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History, The New York Academy of Medicine, 4 March 2016, https://nyamcenterforhistory.org/2016/03/04/solving-womans-oldest-hygien-ic-problem-in-a-new-waya-history-of-period-products/; Ashley Fetters, ‘The tampon: A history’, The Atlantic, 1 June 2015, https://www.theat-lantic.com/health/archive/2015/06/history-of-the-tampon/394334/

50. Tampax advert, ‘Women are Winning the War — of Freedom’ (UK, 1942), reprinted in Sophie Elmhurst, ‘Tampon wars: The battle to overthrow the Tampax empire’, the Guardian, 11 February 2020.


1. Margery Spring Rice (1939), Working Class Wives: Their Health and Conditions (Virago, 1981), pp. 85–86.

2. ‘Maternal mortality and morbidity: Final report of departmental committee’, British Medical Journal, 2(3736) (13 August 1932), p. 328. See also Ann Oakley, ‘Blaming the Victim?’, in The Captured Womb: A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women (Blackwell, 1984), pp. 72–74.

3. Margery Spring Rice (1939), ‘The Mother in the Family Group’, in Working Class Wives, p. 19.

4. ‘Maternal mortality and morbidity’, p. 329.

5. Ibid., p. 19.

6. Ibid., pp. 14; 18.

7. Spring Rice, Working Class Wives, p. 69.

8. F. W. Stella Browne, ‘Cooperative women demand legalisation of abortion’, The New Generation (July 1934), Wellcome Collection.

9. Kate Fisher, Birth Control: Sex and Marriage in Britain 1918–1960 (Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 159–163; Stephen Brooke, Sexual Politics: Sexuality, Family Planning, and the British Left from the 1880s to the Present Day (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 94.

10. Garson Romalis, ‘Why I do abortions’, speech to the Morgentaler Symposium, Toronto, 25 January 2008, Reproductive Health Matters, 16(31), supplement (2008), p. 66.

11. Lesley A. Hall, ‘«I have never met a normal woman»: Stella Browne and the politics of womanhood’, Women’s History Review, 6(2) (2006), pp. 171–172.

12. F. W. Stella Browne quoted by Vicky Igliowski-Broad in ‘The Inter-departmental Committee on Abortion’, the National Archives (Th ursday, 26 October 2017), https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/inter-de-partmental-committee-abortion/

13. Deputation from the National Council of Women of Great Britain, Tuesday, 11 February 1936 at 11 a.m., the National Archives. See Ig-liowski-Broad, ‘The Inter-departmental Committee on Abortion’.

14. ‘Charge of procuring abortion: Rex v. Bourne’, British Medical Journal, 2(4046) (23 July 1938), p. 199.

15. Letter from Dr Joan Malleson to Mr Bourne (21 May 1938), ibid.

16. ‘Charge of procuring abortion: Acquittal’, British Medical Journal, 2(4046) (23 July 1938), pp. 204–205.

17. ‘The Abortion Report. Legal, medical and sociological aspects: Clarifi cation of law recommended’, British Medical Journal, 1(4093) (17 June 1939), p. 1250.

18. ‘The judge’s summing-up’, ‘Charge of procuring abortion: Rex v. Bourne’, British Medical Journal, 2(4046) (23 July 1938), p. 204.

19. ‘Charge of procuring abortion: Rex v. Bourne’, British Medical Journal, 2(4046) (23 July 1938), p. 202.

20. ‘Rex v. Bourne, Central Criminal Court. Macnaghten, J.’, 18–19 July 1938.

21. See Kate Gleeson’s discussion of the Bourne case and the authority of the medical establishment ‘over both women’s abortion decisions and the procedure’s legitimacy’ in ‘Th e Strange Case of the Invisible Woman in Abortion-law Reform’, in Gender, Sexualities and Law, ed. Jackie Jones et al. (Routledge, 2011), p. 219: «В то время женщин, проводивших аборты, часто демонизировали как „хищных гарпий“. Неудивительно, что подавляющее большинство арестованных за проведение абортов составляли женщины».

22. Workers’ Birth Control Group leafl et (1927), Trades Union Congress archive, Warwick Digital Collections, https://wdc.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/health/id/1716/

23. Dr Mary Caldwell’s statements to the Birkett Committee. Quoted by Madeleine Simms, ‘The compulsory pregnancy lobby — then and now’, Marie Stopes Memorial Lecture 1975, Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 25 (1975), pp. 714–715.

24. ‘The Minority Report’, in ‘Th e Abortion Report’, p. 1251.

25. Lord Woolton, BBC broadcast, 8 April 1940. Quoted by Angela Davis in ‘Wartime women giving birth: Narratives of pregnancy and childbirth, Britain c.1939–1960, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 47 (2014), p. 258.

26. See Anne Oakley, The Captured Womb: A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women (Blackwell, 1984), pp. 122–125.

27. Gisela Bock, ‘Racism and sexism in Nazi Germany: Motherhood, compulsory sterilization, and the state’, Signs, 3, ‘Women and Violence’ (Spring 1983), pp. 411–415.

28. See ‘California’ file in ‘Eugenics: Compulsory sterilization in 50 American states’, University of Vermont, http://www.uvm.edu/%7El-kaelber/eugenics/CA/CA.html. See also Dorothy Roberts, Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction and the Meaning of Liberty (Vintage, 1997; 2017), pp. 69–70.

29. Sarah Zhang, ‘A long-lost data trove uncovers California’s sterilization programme’, The Atlantic, 3 January 2017; Courtney Hutchison, ‘Sterilizing the sick, poor to cut welfare costs’, ABC News, 18 July, 2011; see also Alexandra Minna Stern, ‘Sterilized in the name of public health: Race, immigration, and reproductive control in modern California’, American Journal of Public Health, 95(7).

30. Sterilisation Order. Pacifi c Colony, Spadra, 1936. Sterilization and Social Justice Lab., University of Michigan, and California State Archives. See Natalie Lira, ‘Latinos and the consequences of eugenics’, PBS, 16 October 2018, https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperi-ence/features/eugenics-latinos-and-the-consequences-of-eugenics/

31. See ‘Mississippi’ and ‘North Carolina’ files in ‘Eugenics: Compulsory sterilization in 50 American states’.

32. Roberts, Killing the Black Body, p. 87.

33. George Davis, ‘A healing hand in Harlem’ (feature including interview with May Chinn), the New York Times, 22 April 22 1979, https://www.nytimes.com/1979/04/22/archives/a-healing-hand-in-harlem.html.

34. Roberts, Killing the Black Body, pp. 87–88.

35. Ibid., p. 86.

36. Lakshmeeramya Malladi, ‘United States v. One Package of Japanese Pessaries (1936)’, The Embryo Project Encyclopaedia, 24 May 2017, https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/united-states-v-one-package-jap-anese-pessaries-1936.

37. Margaret Sanger (1929), quoted by Roberts, Killing the Black Body, p. 88.

38. Ibid.

39. Report on the Economic Conditions of the South, Prepared for the President by The National Emergency Council (1938), p. 29.

40. Mary Rinehardt [sic] and Margaret Sanger for Birth Control Federation of America, Inc., ‘Birth control and the Negro’, draft proposal, July 1939. Quoted by Joyce C. Follet in ‘The Negro Project’, Making Democracy Real: African American Women, Birth Control, and Social Justice, 1910–1960, Smith College (2019), https://sophia.smith.edu/making-democracy-real/the-negro-project/

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