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Dan Ariely, «Customers’ Revenge 2.0», Harvard Business Review (2007).

Ayelet Gneezy and Dan Ariely, «Don’t Get Mad, Get Even: On Consumers’ Revenge», manuscript Duke University (2010).

Keith Jensen, Josep Call and Michael Tomasello, «Chimpanzees are Vengeful but not Spiteful», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2007).

Kathleen Mazor, George Reed, Robert Yood, Melissa Fischer, Joann Baril and Jerry Gurwitz, «Disclosure of Medical Errors: What Factors Influence How Patients Respond?», Journal of General Medicine (2006).

Dominique de Quervain, Urs Fischbacher, Valerie Treyer, Melanie Schellhammer, Ulrich Schnyder, Alfred Buck and Ernst Fehr, «The Neural Basis of Altruistic Punishment», Science (2004).

Albert Wu, I-Chan Huang, Samantha Stokes and Peter Pronovost, «Disclosing Medical Errors to Patients: Its Not What You Say, its What They Hear», Journal of General Internal Medicine (2009).

Дополнительные источники:

Robert Bies and Thomas Tripp, «Beyond Distrust: ‘Getting Even’ and the Need for Revenge», Trust in Organizations: Frontiers in Theory and Research [Editors: Roderick Kramer and Tom Tyler], Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (1996).

Ernst Fehr and Colin F. Camerer, «Social Neuroeconomics: The Neural Circuitry of Social Preferences», TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences (2007).

Marian Friestad and Peter Wright, «The Persuasion Knowledge Model: How People Cope with Persuasion Attempts», Journal of Consumer Research (1994).

Alan Krueger and Alexandre Mas, «Strikes, Scabs and Tread Separations: Labor Strife and the Production of Defective Bridgestone/Firestone Tires», Journal of Political Economy (2004).

Ken-ichi Ohbuchi, Masuyo Kameda and Nariyuki Agarie, «Apology as Aggression Control: Its Role in Mediating Appraisal and Response to Harm», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1989).

Seiji Takaku, «The Effects of Apology and Perspective Taking on Interpersonal Forgiveness: A Dissonance-Attribution Model of Interpersonal Forgiveness», Journal of Social Psychology (2001).

Часть 2

Неожиданные способы, которыми мы отвергаем логику дома

Глава 6

Адаптация: почему мы привыкаем к вещам, но не ко всем и не всегда


Henry Beecher, «Pain in Men Wounded in Battle», Annals of Surgery (1946).

Philip Brickman, Daniel Coates and Ronnie Janoff-Bulman, «Lottery Winners and Accident Victims: Is Happiness Relative?», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1978).

Andrew Clark, «Are Wages Habit-Forming? Evidence from Micro Data», Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (1999).

Reuven Dar, Dan Ariely and Hanan Frenk, «The Effect of Past-Injury on Pain Threshold and Tolerance», Pain (1995).

Paul Eastwick, Eli Finkel, Tamar Krishnamurti and George Loewenstein, «Mispredicting Distress Following Romantic Breakup: Revealing the Time Course of the Affective Forecasting Error», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2008).

Leif Nelson and Tom Meyvis, «Interrupted Consumption: Adaptation and the Disruption of Hedonic Experience», Journal of Marketing Research (2008).

Leif Nelson, Tom Meyvis and Jeff Galak, «Enhancing the Television-Viewing Experience through Commercial Interruptions», Journal of Consumer Research (2009).

Tibor Scitovsky, «The Joyless Economy: The Psychology of Human Satisfaction», Oxford University Press, USA (1976).

David Schkade and Daniel Kahneman, «Does Living in California Make People Happy? A Focusing Illusion in Judgments of Life Satisfaction», Psychological Science (1998).

Дополнительные источники:

Dan Ariely, «Combining Experiences Over Time: The Effects of Duration, Intensity Changes and On-Line Measurements on Retrospective Pain Evaluations», Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (1998).

Dan Ariely and Ziv Carmon, «Gestalt Characteristics of Experiences: The Defining Features of Summarized Events», Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (2000).

Dan Ariely and Gal Zauberman, «Differential Partitioning of Extended Experiences», Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2003).

Shane Frederick and George Loewenstein, «Hedonic Adaptation», Well-Being: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology [Daniel Kahneman, Ed Diener and Nor-bert Schwarz], New York: Russell Sage Foundation (1999).

Bruno Frey, «Happiness: A Revolution in Economics», MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and London, UK (2008).

Dan Gilbert, «Stumbling on Happiness», Knopf (2006).

Jonathan Levav, «The Mind and the Body: Subjective Well-Being in an Objective World», Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decision Making? [Editors: Kathleen Vohs, Roy Baumeister and George Loewenstein], New York: Russell Sage (2007).

Sonja Lyubomirsky, «Hedonic Adaptation to Positive and Negative Experiences», [Editor: Susan Folkman] Oxford Handbook of Stress, Health and Coping. New York: Oxford University Press (2010).

Sonja Lyubomirsky, «The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want», Penguin Press (2007).

Sonja Lyubomirsky, Kennon Sheldon and David Schkade, «Pursuing Happiness: The Architecture of Sustainable Change», Review of General Psychology (2005).

Глава 7

Hot or Not: адаптация, ассортативное скрещивание и рынок красоты


Leonard Lee, George Lowenstein, James Hong, Jim Young and Dan Ariely, «If Tm Not Hot, Are You Hot or Not? Physical-Attractiveness Evaluations and Dating Preferences as a Function of One’s Own Attractiveness», Psychological Science (2008).

Дополнительные источники:

Ed Diener, BrianWolsic and Frank Fujita, «Physical Attractiveness and Subjective Well-Being», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1995).

Paul Eastwick and Eli Finkel, «Speed-Dating As a Methodological Innovation», The Psychologist (2008).

Paul Eastwick, Eli Finkel, Daniel Mochon and Dan Ariely, «Selective vs. Unselective Romantic Desire: Not All Reciprocity is Created Equal», Psychological Science (2007).

Elizabeth Epstein and Ruth Guttman, «Mate Selection in Man: Evidence, Theory and Outcome», Social Biology (1984).

Raymond Fisman, Sheena Iyengar, Emir Kamenica and Itamar Simonson, «Gender Differences in Mate Selection: Evidence from a Speed Dating Experiment», Quarterly Journal of Economics (2006).

Guenter Hitsch, Ali Horta^su and Dan Ariely, «What Makes You Click? — Mate Preferences in Online Dating», manuscript University of Chicago (2010).

Глава 8

Когда рынок терпит поражение: пример онлайновых свиданий


Jeana Frost, Zoe Chance, Michael Norton and Dan Ariely, «People are Experience Goods: Improving Online Dating with Virtual Dates», Journal of Interactive Marketing (2008).

Fernanda Viegas and Judith Donath, «Chat Circles», Paper presented at Human Factors in Computing Systems (1999).

Дополнительные источники:

Steven Bellman, Eric Johnson, Gerald Lohse and Naomi Mandel, «Designing Marketplaces of the Artificial with Consumers in Mind: Four Approaches to Understanding Consumer Behavior in Electronic Environments», Journal of Interactive Marketing (2006).

Rebecca Hamilton and Debora Thompson, «Is There a Substitute for Direct Experience? Comparing Consumers’ Preferences after Direct and Indirect Product Experiences», Journal of Consumer Research (2007).

John Lynch and Dan Ariely, «Wine Online: Search Costs Affect Competition on Price, Quality and Distribution», Marketing Science (2000).

Michael Norton, Joan DiMicco, Ron Caneel and Dan Ariely, «Anti-Group Ware and Second Messenger», ВТ Technology Journal (2004).

Глава 9

Сопереживание и эмоции: почему мы помогаем одному и не помогаем многим


Deborah Small and George Loewenstein, «Helping a Victim or Helping the Victim: Altruism and Identifiability», Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2003).

Deborah Small and George Loewenstein, «The Devil You Know: The Effects of Identifiability on Punishment», Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (2005).

Deborah Small, George Loewenstein and Paul Slovic, «Sympathy and Callousness: The Impact of Deliberative Thought on Donations to Identifiable and Statistical Victims», Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2007).

Peter Singer, «Famine, Affluence and Morality», Philosophy and Public Affairs (1972).

Peter Singer, «The Life You Can Save», Random House (2009).

Paul Slovic, «‘If I Look at the Mass I Will Never Act’: Psychic Numbing and Genocide», Judgment and Decision Making (2007).

Paul Slovic, «Can International Law Stop Genocide When Our Moral Institutions Fail Us?», manuscript Decision Research (2010).

Дополнительные источники:

Elizabeth Dunn, Lara Aknin and Michael Norton, «Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness», Science (2008).

Keith Epstein, «Crisis Mentality: Why Sudden Emergencies Attract More Funds Than Do Chronic Conditions and How Nonprofits Can Change That», Stanford Social Innovation Review (2006).

David Fetherstonhaugh, Paul Slovic, Stephen Johnson and James Friedrich, «Insensitivity to the Value of Human Life: A Study of Psychophysical Numbing», Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (1997).

Karen Jenni and George Loewenstein, «Explaining the ‘Identifiable Victim Effect», Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (1997).

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