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34 Rubin L. Intimate Strangers. P. 206.


Friendships: Male Intimacy and Middle-Class Youth in the Northern United States, 1800-1900 //Journal ofSocial History.

1989. Vol. 23. № I. P. 21.

36 М.Фуко цит. по: Men's Friendships / Ed. P.Nardi. P. 184; Segal L. Slow Motion: Changing Masculinities, Changing Men. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1990. P. 139.

Stone L. Passionate Attachments in the West in Historical Perspective // Passionate Attachments: Thinking about Love /

Ed. W.Gaylon, E.Person. New York: The Free Press, 1988. P. 33; Cancian F. Love in America. P. 70.

Stone L. Passionate Attachments in the West in Historical Perspective. P. 28.

Stone L. Passionate Attachments in the West in Historical Perspective. P. 32; Gordon M., Bernstein M.C. Mate Choice and Domestic Life in the Nineteenth-Century Marriage Manual // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1970.

November. P. 668-669.

Goode W.J. The Theoretical Importance of Love // American Sociological Review. 1959. Vol. 24. № 1.

41 Цит. по: Cancian F. Love in America. P. 19, 21, 23; см. также: Ryan M. The Cradle of the Middle Class: The Family in Oneida County, N.Y, 1790-1865. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

42 Cancian F. Love in America. P. 121 ;TavrisC. The Mismeasure of Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

P. 263; Rubin L. Intimate Strangers.

43 Rubin L. Worlds of Pain. New York: Basic Books, 1976. P. 147.

44 Hatfield E. What Do Women and Men Want from Love and Sex // Changing Boundaries / Ed. E.Allegier, N.McCormick. Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield, 1983.

45 Kephart W. Some Correlates of Romantic Love // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1967. Vol. 29; Dion K., Dion K. Correlates of Romantic Love // Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1973. Vol. 41; Hill C., Rubin Z., Peplau L.A. Breakups before Marriage: The End of 103 Affairs // Divorce and Separation: Context, Causes and Consequences Ed. G.Levinger, O.C.Moles. New York: Basic Books, 1979; Hobau C. Disillusionment in Marriage and Romanticism / Marriage and Family Living. 1958. Vol. 20; Idem. The Incidence of Romanticism during Courtship // Social Forces. 1958. Vol. 36; Knox D., Spoakowski J. Attitudes of College Students Toward Love // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1968. Vol. 30; Theodorson G. Romanticism and Motivation to Marry in the United States, Singapore, Burma and India // Social Forces. 1965. Vol. 44.

Dion K., Dion K. Correlates of Romantic Love; Rubin Z. Measurement of Romantic Love // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1970. Vol. 16. № 2; Hochschild A. Attending to, Codifying and Managing Feelings: Sex Differences in Love: Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 1975; Kanin E., Davidson K., Scheck S. A Research Note on Male-Female Differentials 443

in the Experience of Heterosexual Love // Journal of Sex Research. 1970. Vol. 6. P. 70.

47 Hill C., Rubin Z., Peplau L.A. Breakups before Marriage.

48 Kephart W. Some Correlates of Romantic Love.

49 Sprecher S-, Aron E., Hatfield E., Cortese A., Potapova E., Levitskaya N. Love: American Style, Russian Style, Japanese Style: Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Conference on Personal Relationships, Orono, Maine, 1992.

50 Из личного общения с Кэти Гринблат; результаты этого исследования еше не опубликованы.

51 Tavris С. The Mismeasure of Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992. P. 284.



Cancian E The Feminization of Love. P. 705, 709. Rubin L. Just Friends. P. 41.

Глава 10

1 Жюль Мишле цит. по: Gardetto D.C. The Social Construction of the Female Orgasm, 1650-1890: Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, 1988. P. 18.

2 Цит. по: Ehrenreich В., English D. For Her Own Good: 150 Years of Medical Advice to Women. New York: Anchor, 1974.

3 Kinsey A., Pomeroy W., Martin C. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders, 1953. P. 376.

4 Bart P. Male Views of Female Sexuality: From Freud's Phailacies to Fisher's Inexact Test: Paper presented at the Second National Meeting of the special section of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Key Biscayne, Florida, 1974. P. 6-7.

5 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991. P. 28, 42.

6 MacKinnon C. Only Words. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. P. 185.

7 См.: Sanders S., Reinisch J.M. Would You Say You «Had Sex» If... // JAMA 281. 1999. January 20.

8 Reynaud E. Holy Virility. London: Pluto Press, 1983. P. 41.

9 См., напр.: Tavris С. The Mismeasure of Woman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992; Lerner H. Women in Therapy.

New York: Harper and Row, 1989. Chap. 2.

loLaumann E.,GagnonJ., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

11 Ibid. P. 135.

12 Kimmel M., Plante R. Sexual Fantasies and Gender Scripts: Heterosexual Men and Women Construct Their Ideal Sexual Encounters: Unpublished


paper. Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1998.

13 См. также: Hariton E.B., Singer J. Women's Fantasies during Sexual Intercourse: Normative and Theoretical Implications //Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1974. Vol. 42. № 3; Goleman D. Sexual Fantasies: What Are Their Hidden Meanings? // The New York Times. 1983. February 28; Idem. New View of Fantasy: Much Is Found Perverse // The New York Times. 1991. May 7; May R. Sex and Fantasy: Patterns of Male and Female Development. New York: W.W.Norton, 1980; Chick D., Gold S. A Review of Influences on Sexual Fantasy: Attitudes, Experience, Guilt and Gender // Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 1987-1988. Vol. 7. № 1; Mednick R.A. Gender Specific Variances in Sexual Fantasy // Journal of Personality Assessment. 1977. Vol. 41. № 3; Follingstad D., Kimbrell C.D. Sexual Fantasies Revisited: An Expansion and Further Clarification of Variables Affecting Sex Fantasy Production // Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1986. Vol. 15. № 6; Knafo D., Jaffe Y. Sexual Fantasizing in Males and Females // Journal of Research in Personality. 1984. Vol. 18.

14 Stoller R. Porn. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. P. 31.

Обзор эмпирических исследований порнографии см.: Kimmel M., Linders A. Does Censorship Make a Difference?: An Aggregate Empirical Analysis of Pornography and Rape // Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality. 1996. Vol. 6.

№ 2.

Stoltenberg J. Refusing to Be a Man. Portland, Ore.: Breitenbush Books, 1989. P. 121.

17 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 102; Tavris C., Wade C. The Longest War. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1984. P. 111.


Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples. New York: William Morrow, 1983. P. 279; Schwartz P., Rutter V. The Gender of Sexuality. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, 1998. P. 60—61. Конечно, имеются систематические

тендерные различия в том, как респонденты говорят о своей сексуальной жизни: мужчины склонны

преувеличивать свой опыт, женщины — преуменьшать. Поэтому на столь существенные различия нужно

смотреть скептически.

Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples. P. 23^.

Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 347.

1 Jackson S. The Social Construction of Female Sexualitv // Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader / Ed. S.Jackson, S.Scott.

New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. P. 71.


Muehlenhard C. «Nice Women» Don't Say Yes and «Real Men» Don't Say No: How Miscommunication and the Double Standard Can Cause Sexual Problems // Women and Therapy. 1988. № 7. P. 100-101.

Аллен и другие мужчины цит. по: Fracher J., Kimmel M. Hard Issues and Soft Spots: Counseling Men about Sexuality

// Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Men / Ed. M.Scher, M.Stevens, G.Good, G.Eichenfeld. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1987.


24 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 13; о темпах изменения сексуальной активности см.: Grunseit A.C., Kippax S., Baldo M., Aggleton PA, Slutkin G. Sexuality Education and Young People's Sexual Behavior: A Review of Studies

// Journal of Adolescent Research. 1997.

25 Hollibaugh A. Desire for the Future: Radical Hope in Passion and Pleasure // Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader

/ Ed. SJackson, S.Scott; Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 5, 46.

26 Об уровне мастурбации см.: Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 86; Schwartz P., Rut-terV. The Gender of Sexuality. P. 39. О сексуальных установках см.: Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 507.

27 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality; Schwartz P., Rutter V.

The Gender of Sexuality. P. 165.

28 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality; Schwartz P., Rutter V.

The Gender of Sexuality. P. 102— 103; Janus S. The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior. New York: John Wiley, 1993. P. 315—316; Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples; New Sexual Agendas / Ed. L.Segal. New York: New York University Press, 1997. P. 67.

29 Kolata G. Women and Sex: On This Topic, Science Blushes // The New York Times. 1998. June 21. P. СЗ; молодая женщина цит. по: Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 14.

30 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 120.

31 Цит. по: Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 58; Koss M. et al. No Safe Haven: Male Violence against Women at Home, at Work, and in the Community. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1994.

32 Koss M., Dinero P.T., Seibel C.A., Cox S.L. Stranger and Acquaintance Rape: Are There Differences in the Victim's Experience? // Psychology of Women Quarterly. 1988. Vol. 12. № I.

33 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 336; Koss M. et al. No Safe Haven.

34 Levant R.F. Nonrelational Sexuality in Men // Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives / Ed. R.Levant, G.Brooks. New York: John Wiley, 1997. P 270.

35 См., напр.: Billy J.O., Tanfer G.K., Grady W.R., Klepinger D.H. The Sexual Behavior of Men in the United States // Family Planning Perspectives. 1993. Vol. 25. № 2; Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality.

36 Brooks G. The Centerfold Syndrome. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995; Idem. The Centerfold Syndrome //

Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives / Ed. R.Levant, G.Brooks. См. также: Levant R.F. Nonrelational Sexuality in Men // Ibid. P. 19; Johnston J. Appearance Obsession: Women's Reactions to Men's Objectification of Their Bodies // Ibid. P. 79, 101.



Good G., Sherrod N.B. Men's Resolution of Nonrelational Sex across the Lifespan // Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives / Ed. R.Levant G.Brooks. P. 189, 190.

38 Ibid. P. 186.

39 Wyden P., Wyden B. Growing Up Straight: What Every Thoughtful Parent Should Know about Homosexuality.

New York: Trident Press, 1968.

Green R. The «Sissy Boy» Syndrome. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.

41 Gilder G. Men and Marriage. Gretna, La.: Pelican Publisher, 1985.

Jackson J. Real Men (1983); социологическое исследование гендерной организации жизни таких геев см.: Levine M.P. Gay Macho: The Life and Death of the Homosexual Clone. New York: New York University Press, 1998.

Цит. по: Chappie S., Talbot D. Burning Desires: Sex in America. New York: Doubleday, 1989. P. 356.

Clarke C. Lesbianism: An Act of Resistance // Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader / Ed. S.Jackson, S.Scott. P. 155.

Bell A., Weinberg M. Homosexualities. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978; Masters W., Johnson V, Kolodny R.

Human Sexuality. New York: Harper and Row, 1978; Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples. P. 317.

Данные из: Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples; интервью цит. no: Bell A., Weinberg M.

Homosexualities. P. 220.

Nichols M. Lesbian Sexuality: Issues and Developmental Theory // Lesbian Psychologies / Boston Lesbian Psychologies Collective. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987; Masters W, Johnson V, Kolodny R. Human Sexuality.

48 Plummer K. Sexual Stigma. New York: Routledge, 1975. P. 102.

Davison G., Neale J. Abnormal Psychology: An Experimental-Clinical Approach. New York: John Wiley, 1974. P.


Muehlenhard C. «Nice Women» Don't Say Yes...; Gagnon J., Michaels S. Answer No Questions: The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Deviant Categorization: unpublished manuscript. 1989. P. 2. О влиянии гомофобии на

жизнь гетеросексуальных мужчин см. также: Goldstein R. The Hate That Makes Men Straight // The Village Voice. 1998. December 22.

Об этих изменениях в общем см.: Levine M.P. Gay Macho.

Kimmel M., Levine M. A Hidden Factor in AIDS: «Real» Men's Hypersexuality//The Los Angeles Times. 1991.

June 3. Конечно, выбираемые женщинами стратегии рискованного поведения тоже гендеризованы. Если

мужчины часто демонстрируют свою мужественность, совершая весьма рискованные поступки или

занимаясь рискованными видами деятельности, то женщины часто начинают употреблять наркотики в

контексте «романтических» отношений или при сексуальной инициации. А некоторые женщины также

подвергают себя риску заразиться СПИДом от мужчин — сексуальных партнеров. На это указала мне Роуз

Вайтц, за что я ей выражаю благодарность.


53 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 82-84, 98, 177, 192, 302-309, 518-529.

54 Rubin L. Erotic Wars-P. 165.

Глава 11

1 Youth and Violence: Psychology's Response. Vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth, 1993; Saving Youth from Violence // Carnegie Quarterly. 1994. Vol. 39. № I.

2 United States Department of Justice. Uniform Crime Reports, 1991. P. 17; Craven D. Sex Differences in Violent Victimization, 1994. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice (NCJ-164508), 1994; см. также: Daly M., Wilson M.

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