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of congestive dysmenorrhea and kindred disorders associated with the menstrual function (Stanford University, 1914), p. 10.

2. Ibid.

3. See Katherine R. Parker, ‘Clelia Duel Mosher and the Change in Women’s Sexuality’, in The Human Tradition in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, ed. Ballard C. Campbell (Scholarly Resources, 2000), pp. 119–120; see also Klara Platoni’s biography of Mosher in ‘The sex scholar’, Stanford Magazine (March — April 2010), https://stanfordmag.org/contents/the-sexscholar.

4. Clelia Duel Mosher, ‘Functional periodicity in women and some of the modifying factors’, California State Journal of Medicine, 9(1) (1911), pp. 4–5.

5. Parker, ‘Clelia Duel Mosher and the Change in Women’s Sexuality’, pp. 132–133.

6. Ibid., p. 122.

7. Mosher, ‘Functional periodicity in women and some of the modifying factors’, p. 7.

8. See Henry Sewell and Myra E. Pollard, ‘On the relations of diaphragmatic and costal respiration, with particular reference to Phonation’, The Journal of Physiology, 11(3) (1890), pp. 159–169.

9. Clelia Duel Mosher, ‘Strength of women’, Proceedings of the International Conference of Women Physicians (The Woman’s Press, 1920), p. 17.

10. Clelia Duel Mosher, Woman’s Physical Freedom (Th e Woman’s Press, 1923), p. 89.

11. Mosher A physiologic treatment, pp. 12–13.

12. J. P. Pratt and Edgar Allen, ‘Clinical tests of the ovarian follicular hormone’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 86(26) (1926), p. 1967.

13. Mosher, ‘Functional periodicity in women and some of the modifying factors’, pp. 4–5.

14. Discussion, Clelia Duel Mosher, ‘Strength of Women’, p. 20.

15. G. Herman, ‘Discussion on the causes and treatment of dysmenorrhoea’, British Medical Journal, 2(2599) (1910), p. 1211.

16. Ibid., p. 1212.

17. Ibid.

18. Sir John Bland-Sutton, Fibroids of the Uterus: Their Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment (Science Reviews Ltd, 1913), p. 61.

19. H. H. Hahn, ‘Electricity in gynaecology: Based on an experience of over one thousand applications’, Journal of American Medicine, 20 (1893), p. 328. Quoted and discussed by Lawrence D. Longo in ‘Electrotherapy in gynecology: The American experience’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 60(3) (1986), p. 351.

20. Bland-Sutton, Preface, Fibroids of the Uterus, p. 61.

21. See Ornella Moscucci, ‘The «Ineff able Freemasonry of sex»: Feminist surgeons and the establishment of radiotherapy in early twentieth-century Britain’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 81 (2007), pp. 141–142.

22. Alban H. Doran, Th e Present Position of Our Knowledge with Regard to the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids (Th e Royal College of Surgeons, 1903), p. 13.

23. Linda Goler Blount, ‘It’s not normal: Black women, stop suff ering from fibroids’, Black Women’s Health Imperative, 3 April 2019, https://bwhi.org/2019/04/03/its-not-normal-black-women-stop-suf-feringfrom-fibroids/

24. See ‘Informed choice? Giving women control of their healthcare’ (Report on treatment of endometriosis and fi broids, based on survey of 2600 women treated at NHS trusts in the UK), All-party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health (2017), http://www.appgwomenshealth.org/inquiry2017/

25. See ‘The «madness» of unnecessary hysterectomy has to stop’, The Lown Institute, 12 April 2019, https://lowninstitute.org/guest-post-the-madnessof-unnecessary-hysterectomy-has-to-stop. Автор ссылается на минимальные показатели заболеваемости в акушерстве и гинекологии, зафиксированные Советом по аккредитации высшего медицинского образования США, https://www.acgme.org/Portals/0/PFAssets/ProgramResources/220_Ob_Gyn_Minimum_Num-bers_Announcement.pdf?ver=2018-06-25-104354-993.

26. APPG, ‘Informed choice?’, pp. 16; 21.

27. Louisa Martindale, ‘The treatment of thirty-seven cases of uterine fibromyomata by intensive X-ray therapy’, British Medical Journal, 538 (9 October 1920), p. 539.

28. Ibid., p. 539.

29. See Louisa Martindale, ‘The Woman Doctor’s Future’, in The Woman Doctor (Mills & Boon, 1922), pp. 133–153.

30. See Robert J. Dickson, ‘Th e Marie Curie Hospital 1925–1968’, British Medical Journal, Vol. 4, 5628, (16 November 1968), p. 444.

31. Ibid.; and Ornella Moscucci, ‘The «Ineff able Freemasonry of sex»’.

32. ‘The Marie Curie Hospital’, British Medical Journal, 2 (15 December 1934), p. 1105.

33. Dickson, ‘The Marie Curie Hospital 1925–1968’, p. 446.

34. Industrial Fatigue Research Board, ‘The Economics of menstruation’, British Medical Journal, Vol. 1, 606, (7 April 1928), p. 606.

35. Barbara Brookes, ‘«The glands of destiny»: Hygiene, hormones and English women doctors in the first half of the 20th century’, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 23(1) (2006), pp. 55–57.

36. See Alice E. Sanderson Clow, opening paper, ‘Discussion on dysmenorrhea in young women: Its incidence, prevention, and treatment’, British Medical Association, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Bradford, 1924, Section of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, British Medical Journal, Vol. 2, 3326, (27 September 1924), pp. 558–561; 564–566.

37. ‘The Economics of menstruation’, p. 606.

38. Т. Стивенс в учебнике ‘The Diseases of Women’ (1931) заявил, что «лишь немногие женщины» «психически и физически нормальны во время менструации». Brookes, «The glands of destiny», p. 60.

39. Robert T. Frank, Case 3, ‘The hormonal causes of premenstrual tension’ (read at a meeting of the Section of Neurology and Psychiatry, New York Academy of Medicine, 10 February 1931), Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 26(5) (1931), pp. 1054–1055.

40. Ibid., p. 1054.

41. Ibid., p. 1055.

42. Robert T. Frank and M. A. Goldberger, ‘Clinical data obtained with the female sex hormone blood test’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 90 (14 January 1928), p. 106.

43. Karen Horney (1931), ‘Premenstrual Tension’, in Feminine Psychology (W. W. Norton, 1967), pp. 99–106.

44. See Paul Roazen, Helene Deutsch: A Psychoanalyst’s Life (Transaction, 1992), pp. 234; 340, and David S. Janowsky, ‘Menstrual and Premenstrual Mood Disorders’ (Psychodynamic Hypotheses), in Phenomenology and Treatment of Psychophysiological Disorders, ed. W. E. Fann et al. (Spectrum, MTP Press, 1982), p. 112–113.

45. Mary Chadwick, The Psychological Eff ects of Menstruation (Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1932).

46. Emil Novak (1935), The Woman Asks her Doctor (second edition, The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1944), p. vii.

47. Ibid., p. 14.

48. Rainey Horwitz, ‘Menstrual tampon’, Embryo Project Encyclopaedia (2020-05-25), http://embryo.asu.edu/handle/10776/13151; see also Sarah Kowalski, ‘Welcome to this New Day for Womanhood! Tampons in American History (December 1999), https://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/01/sarahk/hers/school/tampon.html.

49. See Johanna Goldberg «Solving woman’s oldest hygienic problem in a new way»: A history of period products’, Books, Health and

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