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17 Smolowe J. Sex with a Scorecard // Time. 1993. .'.pril 5. P. 41; Gross J. Where «Boys Will Be Boys» and Adults Are Bewildered // The New York Times. 1993. March 29. P. Al.

18 Соммерс цит. по: Viadero D. Behind the Mask of Masculinity // Education Week. 1998. May 13; Томпсон цит. по: Combs M. What about the Boys? // Boston Globe. 1998. July 26; Koerner B. Wheri the Boys Aren't // U.S. News and World Report. 1999. February 8. P. 26. Подробнее об этой аргументации см.: Gurian M. The Wonder of Boys. New York: Jeremy Tarcher; Putnam, 1997. Несогласие с этой точкой зрения см. в рецензиях на книгу: Kimmel M. Boys to Men // San Francisco Chronicle. 1997. January 12; Idem. What about the Boys // Ms. 1999. October; Connell R.W.

Teaching the Boys // Teachers College Record. 1996. Vol. 98. № 2.

19 Gilligan C. In a Different Voice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982; Brown L.M., Gilligan C. Meeting at the Crossroads.

New York: Ballantine, 1992.

l5* 435

20 Поллак иит. по: Viadero D. Behind the Mask of Masculinity. См. также: Pollack W. Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood. New York: Random House, 1998.

21 Martino W. Masculinity and Learning: Exploring Boys' Underachievement and Under-representation in Subject English //Interpretation. 1994. Vol. 27. № 2; Idem. Boys and Literacy: Exploring the Construction of Hegemonic Masculinities and the Formation of Literate Capacities for Boys in the English Classroom // English in Australia.

1995. Vol. 112; Idem. Gendered Learning Experiences: Exploring the Costs of Hegemonic Masculinity for Girls and Boys in Schools // Gender Equity: A Framework for Australian Schools. Canberra: Publications and Public Communications, Department of Urban Services, ACT Government, 1997. Кэтрин Стимпсон иит. по: Lewin Т.

American Colleges Begin to Ask, Where Have All the Men Gone? // The New York Times. 1998. 6 December.

Martino W. Gendered Learning Experiences. P. 133—134.

Mac an Ghaill M. The Making of Men: Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling. Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press, 1994. P. 59; Gillborne D. Race, Ethnicity and Education. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990. P. 63; Coleman J. The Adolescent Society. New York: Harper and Row, 1961.

24 Цит. no: Kimmel M.S. The Struggle for Gender Equality: How Men Respond // Thought and Action: The NEA Higher Education Journal. 1993. Vol. 8. № 2.

Кеттел цит. по: O'Neit W. Divorce in the Progressive Era. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. P. 81; Chadwick F.E. The Woman Peril // Educational Review. 1914. February. P. 47 (цит. по: Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness).

26 United States Department of Education, 1996.

Riordan C. The Future of Single-Sex Schools // Separated by Sex: A Critical Look at Single-Sex Education for Girls.

Washington, D.C.: American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, 1998. P. 54.

28 Orenstein P. Schoolgirls. P. 27.

Tidball E. Perspective in Academic Women and Affirmative Action // Educational Record. 1973.

Epstein C.F. Deceptive Distinctions. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.

Crosby F. et al. Taking Selectivity into Account, How Much Does Gender Composition Matter?: A Reanalysis of M.

E.Tidball's Research // National Women's Studies Association Journal. 1994. № 6; см. также: Epstein C.F. The Myths and Justifications of Sex Segregation in Higher Education: VMI and The Citadel // Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy.

1997. № 4; Idem. Multiple Myths and Outcomes of Sex Segregation // New York Law School Journal of Human Rights.

1998. № 14.

Jencks C., Riesman D. The Academic Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977. P. 298, 300; Riesman D. A Margin of Difference: The Case for Single-Sex Education // Social Roles and Social Institutions: Essays 436

in Honor of Rose Laub Coser / Eds. J.R.BIau, N.Goodman. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1991. Несмотря на свои

исследования, Д.Рисман поддерживал политику военных вузов.

Tavris C. The Mismeasure of Woman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992. P. 127; Priest R., Vitters A., Prince H. Coeducation at West Point // Armed Forces and Society. 1978. Vol. 4. № 4. P. 590.

4 Epstein C.F. Multiple Myths and Outcomes of Sex Segregation. P. 191.

Dewey J. Is Coeducation Injurious to Girls? // Ladies Home Journal. 1911. June 11. P. 60.

36 Higginson T.W. Sex and Education // The Woman's Journal. 1874. P. 1 (перепечатано в: History of Woman Suffrage: In 6

vols. / Eds. S.B.Anthony, E.C.Stanton. Rochester, N.Y.: National American Woman Suffrage Association Press, 1881-1922. Vol.


37 IMI I. 766 Fed. Supp. P. 1435; VMI V. 116 S. St. 2264. См. также: Vojdik V.K. Girls' Schools after VMI: Do They Make the Grade? // Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy. 1997. № 4. P. 85; Epstein C.F. Multiple Myths and Outcomes of Sex Segregation. P 108.

38 Faulkner v. Jones, 858 Fed. Supp. 552 1994; Citadel Defendants' Proposed Findings of Fact. P. 1434.

39 См.: Vojdik V.K. Girls' Schools after VMI. P. 76. (Как и всякий, кто начинал учиться в колледже для юношей, а

продолжал учебу в колледже смешанного обучения, я готов под присягой подтвердить, что мужчин в мужском классе

гораздо сильнее отвлекало отсутствие женщин, чем их присутствие в классе совместного обучения. Когда рядом нет

женщин, большинство молодых людей только о них и думают!)

40 Epstein C,F. Multiple Myths and Outcomes of Sex Segregation. P. 206.

41 IMI. 852. Fed. Supp. P. 484; The New York Times, 1994. 9 May.

42 U.S. v. Virginia Military Institute, 116 S. Ct. 2285.

43 Henry T. VMI Cadets of Both Sexes Found «Kit Line* Equal // USA Today. 1998. March 18, P. 8D.

44 Gorman M.O. Front and Center // Runner's World. 1998. March. P. 90.

45 Bowler M. All-Male, All-Black, All Learning // The Baltimore Sun. 1995. October 15; Estrich S. For Girls' Schools and Women's College, Separate Is Better // The New York Times. 1994. May 22.

46 Harlem Girls School vs. The Three Stooges // The New York Observer. 1998. March 30. P. 4.

47 Haag P. Single-Sex Education in Grades K-12: What Does the Research Tell Us? // Separated by Sex. P. 34; Lee V. Is Single-Sex Secondary Schooling a Solution to the Problem of Gender Inequity // Ibid. P. 43; Riordan C. The Future of Single-Sex Schools // Ibid. P. 53; Leslie C. Separate and Unequal? // Newsweek. 1998. March 23. P. 55; Кларк цит. по: Whitaker С. Do Black Males Need Special Schools? // Ebony. 1991. March. P. 18.

48 Sadker M., Sadker D. Failing at Fairness. P. 125-126.


35 Hartmann H. Capitalism, Patriarchy and Job Segregation by Sex // Signs. 1976. Vol. l.№ 3. P. 139.

36 Цит. по: Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. P, 144.

37 MacKinnon C. Sexual Harassment of Working Women. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977.

38 Henson v. Dundee. 682 F 2d. 897. P. 902.

39 Crawford S. Sexual Harassment at Work Cuts Profits, Poisons Morale // Wall Street Journal. 1993. April 19. P.

llff; Stanko E. Intimate Intrusions. London: Routledge, 1985; Couric E. An NJL/West Survey, Women in the Law: Awaiting Their Turn //National Law Journal. 1989. December 11.

40 Neuborne E. Complaints High from Women in Blue Collar Jobs // USA Today. 1996. May 3-4.

41 De'Ann W Slow Healing at Mitsubishi // US News and World Report. 1997. September 22. P. 74, 76.

42 Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. P 28.

Цит. по: Stanko E. Intimate Intrusions. P. 61.

Crawford S. Sexual Harassment at Work Cuts Profits, Poisons Morale. P, llff.

Steinberg R. How Sex Gets into Your Paycheck. P. 2. 46 См.: Reskin В., Padavic I. Women and Men at Work.

Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, 1995.

Evans S., Nelson B. Wage Justice: Comparable Worth and the Paradox of Technocratic Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. P. 13; Reskin B. Bringing the Men Back In. P. 21.

48 Цит. по: Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. P. 165, 169.

См., напр.: Schwartz F., Anders G. The Mami Track // Hispanic. 1993. July.

Steinberg R., Cook A. Policies Affecting Women's Employment in Industrial Countries // Women Working / Ed.

A.Stromberg, S.Harkess. Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield, 1988. P. 326.

Mason K.O. Commentary: Strober's Theory of Occupational Sex Segregation // Sex-Segregation in the Workplace / Ed. B.Reskin. P. 169.

Crosby F. Spouse, Parent, Worker: On Gender and Multiple Roles. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990; Peters J. When Mothers Work; Loving Our Children without Sacrificing Ourselves. New York: Addison Wesley, 1997.

Глава 9

Цит. по: Sherrod D. The Bonds of Men: Problems and Possibilities in Close Male Relationships // The Making of Masculinities: The New Men's Studies / Ed. H.Brod. Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1987, P. 230; цит. по: Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. New York: Harper and Row, 1983. P. 59.


I Wollstonecraft M. A Vindication of the Rights of Women [1792]. London: Penguin, 1969. P. 56; Beauvoir S. de.

The Second Sex. New York: Vintage, 1959. P. 142.

Tiger L. Men in Groups. New York: Vintage, 1969.

Balswick J. The Inexpressive Male: A Tragedy of American Society // The Forty-Nine Percent Majority / Ed.

D.David, R.Brannon. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1976; Komorovsky M. Blue Collar Marriage. New York: Vintage, 1964; Pleck J. The Male Sex Role: Definitions, Problems and Sources of Change //Journal of Social Issues.

1976. Vol. 32. № 3. P. 273.

5 Lewis R. Emotional Intimacy among Men // Journal of Social Issues. 1978. Vol. 34; см. также: Pleck J. The Male Sex Role. P. 273.

Wright P. Men's Friendships, Women's Friendships and the Alleged Inferiority of the Latter // Sex Roles. 1982. Vol.

8. № 1. P. 3; Levinson D. The Seasons of a Man's Life. New York: William Morrow, 1978. P. 335.

Cancian F. The Feminization of Love // Signs. 1986. Vol. 11; Idem. Love in America: Gender and Self-Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

uBrehm S.S. Intimate Relationships. New York: Random House, 1985. P. 346.

Caldwell M., Peplau L. // Sex Differences in Same-Sex Friendships // Sex Roles. 1982. Vol. 8. № 7; Hess B.

Friendship // Aging and Society / Ed. M.Riley, M.Johnson, A.Foner. New York: Russell Sage, 1972.

Davidson L., Duberman L. Friendship: Communication and Interactional Patterns in Same-Sex Dyads // Sex Roles.

1982. bl. 8. № 8. P. 817.

II Rubin L. Just Friends. New York: Harper and Row, 1985. P. 60-63; idem.

Intimate Strangers. P. 130, 135.

Brehm S.S. Intimate Relationships; Wright P. Men's Friendships, Women's Friendships and the Alleged Inferiority of the Latter; Davidson L., Duberman L. Friendship; Bell R. Worlds of Friendship, Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981.

Walker K. «I'm Not Friends the Way She's Friends»: Ideological and Behavioral Constructions of Masculinity in Men's Friendships // masculinities. 1994. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 228; Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 104. Более подробно

о влиянии телефона см.: Fischer С. То Dwell among Friends. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.

Miller S. Men and Friendship. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.

Allen G. Friendship — Developing a Sociological Perspective. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1989. P. 66.

Wright P. Men's Friendships, Women's Friendships and the Alleged Inferiority of the Latter. P. 19.

Ashton N.L Exploratory Investigation of Perceptions of Influences on Best-Friend Relationships // Perception and Motor Skills. 1980. Vol. 50; Wall S., Pickert S.M., Paradise L.V. American Men's Friendships: Self-Reports on Meaning and Changes // The Journal of Psychology. 1984. Vol. 116.


18 Hacker H. Blabbermouths and Clams: Sex Differences in belt-Disclosure in Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Friendship Dyads // Psychology of Women Quarterly. 1981. Vol. 5. № 3.

19 Swain S. Men's Friendship with Women: Intimacy, Sexual Boundaries, and the Informant Role // Men's Friendships / Ed. P.Nardi. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1992. P. 77, 84. Развернутый обзор

литературы на эту тему см.: Maccoby E., Jacklin С. The Psychology of Sex Differences. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.

20 Bank B. Friendships in Australia and the United States: From Feminization to a More Heroic Image // Gender & Society. 1995. Vol. 9. № 1. P. 96.

21 Cohen T.F. Men's Families, Men's Friends: A Structural Analysis of Constraints on Men's Social Ties // Men's Friendships / Ed. P.Nardi. P. 117; Allen G. Friendship — Developing a Sociological Perspective. P. 75.

22 Harris S. Black Male Masculinity and Same Sex Friendships // The Western Journal of Black Studies. 1992. Vol.

16. № 2. P. 77; Simmons M. The Truth about Male Friendships // Men's Lives / Ed. M.Kimmel, M.Messner.

Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997.

Harris S. Black Male Masculinity and Same Sex Friendships. P. 78, 81; см. также: Franklin C.W. «Hey Home» —

«Yo, Bro»: Friendship among Black Men // Men's Friendships / Ed. P.Nardi.

24 Reid H.M., Fine G.A. Self-Disclosure Men's Friendships: Variations Associated with Intimate Relations //

Men's Friendships Ed. P.Nardi; Tschann J. Self-Disclosure in Adult Friendship: Gender and Marital Status Differences / Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 1988. Vol. 5; Wright P. Men's Friendships, Women's Friendships and the Alleged Inferiority of the Latter. P. 16-17.

25 Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 150, 154.

Suttles G. Friendship as a Social Institution // Social Relationships / Ed. G.McCall et al. Chicago: Aldine, 1970. P. 116.

27 Miller S. Men and Friendship. P. 2—3; Rubin L. Intimate Strangers.

P. 103.


Об этом эксперименте см.: Faderman L. Surpassing the Love of Men.

New York: Columbia University Press, 1981; цит. по: Swain S. Covert Intimacy: Closeness in Men's Friendships // Men's Friendships / Ed. P.Nardi. P. 83—84.

29 Nardi P., Sherrod D. Friendship in the Lives of Gay Men and Lesbians // Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

1994. Vol. 11; Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 105.

Цит. no: Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 130.

Nardi P. The Politics of Gay Men's Friendships // Men's Lives / Ed. M.Kimmel, M.Messner. P. 250.

32 Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 58, 159, 205.

33 Sherrod D. The Bonds of Men. P. 231.

34 Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 206.

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