Разумеется, создание этой книги было бы невозможно без работы над многочисленными журналистскими исследованиями, особенно связанными с многолетним сотрудничеством с The New York Times. Я благодарна всем своим редакторам: Трише Холл, Скотту Виалу, Онор Джеймс, Майклу Мейсону, Патрику Фаррелу, Роберту Зеффу, Джиму Керстеттеру и Александре Джейкобс. Они выписывали мне карт-бланш на бесчисленные журналистские задания и фактически вручали мне лицензию на умение слушать других людей.
1 Еще никто не терял работу, слушая своих коллег – “Meeting President and Mrs. Coolidge,” America’s Story from America’s Library, Library of Congress, http://www.americaslibrary.gov/aa/keller/aa_keller_coolidge_1.html.
2 Природа дала людям один язык, но два уха – Crossley Hastings Crossley and Crossley Hastings, The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, with the Hymns of Cleanthes (Urbana, IL: Project Gutenberg, 2006), 256, http:/ www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/871.
Глава 1. Утраченное искусство слушать
3 Для небольшой колонки воскресных обзоров – Kate Murphy, “Oliver Sacks,” New York Times, July 16, 2011, https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/17/opinion/sunday/17download.html. inability to recognize faces Oliver Sacks, “Face-Blind,” New Yorker, August 30, 2010, http:// www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/30/face-blind.
4 Эпидемиологические исследования установили связь между одиночеством и болезнями сердца, инсультом, деменцией и ослабленной функцией иммунной системы – Holt– Lunstad, Timothy B. Smith, and J. Bradley Laytong, “Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta–Analytic Review,” PLOS Medicine 7, no. 7 (2010), https://doi.org10.1371/journal. pmed.1000316; Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy B. Smith, Mark Baker, Tyler Harris, and David Stephenson, “Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review,” Perspectives on Psychological Science 10, no. 2 (2015): 227–237, https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691614568352; Amy Novotney, “Social Isolation: It CouldKill You,” Monitor on Psychology, 50, no. 5, (May 2019), https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/ce-corner-isolation. I am lonely “i am lonely will anyone speak to me,” Lounge, July 14, 2004, https://www. loungeforums. com/on – topic/i–am–lonely–will–anyone–speak–to–me–2420/; Oliver Burkeman, “Anybody There?,” Guardian, August 29, 2005, https://www. theguardian. com/technology/2005/ aug/30/g2. onlinesupplement; Robert Andrews, “Misery Loves (Cyber) Company,” Wired, June, 30, 2005, https://www. wired. com/2005/06/misery–loves–cyber–company; Tori Tefler, “ ‘I Am Lonely, Will Anyone Speak to Me’: Inside the Saddest Thread on the Internet, Ten Years Later,” Salon, November 20, 2014, https:// www.salon.com/2014/11/19 i am lonely will anyone speak to me inside the saddest thread on _ the internet ten years later/.
5 Во время опроса 20 000 американцев в 2018 году – “New Cigna Study Reveals Loneliness at Epidemic Levels in America,” Newsroom, Cigna Corporation, May 1, 2018, https://www.cigna.com/newsroom/news-releases/2018/new-cigna-study-reveals– loneliness-at-epidemic-levels-in-america.
6 Сравните эти данные с 1980 годами – Vivek Murthy, “The Loneliness Epidemic,” Harvard Business Review, October 12, 2017, https://hbr.org/cover-story/2017/09/work-and-the-oneliness-epidemic.
7 Уровень самоубийств в США среди людей в возрасте 30 лет увеличился на 30% – “Vital Signs: Trends in State Suicide Rates – United States, 1999–2016 and Circumstances Contributing to Suicide – 27 States, 2015,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 8, 2018, https:// www.cdc gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6722a1. htm ? s cid = mm6722a1 w; Sabrina Tavernise, “ U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High,” New York Times, April 22, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/22/health/us-suiciderate-surges-to-a-30-year-high.html.
8 Средняя продолжительность жизни в Америке начала уменьшаться – “Life Expectancy,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, July 26, 2018, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr67/nvsr67 05. pdf; Anne Case and Angus Deaton, “Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, https:// www. brookings. edu/wp–content/uploads/2017/08/casetextsp17bpea. pdf. often associated with loneliness Ariel Stravynski and Richard Boyer, “Loneliness in Relation to Suicide Ideation and Parasuicide: A Population– Wide Study,” Suicide and Life– Threatening Behavior 31, no. 1 (2001): 32–40; Rachel Wurzman, “How isolation fuels opioid addiction,” TEDxMidAtlantic, October 29, 2018, https://www.ted. com/talks/rachel wurzman how_ isolation fuels opioid addiction / transcript? language = en; Andrew Solomon, “Suicide, a Crime of Loneliness,” New Yorker, August 14, 2014, https:// www. newyorker. com/culture/cultural – comment/suicide – crime – loneliness.
9 По сообщениям Всемирной организации здоровья… – The World Health Organization reports “Suicide: Key Facts,” World Health Organization, August 24, 2018, https:// www. who. int/news – room/fact – sheets/detail/suicide; “Prevention of Suicidal Behaviours: A Task for All,” World Health Organization, https://www. who. int/mental health/prevention/suicide/background/en/.
10 …назначить «министра по проблеме одиночества» – “U.K. Appoints a Minster for Loneliness,” New York Times, January 17, 2018, https:// www. nytimes. com/2018/01/17/world/europe/uk – britain – loneliness. html.
11 …согласно докладу правительственной комиссии 2017 года – “Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness,” Age UK, https://www. ageuk. org. uk/globalassets/age – uk/documents/reports–and–publications/reports – and – briefings/active–communities/ rb dec17 _ jocox commission finalreport. pdf.
12 …изображают родственников, друзей или романтических партнеров для одиноких людей – Family Romance, http:// family – romance. com /; Roc Morin, “How to Hire Fake Friends and Family,” Atlantic, November 7, 2017, https://www. theatlantic. com/family/archive/2017/11/ paying – for – fake – friends – and – family/ 545060 / ; Elif Batuman, “Japan’s Rent–a–Family Industry,” New Yorker, April 30, 2018, https://www. newyorker. com/magazine/2018/04/30/ japans–rent–a–family– industry.
13 Одиночество не признает половых и национальных различий – “New Cigna Study Reveals Loneliness at Epidemic Levels in America,” Newsroom, Cigna Corporation, May 1, 2018, https://www.cigna. com/newsroom/news – releases/2018/new–cigna–study–reveals–loneliness–at–epidemic–levels–in–america; 2018 CIGNA U.S. Loneliness Index, https://www.multivu.com/players/English/8294451-cigna-us-loneliness-survey/docs/IndexReport_1524069371598-173525450.pdf.
14 …увеличилось более чем в два раза с 2008 года — Gregory Plemmons, Matthew Hall, Stephanie Doupnik, James Gay, Charlotte Brown, Whitney Browning, Robert Casey et al. “Hospitalization for Suicide Ideation or Attempt: 2008–2015,” Pediatrics 141, no. 6 (2018): e20172426, https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2017-2426.
15 Уже многое было сказано… – Jean M. Twenge, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?,” Atlantic, September 2017, https://www. theatlantic. com / magazine/archive/2017/09 /has – the – smartphone – destroyed – a – generation / 534198 /; Jean Twenge and Heejung Park, “The Decline in Adult Activities Among US Adolescents, 1976–2016,” Child Development 90, no. 2 (2019): 638–654, https:// doi . org / 10 . 1111 / cdev . 12930; Jess Williams, “Are My Generation Really as Boring as
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