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dreadful ['dredf(@)l], irregular [I'[email protected]], somersault ['[email protected]:sO:lt]

Blindly we ran through the gloom, blundering against boulders, forcing our way through gorse bushes, panting up hills and rushing down slopes, heading always in the direction whence those dreadful sounds had come. At every rise Holmes looked eagerly round him, but the shadows were thick upon the moor and nothing moved upon its dreary face.

"Can you see anything?"


"But, hark, what is that?"

A low moan had fallen upon our ears. There it was again upon our left! On that side a ridge of rocks ended in a sheer cliff which overlooked a stone-strewn slope. On its jagged face was spread-eagled some dark, irregular object. As we ran towards it the vague outline hardened into a definite shape. It was a prostrate man face downwards upon the ground, the head doubled under him at a horrible angle, the shoulders rounded and the body hunched together as if in the act of throwing a somersault. So grotesque was the attitude that I could not for the instant realize that that moan had been the passing of his soul.

Not a whisper, not a rustle, rose now from the dark figure (ни шепота, ни шороха не исходило теперь от темной фигуры) over which we stooped (над которой мы склонились). Holmes laid his hand upon him (Холмс положил на него руку), and held it up again (и поднял ее снова), with an exclamation of horror (в ужасе вскрикнув). The gleam of the match which he struck (слабый свет спички, которой он чиркнул; to strike — ударять; высекать, зажигать /об огне — с помощью кремня или спички/) shone upon his clotted fingers and upon the ghastly pool (осветил его пальцы в сгустках крови и жуткую лужу; to shine; to clot — образовывать сгустки; свертываться, запекаться /о крови/) which widened slowly from the crushed skull of the victim (которая медленно растекалась: «расширялась» из-под треснутого черепа жертвы). And it shone upon something else (и она осветила еще кое-что) which turned our hearts sick and faint within us (что заставило наши сердца /сжаться/ от боли; sick — больной; faint — слабый, ослабевший) — the body of Sir Henry Baskerville (тело сэра Генри Баскервиля)!

There was no chance of either of us forgetting (мы не могли: «не имели возможности» забыть) that peculiar ruddy tweed suit (тот необычный красноватого цвета твидовый костюм) — the very one which he had worn on the first morning (тот самый, который он носил = который был на нем в /то/ первое утро; to wear) that we had seen him in Baker Street (когда мы увидели его на Бейкер-стрит). We caught the one clear glimpse of it (мы на мгновение отчетливо увидели его; to catch a glimpse of — увидеть мельком), and then the match flickered and went out (а потом спичка вспыхнула и погасла; to go out — догореть, погаснуть /об огне, свете/), even as the hope had gone out of our souls (так же, как и надежда погасла в наших сердцах: «душах»). Holmes groaned, and his face glimmered white through the darkness (Холмс застонал, и его лицо мерцало в темноте белым /пятном/).

rustle [rVsl], ghastly ['gA:stlI], either ['[email protected]]

Not a whisper, not a rustle, rose now from the dark figure over which we stooped. Holmes laid his hand upon him, and held it up again, with an exclamation of horror. The gleam of the match which he struck shone upon his clotted fingers and upon the ghastly pool which widened slowly from the crushed skull of the victim. And it shone upon something else which turned our hearts sick and faint within us — the body of Sir Henry Baskerville!

There was no chance of either of us forgetting that peculiar ruddy tweed suit — the very one which he had worn on the first morning that we had seen him in Baker Street. We caught the one clear glimpse of it, and then the match flickered and went out, even as the hope had gone out of our souls. Holmes groaned, and his face glimmered white through the darkness.

"The brute! the brute!" I cried, with clenched hands (животное, — закричал я, сжав кулаки). "Oh, Holmes, I shall never forgive myself (о, Холмс, я никогда не прощу себе) for having left him to his fate (что бросил: «оставил» его /на произвол/ судьбы)."

"I am more to blame than you, Watson (я виновен больше вас, Ватсон). In order to have my case well rounded and complete (для того чтобы красиво завершить это дело; to round — округлять; доводить до совершенства, завершать), I have thrown away the life of my client (я погубил жизнь своего клиента; to throw away — выбрасывать; упускать возможность; губить /чью-либо/ жизнь). It is the greatest blow which has befallen me in my career (это самый сильный удар, который я получил: «который случился со мной» за /всю/ мою карьеру; to befall — приключаться, происходить, случаться, совершаться). But how could I know — how could I know (но откуда я мог знать) — that he would risk his life (что он будет рисковать своей жизнью) alone upon the moor (один на болотах) in the face of all my warnings (вопреки всем моим предупреждениям; in the face of — перед лицом; вопреки)?"

"That we should have heard his screams (и мы слышали его крики) — my God, those screams (мой Бог, эти крики)! — and yet have been unable to save him (и все же не смогли спасти его)! Where is this brute of a hound (где эта чертова собака; brute — животное; используется также как усиление) which drove him to his death (которая довела его до смерти; to drive)? It may be lurking among these rocks at this instant (может быть, она сейчас: «в этот момент» притаилась среди камней). And Stapleton, where is he (а Стэплтон, где он)? He shall answer for this deed (он ответит за это «деяние»)."

"He shall (он /ответит/). I will see to that (я прослежу за этим). Uncle and nephew have been murdered (убиты дядя и племянник) — the one frightened to death by the very sight of a beast (один напуганный до смерти одним /только/ видом зверя) which he thought to be supernatural (которого он считал сверхъестественным /существом/), the other driven to his end in his wild flight to escape from it (другой нашедший свой конец, спасаясь от него; in flight — отступая; to escape — бежать, спасаться). But now we have to prove the connection (но теперь нам придется доказывать связь) between the man and the beast (между человеком и зверем). Save from what we heard (кроме того, что мы слышали), we cannot even swear to (мы даже не можем утверждать под присягой) the existence of the latter (что последний существует), since Sir Henry has evidently died from the fall (поскольку очевидно, что сэр Генри умер при падении). But, by heavens, cunning as he is (но, черт возьми, как бы он ни был хитер), the fellow shall be in my power (этот человек будет в моей власти) before another day is past (прежде чем пройдет еще один день)!"

brute [bru:t], career [[email protected]'[email protected]], lurk [[email protected]:k]

"The brute! the brute!" I cried, with clenched hands. "Oh, Holmes, I shall never forgive myself for having left him to his fate."

"I am more to blame than you, Watson. In order to have my case well rounded and complete, I have thrown away the life of my client. It is the greatest blow which has befallen me in my career. But how could I know — how could I know — that he would risk his life alone upon the moor in the face of all my warnings?"

"That we should have heard his screams — my God, those screams! — and yet have been unable to save him! Where is this brute of a hound which drove him to his death? It may be lurking among these rocks at this instant. And Stapleton, where is he? He shall answer for this deed."

"He shall. I will see to that. Uncle and nephew have been murdered — the one frightened to death by the very sight of a beast which he thought to be supernatural, the other driven to his end in his wild flight to escape from it. But now we have to prove the connection between the man and the beast. Save from what we heard, we cannot even swear to the existence of the latter, since Sir Henry has evidently died from the fall. But, by heavens, cunning as he is, the fellow shall be in my power before another day is past!"

We stood with bitter hearts on either side of the mangled body (мы стояли с горечью в сердцах по обе стороны от искалеченного тела), overwhelmed by this sudden and irrevocable disaster (потрясенные внезапным и непоправимым несчастьем) which had brought all our long and weary labours (которое привело все наши длительные и утомительные труды = усилия) to so piteous an end (к такому достойному сожаления концу; pity — жалость). Then, as the moon rose (потом, когда взошла луна), we climbed to the top of the rocks (мы поднялись на вершину скалы) over which our poor friend had fallen (с которой упал наш бедный друг), and from the summit we gazed out over the shadowy moor (и сверху пристально оглядели мрачные болота), half silver and half gloom (наполовину /покрытые/ серебряным /светом/, наполовину мраком). Far away, miles off, in the direction of Grimpen (вдалеке, в /нескольких/ милях от /нас/ в направлении Гримпена), a single steady yellow light was shining (равномерно горел одинокий желтый огонек). It could only come from the lonely abode of the Stapletons (он мог гореть только в уединенном доме Стэплтонов). With a bitter curse I shook my fist at it as I gazed (с «сильными» проклятиями я потряс кулаком, когда посмотрел в ту сторону; to shake).

overwhelm [,@[email protected]'welm], fallen ['fO:l(@)n], shining ['SaInIN]

We stood with bitter hearts on either side of the mangled body, overwhelmed by this sudden and irrevocable disaster which had brought all our long and weary labours to so piteous an end. Then, as the moon rose, we climbed to the top of the rocks over which our poor friend had fallen, and from the summit we gazed out over the shadowy moor, half silver and half gloom. Far away, miles off, in the direction of Grimpen, a single steady yellow light was shining. It could only come from the lonely abode of the Stapletons. With a bitter curse I shook my fist at it as I gazed.

"Why should we not seize him at once (почему бы нам не схватить его сразу)?"

"Our case is not complete (наше дело не завершено = нам не хватает доказательств). The fellow is wary and cunning to the last degree (этот человек осторожен и хитер до последней степени). It is not what we know (/главное/ — не то, что мы знаем), but what we can prove (а что мы можем доказать). If we make one false move (если мы сделаем одно неверное движение) the villain may escape us yet (злодей может еще и сбежать от нас)."

"What can we do (что мы можем сделать)?"

"There will be plenty for us to do to-morrow (нам много нужно будет сделать завтра). To-night we can only perform the last offices to our poor friend (сегодня ночью мы можем только совершить над нашим другом погребальный обряд; to perform the last offices — совершать погребальный обряд: «последние службы/обряды»)."

Together we made our way down the precipitous slope (вместе мы спустились вниз по крутому склону; to make one's way — продвигаться, направляться) and approached the body (и приблизились к телу), black and clear against the silvered stones (темному и четкому на фоне серебрившихся камней). The agony of those contorted limbs (/при виде/ этих в мучениях скрюченных членов) struck me with a spasm of pain (у меня от горя перехватило дыхание; to strike — ударять; поражать; pain — боль; горе) and blurred my eyes with tears (и глаза наполнились: «затуманились» слезами).

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Книги, аналогичгные Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Собака Баскервилей (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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