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Works, VIIb, 143.

5. Lecky, History of Rationalism, 145.

6. Blackstone, Commentaries (Oxford, 1775), IV, 60, in Lea, H. C., History of the Inquisition in Spain, IV, 247.

7. Clark, G. N., The 17th Century, 246.

8. Voltaire’s estimate, in Works, XXIa, 250.

9. Mark xvi, 16.

10. Smith, P., Modern Culture, II, 555.

11. Ibid., 556.

12. 550.

13. Putnam, G. H., Censorship of the Church of Rome, II, 255.

14. Wilson, A., Diderot, 121–22.

15. Brandes, II, 107.

16. Bertrand, D’Alembert, 92.

17. Brandes, II, 50.

18. Mornet, Origines intellectuelles de la Révolution française, 258.

19. Cf. Catholic Enc., III, 189.

20. Voltaire, Notebooks, II, 351.

21. Faguet, Literary History of France, 361, 516.

22. Smith, P., II, 268.

23. Schweitzer, A., Quest of the Historical Jesus, 23.

24. Quoted in Lovejoy, Essays in the History of Ideas, 103.

25. Ibid., 103 f.

26. Hsin-hai Chang, in private correspondence with the authors.

27. In Lovejoy, Essays, 105.

28. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 455.

29. In Lovejoy, 105–6.

30. Maverick, L. A., China, a Model for Europe, 126.

31. Fülop-Miller, R., Power and Secret of the Jesuits, 485.

32. Reichwin, A., China and Europe, 124.

33. Voltaire, Works, VIIIa, 176.

34. Pinot, V., La Chine et la formation de l’esprit philosophique en France, 425.

35. Ibid., 315, 281.

36. Maverick, 242.

37. Ibid., 113.

38. Philosophical Dictionary, art. «Glory,» in Works, Va, 208.

39. Works, XVIa, 119; XVIIIb, 278.

40. XIIIa, 29.

41. Montesquíeu, Persian Letters, XLVI.


1. Buckle, I, 660n.

2. Fuss, N., in Smith, D. E., History of Mathematics, I, 522.

3. Bell, E. T., Men of Mathematics, 148.

4. Ibid., 156.

5. 159.

6. Wolf, History of Science, 70.

7. Whitehead, A. N., Science and the Modern World, 91.

8. Bell, 170.

9. Ibid.

10. 171.

11. 185.

12. Whitehead, 90.

13. In Crocker, Age of Crisis, 8.

14. Bertrand, D’Alembert, 32.

15. Morley, J., Diderot, I, 123.

16. Bertrand, 143, 153, 164; Ségur, Julie de Lespinasse, 113–14.

17. Wolf, 217.

18. Williams, History of Science, II, 275.

19. Smith, P., Modern Culture, II, 73.

20. Williams, II, 286.

21. Ibid., 289.

22. 290.

23. 295; Wolf, 232.

24. Gibbon, Essai sur l’étude de la littérature, in Miscellaneous Writings, 2.

25. Williams, IV, 11.

26. Scheele, Treatise on Fire and Air, in Wolf, 358.

27. Ibid., 359.

28. Enc. Brit., XX, 62c.

29. Ibid., 62b.

30. Moore, F. J., History of Chemistry, 37–38.

31. French, S. J., Torch and Crucible: The Life and Death of Antoine Lavoisier, 80.

32. In Wolf, 353.

33. Moore, 44.

34. Ibid., 42.

35. Huxley, T. H., Science and Education, 23.

36. In Willey, Eighteenth-Century Background, 177.

37. Priestley, Jos., Essay on the First Principles of Government, in Willey, 195.

38. Priestley, History of the Corruptions of Christianity, in Willey, 170.

39. Essay on the First Principles of Government, in Huxley, 27.

40. Ibid., in Willey, 197.

41. Schuster, M. Lincoln, Treasury of the World’s Great Letters, 187.

42. French, S. J., 215.

43. Dakin, Turgot and the Ancien Régime in France, 166.

44. Moore, 49.

45. McKie, Antoine Lavoisier, 225.

46. Ibid., 293.

47. 325.

48. 319.

49. 412 f.

50. 404.

51. 407.

52. French, 267.

53. Williams, III, 11.

54. Langer, W. L., Encyclopedia of World History, 435.

55. Berry, Short History of Astronomy, 325.

56. Burney, Fanny, Diary, 161 (Dec. 30, 1786).

57. Williams, III, 21.

58. Enc. Brit., XI, 520d.

59. Bertrand, D’Alembert, 45.

60. Martin, H., XV, 397.

61. Bell, Men of Mathematics, 173.

62. Ibid.

63. 172.

64. Laplace, Système du monde, V, vi, in Berry, 322.

65. Laplace, Théorie analytique des probabilités, preface, in Nagel, Structure of Science, 282.

66. Quoted by Cajori in Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 677.

67. Sedgwick and Tyler, Short History of Science, 332.

68. Mousnier and Labrousse, Dix-huitième Siècle, 31.

69. In Bell, 182.

70. Berry, 307.

71. Wolf, 299.

72. Buffon, Oeuvres, IX, 455.

73. Ibid., 388.

74. XI, 454.

75. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, II, 269.

76. Buffon, Oeuvres, IX, 454.

77. Trattner, Architects of Ideas, 66.

78. Gourlie, Prince of Botanists: Carl Linnaeus, 3.

79. Ibid., 34.

80. In Hazard, European Thought in the 18th Century, 354.

81. Locy, Biology and Its Makers, 122.

82. Sainte-Beuve, II, 263.

83. Lecky, History of… Rationalism, II, 16.

84. Osborn, H. F., From the Greeks to Darwin, 130.

85. Bearne, A Court Painter and his Circle, 272.

86. Rousseau, letter of Sept. 21, 1771.

87. Gourlie, 270.

88. Wolf, 455.

89. Ibid., 456.

90. 457.

91. Enc. Brit., XVIII 3a.

92. Locy, 399.

93. Wolf, 349.

94. Ibid., 450.

95. Jardine, Wm., The Naturalist’s Library, 24.

96. Ibid., 321.

97. Sainte-Beuve, II, 264.

98. Osborn, 136.

99. In Butterfield, Origins of Modern Science, 175.

100. Buffon, Discours sur la nature les animaux, in Martin, H., XVI, 37.

101. Goncourts, Madame de Pompadour, 145.

102. Osborn, H. F., Men of the Old Stone Age, 3.

103. Osborn, From the Greeks to Darwin, 134, and

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