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Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired’, as published in Speeches of Fannie Lou Hamer: To Tell it Like It Is (University of Mississippi Press, 2013). Эта речь доступна для ознакомления онлайн на сайте Архива женской политической коммуникации Университета Айовы: https://awpc.cattcenter.iastate.edu/2019/08/09/im-sick-and-tired-of-being-sick-andtired-dec-20-1964/ На митинге Демократической партии свободы Миссисипи в Институциональной церкви Уильямса в Гарлеме, Нью-Йорк, где Фанни Лу Хамер была вместе с Малкольмом Икс, она произнесла речь о том, как после ожесточенной борьбы за свое право голосовать ее и других чернокожих женщин посадили в тюрьму за нахождение на автобусной остановке для белых в Чарльстоне, Южная Каролина. В тюрьме Фанни Лу Хамер подверглась жестоким избиениям, во время которых ей навсегда повредили глаз, почки и ногу. See Debra Michals (ed.) biography of Hamer (1917–77), National Women’s History Museum, https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/fannie-lou-hamer.

17. Dorothy Roberts (1997) discusses Hamer’s experiences and the prevalence of the covert, non-consensual sterilization of Black women in the 1970s in ‘The New Reign of Sterilization Abuse’, in Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction Britain’, Women’s History Review, 28(6) (2019), p. 872. and the Meaning of Liberty (second edition, Vintage, 2017), pp. 89–98.

18. ‘Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty and Genocide’, OIG Report, 14 September 2020, https://www.scribd.com/document/476013004/OIG-Complaint#from_embed; see also Izzie Ramirez, ‘An ICE nurse revealed that a US detention centre is performing mass hysterectomies’, Refinery 29, 15 September 2020, https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2020/09/10025368/ice-hysterectomies-immi-gration-whistleblower-project-south.

19. J. T. Witherspoon and V. W. Butler, ‘The etiology of uterine fibroids, with special reference to the frequency of their occurrence in the Negro: An hypothesis’, Surgery, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 58 (1934), pp. 57–61; see also Ranell L. Myles, ‘Unbearable fruit: Black women’s experiences with uterine fibroids’, Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2013, https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/sociology_diss/72.

20. Byllye Avery, ‘Equal, but still not on the same level’, in ‘National Black Women’s Health Project: Empowerment Th rough Wellness’, Contact, 98, August 1987, p. 4.

21. Felicia Ward, ‘I met Lillie and I discovered myself, or how self-help programmes are born’, ibid., p. 6.

22. Ibid., p. 7.

23. Avery, ‘Equal, but still not on the same level’, ibid., p. 4.

24. На сайте the Black Women’s Health Imperative есть больше информации о ключевых программах организации, специальных инициативах, политике, а также публикациях, посвященных «улучшению здоровья и благополучия» 21 миллиона чернокожих девочек и женщин, проживающих в США сегодня, https://bwhi.org/who-we-are/

25. Dorothea Z. Lack, ‘Women and pain: Another feminist issue’, Women & Therapy, 1(1) (1982), pp. 55–64.

26. Sean H. Yutzy and Brooke S. Parish, ‘Somatoform Disorders’, in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, ed. Robert E. Hales et al. (fifth edition, American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2008), pp. 609–622.

27. Ekkehard Othmer and Cherilyn DeSouza, ‘A screening test for somatization disorder (hysteria)’, American Journal of Psychiatry, 142(10) (1985), pp. 1146–1149.

28. Leila McNeil, ‘The woman who stood between America and a generation of «Thalidomide Babies»’, Smithsonian Magazine, 8 May 8, 2017, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/woman-who-stood-between-america-and-epidemic-birth-defects-180963165/

29. ‘Thalidomide in the market place’, Science Museum, London: Objects and Stories, 11 December 2019, https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/medicine/thalidomide.

30. See Katherine A. Liu and Natalie A. Dipetro Mager, ‘Women’s involvement in clinical trials: Historical perspective and future implications’, PharmacyPractice, 14(1) (January — March 2016), p. 708.

31. Advert for desPLEX (DES) by Grant Chemical Company, Inc. (NY, 1957) included in Amanda Arnold’s ‘The devastating effects of a 1940s «wonder pill» haunt women generations later’, Vice, 5 June 2017, https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/zmbvp9/des-daughters-the-devastating-effects-of-a-1940swonder-pill-haunt-women-generations-later.

32. Nancy Langston, ‘The retreat from precaution: Regulating Diethylstilbestrol (DES), endocrine disruptors, and environmental health’, Environmental History, 13(1) (January 2008), p. 50.

33. Ibid., pp. 50–51.

34. Belita Cowan, interview with Tania Ketenjian, September 1999, in Gary Null and Barbara Seaman For Women Only!: Your Guide to Health Empowerment (Seven Stories Press, 1999), p. 967.

35. Ibid. 7.

36. Lawrence K. Altman, ‘Rare cancer seen in 41 homosexuals’, the New York Times, 3 July 1981.

37. Susan Blumenthal, ‘A world without AIDS for American women’, amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, 20 June 2014, https://www.amfar.org/worldwithout-aids-for-american-women/ (originally published in the Huffington Post).

38. Women’s Health, Report on the Public Health Service Task Force on Women’s Health Issues: volume 1, Public Health Reports, 100(1) (January — February 1985), p. 76.

39. Ibid., p. 80.

40. Ibid., p. 81.

41. Bernadine Healy, ‘The Yentl syndrome’, The New England Journal of Medicine, 325(4) (25 July 1991), p. 275.

42. See Caroline Criado-Perez’s discussion of ‘Yentl syndrome’ in Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men (Vintage, 2019), pp. 217–220.

43. Healy, ‘The Yentl syndrome’, p. 274.

44. Blumenthal, ‘A world without AIDS for American women’; Blumenthal, ‘Writing a new national prescription to improve women’s health: History, progress and challenges ahead’, Huff post: Th e Blog, 1 April 2017, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/writing-a-national-pre-scr_b_8251238. See also ‘History of women’s participation in clinical research’, National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health, https://orwh.od.nih.gov/toolkit/recruitment/history.

45. As Healy wrote, ‘We must awaken fully to these facts and address the diseases of women as different from the diseases of men but of equal importance, even when they also aff ect men.’ ‘Th e Yentl syndrome’, p. 275.

46. Lucy Candib, ‘Women, Medicine, and Capitalism’, in Boston Women’s Health Collective, Women and Their Bodies, p. 7.

47. William Boly, ‘Raggedy Ann syndrome’, Hippocrates Magazine, July/August 1987; Philip M. Boff ey, ‘Fatigue «virus» has experts more baffled and skeptical than ever’, the New York Times, 28 July 1987; Mike Mariani, ‘A town for people with chronic-fatigue syndrome’, The New Yorker, 3 September 2019, https://www.newyorker.com/culture/per-sonal-history/a-town-for-people-with-chronic-fatigue.

48. Boly quoting Incline resident Chris Guthrie in ‘Raggedy Ann syndrome’.

49. Colin McEvedy and A. W. Beard, ‘Concept of benign myalgic encephalomyelitis’, British Medical Journal, 1 (3 January 1970), pp. 11–15.

50. See Liliana Dell’Osso et al., ‘Historical evolution of the concept of anorexia nervosa and relationships with orthorexia nervosa, autism, and obsessivecompulsive spectrum’, Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 12 (7 July 2016), pp. 1651–1660.

51. For a history of the clinical defi nitions of fi

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Книги, аналогичгные Нездоровые женщины. Почему в прошлом врачи не хотели изучать женское тело и что заставило их передумать - Элинор Клегхорн

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