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Вы можете действовать, даже если это вам неудобно.

Наследие прошлого не должно контролировать то, что вы делаете в настоящем.

Вы можете получать удовольствие от обучения, роста и испытаний.

Вы не должны чувствовать, что вы ценны только потому, что идеальны, быть идеальными, чтобы иметь ценность.

Приложение в

Использованные источники


1. Steel, P. (2007). The nature of procrastination: A meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure. Psychological Bulletin, 133[1], 65–94.

2. Steel, op. cit.

Часть первая


1. Meissner, W. (2007). Time, self, and psychoanalysis. New York: Jason Aronson.

2. Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself. New York: Penguin.

Глава 1


1. The new shorter oxford English dictionary (Vols. 1–2) (1973/1993). Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.

2. Ferrari, J. R., Johnson, J. L., & McCown, W. G. (1995). Procrastination and task avoidance: Theory, research, and treatment. New York: Plenum Press, p. 4.

3. Johnson, S. (1751). Rambler 134. Retrieved February 21, 2007, from www.samueljohnson.com/ram134.html.

4. “Morning Edition – Last word in business.” National Public Radio report July 21, 2008.

5. Steel, P. (2007). The nature of procrastination: A meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure. Psychological Bulletin, 133[1], 65–94.

6. Ferrari, J. R. (2004). Trait procrastination in academic settings: An overview of students who engage in task delays. In H. C. Schouwenburg, C. H. Lay, T. A. Pychyl, & J. R. Ferrari (Eds.) (2004), Counseling the procrastinator in academic settings (pp. 19–27). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, p. 23.

7. Steel (2007), op. cit.

8. Steel (2007), op. cit., p. 77.

Глава 2


1. Frost, R. O., Heimberg, R. G., Holt, C. S., Mattia, J. L., & Neubauer, A. L. (1993). A comparison of two measures of perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 14, 119–128.

2. Slaney, R. B., Rice, K. G., & Ashby, J. S. (2002). A programmatic approach to measuring perfectionism: The Almost Perfect Scales. In G. L. Flett, & P. L. Hewitt (Eds.) (2002), Perfectionism: theory, research, and treatment (pp. 63–88). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

3. Slaney, Rice, & Ashby (2002), op. cit.

4. Rice, K. G., & Ashby, J. S. (2007). An efficient method for classifying perfectionists. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54[1], 72–85.

5. Burns, D. (1980). The perfectionist’s script for self-defeat. Psychology Today; Burns, D. (1980/1999). Feeling good: The new mood therapy. New York: Avon Books.

6. Slaney, R. B., Rice, K. G., & Ashby, J. S. (2002), op. cit.

7. Jones, E. E., & Berglas, S. (1978). Control of attributions about the self through self-handicapping strategies: The appeal of alcohol and the role of under achievement. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 4, 200–206; Lay, C. H., Knish, S., & Zanatta, R. (1992). Self-handicappers and procrastinators: A comparison of their practice behavior prior to an evaluation. Journal of Research in Personality, 26, 242–257; Ferrari, J. R., & Tice, D. M. (2000). Procrastination as a self-handicap for men and women: A task-avoidance strategy in a laboratory setting. Journal of Research in Personality, 34, 73–83.

8. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House.

9. Ibid., p. 40.

10. Ibid., p. 16.

11. Sarton, M. (1987/1993). At seventy. New York: W. W. Norton, p. 10.

Глава 3


1. Lay, C. H. (2004). Some basic elements in counseling procrastinators. In H. C. Schouwenburg, C. H. Lay, T. A. Pychyl, & J. R. Ferrari (Eds.) (2004), Counseling the procrastinator in academic settings (pp. 43–58). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, p. 45.

2. Freud, S. (1914). Those wrecked by success. The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. XIV (1914–1916): On the history of the psycho-analytic movement, papers on metapsychology and other works. (pp. 316–331). London: The Hogarth Press.

3. Kolodny, S. (2000). The captive muse. Madison, CT: Psychosocial Press, pp. 80–81.

4. Fisch, R., Weakland J., & Segal, L. (1982). The tactics of change: Doing therapy briefly. San Fransicso: Josey-Bass.

5. Balint, M. (1968/1992). The basic fault: Therapeutic aspects of regression. London: Tavistock Publications.

6. Improving education for immigrant students: A guide for K-12 educators in the Northwest and Alaska. (2001). Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, p. 29. Retrieved on May 21, 2008, from www.nwrel.org/cnorse/booklets/immigration/4.html.

Глава 6


1. Meissner, W. (2007). Time, self, and psychoanalysis. New York: Jason Aronson.

2. Griffith, J. (1999/2004). A sideways look at time. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin.

3. Zimbardo, P., & Boyd, J. (2008). The time paradox: the new psychology of time that will change your life. New York: Free Press.

4. National Institute of Mental Health. (2007). Cell networking keeps brain’s master clock ticking. Retrieved May 25, 2007, from www.NIMH.NIH.gov/science-news/2007.

5. Sato, F., Kawamoto, T., Fujimoto, K., Noshiro, M., Honda, K. K., Honma, S., et al. (2004). Functional analysis of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor DEC1 in circadian regulation. Interaction with BMAL1. European Journal of Biochemistry, 271, 4409–4419. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15560782?dopt=Abstract.

6. Van Wassehnhove, V., Buonomany, D. V., Shimojo, S., & Shams, L. (2008). Distortions of subjective time perception within and across senses. Retrieved February 19, 2007, from www.plosone.org/article/info: doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0001437.

7. Meaux, J., & Chelonis, J. (2003). Time perception differences in children with and without ADHD. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 17[2], 64–71.

8. Zimbardo, P., & Boyd, J. (2008), op. cit.

9. Akerlof, G. (1991). Procrastination and obedience. American Economic Review, 81[2], 1–19.

10. Ibid.; Joireman, J., Strathman, A., & Balliet, D. (2006). Considering future consequences: An integrative model. In L. J. Sanna, & E. C. Chang (2006), Judgments over time: The interplay of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

11. University of Cincinnati. (2002). E-briefing, “A timely look at time.” Dec 20. Retrieved May 25, 2008, from www.uc.edu/news/ebriefs/time02.htm.

12. Rousseau, G., & Venter, D. (2004). Measuring time perception in a cross cultural environment. Retrieved May 25, 2008, from http://smib.vuw.ac.nz:8081/.

13. Lombardi, R. (2003). Knowledge and experience of time in primitive mental states. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 84, 1531–1549.

14. Our timeline is drawn from Calvin Colarusso’s series of articles about the development of a time sense in

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