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Millet J.D. Federal Administrators. NY., 1939. Р. 294.

385Bendix R. Higher Civil Servants in American Society // University of Colorado Studies, Series in Sociology, 1 July, 1949. Р.32.

386Keller S. Beyond the Ruling Class: Strategic Elites in Modern Society. Р. 223.

387Галкин А.А. Правящая элита современного капитализма // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 1969. № 3. С. 82; Бурлацкий Ф.М., Галкин А.А. Социология. Политика. Международные отношения. М., 1974. С. 147.

388Aberbach J.D., Rockman B.A. The Overlapping Worlds of American Federal Executives and Congressmen // British Journal of Political Science, 7 (January 1977). Р. 28.

389Zweigenhaft R. Who Represents America? // Insurgent Sociologist 1975 (Spring). Р. 124.

390Krueger T.A., Glidden W. The New Deal Intellectual Elite: A Collective Portrait // The Rich, the Well Born, and the Powerful; Elites and Upper Classes in History. Ed. by F.C. Jaher. Urbana – Chicago – London, 1973. P. 354.

391Keller S. Beyond the Ruling Class: Strategic Elites in Modern Society. Р. 298–301.

392Willhelm S., Sjoberg G. The Social Characteristics of Entertainers // Social Forces, XXXVII, No. 1 (October, 1958). Р. 72.

393Миллс Р. Властвующая элита. С. 519–521.

394Janowitz M. The Professional Soldier. NY., 1960. Р. 90–92, 99.

395 По времени рождения и на отдельные годы это выглядело так:

(Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 116.)

396Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 198.

397Mannari H. The Japanese Business Leaders. Р. 83.

398 По разным типам компаний это выглядело так:

(Granick D. Managerial Comparisons of Four Developed Countries: France, Britain, United States, and Russia. Р. 175–176.)

399Галкин А.А. Правящая элита современного капитализма. С. 82; Бурлацкий Ф.М., Галкин А.А. Социология. Политика. Международные отношения. С.147.

400Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 103, 115.

401Бирнбаум П., Барук Ш. Беллэш М., Марие А. Французский правящий класс. С. 175–182.

402Ridley F.F. French Technocracy and Comparative Government // Political Studies, XIV, 1, February 1966. Р. 47–49.

403Hamon L. The Members of the French Parliament // International Social Science Journal, XIII, 4 (1961). Р. 549–550.

404Бирнбаум П., Барук Ш. Беллэш М, Марие А. Французский правящий класс. С. 175–182.

405Галкин А.А. Правящая элита современного капитализма. С. 82; Бурлацкий Ф.М., Галкин А.А. Социология. Политика. Международные отношения. С. 147.

406Perkin H.J. The Third Revolution: professional elites in the modern world. Р. 108.

407Hoffman-Lange U. Structural Prerequisites of Elite Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany // Studies of the structure of national elite groups. Ed. by G. Moore. Greenwich and London, 1985. Р. 53, 58.

408Hoffman-Lange U., Neumann H., Steinkemper B. Conflict and Consensus among Elites in the Federal Republic of Germany // Studies of the structure of national elite groups. Ed. by G. Moore. Greenwich and London, 1985. Р. 249.

409Guttsman W.L. Elite Recruitment and Political Leadership in Britain and Germany since 1950. P. 112.

410Hoffman-Lange U., Neumann H., Steinkemper B. Conflict and Consensus among Elites in the Federal Republic of Germany. Р. 248–249.

411Hoffman-Lange U. Structural Prerequisites of Elite Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany. P. 53, 58.

412Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 105, 115.

413Anton T.J., Linde C., Mellbourn A. Bureaucrats in Politics: A Profile of the Swedish Administrative Elite // Canadian Public Administration, 16 (Winter 1973). Р. 634–635.

414Волков М.С. Правящая элита Испании второй половины XX в. М., 2019. С. 72–73, 131–133, 162–163.

415Галкин А.А. Правящая элита современного капитализма. С. 82; Бурлацкий Ф.М., Галкин А.А. Социология. Политика. Международные отношения. С.147.

416 Who Governs Southern Europe?: Regime Change and Ministerial Recruitment, 1850–2000. Р. 8, 22 46,57,93,123, 128, 163, 186, 194.

417Mannari H. The Japanese Business Leaders. Р. 11, 17, 19, 27, 24, 65, 71, 163, 167, 174, 179, 181, 222.

418 Подсчитано по: Хангук инмён сачжон (Биографический словарь Кореи). Сеул, 1976.

419Higley J., Deacon D. The Australian National Elite in the 1970s and 1980s // Studies of the structure of national elite groups. Ed. by G. Moore. Greenwich and London, 1985. P. 104–105.

420Drake P.W. The Political Responses of the Chilean Upper Class to the Great Depression and the Threat of Socialism, 1931–1933 // The Rich, the Well Born, and the Powerful; Elites and Upper Classes in History. Ed. by F.C. Jaher. Urbana-Chicago – London, 1973. P. 314.

421Словесная Н.Г. Интеллигенция Таиланда. С. 48.

422Gutmann E., Landau J.M. The Political Elite and Leadership in Israel. Р. 187.

423Marr Ph. A. The Political Elite in Iraq. Р. 114, 116, 128, 133.

424Bill J.A. The Patterns of Elite Politics in Iran. Р. 27–29.

425Frey F.W. Patterns of Elite Politics in Turkey // Political Elites in the Middle East. Р. 57–58.

426Torrey G.H. Aspects of the Political Elite in Syria // Political Elites in the Middle East. Р. 154–155.

427 Parliamentary Representatives in Europe 1848–2000. Legislative recruitments and Careers in Eleven European Countries. Ed. by Best H. and Cotta M. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Р. 41; 58; 96; 215; 151,221; 231; 281; 319; 360; 376; 473.

428Волков С.В. Советский истеблишмент // Русский исторический журнал. 2001. № 1–4. С. 316–317, 320–321, 336.

429Laski H.J. The Personnel of the British Cabinet, 1801–1924 // American Political Science Review, Vol. 22 (1), 1928. Р. 25.

430Matthews D.R. The Social Background of Political Decision-Makers. Р. 44, 46.

431 Образование членов парламента (к – консерваторы, л – лейбористы) в 1951–1970 гг. (%)

(Guttsman W.L. Elite Recruitment and Political Leadership in Britain and Germany since 1950. P. 103.)

432 Parliamentary Representatives in Europe 1848–2000. Legislative recruitments and Careers in Eleven European Countries.

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