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NY., 1969; Classes, strata and elites: essays on social stratification in Nordic and Third World history. Ed. by M. Morner, T. Svensson. Dept. of History, Gothenburg University, 1988; Men in Business: Essays in the History of Enterpreneurship. Ed. by W.Miller. Cambridge, 1952; Political elites and social change: studies of elite roles and attitudes. Ed. by M.M. Czudnowski. 1983; Studies of the structure of national elite groups. Ed. by G. Moore. Greenwich and London, 1985; The Rich, the Well Born, and the Powerful; Elites and Upper Classes in History. Ed. by F.C. Jaher. Urbana-Chicago-London, 1973.

3Higley J., Burton M.G. Elite Foundations of Liberal Democracy. Oxford, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2006; Lasch Ch. The revolt of the elites: and the betrayal of democracy. W.W. Norton, 1996; Lipset S.M., Bendix R. Social Mobility in Industrial Society. Berkeley, 1959; Marger M. Elites and Masses: an Introduction to Political Sociology. NY., 1987; Eldersveld S.J. Political elites in modern societies: empirical research and democratic theory. Ann Arbor, 1989; Boyd D. Elites and their education. Windsor, 1973; Matras J. Social Inequality, Stratification and Social Mobility. Prentice Hall, 1984; Parry G. Political elites. L., 2005; Perkin H.J. The Third Revolution: professional elites in the modern world. L., 1996; Putnam R.D. The Comparative Study of Political Elites. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1976; Reinhard W. Power elites and state building. Clarendon Press, 1996; Stopnicka-Heller C. Structured Social Inequality: A Reader In Comparative Social Stratification. NY, 1969; Verba S. Elites and the Idea of Equality: a Comparison of Japan, Sweden, and the United States. Cambridge (Mass.)– L., 1987; Aber-bach J.D., Robert D. Putnam R.D., Rockman B.A. Bureaucrats and Politicians in Western Democracies. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 1981; Clark G. The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility. Princeton University Press, 2014; Granick D. Managerial Comparisons of Four Developed Countries: France, Britain, United States, and Russia. VIN Press, 1972; Granick D. The European Executive. Garden City, NY., 1962; Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. St.Martin’s Press, 1985; Matthews D.R. The Social Background of Political Decision-Makers. NY., 1954.

4 Elites and Democratic consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe. Ed. by Higley J., Gunther R. Cambridge University Press, 1991; Elites in Latin America. Ed. by Lipset S.M., Solari A.E. NY., Oxford University Press, 1967; Parliamentary Representatives in Europe 1848–2000. Legislative recruitments and Careers in Eleven European Countries. Ed. by Best H. and Cotta M. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000; Sinclair A. The Last of the Best: The Aristocracy of Europe in the Twentieth Century. L., Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969.

5Blau P.N., Duncan O.D. The American Occupational Structure. NY., Wiley, 1967; Brownstein R.E.N. Raigan’s ruling class. NY., 1983; Domhoff G.W. Who Rules America. Englewood Cliffs, 1967; Dye T. Who’s Running America. Englewood Cliffs, 1986; Keller S. Beyond the Ruling Class: Strategic Elites in Modern Society. New Brunswick, 1991; Mills C.G. White Collar. The American Middle Classes. NY., 1951; Matthews D.R. U.S. Senators and Their World. NY., 1973; Newcomer M. The Big Business Executives: The Factors That Made Him. NY., 1955; Warner W.L. et al. The America Federal Executive. New Haven, 1963; Warner W.L., Abegglen J. Big Business Leaders in America. NY., 1963;

6Routh G. Occupation and Pay in Great Britain. 1906–1960. L., 1965; Clements R.V. Managers, a Study of their Careers in Industry. L., 1958; Copeman G.H. Leaders of British Industry. L., 1955; Elites and power in British society. Ed. by Stan-worth Ph., Giddens A. Cambridge, 1974; Erickson C. British Industrialists, Steel and Hosiery, 1850–1950. Cambridge, 1959; Guttsman W.L. The British Political Elite. L., 1963; Kelsall R.K. Higher Civil Servants in Britain from 1870 to the Present Day. London, 2002; Kelsall R.K., Poole A., Kuhn A. Graduates: the Sociology of an Elite. L., 1972; Punnett R. British Government and Politics. NY., 1968; Sampson A. The New Anatomy of Britain. L., 1971; Sheriff P. Carrier Patterns in the Higher Civil Service. L., 1976; The English Ruling Class. Ed. by W.L. Guttsman. L., 1969;

7Berlorgey G. Le gouverntment et l’administration de la France. Paris, 1967; Ridley F., Blondel J. Public Administration in France. L., 1964; Suleiman E.N. Elites in French Society: the Politics of Survival. Princeton, NY, 1978; Suleiman E.N. Politics, Power and Bureaucracy in France: The Administrative Elite. Princeton, NY, Princeton University Press, 1974;

8Demeter K. The German Officer Corps in Society and State, 1650–1945. L., 1965; Krejci J. Social Structure in Divided Germany. Groom Helm, 1976; Teichler U., Sanyal B.C. Higher education and the labour market in the Federal Republic of Germany. Paris, 1982.

9Alvarez J. Burocratia y poder politico en el regimen franquista. Madrid, 1984; Censo de poblasion de hecho por municipias y periodos. Madrid, 2002; Levis P.H. Latin Fascist Elites: The Mussolini, Franco, and Salazar Regimes. Westport, 2002; Who Governs Southern Europe?: Regime Change and Ministerial Recruitment, 1850–2000. Ed. by Tavares de Almeida P., Costa Pinto A. London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2003.

10Political Elites in the Middle East. Ed. by G. Lenczowski. Washington, 1975; Political elites and political development in the Middle East. Ed. by F. Tachau. New York, 1975; Zartman W. Elites in the Middle East. NY, 1980; Elites in South Asia. Ed. by E. Leach and S. N. Mukherjee. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1970

11An Pyong-man. Elites and political power in South Korea. Northampton, 2003; Koh B.C. Japan Administrative Elite. University of California Press, 1989; Mannari H. The Japanese Business Leaders. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1974;

12 Изменения социальной структуры советского общества. Октябрь1917— 1920. М., 1976; Изменения социальной структуры советского общества. 1921 – середина 1930-х гг. М., 1979; Бинеман Я., Хейнман. Кадры государственного и кооперативного аппарата СССР. М., 1930; Состав руководящих работников и специалистов Союза ССР. М., 1936; Советская интеллигенция и ее роль в строительстве коммунизма. М., 1983; Классы, социальные слои и группы в СССР. М., 1968; Подготовка кадров в СССР. 1927–1931 гг. М.—Л., 1933; Елютин В.П. Высшая школа СССР за 50 лет (1917–1967). М., 1967; Лебин Б.Д., Перфильев М.Н. Кадры аппарата управления в СССР. М., 1970;

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