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unbounded frame, which thou pervadest/, Will be without a flaw / Marring its perfect symmetry.


Дьяконова Н. Я. Лондонские романтики и проблемы английского романтизма, Л., 1970, с. 127–246.


Oh wherefore should ill ever flow from ill, / And pain still keener pain for ever breed? / We all are brethren (The Revolt of Islam, V, 10); cp.: Force from force must ever flow,/Or worse; but ’t is a bitter woe I That love or reason cannot change I The Despot’s rage, the slave’s revenge (Euganean Hills, 1819, 232–235).


…if I have been extinguished, yet there rise / A thousand beakons from the spark I bote (The Triumph oi Life, 206–207).


Pulos С. Е. The Deep Truth. Nebraska, 1969, p. 73, 78–79, 85.


Adonais, 39–41.cp. 43:…the one Spirit’s plastic stress / Sweeps through the dull dense world, compelling there / All new successions to the forms they wear.


…this familiar life, which seems to be / But is not; — or is but quaint mockery / Of all we would believe… (Letter to Maria Gisborne, lines 156–158).


Barrell J. Shelley and the Thought of his Time. Yale, 1947, p. 129–130.


lanthe’s soul… stood I All beautiful in naked purity… Each stain of earthliness/Had passed away, it reassumed / Its native dignity, and stood / Immortal amid ruin (Queen Mab, I, lines 130–138).


Не had a gentle, yet aspiring mind; / Just, innocent with varied learning fed; / And such a glorious consolation find / In others’joy, when all their own is dead: / He loved, and laboured for his kind in grief / …he owned no higher law / Than love; love calm, steadfast, invincible (Prince Athanase, 22–25, 95–96).


О близости Шелли к философско-эстетическим теориям немецкой литературы конца XVIII — начала ХIХ в. см.: Barrell J. Op. cit., р. 192–193, 196; Lemaitre Н. Shelley. Po*te des elements. Caens, 1962, p. 404–407, 410; Happel E. Das Veyh*ltnis von Wirklichkeit und Kunst im Werke P. B. Shelleys, Marburg, 1937, S. 13.


Елистратова А. А. Наследие английского романтизма и современность. М., 1960, с. 393.


Об отсутствии мистики в трактате Шелли и последовательности его мысли см.: Wasserman Е. R. Shelley’s Late Poetics. — In: Hills F. W., Bloem H. From Sensibility to Romanticism. New York — Oxford, 1965, p. 491–492, 496.


Wellek R. A History of Modern Criticism. 1750–1950, vol. II. London, 1955, p. 124, 127.


Clark D. L. Shelley and Shakespeare — PM LA, 1939, v. 54, № 1; Неупокоева И. Г. Революционный романтизм Шелли. M., 1959,


Ср.: Barrell J. Op. cit., р. 130–132; Beach J. W. Concept Оf Nature in 19th Century English Poetry. New York, 1936, p. 54.


*In honoured poverty thy voice did weave / Songs consecrate to truth and liberty, — / Deserting these, thou leavest me to grieve, / Thus having been, that thou shouldst cease to be (To Wordsworth).


…on moon, and glen, and rocky lake, / And on the heart of man —/ And on the universal sky — / And the wide earth’s bosom green, — / And the sweet, strange mystery / Of what beyond these things may lie, / And yet remain unseen (Peter Bell the Third, V, 7–8).


It augured to the Earth; / Like gentle rains, on the dry plains, / Making that green which late was gray, / Or like the sudden moon, that stains / Some gloomy chamber’s window-panes / With a broad light like day (Ibid., V 14).


He grew dull, harsh, sly, unrefined (Ibid., VI, 25; cp.: 27–28).


…a mighty poet… who might have turned Hell into Heaven… (Peter Bell the Third, V, 2–3).


Не spoke of poetry, and how / Divine it was — a light — a love / — A spirit which like wind doth blow /… A dew rained down from God above; / A power which comes and goes like dream, Heaven’s light on earth, Truth’s brightest beam; / And when he ceased there lay the gleam / Of those words upon his face» (Ibid., 4–5).


Дьяконова Н. Я. Китс и его современники. М., 1973, с. 70–75.


Интерпретацию «Прометея» см.: Неупокоева И. Г. Революционно-романтическая поэма первой половины XIX века. М., 1971, с. 341–351; Baker С. Shelley’s Major Poetry. Princeton, 1948, p. 268–272.


Gentleness, Virtue, Wisdom, and Endurance, / These are the seals of that most firm assurance / Which bars the pit over Destruction’s, strength (Prometheus Unbound, IV, 562–564).


Reiman D. H. Shelley’s «The Triumph of Life»: A Critical Study, Illinois Studies in Language and Literature. Urbana, 1965, p. 19, 34–35, 84.


О Slavery! thou frost.of the world’s prime, / Killing its flowers and leaving its thorns bare! / Thy touch has stamped these limbs with crime /, These brows thy branding garland bear, / But the free heart, the impassive soul I Scorn thy control! (Hellas, 676–681).


But Greece and her foundations are / Built below the tide of war, / Based on the crystalline.sea / Of thought and its eternity; / Her citizens, imperial spirits, / Rule the present from the past, / On all this world inherits / Their seal is set (Hellas, 696–702).


Through the sunset of hope… / Paradise islands of glory gleam! (Ibid., 1049–1051).


Oh, cease! must hate and death return? / Cease! must men kill and

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