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"Others"', in Blood and Homeland: Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900–1940, ed. Marius Turda and Paul J. Weindling (Budapest and New York, 2007), 41–53; Letter of Adam Kuper, Nature, 364 (26 August 1993), 754.


Georg Friedrich Hamann, 'Emil Holub. Der selbsternannte Vertreter Österreich-Ungarns im Südlichen Afrika', in k. u. k. Kolonial, 163–95 (171).


О Кристиане фон Мехеле см. Kristine Patz, 'Schulzimmer', in Die kaiserliche Gemäldegalerie in Wien und die Anfänge des öffentlichen Kunstmuseums, ed. Gudrun Swoboda, vol. 2 (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar, 2014), 437–57.


Matthew Rampley, 'From Potemkin Village to the Estrangement of Vision: Baroque Culture and Modernity in Austria Before and After 1918', Austrian History Yearbook, 47 (2016), 167–81 (174–5); Evonne Levy, Baroque and the Political Language of Formalism (1845–1945), (Basle, 2015), 26.


Carl E. Schorske, Findesiècle Vienna: Politics and Culture (London, 1980), 48.


Rampley, 'From Potemkin Village to the Estrangement of Vision', 174.


Пер. Э. В. Венгеровой.


Adolf Loos, 'Ornament and Crime' (1908), in Ulrich Conrads, Programs and Manifestoes on 20thCentury Architecture, trans. Michael Bullock (Cambridge, MA, 1970), 19–24.


Berta Zuckerkandl, My Life and History, trans. John Sommerfield (New York, 1939), 25, 179.


James K. Wright, Schoenberg, Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle (Bern, 2007), 156.


John Leslie, 'Der Ausgleich in der Bukowina von 1910. Zur österreichischen Nationalitätenpolitik vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg', in Geschichte zwischen Freiheit und Ordnung. Gerald Stourzh zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. Emil Brix et al. (Vienna, 1991), 113–44.


Ulrike Harmat, 'Obdachlosigkeit, Wohnungselend und Wohnungsnot, 1848–1914', in Poverty, Charity and Social Welfare in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, ed. Olga Fejtova et al. (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017), 297–342.


Robert S. Wistrich, Laboratory for World Destruction: Germans and Jews in Central Europe (London and Lincoln, NE, 2007), 37, цитата Йозефа Блоха (1886). Об убежище в храме искусств см. Ernest Gellner, Language and Solitude: Wittgenstein, Malinowski and the Habsburg Dilemma (Cambridge, 1998), 45.


Jamie A. M. Bulloch, The Promotion of an Austrian Identity 1918–1938, PhD thesis (University of London, 2002), 207.


О желании Рудольфа увидеть, как умирает человек, см. Julius Szeps, 'Berliner und Wiener Hofgeschichten', Neues Wiener Journal, 18 November 1923, 6–7.


Wiener Zeitung, 28 February 1889, 17; Wiener Zeitung, 13 September 1889, 17; Bukowinaer Nachrichtungen, 3 March 1889, 9.


Gordon Brook-Shepherd, Archduke of Sarajevo: The Romance and Tragedy of Franz Ferdinand of Austria (Boston and Toronto, 1984), 42.


Об орнитологических публикациях Рудольфа см. Maarten Bijleveld, Birds of Prey in Europe (London and Basingstoke, 1974, and many later editions), 187, 244. Об охотничьих дневниках Франца Фердинанда см. Wladimir Aichelburg, Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand und Artstetten (Vienna, 1983), 34.


Rudolf Kiszling, 'Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand und seine Pläne für den Umbau der Donaumonarchie', Der Donauraum, 8 (1963), 261–6; Robert A. Kann, Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand Studien (Vienna, 1976), 153.


Samuel R. Williamson Jr, 'Influence, Power, and the Policy Process: the Case of Franz Ferdinand, 1906–1914', The Historical Journal, 17 (1974), 417–43 (418). О шифре см. Zoltán Szász, 'Über den Quellenwert des Nachlasses von Franz Ferdinand', Acta Historica (Budapest), 25 (1979), 299–315 (304).


«Много решимости в речах, мало в делах…» — см. Kann, Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand Studien, 20.


Ian D. Armour, Apple of Discord: The 'Hungarian Factor' in AustroSerbian Relations, 1867–1881 (West Lafayette, IN, 2014), 26–30.


József Thim, A magyarországi 1848–49iki szerb fölkelés története, vol. 1 (Budapest, 1940), 19, 108.


OeStA/HHStA, Kabinettsarchiv Minister Kolowrat Akten, 1829: 1700; 1830: 577; 1830: 1645; András Vári, 'Etnikai sztereotipiák a Habsburg Birodalomban a 19. század elején', Tabula, 3 (2000), 50–76 (58–68).


A Handbook for Travellers in Southern Germany, 5th ed. (London, 1850), 514; Sam White, 'Rethinking Disease in Ottoman History', International Journal of Middle East Stud ies, 42 (2010), 549–67 (557); Andre Gingrich, 'The Nearby Frontier: Structural Analyses of Myths of Orientalism', Diogenes, 60 (2015), 60–6.


О снабжении мятежников через Котор см. Karl Went von Römo, Ein Soldatenleben (Vienna, 1904), 158–9.


Scott W. Lackey, The Rebirth of the Habsburg Army: Friedrich Beck and the Rise of the General Staff (Westport, CT, and London, 1995), 74–5; Gunther E. Rothenberg, The Army of Francis Joseph (West Lafayette, IN, 1976), 97.


Emil Mattauschek, 'Einiges über die Degeneration des bosnisch-herzegowinischen Volkes,' Jahrbücher für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 29 (1908), 134–48.


Brigitte Fuchs, 'Orientalizing Disease: Austro-Hungarian Policies of "Race", Gender, and Hygiene in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1874–1914', in Health, Hygiene and Eugenics in Southeastern Europe to 1945, ed. Christian Promitzer et al. (Budapest and New York, 2011), 57–85; более общую информацию см. в Anne McClintock, Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Context (London and New York, 1995).


Йожеф Слави (1882), цит. по: Zoltán Fónagy, 'Bosznia-Hercegovina integrációja az okkupáció után', Történelmi Szemle, 56 (2014), 27–60 (33).


Diana Reynolds-Cordileone, 'Displaying Bosnia: Imperialism, Orientalism, and Exhibitionary Cultures in Vienna and Beyond: 1878–1914', AHY, 46 (2015), 29–50 (32).


Marian Wenzel, 'Bosnian

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