Репина Л. П. «Новая историческая наука» и социальная история. М., 1998.
Там же. С. 7, 20–21.
См.: Burr G. L. New England's Place in the History of Witchcraft. Worcester, 1911. C. 5-12; Hansen C. Witchcraft at Salem. New York, 1969. P. 7–25; Lee H. C. Materials toward a History of Witchcraft. Philadelphia, 1939. 3 vols.
О специфике шотландского ведовства см.: Lamer С. Enemies of God. The witchhunt in Scotland. London, 1981. P. 1–7,192–204.
О специфике ирландского ведовства см.: Gillespie R. Devoted People. Belief and Religion in early modern Ireland. Manchester, 1997.
The Bill against Conjuration and Witchcrafts and Sorcery and Enchantments // Robbins R. H. The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. New York, 1959.
An Acte for the Repeale of certain Statutes // <http://www.hulford.co.uk/act1547. html>, 14.07.2007.
An Act against Conjurations, Enchantments, and Witchcrafts // Complaint and Reform in England 1436–1714. Fifty Writings of the Time on politics, religion, society, economics, architecture, science and education / Arranged with introduction by W. H. Dunham and S. Pargells. New York, 1938. P. 181–183. Оригинальный текст акта также доступен в электронном виде: An Act agaynst Conjuracons, Inchantments and Witchecraftes // <http://www.hulford.co.uk/act1563.html>, 14.07.2007. Также оригинальный текст акта частично приведен в: Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other various Occurrences in the Church of England. With an Appendix of Original Papers / By J. Strype, London, 1725. vol. 1. P. 311–312.
An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft and dealing with evil and wicked Spirits // <http://www.hulford.co.uk/essex.html>, 10.09.2003.
The Witchcraft Act 1736 // Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry. 1535–1860 / Ed. by R. Hunter, I. Macalpine. London, New York, Toronto, 1963. P. 357–358. Оригинальный текст акта 1736 года также доступен в электронном виде: The Witchcraft Act of 1736 // <http://www.hulford.co.uk/act1736.html>, 14.07.2007.
An Act against seditious words and rumours uttered against the Queens most excellent Majesty // Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I / Ed. by G. W. Prothero. Oxford, 1898. P. 78–79. Оригинальный текст также доступен в электронном виде: An Acte against sedicious Wördes and Rumours uttered againste the queenes moste excellent Majestie //<http://www.hulf0rd.c0.uk/act1580.html>, 14.07.2007.
Legis Regis Henrici, cap. 71 // Thorpe B. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. London, 1840. P. 156–157.
A Series of Precedents and Proceedings in Criminal Causes, extending from the year 1475 to 1640; extracted from Act-Books of Ecclesiastical Courts in the Diocese of London / Ed. by W. H. Hale. London, 1847; Anon. Deposition against a Witch // The Witchcraft Papers. Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex. 1560–1700 / Coll. and ed. by P. Haining. London, 1974. P. 23–26; Ewen C. L. E. Witchcraft and Demonianism: a concise account derived from sworn Depositions and Confessions obtained in the Courts of England and Wales. London, 1933; Norfolk Quarter Sessions order book. 1650–1657 / Calend. by D. E. Howell James. Norfolk, 1955; Philip J. The Examination and Confession of Certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex. London, 1566 // The Witchcraft Papers. Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex. 1560–1700 / Coll. and ed. by P. Haining. London, 1974. P. 41–49.
The Case of Магу Smith, for Witchcraft: 13 James I. A. D. 1616 // Cobbet's Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 2 vols. London, 1809. vol. 2. P. 1049–1060.
Сведения об английских и континентальных памфлетах о ведьмах, касающиеся их авторства, происхождения, года издания и количества сверялись мной по следующим специальным справочникам: Catalogue of books printed on the Continent of Europe, 1501–1600 / Comp, by H. M. Adams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967. 2 vols; A Short-Title Catalogue of Books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America 1641–1706 / Comp, by D. Wing. New York, 1945. 3 vols; A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475–1640 / Comp, by A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave. 2nd ed. London, 1986; Titles of English Books (and of Foreign Books Printed in England) / Comp, by A. F. Allison and V. F. Goldsmith. Kent, 1976. 2 vols; Witchcraft catalogue of the Witchcraft Collection in Cornell University Library / Introd. by R. H. Robbins / Ed. by M. J. Crow. New York, 1977.
См. Библиография. Источники.
English Witchcraft 1560–1736 / Ed. by James Sharpe. London, 2003. 6 vols.
The Apprehension and confession of three notorious witches arraigned and by justice condemned and executed at Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, the 5th day of July last past, 1589, with the manner of their devilish practices and keeping of their spirits, whose forms are herein truly proportioned. London, 1589. Anon. Witches Apprehended, Examined and Executed, for notable villanies by them committed both by Land and Water. London, 1613.
The Examination of John Walsh, before Maister Thomas Williams, Commissary to the Reuerend father in God William bishop of Excestre, upon certayne Interrogatories touching Wytchcrafte and Sorcerye, in the presence of diuers gentlemen and others. London, 1566; P. 25–32; The Several Facts of Witchcraft approved and laid to the charge of Margaret Harkett. London, 1585; The Witches of Northamptonshire: Agnes Brown, Joan Vaughan, Arthur Bill, Helen Jenkinson, Mary Barber, witches, who were all executed at Northampton the 22nd of July last 1612. London, 1612; Awdeley J. The Examination of John Walsh, before Master Thomas Williams, commissary to the Reverend Father in God, Willim, Bishop of Exeter, upon certain interrogatories touching witchcraft and sorcery, in the presence of divers gentlemen and others, the 20th August 1566; Galis R. A Rehearsall both straung and true, of hainous and horrible actes committed by Elizabeth Stile alias Rockingham, Mother Dutten, Mother Deuell, Mother Margaret, fower notorious witches, apprehended at Winsore in the countie of Barks and at Abbington arraigned, condemned, and executed,on the 26 daye of Februarie laste Anno 1579. London, 1579; Goodcole H. The Wonderfull Discoverie of Elizabeth Sawyer a Witch. London, 1621; Potts T. The Wonderful Discovery of witches in the county of Lancaster; with the arraignment and trial of nineteen notorious witches, at the assizes and jail delivery, holden at the Castle of Lancaster, upon Monday the 17th of August last 1612. London, 1613.
Включает: The Witchcraft Papers. Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex. 1560–1700 / Coll. and ed. by P. Haining. London, 1974. Anon. A Child possessed by the Devil; P. 130–132; Anon. How a witch Served a Fellow in an Alehouse; H. F. A True and Exact Relation of the severall Informations, Examination, and Confessions of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex. London, 1645.
Известно, что в России за всю ее историю явления, аналогичного по масштабам европейской демономании, не наблюдалось.
Допрос и признание известных ведьм в Челмсфорде в графстве Эссекс перед судьями ее королевского величества в 26 день июля 1566 // Демонология эпохи Возрождения (XVI–XVII вв.). / Пер. с англ., лат., нем., франц. / Под ред. М. А. Тимофеева. М., 1995. С. 39–48; О самом злобном деянии некоей негодной ведьмы, о подобном которому никто не слышал в Англии уже много лет // Демонология эпохи Возрождения (XVI–XVII вв.). / Пер. с англ., лат., нем., франц. / Под ред. М. А. Тимофеева. М., 1995. С. 51–58.
Задержание и признания трех известных ведьм, которых казнили по приговору суда в Челмсфорде, графство Эссекс, пятого дня прошедшего июля месяца 1589 г. С описанием их дьявольских деяний и помощников, истинный облик которых изображается здесь // Бич и молот. Охота на ведьм в XVI–XVII веках. / Пер. с англ. Н. Масловой; Состав, и предисл. Н. Горелова. СПб., 2005. С. 219–228; Наиболее достоверное, странное и истинное обнаружение ведьмы, взятой парламентскими войсками, когда она на маленькой дощечке пересекала реку в Ньюбери, а также правдивое описание странной ее смерти и пророческих слов, сказанных ею перед гибелью // Бич и молот. Охота на ведьм в XVI–XVII веках. / Пер. с англ. Н. Масловой; Состав, и предисл. Н. Горелова. СПб., 2005. С. 261–264.
Цит. по: Sharpe J. General Introduction… Р.15.
Сохе F. A Short Treatise declaringe the detestable wickedness of magical sciences, as Necromancie, Conjurations of Spirites, Curiouse Astrologie and suche lyke. London, 1561.
Scot R. The Discoverie of Witchcraft. London, 1584. В посвящении пагинация отсутствует, нумерация моя. Основной текст трактата имеет отдельную пагинацию.
Gifford G. A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcraftes. London, 1584; Русский перевод этого трактата см.: Гиффорд Дж. Диалог о ведьмах и колдовстве // Демонология эпохи Возрождения (XVI–XVII вв.). / Пер. с англ., лат., нем., франц. / Под ред. М. А. Тимофеева. М., 1995. С. 59–148.
Gifford G. А Discourse of Subtill Practices of Devilles Ьу Witches and Sorcerers. London, 1587. Пагинация отсутствует, нумерация моя.
Holland H. A Treatise against Witchcraft. Cambridge, 1590 // English Witchcraft 1560–1736. vol. 1. / Ed. by J. Sharpe. London, 2003. P. 3–90.
James the VI Stuart. Demonology in the form of a Dialogue, Divided into Three Books. London, 1597. В предисловии пагинация отсутствует, нумерация моя. Некоторые главы этого трактата переведены на русский язык: Джеймс I Стюарт. Демонология в форме диалога // Герметизм, магия, натурфилософия в европейской культуре XIII–XIX вв. М., 1999. С. 345–385.
Roberts A. A Treatise of Witchcraft. London, 1616.
Perkins W. A Discourse of the Damned art of Witchcraft. Cambridge, 1618.
Cotta J. The Infallible True and Assured witch: or the Second Edition of the Tryall of Witchcraft. Shewing the Right and True Methode of the Discoverie: witch a confutation of Erroneous waies, carefully reviewed and more fully cleared and Angmented. London, 1625.
Bernard R. A Guide to Grand-Jury Men. London, 1629.
Gaule J. Select Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcrafts. London, 1646.
HopkinsM. The Discovery of witches, in answer to several queries, lately delivered to the Judges of Assize for the County of Norfolk. And now published by Matthew Hopkins, witch-finder, for the benefit of the whole kingdom. London, 1647.
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