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Homicide. Chicago: Aldine, 1988.

3 Цит. по: Gottfredson M., Hirschi T. A General Theory of Crime. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990. P. 145. См.

также: Barkan S. Why Do Men Commit Almost All Homicides and Assault? // Criminology: A Sociological Understanding.

Englewood, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1997; Masculinities and Violence / Ed. L.Bowker. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1998.

4 Wilson J.Q., Herrnstein R. Crime and Human Nature. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985. P. 121. Описания

некоторых биологических теорий насилия см. выше, в главе 2.

5 Эти аргументы я обобщил в главе 2.

6 Lorber J. Paradoxes of Gender. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994. P. 39. О социологии насилия мужчин см.

особенно: Kaufman M Cracking the Armour: Power, Pain and the Lives of Men. Toronto: Viking, 1993; Idem. The Construction of Masculinity and the Triad of Men's Violence // Men's Lives / Ed. M.Kimmel, M.Messner. 4th edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997; Jackson Т Violence and the Masculine Ideal: Some Qualitative Data // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1966. № 364 (March).

7 Ehrenreich B. Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. New York: Metropolitan Books, 1997. P. 45, 127.

8 Howell S., Willis R. Societies at Peace. New York: Routledge, 1983.

9 Ibid. P. 38.

10 См. также: Stanko E. Everyday Violence. London: Pandora, 1990. P. 71.

11 Butterfield F. All God's Children: The Bosket Family and the American Tradition of Violence. New York: Avon, 1995. P.


12 Ibid. P. 325; см. также: Wray H. Behind Bars // U.S. News and World Report. 1998. March 23. P. 33; Livingston J.

Crime and Sex: It's a Man's World // Crime and Criminology. 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1996.

13 Цит. по: Stephenson J. Men Are Not Cost Effective. Napa: Diemer, Smith, 1991. P. 248.


14 Sharkey J. Slamming the Brakes on Hot Pursuit // The New York Times. 1997. December 14. P. 3.

l5AdlerF. Sisters in Crime. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. P. 10; Simon R. Women and Crime. Washington, D.C.: U.S.

Government Printing Office, 1975 P. 40.

16 Feely M., Little D.L. The Vanishing Female: The Decline of Women in the Criminal Process // Law and Society Review. 1991. Vol. 25. № 4. P. 739.

17 Steffensmeier D.J. Trends in Female Crime: It's Still a Man's World // The Criminal Justice System and Women / Ed.

B.R.Price, N.J.SokoIoff. New York: Clark, Boardman, 1982. P. 121.


Katz J. Seductions of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions in Doing Evil. New York: Basic Books, 1988. P. 71.

19 Ibid. P. 247.

20 StefTensmeicr D., Allan E. Criminal Behavior: Gender and Age // Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook /

Ed. J.F.Sheley. Mountain View, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1995. P. 85.

21 Adams D. Biology Does Not Make Men More Aggressive Than Women // Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression / Ed. K.Bjorkvist, P. Niemela. San Diego: Academic Press, 1992. P. 14; см. также: Pearson P.

When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence. New York: Viking, 1998; Mann C.R. When Women Kill. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996.

Fraczek A. Patterns of Aggressive-Hostile Behavior Orientation among Adolescent Boys and Girls // Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression Ed. K.Bjorkvist, P.Niemela; Lagerspetz K.M.J., Bjorkvist K. Indirect Aggression in Boys and Girls /Aggressive Behavior: Current Perspectives / Ed. L.R.Huesmann. New York: Plenum, 1994.

Viemero V Changes in Female Aggression Over a Decade // Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression /

Ed. K.Bjorkvist, P.Niemela. P. i05.

См., напр.: Donahue A. Population of Female Inmates Reaches Record // USA Today. 1997. July 21; Steffensmeier D., Allan E. Criminal Behavior. P. 85.

25CaIdicott H. Missile Envy. New York: William Morruv,, 1984; Ehrenreich B. The Violence Debate since Adam and Eve // Test the West: Gender Democracy and Violence. Vienna: Federal Minister of Women's Affairs, 1994. P.



Connell R.W. Masculinity, Violence and War // Men's Lives / Ed. M.Kimmel, M.Messner. 3rd ed. P. 129.

7 Halberstam D. The Best and the Brightest, New York: Random House, 1972. P. 531.

Цит. по: Easlea B. Fathering the Unthinkable: Masculinity, Scientists and the Nuclear Arms Race. London: Pluto Press, 1983. P. 117; см. также: Easlea B. Patriarchy, Scientists and Nuclear Warriors // Beyond Patriarchy: Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power and Change Ed. M.Kaufman. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1987; Stone I.F. Machismo in Washington / Men and Masculinity / Ed. J.Pleck, J.Sawyer. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1974; Cohn C. «Clean 449

Bombs» and Clean Language // Women, Militarism and War: Essays in History, Politics and Social Theory / Ed.

J.B.Elshtain. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1990. P. 137.

29 Cohn C, «Clean Bombs» and Clean Language. P. 35.

30 Ewing W. The Civic Advocacy of Violence // Men's Lives / Ed. M.Kimmel, M.Messner. 1st ed. New York: Macmillan, 1989.

Слова матери Джексона цит. по: Butterfield F. All God's Children. P. 11; см. также: The Civilization of Crime /

Ed. E.A.Johnson, E.H.Monkkonen. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996; Courtwright D. Violent Land: Single Men and Social Disorder from the Frontier to the Inner City. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. См.

также трилогию Р.Слоткина: Slotkin R. Regeneration through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600—1860. New York: Atheneum, 1973; Idem. The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization. New York: Atheneum, 1985; Idem. Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth Century America. New York: Atheneum, 1992.

32 Mead M. And Keep Your Powder Dry. New York: William Morrow, 1965. P. 151, 157.

33 Puffer J.A. The Boy and His Gang. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1912. P. 91.

34 Gilligan J. Violence. New York: Putnam, 1996.

35 Butterfield F. All God's Children. P. 206-207; Roane K. New York Gangs Mimic California Original //The New York Times. 1997. September 14. P. A37; другие цитаты см.: Katz J. Seductions of Crime. P. 88, 107; Seidler V.

Raging Bull // Achilles Heel. 1980. № 5. P. 9; Toch H. Hypermasculinity and Prison Violence // Masculinities and Violence / Ed. L.Bowker. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1998. P. 170.

36 Данные см.: The New York Times. 1997. August 25; United States Department of Justice. Family Violence, 1997; Siegel R. The «Rule of Love»: Wife Beating as Prerogative and Privacy // Yale Law Journal. 1996. Vol. 105.

№ 8 (June); Rhode D. Speaking of Sex: The Denial of Gender Inequality. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. P. 108; Stephenson J. Men Are Not Cost Effective. P. 285; Websdale N., Chesney-Lind M. Doing Violence to Women: Research Synthesis on the Victimization of Women // Masculinities and Violence / Ed. L.Bowker.

Sanday P.R. Female Power and Male Dominance. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981; цит. по: Baron L., Straus M. Four Theories of Rape: A Macrosociological Analysis // Social Problems. 1987. Vol. 34. № 5. P. 481.


См., напр.: Scully D. Understanding Sexual Violence: A Study of Convicted Rapists. New York: HarperCollins, 1990; Russell D. Rape in Marriage. New York: Macmillan, 1982; Idem. Sexual Exploitation. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1984; Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. P. 119-120; Johnson A. On the Prevalence of Rape in the United States // Signs. 1980. Vol. 6. № 1. P.

145. Еще об этом см.: Scully D., Marolla J. «Riding the Bull at Gilley's»: Convicted Rapists Describe the Rewards of Rape //

Social Problems. 1985. № 32.


39 United States Department of Justice. Child Rape Victims, 1992 (NCJ-147001). June 1994; Kanin E. False Rape Allegations // Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1994. Vol. 23. № 1.

40 Johnson A. On the Prevalence of Rape in the United States // Signs. 1980. Vol. 6. № 1. P. 145; Scully D.

Understanding Sexual Violence. P. 53.

1 Koss M., Gidycz Ch.A., Misniewski N. The Scope of Rape: Incidence and Prevalence of Sexual Aggression and Victimization in a National Sample of Higher Education Students // Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

1987. Vol. 55. № 2.

2 Briere J., Malamuth N. Self-Reported Likelihood of Sexually Aggressive Behavior: Attitudinal versus Sexual Explanations // Journal of Research in Personality. 1983. № 17; Tieger T. Self-Rated Likelihood of Raping and Social Perception of Rape //Journal of Research in Personality. 1991. № 15.

Herman J.L. Considering Sex Offenders: A Model of Addiction // Signs.

1988. Vol. 13; Lefkowitz B. Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997; Terry D. Gang Rape of Three Girls Leaves Fresno Shaken and Questioning //

The New York Times. 1998. April 28; Hood J. «Let's Get a Girl»: Male Bonding Rituals in America // Men's Lives /

Ed. M.Kimmel, M.Messner. 4th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997.

44 Scully D. Understanding Sexual Violence. P. 74, 140, 159, 166.

45 Beneke T. Men on Rape. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. P. 81.

46 Straus M. et al. Behind Closed Doors. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor, 1981.

Russell D. Rape in Marriage. New York: Macmillan, 1982; FinklehorD., Yllo K. License to Rape: Sexual Abuse of Wives. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1985. P. 208, 217. О совершаемых мужьями изнасилованиях

см. также: Berger R.K. Wife Rape: Understanding the Response of Survivors und Service Providers. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 1996; Buckborough A.L. Family Law: Recent Developments in the Law of Marital Rape // Annual Survey of American Law. 1989; To Have and To Hold: The Marital Rape Exemption and the Fourteenth Amendment // Harvard Law Review. 1986. Vol. 99.

48 РДжеллз цит. по: Schulman J. Battered Women Score Major Victories in New Jersey and Massachusetts Marital Rape Cases // Clearinghouse Review. 1981. Vol. 15. № 4. P. 345,

Ehrenreich B. The Violence Debate since Adam and Eve // Test the West: Gender Democracy and Violence.

Vienna: Federal Minister of Women's Affairs, 1994. P. 30.

50 Bachman R., Saltzman L.E. Violence against Women: A National Crime Victimization Survey Report (NCJ No.

154348). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1994; Physical Violence in American Families Ed. M.Straus, R.Gelles. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1990; Kellerman A.L., Marcy J.A. Men, Women and Murder: Gender Specific Differences in Rates of Fatal Violence and Victimization / Journal of Trauma. 1992. Vol. 33. № 1; Stark E., Flitcraft A. Violence among Intimates: An 451

Epidemiological Review // Handbook of Family Violence / Ed. V. van Hasselt et al. New York: Plenum, 1988.

51 Dobash R.E., Dobash R., Wilson M., Daly M. The Myth оГ Sexual Symmetry in Marital Violence // Social Problems.

1992. Vol. 39. P. 81; Dobash R.E., Dobash R. Violence against Wives. New York: The Free Press,

1979; The Case of Wife Beating //Journal of Family Issues. 1981. № 2.

52 DeKeserdy W., Schwartz M. Contemporary Criminology. Mountain View, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1996.

53 Brott A. The Battered Statistic Syndrome // The Washington Post. 1994. July.

54 McNeely R.L., Robinson-Simpson G. The Truth about Domestic Violence: A Falsely Framed Issue // Social Work.

1987. Vol. 32. № 6.

55 SteinmetzS. The Battered Husband Syndrome //Victimology. 1978. № 2; Pagelow M.D. The «Battered Husband Syndrome»: Social Problem or Much Ado about Little? // Marital Violence Ed. N.Johnson. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985; Pleck E., Pleck J., Grossman M., Bart P. The Battered Data Syndrome: A Comment on Steinmetz's Article /Victimology. 1978. № 2; Storch G. Claim of 12 Million Battered Husbands Takes a Beating // Miami Herald.

1978. August 7; Straton J.C. The Myth of the «Battered Husband Syndrome» // masculinities. 1994. Vol. 2. № 4; James K.

Truth or Fiction: Men as Victims of Domestic Violence? // The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy.

1996. Vol. 17. № 3.

56 КДжеймс получил те же результаты на выборках супружеских пар в Австралии и Новой Зеландии, см.: James К. Truth or Fiction.

57 Stets J.E., Straus M. The Marriage License as a Hitting License: A Comparison of Assaults in Dating, Cohabiting and Married Couples // Journal of Family Violence. 1989. Vol. 4. № 2; Stets J.E., Straus M. Gender Differences in Reporting Marital Violence and Its Medical and Psychological Consequences // Physical Violence in American Families /

Ed. M.Straus, R.Gelles.

fQ United States Department of Justice; Bureau of Justice Statistics. Family

Violence, 1984.

Kaufman Kantor G.; Janinski J., Aldorondo E. Sociocultural Status and Incidence of Marital Violence in Hispanic Families //

Violence and Victims. 1994.Vol. 9. № 3; Janinski J. Dynamics of Partner Violence and Types of Abuse and Abusers // <http://www.nnfr.org/nnfr/research/pv_echl.html>

Bachman R., Saltzman L.E. Violence against Women. P. 6; Physical Violence in American Families / Ed. M.Straus, R.Gelles.

См., напр.: Yllo К. Through a Feminist Lens: Gender, Power, and Violence // Current Controversies on Family Violence /

Ed. R.J.Gelles, D.Loseke. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1993.

62 Jacobson N,, Gottman J. When Men Batter Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998. P. 36.

63 Saline C. Bleeding in the Suburbs // Philadelphia Magazine. 1984. March. P. 82; Straus M. et al. Behind Closed Doors; Hampton R.L. Family


Violence and Homicides in the Black Community: Are They Linked? // Violence in the Black Family: Correlates and Consequences. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1987; Hampton R.L, Gelles R. Violence towards Black Women in a Nationally Representative Sample of Black Families // Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 1994. Vol. 25. № 1.


Cazenave N., Straus M. Race, Class, Network Embeddedness and Family Violence: A Search for Potent Support Systems //

Physical Violence in American Families Ed. M.Straus, R.Geiles; Belluck P. Women's Killers Are Very Often Their Partners /

The New York Times. 1997. March 31. P. BI.

Haddock V. Survey Tracks Gay Domestic Violence // San Francisco Examiner. 1996. October 22.

Цит. по: Stephenson J. Men Are Not Cost Effective. P. 300; Klein D. Violence against Women: Some Considerations Regarding Its Causes and Elimination // The Criminal Justice System and Women / Ed. B.Price, N.Sokoloff. New York: Clark Boardman, 1982. R 212.

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