, crime and the courts in Early Modern England / Ed. by J. Kermode, G. Walker. London, New York, 2003. P. 125–145; The Hockham hocus-pocus. April 21st 1857. Bury and Norwich post // <http://www.foxearth.org.uk/SwimmingOfWitches.html>, 09.10.2007.

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