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№ 5. P. 530.

Глава 6

1 Сложно суммировать здесь суть всех дебатов о семье. См. несколько работ, напр.: Whitehead B.D. Dan Quayle Was Right // The Atlantic. 1993. April; Popenoe D. Life without Father: Compelling New Evidence that Fatherhood and Marriage Are Indispensable for the Good of Children and Society. New York: The Free Press, 1996; Idem. Modern Marriage: Revising the Cultural Script // Promises to Keep: Decline and Renewal of Marriage in America / Ed. D.Popenoe, J.B.Elshtain, D.Blankenhorn.

Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. С другой стороны, см.: Stacey J. Brave New Families. New York: Basic Books, 1990; Idem. In the Name of the Family: Rethinking Family Values in the Postmodern Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 1997, а также: CoontzS. The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap. New York: Basic Books, 1995; Idem. The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms with America's Changing Families. New York: Basic Books, 1998.

2 К.Поллит цит. по: Coontz S. The Way We Really Are. P. 95.

3 Coltrane S. Gender and Families. Newbury Park, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, 1998. P. 48—49; Coontz S. The Way We Really Are. P. 30.

4 По вопросу трансформации идеи брака см., напр.: Shorter E. The Making of the Modern Family. New York: Basic Books, 1977; Skolnick A. Embattled Paradise: The American Family in an Age of Uncertainty. New York: Basic Books, 1993; Lasch C. Women and the Common Life: Love, Marriage and Feminism. New York: Norton, 1997, особенно с. 162.

О жестокости мужей см., напр.: Mintz S., Kellogg S. Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of the American Family.

New York: The Free Press, 1988. P. 58.


Mintz S., Kellogg S. Domestic Revolutions. P. 50; см. также: Smith P. Daughters of the Promised Land: Women in American History. Boston: Little Brown, 1970; Demos J. The Changing Faces of Fatherhood: A New Exploration in American Family History // Father and Child: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives / Ed. S.Cath, A.Gurwitt, J.Ross. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. P. 429.

Demos J. Past, Present, and Personal: The Family and Life Course in American History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. P. 32; см. также: Hareven T. Family Time and Industrial Time. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Теннисон цит.

по: Skolnick A. Embattled Paradise. P. 35.

Цит. no: Popenoe D. Life without Father. P. 95.

Lerner G. The Lady and the Mill Girl: Changes in the Status of Women in the Age of Jackson // American Studies Journal. 1969.

Vol. 10. № 1. P. 7, 9; Dwight T. The Father's Book. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam, 1834. Общую информацию см.: Kimme! M. Manhood in America: A Cultural History. New York: Free Press, 1996. Chaps. 1, 2.

Lasch C. Women and the Common Life. P. 162.

Dill B.T. Our Mothers' Grief: Racial-Ethnic Women and the Maintenance of Families // Journal of Family History. 1988. Vol. 13.

№ 4. P. 428.

Gillis J. Making Time for Family: The Invention of Family Time(s) and the Reinvention of Family History // Journal of Family History. 1996. Vol. 21; Idem. A World of Their Own Making: Myth, Ritual, and the Quest for Family Values. New York: Basic Books, 1996.

Skolnick A. Embattled Paradise. P. 33; «Харперс базар» цит. по: Demos J. The Changing Faces of Fatherhood. P. 442; см.

также: LaRossa R. Fatherhood and Social Change // Family Relations. 1988. Vol. 37; Idem. The Modernization of Fatherhood: A Social and Political History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997; Griswold R. Fatherhood in America: A History. New York: Basic Books, 1993.

13 Skolnick A. Embattled Paradise. P. 41; Mintz S., Kellogg S. Domestic Revolutions. P. 110.

См.: Sugarman S.D. Single Parent Families // All Our Families: New Policies for a New Century / Ed. M.Mason, A.Skolnick.

S,Sugarman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. P. 20-21.

См.: LaRossa R. The Modernisation of Fatherhood.

Mintz S., Kellogg S. Domestic Revolutions. P. 179, 237; см. также: Coontz S. The Way We Really Are. P. 30.

17 Chafe W. The Unfinished Journey: America since World War II. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. P. 125; Zelditch M. Role Differentiation in the Nuclear Family: A Comparative Study // Family, Socialization and Interaction Process / Ed. T.Parsons, R.F.Bales. New York: The Free Press, 1955. P. 339.


Archibald MacLeish. Poem in Prose; из личного общения с Хелен

Смит. Я благодарен Хелен за то, что она подтолкнула меня к мысли, что


семья 1950-х гг. стала моделью для американцев среднего класса, проживающих в пригородах, включая, очевидно, и меня самого.

19 Griswold R. Fatherhood in America. P. 204; Lasch C. Women and the Common Life. P. 94; Cowan R.S. More Work for Mother. The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave. New York: Basic Books, 1983. P. 216; Лернер цит. по: Skolnick A. Embattled Paradise. P. 115.

См., напр.: Ehrenreich В. The Hearts of Men. New York: Doubleday, 1983 (о «протесте мужчин» против статуса

кормильца). См. также: Kimmel M. Manhood in America (особенно гл. 7).

См.: Skolnick A. Embattled Paradise. P. 148.


America's Fathers and Public Policy / Ed. N.A.Crowell, E.M.Leeper. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1994. P. 1.


Quindlen A. Men at Work // The New York Times. 1990. FebruarylS.

24 Coontz S. The Way We Really Are. P. 79; Skolnick A. The Intimate Environment. New York: HarperCollins, 1996. P. 342; Bruce J., Lloyd C.B., Leonard A. Families in Focus: New Perspectives on Mothers, Fathers, and Children. New York: The Population Council, 1995; Johnson D. More and More, the Single Parent Is Dad // The New York Times. 1996. March 27. P. A15.

25 Cherlin A. By the Numbers // The New York Times Magazine. 1998. April 5.

Hochschild A. (with A. Machung). The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home. New York: Viking, 1989. P. 258.

Footlick J.K. What Happened to the Family? // Newsweek. Special edition: The 21st Century Family. 1990.

Winter—Spring. P. 14.


Coltrane S. Family Man: Fatherhood, Housework and Gender Equity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. P.

203; см. также: Rubin L. Worlds of Pain. New York: Basic Books, 1976. R 131; Cherlin A. By the Numbers. P. 39.

29 Bernard J. The Future of Marriage. New York: World," 1972.

30 Gove WR. The Relationship between Sex Roles, Marital Status and Mental Illness // Social Forces. 1972. Vol. 51; Gove W, Hughes M. Possible Causes of the Apparent Sex Differences in Physical Health: An Empirical Investigation // American Sociological Review. 1979. Vol. 44; Gove W, Tudor J. Adult Sex Roles and Mental Illness // American Journal of Sociology. 1973. Vol. 73.

Бебин и статистика цит. по: Carey E. Kids Put a Damper on Marital Bliss: Study //Toronto Star. 1997. August 15.

P. A], A14.

32 Condry J., Condry S. Sex Differences: A Study in the Eye of the Beholder // Child Development. 1976. Vol. 47.

Lott B. Women's Lives: Themes and Variations in Gender Learning. Monterey, Calif: Brooks/Cole, 1987. См.

также: Schwartz L.A., Markham W.T. Sex Stereotyping in Children's Toy Advertisements // Sex Roles. 1985. Vol.

12; Ungar S.B. The Sex Typing of Adult and Child Behavior in Toy Sales // Sex Roles. 1982. Vol. 8.


34 Отчет об этом и других исследованиях см.: Jacklin С. Female and Male: Issues of Gender //American Psychologist. 1989. Vol. 44.

35 См., напр.: Thorne В. Boys and Girls Together... But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary Schools

// Relationships and Development / Ed. W.Hartup, Z.Rubin. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1986.

3 См., напр.: Thorne В., Luria Z. Sexuality and Gender in Children's Daily Worlds // Social Problems. 1986. Vol.


Thorne B. Gender Play. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1993. P. 3.

38 Hochschild A. The Second Shift; Amato P., Booth A. Changes in Gender Role Attitudes and Perceived Marital Quality // American Sociological Review. 1995. Vol. 60.

Mainardi P. The Politics of Housework // Sisterhood Is Powerful / Ed. R.Morgan. New York: Vintage, 1970.

Баллард и Фут цит. по: Cowan R.S. More Work for Mother. P. 43; Кэмпбелл цит. по: Strasser S. Never Done: A History of American Housework. New York: Pantheon, 1982. P 62.

Johnson D. More and More, the Single Parent Is Dad. P. A15.

42 Coltrane S. Family Man. P. 46; Vannoy-Hiller D., Philliber W.W. Equal Partners: Successful Women in Marriage. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1989. P. 115; Hochschild A. The Second Shift.

Hochschild A. Ideals of Care: Traditional, Postmodern, Cold-Modem and Warm-Modern // Social Politics. 1995.

Fall. P. 318.

Анна Куиндлен цит. по: Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. P, 8.

О привлечении мужчин к домашним обязанностям см.: Pleck J. Men's Family Work: Three Perspectives and Some New Data // The Family Coordinator. 1979. Vol. 28; Idem. American Fathering in Historical Perspective //

Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and, Masculinity Ed. M.S.Kimmel. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1937; Idem. Working WivesWorking Husbands. Newbury Park, Calif: Sage Publications, 1985; Idem.

Families and Work: Small Changes with Big Implications // Qualitative Sociology. 1992. Vol. 15; Idem. Father Involvement: Levels, Origins and Consequences // The Father's Role / Ed. M.Lamb. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley, 1997.

Press J., Townsley E. Wives' and Husbands' Housework Reporting: Gender, Class and Social Desirability // Gender

& Society. 1998. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 214.


Ladies Home Journal. 1997. September; Gray J. Domesticity, Diapers and Dad // Toronto Globe and Mail. 1996. June 15.

48 Usdansky M. White Men Don't Jump into Chores // USAToday. 1994. August 20; LawlorJ. Blue Collar Dads Leading Trend in Caring for Kids, Author

Says // The New York Times. 1998. April 15. 40

Цит. по: Coltrane S. Family Man. P. 162.


Adoption Symposium / Ed. A.Sullivan. Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, 1995. P. 5.

98 All Our Families. P. 8; Gay and Lesbian Parents / Ed. F.W.Bozett.

Stacey J. Gay and Lesbian Families: Queer Like Us // All Our Families. P. 135.

100 101

См.: Ibid.

Цит. no: Gelles R. The Violent Home. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1972. P. 14.

102 Bergman A., Larsen R., Mueller B. Changing Spectrum of Child Abuse // Pediatrics. 1986. Vol. 77.

Straus M., Gelles R., Steinmetz S. Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family. New York: Anchor, 1981. P.

94; Straus M. Beating the Devil Out of Them. New York: Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Gelles R. Family Violence. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1987. P. 165.


Skolnick A. The Intimate Environment, P. 426.


Harvard Men's Health Watch. 1998. № 2(11).

107 Demo D.H. Parent-Child Relations: Assessing Recent Changes // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1990.

Vol. 54. № 1. P. 224.

108 Hochschild A. The Second Shift. P. 269.



Цит. по: Quindlen A. Men at Work.

Greeley A. The Necessity of Feminism // Society. 1993. September. P. 13-14.


Lasch C. Women and the Common Life. P. 119. Coltrane S. Family Man. P. 223-225.

Глава 7

1 Поскольку по этим делам я делал экспертизу для Отдела гражданских прав Министерства юстиции США, то

опираюсь здесь на собственный опыт.

^Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. P. 56.

3 Clarke E.C. Sex in Education, or A Fair Chance for the Girls. Boston: Osgood, 1873. P. 128, 137.

Ferrier W.W. Origin and Development of the University of California. Berkleley: University of California Press, 1930; см.

также: Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness: How Schools Shortchange Girls. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994.

P. 22.

5 Durant H. F. The Spirit of the College // Against the Tide: Pro-Feminist Men in the United States, 1776—1990, a Documentary History / Ed. M.S.Kimmel, Th.Mosmiller. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992. P. 132.


Mauasiey н. лех in Mind and in Education (1874] // Desire and Imagination: Classic Essays in Sexuality / Ed. R.Barreca.

New York: Meridian, 1995. P. 208-209.

Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness. P. 14. Эти стереотипы иногда разрушаются при наложении на другие, например, на расовые; например, считается, что американки азиатского происхождения любят математику и

естественные предметы больше, чем белые девушки.


Karp D., Yoels W.C. The College Classroom: Some Observations on the Meanings of Student Participation // Sociology and Social Research. 1976. Vol. 60. № 4; How Schools Shortchange Girls: A Study of Major Findings on Girls and Education. Washington, D.C.: American Association of University Women, 1992. P. 68; Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness. P. 5.

9 Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness. P. 42—43. 10Orenstein P. Schoolgirls. New York: Doubleday, 1994. P. 11-12.

11 Weitzman L, Russo D. The Biased Textbook: A Research Perspective. Washington, D.C.: Research Center on Sex Roles and Education, 1974.

1 Weitzman L. et al. Sex Role Socialization in Picture Books for Preschool Children // American Journal of Sociology.

1972. Vol. 77. № 6.

13 Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. P. 56.

14 National Television Violence Study: In 2 vols. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1998. Vol. 2. P. 97.

15 Об IQ см.: Terman L., Oden M. The Promise ofYouth // Genetic Studies of Genius / Ed. L.Terman. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1935. О том, как девочек оценивают за внешность, а не за успехи, см.: Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness. P. 55, 134. О принижении одаренных девочек см.: How Schools Shortchange Girls. P. 48; Кэролайн

Хейлбран цит. по: Orenstein P. Schoolgirls. P. 37.

16 Hostile Hallways: The AAUW Survey on Sexual Harassment in America's Schools. Washington, D.C.: American Association of University Women, 1993; Садлер цит. по: Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness. P. 111.

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