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cavalier [kxvq`lIq] laughed [lRft] vigour [`vIgq] surmounting [sq`mauntIN]

We could see the man who carried the flag of truce attempting to hold Silver back. Nor was that wonderful, seeing how cavalier had been the captain’s answer. But Silver laughed at him aloud, and slapped him on the back, as if the idea of alarm had been absurd. Then he advanced to the stockade, threw over his crutch, got a leg up, and with great vigour and skill succeeded in surmounting the fence and dropping safely to the other side.

I will confess that I was far too much taken up with what was going on to be of the slightest use as sentry; indeed, I had already deserted my eastern loophole, and crept up behind the captain, who had now seated himself on the threshold, with his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands, and his eyes fixed on the water, as it bubbled out of the old iron kettle in the sand. He was whistling to himself, “Come, Lasses and Lads.”

Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll (Сильвер имел ужасно тяжелую работу = Сильверу было мучительно трудно взбираться на холм). What with the steepness of the incline (из-за крутизны склона), the thick tree stumps, and the soft sand (толстых = широких /древесных/ пней и мягкого = сыпучего песка), he and his crutch were as helpless as a ship in stays (он и его костыль были беспомощны, как корабль на мели; stay — стоянка; крепление). But he stuck to it like a man in silence (но он упорствовал: «приклеился к этому» как мужчина = мужественно и молчаливо), and at last arrived before the captain (и наконец остановился перед капитаном; to arrive — прибывать, достигать, дойти), whom he saluted in the handsomest style (которому отдал честь самым обходительным образом). He was tricked out in his best (он был одет в свой лучший /наряд/; to trick out — искусно, причудливо украшать, наряжать); an immense blue coat (длинный синий кафтан; immense — безмерный, огромный), thick with brass buttons (со множеством медных пуговиц; thick with — густо покрытый, изобилующий), hung as low as to his knees (свисавший до самых его колен: «так низко, как до его колен»), and a fine laced hat was set on the back of his head (и прекрасную обшитую галуном шляпу, сдвинутую на затылок; to lace — шнуровать, окаймлять /галуном/, отделывать).

“Here you are, my man (вот и вы, любезный: «мой человек»),” said the captain, raising his head (сказал капитан, поднимая голову). “You had better sit down (вам лучше сесть).”

“You aint a-going to let me inside, cap’n (/разве/ вы не собираетесь пустить меня внутрь, капитан)?” complained Long John (пожаловался = жалобным тоном сказал Долговязый Джон). “It’s a main cold morning, to be sure, sir, to sit outside upon the sand (это, конечно, очень холодное утро, сэр, чтобы сидеть на открытом воздухе на песке; main — основной, полнейший; чрезвычайно).”

incline [`InklaIn] saluted [sq`lHtId] knees [nJz] complained [kqm`pleInd]

Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll. What with the steepness of the incline, the thick tree stumps, and the soft sand, he and his crutch were as helpless as a ship in stays. But he stuck to it like a man in silence, and at last arrived before the captain, whom he saluted in the handsomest style. He was tricked out in his best; an immense blue coat, thick with brass buttons, hung as low as to his knees, and a fine laced hat was set on the back of his head.

“Here you are, my man,” said the captain, raising his head. “You had better sit down.”

“You aint a-going to let me inside, cap’n?” complained Long John. “It’s a main cold morning, to be sure, sir, to sit outside upon the sand.”

“Why, Silver (что ж, Сильвер),” said the captain (сказал капитан), “if you had pleased to be an honest man (если бы вы соблагоизволили /остаться/ честным человеком), you might have been sitting in your galley (вы бы сидели в своем камбузе). It’s your own doing (это ваши собственные деяния = сами виноваты). You’re either my ship’s cook (либо вы мой корабельный кок) — and then you were treated handsome (тогда с вами обращались бы неплохо) — or Cap’n Silver, a common mutineer and pirate, and then you can go hang (либо вы капитан Сильвер, обычный бунтовщик и пират, и тогда вы можете отправляться на виселицу)!”

“Well, well, cap’n (ладно, ладно, капитан),” returned the sea-cook, sitting down as he was bidden on the sand (ответил кок, садясь, как ему и предложили, на песок; to bid — предлагать, велеть, просить), “you’ll have to give me a hand up again, that’s all (вам придется дать мне руку, чтобы я поднялся, вот и все). A sweet pretty place you have of it here (хорошее у вас тут местечко; sweet — сладкий, приятный, милый; pretty — симпатичный, хороший). Ah, there’s Jim (а, вон Джим)! The top of the morning to you, Jim (доброе утро, Джим). Doctor, here’s my service (доктор, к вашим услугам = мое почтение). Why, there you all are together like a happy family, in a manner of speaking (да вы здесь все вместе, словно счастливая семья, так сказать).”

“If you have anything to say, my man, better say it (если у вас есть что-нибудь сказать, любезный, лучше скажите это),” said the captain.

galley [`gxlI] family [`fxmqlI] service [`sq:vIs]

“Why, Silver,” said the captain, “if you had pleased to be an honest man, you might have been sitting in your galley. It’s your own doing. You’re either my ship’s cook — and then you were treated handsome — or Cap’n Silver, a common mutineer and pirate, and then you can go hang!”

“Well, well, cap’n,” returned the sea-cook, sitting down as he was bidden on the sand, “you’ll have to give me a hand up again, that’s all. A sweet pretty place you have of it here. Ah, there’s Jim! The top of the morning to you, Jim. Doctor, here’s my service. Why, there you all are together like a happy family, in a manner of speaking.”

“If you have anything to say, my man, better say it,” said the captain.

“Right you were, Cap’n Smollett (вы правы, капитан Смоллетт),” replied Silver (ответил Сильвер). “Dooty is dooty, to be sure (долг есть долг, конечно). Well, now, you look here, that was a good lay of yours last night (ну а теперь послушайте, вы выкинули хорошую = ловкую штуку прошлой ночью; lay — поприще, работа, дело). I don’t deny it was a good lay (я не отрицаю, это была хорошая работа). Some of you pretty handy with a handspike-end (кто-то из вас весьма искусно /обращается/ с ганшпугом /рычаг для поворота ворота/). And I’ll not deny neither but what some of my people was shook (я не стану отрицать и того, что некоторые мои люди были потрясены /этим делом/) — maybe all was shook (может, /даже/ все); maybe I was shook myself (возможно, я сам был потрясен); maybe that’s why I’m here for terms (может быть, поэтому я здесь для договора). But you mark me, cap’n, it won’t do twice, by thunder (но заметьте, капитан, это не повторится во второй раз, /клянусь/ громом)! We’ll have to do sentry-go (нам придется выставить караульных; to do sentry-go — нести караул), and ease off a point or so on the rum (и уменьшить выдачу рома). Maybe you think we were all a sheet in the wind’s eye (может быть, вы думаете, мы все были мертвецки пьяными: «парусами на ветру»). But I’ll tell you I was sober (но я скажу вам, я был трезвым); I was on’y dog tired (только устал как собака); and if I’d awoke a second sooner I’d at caught you in the act, I would (и если бы я проснулся секундой раньше, я бы поймал вас на месте преступления, о да). He wasn’t dead when I got round to him, not he (он не был мертв, когда я добежал до него; to get round — передвигаться; посещать).”

“Well (итак)?” says Captain Smollett, as cool as can be (сказал капитан Смоллетт очень хладнокровно).

handspike [`hxndspaIk] deny [dI`naI] thunder [`TAndq]

“Right you were, Cap’n Smollett,” replied Silver. “Dooty is dooty, to be sure. Well, now, you look here, that was a good lay of yours last night. I don’t deny it was a good lay. Some of you pretty handy with a handspike-end. And I’ll not deny neither but what some of my people was shook — maybe all was shook; maybe I was shook myself; maybe that’s why I’m here for terms. But you mark me, cap’n, it won’t do twice, by thunder! We’ll have to do sentry-go, and ease off a point or so on the rum. Maybe you think we were all a sheet in the wind’s eye. But I’ll tell you I was sober; I was on’y dog tired; and if I’d awoke a second sooner I’d at caught you in the act, I would. He wasn’t dead when I got round to him, not he.”

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Книги, аналогичгные Английский язык с Р.Л.Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ (ASCII-IPA) - Роберт Стивенсон

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