THE MOTH. Don't listen to her. It's not true! There are the mountains behind the thistles.
THE LITTLE CARP. There is the sea behind the thistles!
THE MOTH and THE LITTLE CARP. The world is quite quite different there behind the Thistles.
EVERYBODY. The world!
THE MOTH and THE LITTLE CARP. There, behind the thistles the life is different too.
THE FLY. Over there on that other garbage dump everything is just the same. Well, how about scratching?
THE KITTEN. It's very close.
THE LITTLE CARP. Here is a big mountain growing!
THE FLY. There is no such thing as mountain.
THE OLD BOOT. Yes. That's true. There were the mountains before, indeed. But now I won't find a thing like that.
EVERYBODY. Where are they?
THE OLD BOOT. They are worn out. Everything is worn out. Everything falls into decay. Everything gets older and goes to ruin.
THE MOTH. But there is the sun in the world.
THE OLD BOOT. It will be worn out too.
THE FLY. And there won't be any sun in the world!
THE LITTLE CARP. But the moon will remain.
THE POT. The moon! Why do you think it is better than me, the old pot? I used to be a shining star too when I was young. And now look at me?
THE OLD BOOT. And the moon will be worn out too.
THE POT. And the stars will be worn out.
THE FLY. And you know what'll be left? One big garbage dump.
THE POT and THE OLD BOOT. Which will be worn out too!
THE KITTEN. Look! Look! It's growing up! It's growing up!
THE LITTLE CARP. And I told you that it was the mountain!
THE FLY. Ha-ha-ha! It is so small! Smaller then The Kitten!
THE LITTLE CARP. But it'll rise soon.
THE FLY. It is such a charming green!
THE MOTH. Yes, it is still green. But then it becomes mature, and the show-white peak shows up, and the pine grove covers its slopes. And the sun rises and thaws the top, fast streams break into a run and form lakes and those in turn flow together into the blue of the sea.
THE LITTLE CARP. And then again I'll become The Goldfish. Oh, I already feel my fins growing! Look, Moth, have you noticed?
THE MOTH. And I'll be fluttering among slender pine trees and drinking the Alpine flowers' nectar. Look, Little Carp, I already feel my wings growing!
THE KITTEN. And me! And me too! Me too!
THE POT. It looks like they have stopped growing! They are so small!
THE OLD BOOT. I think, Little Carp, that there is no place for you to swim here!
THE LITTLE CARP. But it has already two little blue lakes!
THE POT. I think, Moth, there isn't any place for you to fly here…
THE MOTH. But on its summit I can already see a little Alpine flower blossoming.
THE FLY. I know what is it, I suppose. Surely it isn't a mountain. Because a mountain is something that you won't find anywhere. I have already seen it somewhere. Let me remember… On some other garbage dump. Yes. That's it. It looks like a flower. That's right, a flower.
THE FLY. Sometimes they happen on garbage dumps.
THE POT. Are they dangerous?
THE FLY. Oh, no. They are totally harmless. First they are yellow for some reason. You can see a cloud on its crown! Then — for some reason — they become white. And then die. THE OLD BOOT. Oh yes, that's sure. I can remember too… A cloud, a cloud… Oh yes, they are useless, because they die rather quickly. Especially when you touch them or blow on them by chance.
THE POT. What a delicacy!
THE LITTLE CARP. So, I'll never swim in the blue sea?
THE MOTH. So, I'll never flutter among the high pine trees?
THE FLY. You can be certain now! I've flown all over the world, I've seen everything. The world is none other then the big garbage dump where sometimes a useless flower grows.
THE POT. What an uninteresting, boring fact!
THE MOTH. Well, I'm off. They say the winter will come some day. It's high time to build a cocoon.
THE OLD BOOT. Oh yes, that's sure. First comes the summer, then the autumn and then the winter is sure to come. It's high time to lace myself up.
THE LITTLE CARP. I will hide myself in the slime.
THE KITTEN. And I'll go somewhere and do something!
THE FLY. That's correct. You must leave it!
EVERYBODY. And we'll surely leave it!
THE KITTEN. But I don't know how to leave anyone…
THE FLY. Oh, it's so easy! It's quite like saving yourself. To leave you must just turn your back. And never run, but just go away slowly, without glancing back.
THE KITTEN. Aha, now I can do that! Soon I'll grow up and begin leaving everybody!
THE LITTLE CARP. Have you heard? May be it doesn't want to be left?
THE OLD BOOT. As for me, I've heard nothing…
THE MOTH. It is saying something!
THE POT. Probably he is saying something, but we don't hear anything. Is it true, Boot?
THE LITTLE CARP. Who are you?
THE LITTLE CARP. You see, he named himself. He has the name!
THE FLY. Ha-ha-ha! He is so stupid! He doesn't understand anything! He doesn't know where is he! He doesn't know what it is! Tis the World! Ha-ha-ha!
THE DANDELION. The world! I love the world!
THE FLY. He doesn't know yet that the world is the big garbage dump!
THE DANDELION. There is something that irritates my eyes…
THE FLY. Have you heard that? He doesn't feel yet! This is the light!
THE DANDELION. The light… I love the light!
THE FLY. Look at this fool! He doesn't how the sun can blind you.
THE DANDELION. Oh, what's happening to me? There is something moving inside me…
THE FLY. Ha-ha-ha! He still hasn't an idea! It is life!
THE DANDELION. Life!.. I love life so much!
THE FLY. He doesn't understand that he will die soon!
THE DANDELION. The world… light… life… I have light, the world and life. Seems I can understand it!
THE FLY. Poor thing! He is totally a beggar!
THE MOTH. And he hasn't any high pine-tree…
THE LITTLE CARP. Oh, yes, now I'm sure that he hasn't any blue lake!
THE MOTH. I've no where to flutter!
THE LITTLE CARP. I've no where to swim.
EVERYBODY. He has nothing. He is a beggar.
THE DANDELION. You have to fly? You need wings? Take my leaves. They will hold you in the air…
THE MOTH. Wings! I have new wings!
THE DANDELION. Take some of my golden hair. They will serve you for fins.
THE LITTLE CARP. Golden fins! I have golden fins!
THE MOTH. Look! Look! I'm rising! I'm flying!
EVERYBODY. Flying! Flying! What can you see there, Moth?
THE MOTH. The sun!
EVERYBODY. The sun! Rise higher. What more can you see?
THE MOTH. The world!
EVERYBODY. The world! What does it look like?
THE MOTH. It is wonderful!
EVERYBODY. Higher! Higher! What can you see behind the thistles?
THE MOTH. I can see… Ah! You are so small! Oh, no, I'm sinking. I have forgotten how to fly! I'm so excited!
THE LITTLE CARP. Here are my golden fins! I can make miracles!
EVERYBODY. Make a miracle, Moth!
THE LITTLE CARP. I want… want… No, I order! I order my fins to glare like the sun!
THE MOTH. Seems I'm rising once more! Oh yes, I'm flying!
THE LITTLE CARP. I command my fins to glare stronger than the Sun!
THE POT. I can glare too. I'm glaring!
THE OLD BOOT. That's great, splendid!
THE LITTLE CARP. What a filthy mess here!
THE MOTH. So much dust here!
THE OLD BOOT. So it looks like a garbage dump!
EVERYBODY. A garbage dump!
THE KITTEN (to The Dandelion). And for me! For me? Have you got something for me? Squandered everything? You, greedy-guts. Nothing is left for me!
Somebody growls, The Smart Cat.
What kind of profit,of profit,of profit,Can I get here?What kind of fun?When the moon is shiningOr the sunOr the sunOr the sun…Why are you so nervous,What are you looking for?You know Cat is comingThat's great misfor…Silence! You fool, be carefu-u-l,be carefu-u-l,
Can you deceive anyone?
THE KITTEN. Deceive! Neither can I!
THE SMART CAT. May be you can attack?
THE KITTEN. Attack! Tell me quickly how to attack!
THE SMART CAT. Or you can be a thief?
THE KITTEN. To be a thief! That's my dream to become a thief!
THE SMART CAT. Oh it's so easy. Well, then, everybody, come here. So do you, Moth. Well, come nearer. Now I'll show you something interesting. You must do this way… One, two, three… Finish!
THE MOTH. My new wings!
THE SMART CAT. Tearing your wings in pieces! That is what we call deception.
THE KITTEN. It is so easy to deceive!
THE SMART CAT. Now look! One, two, three… Done!
THE LITTLE CARP. My golden fins!
THE SMART CAT. Tearing your golden fins in pieces! That is what we call attacking!
THE KITTEN. Attacking is also very easy.
THE SMART CAT. Well. Attacking… deceiving… threatening. Threatening. Don't beg for fins and wings again! I'll take them away and tear them into pieces. Look, he — himself hasn't anything more. You wouldn't dare!
The Moth and The Little Carp disappear.
Deceiving… threatening… What else? Ah! To be a thief! (To The Dandelion) Let's do something else. I'll show you how to be a thief.
THE KITTEN. (To The Dandelion). Is it possible that you haven't anything more?
THE DANDELION. Would you like me to make you a present?..
THE KITTEN. Oh, that's great!
THE DANDELION. If I give you friendship?
THE KITTEN. Friendship? Oh! I see! Is it better than the golden fins and the new wings? Okay, let's. I'll take friendship. Let's see what kind of profit I can get here.
THE KITTEN. Give me!
THE KITTEN. Give, give! Throw it here!
THE DANDELION. Oh, no, friendship is something different. I can't give it to you this way.
THE SMART CAT. What did you say you have? Friendship? Does it mean that you don't want to give it on your own free will? Good, look, Kitten, now I'll steal the friendship. Well. You all go away! One, two, three… One, two, three…
THE KITTEN. It seems that you didn't succeed. Try once more.
THE SMART CAT. I'll get excited and I'll steal it. One, two, three… One, two, three… It means I'm not excited enough. Hey, Boot, step on my tail. Aha! Now I got excited indeed! Now look out! One, two, three!.. One, two, three…
THE OLD BOOT. I'm quitting.
THE POT. I'm saving myself.
THE FLY. Stop, Smart Cat!
THE SMART CAT. I can't stop. They excited me!
THE FLY. You dare, you risk hurting yourself.
THE SMART CAT. Let me hurt myself! There is nothing that can be done for me now!
THE FLY. Stop! You are trying to catch something that doesn't exist!
THE SMART CAT. What! What are you buzzing? I don't hear you! One, two, three…
THE FLY. But you can't steal something that doesn't exist!
THE SMART CAT. I can! Something you can give — you can also steal! Now I'll take it the same! It won't get away! Now I'll take it the same! It won't get away! I'll run it down! I'll deceive it! I'll catch it!
THE FLY. You should wait it appears.
THE SMART CAT. Who else must appear?
THE FLY. Friendship!
THE SMART CAT. What friendship?
THE FLY. Friendship that soon will appear between them!