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Martin, K., Rise of French Liberal Thought, 99–100.

104. In Smith, P., II, 518.

105. In Buffon, Oeuvres complètes, I, introd., xxii.

106. Rousseau, letter of Nov. 4, 1764.

107. Sainte-Beuve, II, 208.

108. Buffon, I, introd., xviii.

109. Ibid., XII, 324–30.

110. Ibid., 324n.

111. Hazard, 144.

112. Voltaire, letter to Helvétius, Oct. 27, 1740.

113. Sainte-Beuve, II, 254.

114. Jardine, 32.

115. Ibid., 29.

116. In Fellows and Torrey, Age of Enlightenment, 588n.

117. Garrison, F., History of Medicine, 334.

118. Lovejoy, A., The Great Chain of Being, 233.

119. Réaumur, Mémoires, in Smith, P., Modern Culture, II, 101.

120. Vartanian, A., Diderot and Descartes, 176.

121. Osborn, From the Greeks to Darwin, 118.

122. Maupertuis in Crocker, Age of Crisis, 81.

123. Osborn, 114–15.

124. Ibid., 122.

125. Lovejoy, Essays in the History of Ideas, 147.

126. Turberville, A. S., ed., Johnson’s England, II, 245.

127. Osborn, 119.

128. Ibid., 145.

129. 146.

130. Ibid.

131. 149.

132. Brett, G. S., History of Psychology, 423.

133. Condillac, Traité des sensations, 38

134. Ibid.

135. Ibid., 70.

136. Wolf, 689.


1. Osler, Evolution of Modern Medicine, 187.

2. Sigerist, Great Doctors, 235.

3. Castiglioni, A., History of Medicine, 602.

4. Williams, H. S., History of Science, IV, 78.

5. Garrison, History of Medicine, 346.

6. Ibid.

7. Vartanian, Diderot and Descartes, 270.

8. Wolf, 263.

9. Locy, Growth of Biology, 443.

10. Castiglioni, 613.

11. Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary, art. «Good.»

12. Garrison, 402.

13. Besant, London, 380.

14. Himes, Medical History of Contraception, 187.

15. Ibid., 191.

16. 198.

17. Chesterfield, Letters, Feb. 5, 1750.

18. Voltaire, Works, XIXb, 24.

19. Goncourts, The Woman of the 18th Century, 11.

20. Sée, Economic and Social Conditions in France in the 18th Century, 42.

21. Garrison, 321.

22. Traill, Social England, V, 425.

23. Chamousset in Lacroix, Eighteenth Century in France, 272.

24. Ibid,

25. Garrison, 400.

26. Ibid.

27. Castiglioni, 657.

28. Ducros, French Society in the 18th Century, 179.

29. Ercole, Gay Court Life, 421.

30. Harding, T. S., Fads, Frauds, and Physicians, 151.

31. Castiglioni, 641.

32. Traill, V, 51.

33. Montagu, Lady Mary W., Letters, I, 308.

34. Halsband, Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, III.

35. White, A. D., Warfare of Science with Theology, II, 55.

36. Ibid., 57; Garrison, 373.

37. Voltaire, Works, XIXb, 20.

38. Garrison, 351.

39. Besant, 377–78.

40. Garrison, 343.

41. Ibid., 110.

42. La Mettrie, Man a Machine, dedication.

43. Phil. Dict., art. «Physicians.»

44. Ford, Boris, ed., From Dryden to Johnson, 211.

45. Havens, The Age of Ideas, 345.

46. Garrison, 353; Sigerist, 237.

47. Aldis, Madame Geoffrin, 191; Herold, The Swiss without Halos, 85.

48. Brandes, Voltaire, II, III.

49. Mme. d’Épinay, Memoirs, III, 200.


1. Pappas, J. N., Berthier’s Journal de Trévoux and the Philosophes, 122.

2. Helvétius, De l’Esprit, Eng. translation, 414.

3. D’Alembert, Mélanges de littérature, d’histoire, et de philosophie (1759), in Cassirer, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 3; Frankel, Faith of Reason, 7–8.

4. In Wolf, 39.

5. Duclos, Considérations sur les moeurs, 27.

6. Mornet, Origines intellectuelles de la Révolution française, 55.

7. Ibid., 54.

8. Taine, Ancient Regime, 288.

9. Ibid.

10. In Martin, K., Rise of French Liberal Thought, 122.

11. Morley, Diderot, I, 169.

12. Mornet, 52.

13. Meslier, Jean, Superstition in All Ages, or Last Will and Testament, 30.

14. Ibid., Sec. CXXXV.

15. CVIII.


17. CLX.

18. LII.

19. II.

20. XXXII.

21. XC.

22. CLX.

23. XL.

24. XII.

25. CXII.

26. CLXI.

27. CLIII.

28. CXLIX.

29. CLV.

30. Preface, p. 37.

31. CVII.

32. CXLI.

33. CLXVI.

34. CLXII.

35. Preface, pp. 42–43.

36. CCIV.

37. Ibid.

38. CLV.

39. Preface, p. 41.

40. In Martin, K., 240.

41. Ibid., 242.

42. 241–42.

43. Hazard, European Thought in the 18th Century, 56.

44. La Mettrie, Man a Machine, 4.

45. Walt Whitman’s formula for war.

46. La Mettrie, 99.

47. Ibid., 100.

48. 94.

49. 134.

50. 128.

51. In Fellows and Torrey, Diderot Studies, II, 305.

52. Ibid., 316.

53. La Mettrie, 146.

54. Ibid.

55. Fellows and Torrey, Diderot Studies, II, 316.

56. La Mettrie, 103.

57. Fellows and Torrey, II, 307.

58. La Mettrie, 122.

59. Ibid., 129.

60. 149.

61. In Hazard, 128.

62. La Mettrie, 92.

63. Martin, H., Histoire de France, XV, 397.

64. La Mettrie, 119; Lange, F. A., History of Materialism, II, 86 f.

65. Parton, Life of Voltaire, II, 15.

66. Desnoiresterres, IV, 198–200.


1. Crocker, L. G., Embattled Philosopher, 5.

2. Ibid., 8.

3. 38.

4. Diderot, Pensées philosophiques, in Fellows and Torrey, Age of Enlightenment, 264.

5. Crocker, 65

6. Diderot, pensée XXVI.

7. In Crocker, 68.

8. Wilson, A. M., Diderot: The Testing Years, 86.

9. Cru, R. L., Diderot as a Disciple of English Thought, 189; Wilson, A. M., 90.

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