8 Beschloss, Michael R., and Strobe Talbott At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War. Boston, 1993. P 411; Bush, George, and Brent Scow-croft A World Transformed. New York, 1998. Pp. 510–511.
9 Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, Office of the First Lady, Scheduling, Ann Brock Series: Moscow Summit, Monday 7/29/91 to Thursday 8/1/91 – Moscow and Kiev, no. 4.
10 Brown, Archie The Gorbachev Factor. Oxford, 1997; Grachev, Andrei Gorbachev’s Gamble: Soviet Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War. Cambridge, 2008; Garthoff, Raymond L. The Great Transition: American-Soviet Relations and the End of the Cold War. Washington, D. C., 1994; Oberdörfer, Don From the End of the Cold War to a New Era: The United States and the Soviet Union, 1983–1991. Baltimore, 1998.
11 Goodman, Walter Summit Image: Hardly a Mikhail and George Show // New York Times, August 1, 1991; Gibbons, Gene Pre Advance Pool Report, Moscow Summit, July 29 – August 1, 1991, July 25, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, White House Office of Media Affairs, Media Guide to the President’s Trip to the USSR – Summer 1991.
12 Goodman Summit Image; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 511; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, p. 415.
13 Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 411–412; Memorandum of Conversation. Extended Bilateral Meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev of the USSR. July 30, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bushlibrary.tamu. edu/research/pdfs/memcons_telcons/1991-oj-}o-Gorbachev%2ü[l].pdf.
14 Talbott, Strobe Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush: The Summit Goodfellas // Time, August 5, 1991.
15 Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 405–406.
16 Jane’s Strategic Weapons Systems, issue 50, ed. Duncan Lennox. Surrey, 2009. Pp. 161–163; Study Details Catastrophic Impact of Nuclear Attack on US Cities // Space War, March 23, 2007, www.spacewar. com/reports/Study_Details_Catastrophic_ Impact_Of_Nuclear_Attack_On_US_Cities_999.html.
17 Palazhchenko, Pavel My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter. University Park, PA, 1997. Pp. 292–293; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 508–509; В Политбюро ЦК КПСС… По записям Анатолия Черняева, Вадима Медведева, Георгия Шахназарова (1985–1991). Москва, 2000. С. 695–696.
18 Memorandum of Conversation. Extended Bilateral Meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev of the USSR. July 30, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bush-library.tamu.edu/research/pdfs/memcons_telcons/1991-07-30-Gorbachev%20[1].pdf.
19 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 511–512; Remnick, David All Substance, No Style Makes a Dull Summit: Businesslike Bush Forsakes the Flourishes // Washington Post, July 31, 1991.
20 Goodman Summit Image // New York Times, August 1, 1991.
21 Remnick All Substance, No Style; Devroy, Ann First Lady: Bush Must Run Again: “For Country’s Sake”, She Tells Interviewers // Washington Post, August 1, 1991; White House, Office of the Press Secretary Interview of Ms. Bush by Steve Fox, ABC. July 31, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns and Ed A. Hewett Files: POTUS Meetings March 1991 – July 1991: Moscow Summit, July 1991, no. 1.
22 Raisa Maksimovna Gorbachev. Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991; Горбачева, Раиса Я надеюсь… Москва, 1991; Черняев, Анатолий, Гусенков, Виталий Памятная записка для Михаила Горбачева по программе его визита в Соединенные Штаты Америки с 29мая по 4 июня 1990 года. Архив Горбачев-фонда. Ф. 2, № 8288.1; Черняев, Анатолий Совместный исход. Дневник двух эпох, 1972–1991 годы. Москва, 2008. С. 939; Raisa Gorbachev to Join Barbara Bush at 'Wellesley // Harvard Crimson, May 18, 1990; Wellesley Students Hail Raisa Gorbachev // New York Times, May 20, 1990.
23 Bush, Barbara Address to Soviet Children. July 1991. Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991; Clines, Francis X. Red Square Is Beautiful. That’s Agreed // New York Times, July 31, 1991; Smith, J. Y. Raisa Gorbachev, Activist First Lady Dies // Washington Post, September 20, 1999; Bush, Barbara Eulogy: Raisa Gorbachev // Time, October 4, 1999.
24 Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, p. 415; Маркова, Галина Большой Кремлевский дворец. Москва, 1981.
25 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 514; Remarks by President Gorbachev and President Bush at the Signing Ceremony for the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks Treaty in Moscow. 31 July 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers, http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers. php?id=j2$6&year= 19pi&month=7.
26 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 514; Apple Jr., R. W Summit in Moscow: Bush and Gorbachev Sign Pact to Curtail Nuclear Arsenals, Join in Call for Mid-East Talks // New York Times, August 1, 1991.
27 Gorbachev, Mikhail Memoirs. New York, 1995. P 624.
28 Gorbachev Memoirs, p. 624; Черняев Совместный исход, с. 968–969; Черняев, А. С. 1991 год: Дневник помощника президента СССР. Москва: Терра, Республика, 1997.
29 Internal Points for Bessmertnykh Meeting. July 28, 1991. James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 5; Bush and Scow-croft A World Transformed, pp. 514–515.
30 Fein, Esther B. Summit in Moscow: The God (of Technology) That Failed // New York Times, August 1, 1991.
Глава 2. Могильщик партии
1 Talbott, Strobe Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush: The Summit Goodfellas // Time, August 5, 1991; At Big Moment, Little Earpiece Fails // New York Times, August 1, 1991.
2 Bush, George, and Brent Scowcroft A World Transformed. New York, 1998. Pp. 514–515; Toasts at a Dinner Hosted by President Bush in Moscow. 31 July 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers, http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_ papers.php?id=j2$6&year= 19pi&month =7.
3 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 510–514; Palazhchenko, Pavel My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter. University Park, PA, 1997. Pp. 305–306; Dmitriy Timofeyevich Yazov. The Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991, Bush Presidential Library.
4 Gorbachev, Mikhail Memoirs. New York, 1995. Pp. 624625; Горбачев, M. С. Жизнь и реформы. Кн. 2. Москва, 1995. С. 308; Palazhchenko My Years, pp. 300–301; Beschloss, Michael R., and Strobe Talbott At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War. Boston, 1993. P 413; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 512; Matlock, Jack Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador’s Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. New York, 1994. P 564.
5 Gorbachev Memoirs, pp. 624–625; Palazhchenko My Years, pp. 300–301; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, p. 413; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 512; Seib, Jerry Pool Report no. 11. Bush, Gorbachev – and Yeltsin – Go to Dinner. Moscow, USSR, Tuesday, July 30, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Files, Subject Files: Moscow Summit – Press Releases, Fact Sheets, Remarks, no. 2; Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, p. 564.
6 Colton, Timothy J. Yeltsin: A Life. New York, 2008; Aron, Leon Yeltsin: A Revolutionary Life. New York, 2000; Yeltsin, Boris The Struggle for Russia. New York, 1994.
7 Boris Nikolaevitch Yeltsin. The Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991, Bush Presidential Library.
8 Colton Yeltsin, pp. 183–184; Авен, Петр, Кох, Альфред Ельцин служил нам! Интервью с Геннадием Бурбулисом // Форбс, 22 июля 2010 Г., www.forbes.ru/node/53407/print.
9 Черняев, Анатолий Совместный исход. Дневник двух эпох, 1972–1991 годы. Москва, 2008. С. 862–863, 968; Gorbachev Memoirs, pp. 601–602.
10 Шенин, Олег От партии ждут энергичных действий. Проект доклада на собрании секретарей республиканских, региональных и областных комитетов, 24 января 1991 г. РГАНИ. Ф. 89, оп. 23, № 2, 25–26.
11 ЦК КПСС Об обстановке в партийной организации советских учреждений в г. Женева (Швейцария). РГАНИ. Ф. 89, оп. 20, № 23, 1–6; Economic Survey of Europe, no. 3 (2003): 125.
12 Beissinger, Mark R. Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State. Cambridge, 2002. Pp. 147–199.
13 См.: Walker, Edward W Dissolution: Sovereignty and the Breakup of the Soviet Union. Lanham, MD, 2003. P 88.
14 Союз можно было сохранить. Белая книга. Документы и факты о политике М. С. Горбачева по реформированию и сохранению многонационального государства. 2-е изд. Москва, 2007. С. 150–155; Likhachev, Yegor Inside Gorbachev’s Kremlin. New York, 1996; Brown, Archie The
Gorbachev Factor. Oxford, 1996; Brown, Archie Seven Years That Changed the World: Perestroika in Perspective. Oxford, 2007.
15 В Политбюро ЦК КПСС… По записям Анатолия Черняева, Вадима Медведева, Георгия Шахназарова (1985–1991). Москва, 20оо. С. 499, 529; Beissinger Nationalist Mobilization, p. 405.
16 Szporluk, Roman Dilemmas of Russian Nationalism / In: Russia, Ukraine and the Breakup of the Soviet Union. Stanford, 2000. P. 183–228; Beissinger Nationalist Mobilization, pp. 390–396, 401–416; Walker Dissolution, pp. 78–81; Россия сегодня: Полит. портр. в документах, 1985–1991: Новые партии; Новые лидеры; Новое рабочее движение. М., Международные отношения, 1991. С. 449.
17 Eduard Shevardnadze to James Baker. Moscow, January 20, 1991. James A. Baker Papers, box 102, folder 35.
18 Черняев Совместный исход, с. 862–863.
19 Gorbachev Memoirs, pp. 326–347, 569–607; Walker Dissolution, pp. 55-136.
20 Szporluk Dilemmas of Russian Nationalism, pp. 188–198; Черняев Совместный исход, с. 947, 961; Болдин, Валерий Крушение пьедестала. Штрихи к портрету М. С. Горбачева. Москва, 1995.
21 Союз можно было сохранить, с. 268–283.
22 President. USSR. Designated Gifts. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, Office of the First Lady, Scheduling, Ann Brock Series: Moscow Summit, Monday 7/29/91 to Thursday 8/1/91 – Moscow and Kiev, USSR [3].
23 Colton Yeltsin, pp. 171–173; Yeltsin, Boris Quotation of the Day // New York Times, September 11, 1989; Суханов, Л. E. Как Ельцин стал президентом. Записки первого помощника. Эксмо: Алгоритм, 2011.
24 Gates, Robert М. From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War. New York, 1996. P 478–479; Bush and Scowcroft A
World Transformed, pp. 141–143; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 103–104.
25 Gates From the Shadows, p. 503; цит. по изд.: Панарин, И. Первая мировая информационная война. Развал СССР. СПб.: Питер, 2010; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 142–143; COLTON Yeltsin, p. 172.
26 Luncheon with President Mikhail Gorbachev of the USSR, July 30, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/pdfs/memcons_ telcons/1991-07-30-Gorbachev%20[2].pdf.
27 Memorandum of Conversation. Meeting with Boris Yeltsin, President of the Republic of Russia. July 30, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bush-library.tamu.edu/research/pdfs/memcons_telcons/1991-07-30-Yeltsin.pdf; The White House Office of the Press Secretary. Remarks of President Bush and President Yeltsin in Press Availability. July 30, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns and Ed A. Hewett Series: POTUS Meetings, March 1991 – July 1991: Moscow Summit, July 1991, no. 1.
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