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to 1800 (London, B. T Batsford, 1909).

Guide to Anglo-Saxon Antiquities (London, British Museum, 1923).

Herbert J. A. Illuminated Manuscripts (London, 1911).

Holmes, G. Ch. V Ancient and modern ships (London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off. by Wyman and sons, limited, 1906), 2 v.

Hope, W. H. St. John, The abbey of St. Mary in Furness, Lancashire (Kendal, T Wilson, 1902)

Hope, W. H. St. John, The architectural history of the cathedral church and monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester (London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1900).

Hope, W. H. St. John, Cowdray and Easebourne priory in the county of Sussex (London, Country life, 1919).

Hope, W. H. St. John, English altars from illuminated manuscripts (London, New York and Bombay, Longmans. Green & co., 1899).

Hope, W. H. St. John, The history of the London Charterhouse from its foundation until the suppression of the monastery (London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York, Macmillan. 1925).

Howard F. E. & F H Crossley, English church woodwork; a study in craftsmanship during the mediaeval period A.D. 1250–1550 (London, B. T Batsford [1917]).

Innocent, C. F The Development of English Building Construction (Cambridge, 1916).

Kingsley, Charles, Hereward the Wake: «last of the English» (New York: J. F Taylor, 1898), 2 vols.

Macquoid, P. A history of English furniture; With plates in colour after Shirley Slocombe, and numerous illustrations selected and arranged by the author (London, Lawrence & Bullen, limited, 1904-08), 4 v

Mason, Thomas H. The islands of Ireland; their scenery, people, life and antiquities, by Thomas H. Mason. Illustrated from photographs by the author (New York, C. Scribners Sons; London, B. T Batsford, 1937).

Morgan, R. B. Readings in Social History (Cambridge, 1921).

Nicolaysen, N. The Viking Ship (Christiania 1882).

Orosius (Bosworth), King Alfred’s A. S. Version of the Compendious History of the World (London, 1859).

Pageant of the birth, life and death of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, K. G., 1389–1439; ed. by Viscount Dillon and W H. St. John Hope, photo-engraved from the original manuscript in the British museum by Emery Walker (London, New York, Longmans, Green, 1914).

Payne-Gallwey, R. W. F. Sir, A summary of the history, construction and effects in warfare of the projectile-throwing engines of the ancients, with a treatise on the structure, power and management of Turkish and other Oriental bows of mediaeval and later times (London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1907).

Pollen, J. H. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork (London, Pub. by Chapman and Hall [1875]).

Stenton, F. M. Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, 1943).

Stratton, A. J. Introductory handbook to the styles of English architecture, a companion to the series of large scale comparative diagrams (size 30x20 inches), prepared for the use of schools, teachers, students and others (Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott company, 1929).

Strzygowski, Josef, Origin of Christian Church Art (Oxford, 1923).

Strzygowski, Josef, Early Church Art in Northern Europe (London, 1928).

Sullivan, E. The Book of Kells (London-New-York, The Studio, 1920).

Taylor, E. Master Wace — His Chronicle of the Norman Conquest (London, 1837).

Thompson, A. H. Military architecture in England during the middle ages (London, New York [etc.] H. Frowde, 1912).

Traill, H. D. Social England; a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day (London, New York, Cassell and Company, limited, 1902–1904), 6 v.

Turner, Th. H. Some account of domestic architecture in England (Oxford and London, J. H. Parker, 1851).

Vallance, A. Old Crosses and Lychgates (London, 1920).

The Venerable Bede’s Ecclesiastical History оf England, ed. by J. A. Giles (London, 1878).

Viollet-Le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne de l'architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle (Paris. Ve. A. Morel & cie, 1868-74), 10 v.

Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier français de l’epoque carlovingienne à la renaissance (Paris: Ve. A. Morel et cie, 1871–1875), 6 v

Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., Annals of a fortress. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall (Boston, J. R. Osgood and company, 1876).

Westwood, The Miniatures and Ornaments of A. S. and Irish Manuscripts (London, 1868).

William of Malmsbury’s Chronicle of the Kings of England, ed. by J. A. Giles (London, 1911).

Wright, Th. The homes of other days; a history of domestic manners and sentiments in England from the earliest known period to modern times (London, Tubner & co. 1871).

Опубликованные работы

Марджори и Чарльза Квеннелов

A History of everyday things series:

1st ed.

A history of everyday things in England… written and illustrated by Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell. (London, В. T Batsford [1918-34]).

4 v.

Vol. I 1066–1499.

Vol. II 1500–1799.

Vol. Ill 1800–1914.

Vol. IV 1915–1934.

2nd ed.

A history of everyday things in England… written and illustrated by Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell (New York, C. Scribner's Sons 11922-35]), 4 v.

3rd edn.

A history of everyday things in England (London, Batsford, 1937—[68, v. 1, 1938]) 5 v.

Everyday life series:

1st edn.

Everyday life in the old stone ages, written and illustrated by Marjorie & C. H. B. Quennell. (London: В. T Batsford Ltd. [1921?]).

Everyday life in the new stone, bronze & early iron ages (London, В. T Batsford ltd., [1922]).

Everyday life in Roman Britain, written and illustrated by Marjorie & C. H. B. Quennell… (London, B.T Batsford, ltd. [1924]).

Everyday life in Anglo-Saxon, viking, and Norman times, written and illustrated by Marjorie & C. H. B. Quennell… (London, B.T Batsford ltd. [1926]).

Everyday things in Homeric Greece, by Marjorie & C. H. B. Quennell (London, В. T. Batsford ltd. [1929]).

2nd edn.

Everyday life in the old stone age, written and illustrated by Marjory & C. H. B. Quennell… (New York, London, G.P Putnam’s Sons, 1922).

Everyday life in the new stone, bronze & early iron ages, written and illustrated by Marjorie & C. H. B. Quennell (New York, G. P Putnam’s sons; (etc., etc] 1923).

Everyday life in Roman Britain, by Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell…

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