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28 Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 412413; Points to Be Made for Meeting with President Yeltsin. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Subject Files: POTUS Trip to Moscow and Kiev, July 27 – August 1, 1991, no. 1; Алимов, Г. Указ о департизации начнет действовать с 4 августа. Буш – Ельцин – Горбачев // Аргументы и факты, № 30 (30 августа 1991 г.): 7; Lee, Jessica Pool Report no. 10. President Bush Visits Boris Yeltsin and Stops at Tsereteli Studio. Moscow, USSR, Tuesday, July 30, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Subject Files: Moscow Summit – Press Releases, Fact Sheets, Remarks, no. 2.

29 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 509; Алимов Указ о департизации, с. 7.

Глава 3. Цыпленок по-киевски

Nuclear Weapons Effects from Hiroshima to Nagasaki to the Present and Beyond: A Broad-Gauged Analysis with New Information Regarding Simultaneous Detonations and Firestorms / Nukefix, www.nukefix.org/weapon.html.

2 Matlock, Jack Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador’s Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. New York, 1994. Pp. 464–465; Beschloss, Michael R., and Strobe Talbott At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War. Boston, 1993. Pp. 408–410.

3 Солодкин, Сергей “Главреду” удалось раздобыть в Лондоне сенсационные записи бесед Михаила Сергеевича с иностранными политиками // Главред, 5 октября 2009 г., http://www.glavred.info/archwe/2009/10/05./163604-3.html.

4 Russians Divided over Baltics’ Independence, April 12, 1991, USIA Research Memorandum, National Archives and Records Administration, RG 306, box 49, M 52–91.

5 Bush, George, and Brent Scowcroft A World Transformed. New York, 1998. P 512; Implications of Alternative Soviet Futures, National Intelligence Estimate, NIE 11-18-91 (June 1991), http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000265647/DOC_ 0000265647.pdf; Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, pp. 565–566.

6 Интервью автора с Николасом Бернсом. Гарвардский университет, 15 июня 2012 г.; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 414–415; Handwritten notes on the killing of Lithuanian border guards passed by Brent Scowcroft to James Baker on July 31, 1991. James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 5; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 513–514; Gorbachev Memoirs, p. 623; Горбачев Жизнь и реформы, с. 306–307.

7 Richard Nixon/Frank Gannon Interviews. May 13, 1983. Day 5, Tape 1, 00:01:59, http://www.libs.uga.edu/media/collections/ nixon/nixonday5.html; Black, Conrad Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full. New York, 2008. P 814.

8 Hardesty, Von, and Bob Schieffer Air Force One: The Aircraft that Shaped the Modern Presidency. New York, 2005. Pp. 127–154; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 515; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 415–416.

9 Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, p. 567; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, p. 416; Remarks to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of the Ukraine in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991. http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_ papers.php?id=j26/&year= 199i&month = 8.

10 Gibbons Pre Advance Pool Report, Moscow Summit, July 29 – August 1, 1991, July 25, 1991; Page, Susan Pool Report, Pool H. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Subject Files: Moscow Summit – Press Releases, Fact Sheets, Remarks, no. 1; Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, p. 567.

11 Литвин, Володимир Політична арена України: дійові особи та виконавці. Киев, 1994; Україна: політична історія XX – початок XXI століття. За ред. Володимира Литвина та ін. Киев, 2007. С. 875–947; Кушнір, Ліна Валентина Шевченко: Провести демонстрацію 1 травня 1986-го наказали з Москви // Українська правда, 25 квітня 2011 р., http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/4db5d3966b581/view_comments/.

12 Page Pool Report, Pool H.

13 Leonid Makarovich Kravchuk. The Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991; Интервью автора с Леонидом Кравчуком. Киев, 1 сентября 2011 г.; KiniAHi, Вахтанг, та Володимир Федорин Кравчук: “Щербицький сказав: ‘Какой дурак придумал слово перестройка?”’ // Украшська правда, 13 вересня 2011 р.; Черемис, Валентин Президент. Роман-есе. Киев, 1994; Remnick, David Ukraine Split on Independence as Republic Awaits Bush Visit // Washington Post, August 1, 1991.

14 Remarks at the Arrival Ceremony in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991. http://bushlibrary. tamu.edu/research/public_papers.php? id=J26f&year= i9<?i&month = 8; Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, p. 568; Как Буш в Верховной Раде выступал: ретроспектива Независимости, http://for-ua.com/analytics/ 2oo9/o8/2i/o82iy6.html.

15 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 510–511; Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, p. 569; Черняев, Анатолий Совместный исход. Дневник двух эпох, 1972–1991 годы. Москва, 2008. С. 957–958; Lapychak, Chrys-TYNA N. Bush Notes Importance of Republics in Historic Trip to Ukrainian Capital // Ukrainian Weekly, August 4, 1991, 1; Page Pool Report, Pool H; Bush, George H. W Remarks to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of the Ukraine in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, p. 417.

16 Интервью автора с Леонидом Кравчуком. Киев, 1 сентября 2011 г.; KiniAHi ТА Федорин “Кравчук: Щербицький сказав’”.

17 Драч, Іван Ми вітаємо Джорджа Буша – як президента США і не приймаємо його як московського агітатора / В кн.: Політика: статті, доповіді, виступи, інтерв’ю. Киев, 1997. С. 324–327; также см.: Rukh Chairman Ivan Drach’s Remarks to President Bush // Ukrainian Weekly, August 11, 1991. P 3.

18 Интервью автора с Леонидом Кравчуком. Киев, 1 сентября 2011 г.

19 Points to Be Made for Meeting with the Ukrainian Chairman Leonid Kravchuk. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Files, Subject Files: POTUS Trip to Moscow and Kiev, July 27 – August 1, 1991, no. 3.

20 Memorandum of Conversation. Meeting with Ukrainian Supreme Soviet Chairman Leonid Kravchuk. August 1, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bushlibrary. tamu.edu/research/pdfs/memcons_telcons/1991-08-01-Kravchuk.pdf; Proposals of the Ukrainian SSR for Possible Directions of Trade-and-Economic Cooperation Between the Ukrainian SSR and USA. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns and Ed Hewett Files: POTUS Meetings, March 1991 – July 1991: Moscow Summit, July 1991, no. 1.

21 Об истории Украины см.: Magocsi, Paul Robert A History of Ukraine, 2nd ed. Toronto, 2010. О пути Украины к независимости см.: Nahaylo, Bohdan, and Victor Swoboda Soviet Disunion: A History of the Nationalities Problem in the USSR. New York, 1990; Nahaylo, Bohdan The Ukrainian Resurgence. Toronto, 1999.

22 Bush, George H. W. Remarks to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of the Ukraine in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers. Также см.: Nixon, Richard Toast at a Dinner in Kiev, May 29, 1972, The American Presidency Project, www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index. php?pid=3440#axzziQonAP09C; Интервью автора с Николасом Бернсом. Гарвардский университет, 15 июня 2012 г.

23 Bush Remarks to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of the Ukraine in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991.

24 Интервью автора с Николасом Бернсом. Гарвардский университет, 15 июня 2012 г.

25 Bush, George Н. W Remarks to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of the Ukraine in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991. http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers. php?id=3267&year= 1p<)i&month = 8.

26 Ukrainian Weekly, August 11, 1991.

27 The Moscow Coup // Washington Post, August 20, 1991; Safire, William After the Fall // New York Times, August 29, 1991; Safire, William Bush at the UN // New York Times, September 16, 1991; Safire, William Putin’sChicken Kiev” // New York Times, December 6, 2004; Bush Sr. Clarifies “Chicken Kiev’ Speech” // Washington Times, May 23, 2004; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 15–16; Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, pp. 570–571, 798.

28 McFeatters, Ann Pool Report No. 21. Pool from the Supreme Soviet Session to St. Sophia to Babii Yar. Kiev, USSR. August 1, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Subject Files: Moscow Summit – Press Releases, Fact Sheets, Remarks, no. 1.

29 Кузнецов, Анатолий Бабий Яр: Роман-документ. Москва, 2012; Khiterer, Victoria Babi Yar: The Tragedy of Kiev’s Jews // Brandeis Graduate Journal 2 (2004): 1-16.

30 Gibbons Pre Advance Pool Report, Moscow Summit. July 25, 1991; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 516517; Bush, George Remarks at the Babi Yar Memorial in Kiev, Soviet Union. August 1, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers, http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers. php?id=3268&year=1991&month = 8; Розпад Радянського Союзу. Усна гсторгя незалежног України 1988–1991, запись 9.

31 Бураковський, Олександр Рада нащональностей Народногоруху України (1989-1-993). Эдмонтон, 1995; Бураковський, Олександр Рух, евреі, Україна. Роздуми інородця // Киев, №№ 1–2 (1997): 93-125; Интервью с Лаковом Блейхом в Розпад Радянського Союзу. Усна історія незалежної України 1988–1991, запись 2, http://oralhistory.org.ua/interview-ua/470/.

32 Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, p. 417; Gennadiy Ivanovich Yanayev. The Trip of President Bush to Moscow and Kiev, July 30 – August 1, 1991.

33 Matlock Autopsy on an Empire, p. 571; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, p. 517.

Глава 4. Крымский пленник

1 Bush, George, and Brent Scowcroft A World Transformed. New York, 1998. P 526.

2 Ibid., p. 520; Beschloss, Michael R., and Strobe Talbott At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War. Boston, 1993. Pp. 422–423; Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Popadiuk on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union. Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers, http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers. php?id=jjij&year= 1991&month = 8.

3 Telephone Conversation with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada. August 19, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/pdfs/mem-cons_telcons/1991-o8-19-Mulroney.pdf.

4 First Statement on Soviet Coup. August 19, 1991. www. c-spanvideo.org/program/20y05-1; Beschloss and Talbott At the Highest Levels, pp. 429–430; Baker, James A., with Thomas M. DeFrank The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992. New York, 1995. Pp. 514–518; Assorted JAB Notes from Events Related to Attempted Coup in USSR, 8/12-8/22. James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 6; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 504–505> 515.

5 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 521522; Telcon with Jozsef Antall, Prime Minister of Hungary. August 19, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons, http://bushlibrary. tamu.edu/research/pdfs/memcons_ telcons/1991-08-19-Antall.pdf.

6 Baker The Politics of Diplomacy, p. 475; Gates, Robert M. From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War. New York, 1996. P 502; Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 521–522.

7 Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed, pp. 521–522; Telephone Conversation with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada. August 19, 1991. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons.

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