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позабавимся…» — см. Donald W. Miles, Cinco de Mayo (Lincoln, NE, 2006), 243.


Dina Gusejnova, European Elites and Ideas of Empire 1917–1957 (Cambridge, 2016), 3–10.


Alexander Maxwell, 'The Handsome Man with Hungarian Moustache and Beard', Cultural and Social History, 12 (2015), 51–76 (64); Alexander Maxwell, 'Nationalizing Sexuality: Sexual Stereotypes in the Habsburg Empire', Journal of the History of Sexuality, 14 (2005), 266–90.


Alexander Maxwell, 'National Alcohol in Hungary's Reform Era: Wine, Spirits, and the Patriotic Imagination', Central Europe, 12 (2014), 117–35 (129).


Oto Luthar, 'The Slice of Desire: Intercultural Practices Versus National Loyalties', in Understanding Multiculturalism: The Habsburg Central European Experience, ed. Johannes Feichtinger and Gary B. Cohen (New York and Oxford, 2014), 161–73 (166–7); Tara Zahra, 'Imagined Noncommunities: National Indifference as a Category of Analysis', Slavic Review, 69 (2010), 93–119.


Az 1881. évi elején végrehajtott népszámlalás, vol. 1 (Budapest, 1882), 222–3.


Heindl, Josephinische Mandarine, 99–120.


Gerald Stourzh, Der Umfang der österreichischen Geschichte (Vienna, Cologne, and Graz, 2011), 284; Hugh and Christopher Seton-Watson, The Making of a New Europe: R. W. SetonWatson and the Last Years of AustriaHungary (London, 1981), 33.


Gerald Stourzh, 'Die Idee der nationalen Gleichberechtigung im alten Österreich', in Nationale Vielfalt und gemeinsamen Erbe, ed. Erhard Busek and Stourzh (Vienna and Munich, 1990), 39–47.


«В состоянии равномерного и тщательно регулируемого недовольства…» — см. C. A. Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 1790–1918 (London, 1971), 615.


National Romanticism: The Formation of National Movements, ed. Balázs Trencsényi and Michal Kopecek (Budapest and New York, 2007), 27–32.


Ernst Bruckmüller, 'National Consciousness and Education in Imperial Austria', in The Limits of Loyalty: Imperial Symbolism, Popular Allegiances, and State Patriotism in the Late Habsburg Monarchy, ed. Laurence Cole and Daniel L. Unowsky (New York and Oxford, 2007), 11–35 (19–21).


The New York Times, 17 March 1908, 1.


«Благодаря мудрому правлению…» — см. Die österreichischungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild, vol. 17: Mähren und Schlesien (Vienna, 1897), 542. «Чтобы народы этих земель любили, уважали и поддерживали друг друга…» — см. Christiane Zintzen, 'Einleitung' in Die österreichischungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild. Aus dem Kronprinzenwerk des Erzherzog Rudolf, ed. Zintzen (Vienna, 1999), 9–20.


Erika Szívós, Az öröklött város. Városi tér, kultúra és emlékezet a 19–21. században (Budapest, 2014), 115–29.


Neues Wiener Journal, 12 June 1908, 5.


Steven Beller, 'Kraus's Firework: State Consciousness Raising in the 1908 Jubilee Parade in Vienna and the Problem of Austrian Identity', in Staging the Past: The Politics of Commemoration in Habsburg Central Europe, 1848 to the Present, ed. Maria Bucur and Nancy M. Wingfield (West Lafayette, IN, 2001), 46–71 (57), цитата из Neue Freie Presse, 11 June 1908 (PM edition), 4–5; Arbeiter-Zeitung, 12 June 1908, 1.


Das interessante Blatt, 25 June 1908, 3; Megan Brandow-Faller, 'Folk Art on Parade: Modernism, Primitivism and Nationalism at the 1908 Kaiserhuldigungsfestzug', AS, 25 (2017), 98–117 (110); Adolf Loos, 'Ornament and Crime' (1908), in Ulrich Conrads, Programs and Manifestoes on 20thCentury Architecture, trans. Michael Bullock (Cambridge, MA, 1970), 21.


Karl Kraus, 'Nachträgliche Vorurteile gegen den Festzug', Die Fackel, 10, no. 257–8 (1908), 9.


Wiener Diözesanblatt (1898, no 22), 255–6.


James Shedel, 'Emperor, Church, and People: Religion and Dynastic Loyalty During the Golden Jubilee of Franz Joseph', Catholic Historical Review, 76 (1990), 71–92 (81–9).


Daniel L. Unowsky, Pomp and Politics of Patriotism: Imperial Celebrations in Habsburg Austria, 1848–1916 (West Lafayette, IN, 2005), 120–44.


«Когда мы пытаемся заглянуть в будущее…» — см. Beller, 'Kraus's Firework', 51.


Brigitte Fuchs, 'Rasse', 'Volk', Geschlecht. Anthropologische Diskurse in Österreich 1850–1960 (Frankfurt and New York, 2003), 127; Mathieu Gotteland, 'Les Conséquences de la Première Guerre mondiale sur la présence impériale austro-hongroise en Chine', Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 256 (2014), 7–18 (8).


Vasárnapi Újság, 1 May 1904, 294–5; Ferdinand de Lesseps, A History of the Suez Canal: A Personal Narrative (Edinburgh and London, 1876), 23; Lawrence Sondhaus, Naval Policy of AustriaHungary, 1867–1918 (West Lafayette, IN, 1994), 186–7; Simon Loidl, 'Colonialism through Emigration: Publications and Activities of the Österreichisch-Ungarische Kolonialgesellschaft (1894–1918)', AS, 20 (2012), 161–75.


Franz Ferdinand von Österreich-Este, Tagebuch meiner Reise um die Erde 1892–1893, ed. Frank Gerbert (Vienna, 2013).


«Маневрировать в череде приемов, балов и обедов…» — см. Sondhaus, Naval Policy of Austria-Hungary, 88.


Barbara Plankensteiner, 'Endstation Museum. Österreichische Reisende sammeln Ethnographica', in k. u. k. Kolonial. Habsburgermonarchie und europäische Herrschaft in Afrika, ed. Walter Sauer (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar, 2002), 257–88 (271).


Sabine Fellner and Katrin Unterreiner, Morphium, Cannabis und Cocain. Medizin und Rezepte des Kaiserhauses (Vienna, 2008), 128–9.


«Ростом яванцы на несколько дюймов ниже…» — см. Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde (Anthropologischer theil 3: Ethnographie), ed. Friedrich Müller (Vienna, 1868), 75; Ferdinand Khull-Kholwald, 'Dr Augustin Weisbach', Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark, 51 (1915), 8–16.


Fuchs, 'Rasse', 'Volk', Geschlecht, 132; Margit Berner, 'From "Prisoner of War Studies" to Proof of Paternity: Racial Anthropologists and the Measuring of

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