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cit.; Ratey, J. (2008), op. cit.; Sapolsky, R. (1992). Stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuronal death. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Sapolsky, R. (1994). Why zebras don’t get ulcers. New York: W. H. Freeman and Co.

5. Ratey, J. (2008), op. cit., p. 79.

6. Ibid.

7. Bravata, D., Smith-Spangler, C., Sundaram, V., Gienger, A., Lin, N., Lewis, R., Stave, C., Olkin, I., & Sirard, J. (2007). Using pedometers to increase physical activity and improve health: A systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Association, 298[19], 2296–2304.

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9. Ratey, J. (2008), op. cit., p. 245.

10. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Wherever you go there you are. New York: Hyperion Books, p. 4.

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16. Brach, T. (2003). Radical acceptance: embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha. New York: Bantam Books, p. 71–72.

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2. Dawson, P., & Guare, R. (2006). Executive skills in children and adolescents. New York: Guilford Press.

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4. Barkley, R., et al. (2008), op. cit.; Hallowell, E., & Ratey, J. (2005). Delivered from distraction: Getting the most out of life with ADD. New York: Ballantine; Ratey, N. (2008). The disorganized mind. New York: St. Martin’s Press; Sarkis, S. (2006). 10 simple solutions for dealing with adult ADD. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

5. Kohlberg, J., & Nadeau, K. (2002). ADD-friendly ways to organize your life. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

6. Hallowell, E., & Ratey, J. (2005), op. cit.; Kohlberg, J., & Nadeau, K. (2002), op. cit.

7. Hallowell, E., & Ratey, J. (2005), op. cit., p. 308

8. Ibid.; Kohlberg, J., & Nadeau, K. (2002), op. cit.; Ratey, N. (2008), op. cit.; Sarkis, S. (2006), op. cit.

9. Kohlberg, J., & Nadeau, K. (2002), op. cit.

10. Ibid., p.11

11. Hallowell, E., & Ratey, J. (2005), op. cit.

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13. Hallowell, E., & Ratey, J. (2005), op. cit., p. 177–186.

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13. Rendon, L. (1992). From the barrio to the academy: Revelations from a Mexican American “scholarship girl.” In L. Zwerling, & H. London (Eds.) (1992), First Generation College Students: Confronting the Cultural Issues. (p. 56–64). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p. 56.

14. Engle, J., et al. (2006), op. cit., p. 6.

15. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Ballantine.

16. First in my family (2007), op. cit.; Engle, J., et al. (2006), op. cit.

17. Engle, J., et al. (2006), op. cit., p. 22.

18. Ostrove, J., & Long, S. (2007), op. cit.

19. Engle, J., et al. (2006), op. cit.

20. Ibid.

21. Tuckman, B., Abry, D., & Smith, D. (2002). Learning and motivation strategies: Your guide to success. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; Tuckman, B. (2007). Evaluating a program for enhancing the study skills and academic performance of urban high school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

22. Engle, J., et al. (2006), op. cit.

23. Dweck, C. (2006), op. cit., p. 171–178.

24. Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself. New York: Viking.

25. First in my family (2007), op. cit.; Engle, J., et al. (2006),

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