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in Illness and Medical Care Among 2 500 000 Persons in 83 Cities, With Special Reference To Socio-Economic Factors (A Collection of 27 Reprints), Federal Security Agency, U. S Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1945).Глава 15. ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЕ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ, ЛИЧНАЯ БОЛЬ

1. ‘The New National Health Service’, Ministry of Health and the Central Office of Information (1948).

2. Sylvia Diggory quoted by Denis Campbell in ‘Nye Bevan’s dream: A history of the NHS’, the Guardian, 18 January 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jan/18/nye-bevan-history-of-nhs-na-tional-health-service.

3. Read the Leaflet (1948) and Choose Your Doctor (1948), trailer films about the National Health Service, British Pathé Historical Collection, https://www.britishpathe.com/video/choose-your-doc-tor-trailer https://www.britishpathe.com/video/trailer-read-the-leaflet-english.

4. Mary Dowlding quoted in ‘The NHS: One of the greatest achievements inhistory, BBC News, 1 July 1998, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/events/nhs_at_50/special_report/123511.stm.

5. Восхитительный подробный анализ того, как Национальная служба здравоохранения изменила медицинскую культуру и практику, связанные с дородовым наблюдением и родами: ‘The Doctor’s Dilemma’ in Ann Oakley’s The Captured Womb: A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women (Blackwell, 1984), pp. 132–151.

6. President Truman, ‘Special Message to Congress Recommending Comprehensive Health Program’, 19 November 1945, Healthcare-Now, https://www.healthcarenow.org/legislation/president-trumans-special-message-tothe-congress-recommending-a-comprehensive-health-pro-gram/

7. Elizabeth Temkin, ‘Driving through: Post-partum care during World War II’, American Journal of Public Health, 89(4) (April 1999), pp. 587–589.

8. John R. Haserick and Roland Long, Case 3, ‘Systemic lupus erythematosus preceded by false-positive serologic tests for syphilis: Presentation of fi ve cases’, Midwest Regional Meeting of American College of Physicians in Columbus, Ohio, 13 October 1951, Annals of Internal Medicine, 37(3) (1952), p. 561.

9. Полный и интересный рассказ о клинической, биомедицинской и социальной истории аутоиммунитета, а также опыте пациентов: Warwick Anderson and Ian R. Mackay, Intolerant Bodies: A Short History of Autoimmunity (Th e Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014).

10. Joseph Earle Moore, Laurence E. Shulman and James T. Scott, ‘The natural history of systemic lupus erythematosus: An approach to its study through chronic biologic false positive reactors: Interim Report’, presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, 2 November 1956, Journal of Chronic Diseases, 5(3) (March 1957).

11. Table 4 (white, twenty-one-year-old female) in Moore, Shulman and Scott, ‘The natural history of systemic lupus erythematosus’, p. 65.

12. Helen Flanders Dunbar, Emotions and Bodily Changes (Columbia University Press, 1935); see also Constance M. McGovern, ‘Helen Flanders Dunbar — Pioneer in psychosomatic medicine’, Women in Medicine Magazine, 11 December 2016, http://www.womeninmedi-cine-magazine.com/profile-of-women-in-medicine/helen-flanders-dun-bar-pioneer-in-psychosomatic-medicine.

13. Franz Alexander, ‘The development of psychosomatic medicine’, Psychosomatic Medicine, 24(1) (January 1962); see also Chase Patterson Kimball, ‘Diagnosing Psychosomatic Situations’, in B. B. Wolman (ed.), Clinical Diagnosis of Mental Disorders (Springer, 1978), pp. 677–708.

14. Walter Freeman and James W. Watts, ‘Psychosurgery during 1936–1946’, Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry, 58(4) (1947), p. 421.

15. Andrea Tone and Mary Koziol, ‘(F)ailing women in psychiatry: Lessons from a painful past’, Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne 190(20) (2018).

16. Freeman and Watts ‘Psychosurgery during 1936–1946’, p. 420.

17. See ‘My lobotomy’, NPR All Th ings Considered, 16 November 2005), https://www.npr.org/2005/11/16/5014080/my-lobotomy-how-ard-dullysjourney?t=1603796908094 Also referenced by Lye Lenz in ‘The secret lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy’, Marie Claire, 31 March 2017, https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/a26261/secret-lobotomy-rose-mary-kennedy/

18. Walter Freeman and James Watts, Psychosurgery in the Treatment of Mental Disorders and Intractable Pain (second edition, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1950).

19. See Katie Serena, ‘The little-known history of Rosemary Kennedy, who was lobotomized so that JFK could succeed’, All That’s Interesting, 6 November 2017; updated 6 March 2020, https://allthatsinteresting.com/rosemary-kennedy-lobotomy.

20. Freeman and Watts, ‘Psychosurgery during 1936–1946’, p. 422.

21. R. W. Levy, H. Wilkins, J. D. Herrmann et al., ‘Experiences with prefrontal lobotomy for intractable ulcerative colitis’, Journal of American Medicine, 160 (1956), pp. 1277–1280.


1. Heather Radke’s brilliant essay ‘The magic bullet: How a drug called Miltown ushered in an age of pill-popping for anxious Americans’ in Topic Magazine, no.16 ‘Fear Itself ’ (October 2018) includes adverts for Miltown from both the medical and women’s press up to the 1960s, https://www.topic.com/the-magic-bullet.

2. D. Cooley, ‘The new nerve pills and your health’, Cosmopolitan, January 1956, pp. 68–75. Quoted by Jeremy A. Greene and David Herzberg, ‘Hidden in plain sight: Marketing prescription drugs to consumers in the twentieth century’, American Journal of Public Health, 100(5) (2010), p. 798.

3. Faith Cotter, ‘When tight becomes too tight: A helpful primer on vaginismus’, Jezebel, 23 January 2015, https://jezebel.com/when-tight-be-comes-too-tighta-helpful-primer-on-vagin-1679485378; Alexa Tsoulis-Reay, ‘What it’s like to have severe vaginismus’, Th e Cut, 21 April 2015, https://www.thecut.com/2015/04/what-its-like-to-have-severe-vaginismus.html.

4. Kate Lloyd, ‘It destroys lives: Why the razor-blade pain of vaginismus is so misunderstood’, the Guardian, 31 August 2020), https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/aug/31/pain-vaginismus-de-stroys-lives-misunderstoodcommon-conditions-surgery-treatment.

5. Henry B. Saff ord, ‘Tell me, Doctor’, Ladies Home Journal, September 1956, pp. 50, 55, 125. Quoted and discussed by Jonathan Metzl in ‘«Mother’s little helper»: The crisis of psychoanalysis and the Miltown resolution’, Gender & History, 15(2) (August 2003), pp. 251–252.

6. Advertisement for Meprospan (Wallace Laboratories), Journal of the American Medical Association, 1960, New York Academy of Medicine Library. See Radke, ‘The magic bullet’.

7. Colin T. Talley, ‘The emergence of multiple sclerosis, 1850–1970: A puzzle of historical epidemiology’, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 48(3) (Summer 2005), pp. 383–395.

8. Naomi Chainey, ‘How sexism is hindering medical research’, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 February 2018, https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/health-andwellness/how-sexism-is-hindering-medical-research-20180206-h0uy60.html.

9. L. A. Rolak, ‘Multiple sclerosis: It’s not the disease you thought it was’, Clinical Medicine & Research, 1(1) (2003), pp. 57–60; Jon Stone, Roger Smyth, Alan Carson, Steff Lewis, Robin Prescott, Charles War-low et al., ‘Systematic reviewf misdiagnosis of conversion symptoms and «hysteria»’, British Medical Journal, Vol. 331, 989, (October 2005), pp. 331; 989.

10. See M. M. Glatt (1962), ‘The abuse of barbiturates in the United Kingdom’, United Nations Offi ce on Drugs and Crime, https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/bulletin/bulle-tin_1962-01-01_2_page004.html.

11. National Health Service (Prescription Charges), HC Deb 29 November 1956, vol. 561 cc661–726, https://api.parliament.uk/histor-ic-hansard/commons/1959/jan/26/prescription-charges.

12. Ali Haggett, Desperate Housewives, Neuroses, and the Domestic Environment, 1945–1970

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