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Kittredge G. L. English witchcraft and James the First. New York, 1912; Kittredge G. L. Witchcraft in Old and New England. New York, 1959.


Kittredge G. L. Witchcraft in Old and New England. P. 8–10,12, 20–25, 56, 59.


Интерес возник в связи с публикациями работ Э. Б. Тэйлора, Дж. Фрезера и др.


Raglan L. The Hero. A Study of Tradition, Myth and Drama. London, 1936; Raglan L. Myth and Ritual/ Myth: a Symposium. Philadelphia, 1955.


Murray M. God and Witchcraft. London, 1933.


Гинзбург К. Образ шабаша ведьм и его истоки // Одиссей. Человек в истории. 1990. С. 143.


Human S. Ritual View of Myth and Mythic/ Myth: a Symposium. Philadelphia, 1955.


Тогоева О. И. «Истинная правда»: языки средневекового правосудия. М., 2006. С. 136.


Runeberg A. Witches, Demons and Fertility Magic: Analysis of their Significance and Mutual Relations in West-European Folk Religion. Helsingfors, 1947.


Ibid. P. 10–12,19-22,132,151.


См.: Рассел Дж. Б. Колдовство и ведьмы… С. 47–48.


Summers M. The Geography of Witchcraft. New York, 1958.


Саммерс M. История колдовства. M., 2002.


Саммерс М. История колдовства. С. 73–74, 16–17.


Robbins R. H. The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. New York, 1959. Энциклопедия была переведена на русский язык: Роббинс P. X. Энциклопедия колдовства и демонологии. М., 1996.


Репина Л. П. «Новая историческая наука» и социальная история. С. 95–96; Ерохин В. Н. Методологические подходы к изучению истории религиозной реформации в Англии в современной британской историографии. Издательство Нижневартовского государственного гуманитарного университета, 2008. С. 64.


Peel Е., Southern P. The Trials of the Lancashire Witches. A study of Seventeenth-century Witchcraft. New York, 1969.


Trevor-Roper H. R. The European Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries. London, 1969.


Ibid. P. 114–115.


Macfarlane A. Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England. A regional and comparative study. New York, 1970. См. также другие его работы: Macfarlane A. Civility and Decline of Magic // Civil Histories: Essays in Honour of Sir Keith Thomas / Ed. by P. Slack, P. Burke, B. Harrison. Oxford, 2000. P. 1–15; Macfarlane A. The Root of all Evil // The Anthropology of Evil / Ed. by D. Parkin. New York, 1985. P. 57–75; Macfarlane A. Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart Essex // Witchcraft, Confessions and Accusation / Ed. by M. Douglas. Tavistock, London, 1970. P. 81–99.


Macfarlane A. A Tudor Anthropologist: George GifFord's Discourse and Dialogue // The Damned Art: Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft. London, 1977. P. 140–155.


Hey G. D. An English Rural Community Myddle under the Tudors and Stuarts. Leister University press, 1974. P. 187–188.


Thomas K. Religion and the Decline of Magic; Концепция К. Томаса была представлена и в его статье: Thomas К. An Anthropology of Religion and Magic, II // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 1. P. 133–151.


Стефанович П. С. Изучение «народной религии» позднего средневековья и раннего Нового времени в британской историографии // Социальные и гуманитарные науки. Отечественная и зарубежная литература. РЖ/ИНИОН РАН. Сер. 5. M., 2001. № 1. С. 31.


Thomas К. Religion and Decline of Magic. P. 559.


Ibid. Р. 533, 561, 661.


См. также: Rowland R. Introduction // Early Modern European Witchcraft: Centres and Peripheries / Ed. by B. Ankarloo, G. Henningsen. Oxford, 1990. P. 3–8.


Среди статей этого издания: Anglo S. Reginald Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft: Scepticism and Sadduceeism // The Damned Art. Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft / Ed. by S. Anglo. London, 1977. P. 106–139; Clark S. King James's Daemonoligie: Witchcraft and Kingship // The Damned Art. Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft / Ed. by S. Anglo. London, 1977. P. 156–181; Lamer C. Two late Scottish witchcraft tracts: Witch-craft proven and the tryal of witchcraft // The Damned Art. Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft / Ed. by S. Anglo. London, 1977. P. 227–245; Macfarlane A. A Tudor Anthropologist: George Gifford's Discourse and Dialogue. P. 140–155.


Карначук H. В. изучение ведовства и пути исторической науки… С. 249.


Монтер У. Ритуал, миф и магия в Европе раннего нового времени. М., 2003.


Bostridge I. Witchcraft and its Transformations с. 1650-c. 1750. Oxford, New York, 1977.


Haining P. The Anatomy of Witchcraft. London, 1972.


Russell J. B. Witchcraft in the Middle ages. Cornell University press, 1972.


Ewen C. L. E. Witch Hunts and Witch trials.


Kieckhefer R. European Witch Trials: their Foundations in Popular and Learned Culture, 1300–1500. London, 1976; Kieckhefer R. Magic in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1990; Kieckhefer R. The Holy and the Unholy: Sainthood, Witchcraft, and Magic in Late Medieval Europe // The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 1994. vol. 24. No. 2. P. 355–385; Kieckhefer R. Forbidden Rites. A Necromancer's Manual of the Fifteenth Century. London, 1997.


Cohn N. Europe's Inner Demons. An enquiry inspired by the great witch-hunt. Sussex University press, 1975.


Гинзбург К. Образ шабаша ведьм и его истоки… С. 132–134. Среди других работ К. Гинзбурга: Ginzburg С. The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. New York, 1985; Ginzburg C. Ecstasies. Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath. London, Sydney, Auckland, Johannsburg, 1990.


Muchembled R. Popular Culture and Elite Culture in France, 1400–1750. Louisiana State University Press, 1985.


English Witchcraft 1560–1736 / Ed. by J. Sharpe. London, 2003. 6 vols. См. обзор этого издания: Sharpe J. A. General Introduction // English Witchcraft 1560–1736 / Ed. by J. Sharpe. 6 vols. London, 2003. vol. 1. P. 9–38.


Sharpe J. A. Early Modern England. A Social History 1550–1760. London, 1987; Sharpe J. A. Instrument of Darkness: Witchcraft in England 1550–1750. London, 1996.


Среди них: Sharpe J. A. The Devil in East Anglia: the Matthew Hopkins Trials reconsidered // Witchcraft in early modern Europe: Studies in culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. P. 237–254.


Sharpe J. The Devil in East Anglia: the Matthew Hopkins Trials reconsidered… P. 252.


Duffy E. The stripping of the altars. Traditional religion in England 1400–1580. New Haven, London, 1992.


Цит. по: Стефанович П. С. Изучение «народной религии»… С. 43.


Willis D. Malevolent Nurture: Witch-Hunting and Maternal Power in Early Modern England. Ithaca, New York, 1996.


Мишле Ж. Ведьма. Женщина. М., 1997.


Willis D. Malevolent Nurture: Witch-Hunting and Maternal Power… P. 5–17.


Briggs R. Witches & Neighbours. The social and cultural context of European Witchcraft. New York, 1996.


Geis G. A Trial of Witches. London, New York, 1998.


Freud S. A Seventeenth-century Demonological Neurosis // The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. London, 1995. vol. 19. P. 72–105.


Roper L. Oedipus and the Devil. Witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe. New York, 1994.


Willis D. Shakespeare and the English Witch-hunts: Enclosing the Maternal Body // Enclosure Acts. Sexuality, Property, and Culture in Early Modern England / Ed. by R. Burt and J. Michael Archer. Ithaca, London, 1994. P. 96–120.


Clark S. Thinking with Demons. The Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe. Oxford, 1997.


Среди них: Levack В. The Witch-hunt in early modern Europe. London, New York, 1992; Levack B. State-building and Witch hunting in Early Modern Europe // Witchcraft in early modern Europe: Studies in culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry. Cambridge, 1996. P. 96–115.


Levack B. The Witch-hunt in early modern Europe… P. 8.


Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. New York, London, 1992.12 vols.


Barry J. Introduction: Keith Thomas and the Problem of Witchcraft // Witchcraft in early modern Europe: Studies in culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1996. P. 4–46; Briggs R. «Many Reason Why»: witchcraft and the problem of multiple explanation // Witchcraft in early modern Europe: Studies in culture and belief / Ed. by J. Barry. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1996. P. 49–63; Monter W. E. The Historiography of European Witchcraft: progress and prospects // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 3. P. 49–451.


Thomas J. Schoeneman. The Witch Hunt as a Culture Change Phenomenon // Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and Demonology. A Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles / Ed. by B. P. Levack. 12 vols. New York, London, 1992. vol. 1. P. 337–362.

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