The Dandelion and The Kitten, The Smart Cat.
THE SMART CAT. Hey! I'm not going to make friends with you! I'm not interest in it! It is so dull! (I shouldn't mix anything and tell them a lie, otherwise they'll understand everything). While you making plans and whispering, Little Carp and Moth has already gone to get their fins and wings. (Oh, I'm telling the truth for the first time in the whole life. I'm excited! The truth appears to tickle my nerves.) Well. While you are making plans, malicious Fly has followed them. She'll make them quarrel. And she'll steal their friendship. They've got small friendship, and it'll be easy to steal it. The Sun will set, they'll lose their way. They won't see their Happinness, as one can't see his own tail! (I seem to have told a lie. Here is my tail. What if they don't believe me?.)
THE KITTEN. Oh, Golden fins!
THE SMART CAT. They'll be lost! They'll lost their way!
THE KITTEN. Lost their way!
THE DANDELION. They'll be lost!
THE SMART CAT. Night has fallen. It has Honest!
THE DANDELION. Honest! We gave the promise!
THE SMART CAT. Sun is setting. They can't see in the darkness.
THE KITTEN. But I can!
THE SMART CAT. They'll lose their way!
THE KITTEN. But I won't lose it!
THE DANDELION. Kitten, you run after them! Find them and show them the way!
THE KITTEN. I shall! And what about you?
THE DANDELION. I'll light up your way! Kitten, you run, run without turning back!
THE KITTEN. But it means to save myself!
THE DANDELION. Kitten, you run and don't lose the time!
THE KITTEN. But it means to leave!
THE DANDELION. Good bye, Kitten! Don't turn around! Run away!
The Kitten runs away.
THE SMART CAT. I feel ill at ease! I'm going to cry! Parting words! The stolen friendship!
Night. The Kitten.
THE KITTEN. Now to turn around! I'll run! To save small friendship for the sake of large one! To run! Forward! Not to turn around! Not to leave! Not to save myself! Not to steal up! Not to deceive! To run forward! To run!.. To run… I'm tired. Not to get tired! I'm in despair. Not to be in despair! To run… Run.. I seem to be crying. Not to cry! To run…. To run…
Different voices in the darkness. Song is breaking down.
THE OLD BOOT. Together…
THE POT. Go on, music…
THE MOTH. Wings…
The Boot and then the others.
THE OLD BOOT. Together. Together. I'm the left boot. I'm going alone.
THE MOTH. They stopped on me.
THE LITTLE CARP. They pushed me.
THE POT. Somebody attacked me in the darkness.
THE OLD BOOT. We've lost our way!
THE POT. We didn't finish our song.
THE MOTH. Wings dropped.
THE LITTLE CARP. Sun has grown dark.
THE OLD BOOT. March together! Why should we march together, if nothing could be seen in the darkness.
THE POT. Why should we sing our song in the darkness?
THE MOTH. How could we go after sun if it's set?
THE OLD BOOT. We shouldn't… march together.
THE POT. Our song… is sung.
THE MOTH. The wings… are crumpled.
THE LITTLE CARP. The sun has set.
THE FLY. Ha-ha! What a sad end! The army is depressed! Distant victory and sad end! Ha-ha-ha!
The Kitten.
THE KITTEN. We'll march together again!
THE POT. Again!
THE KITTEN. A New sun has risen!
THE KITTEN. Our dream's got the wings!
THE MOTH. Wings!
They sing their song again.
THE KITTEN. Together!
EVERYBODY. Together!
THE KITTEN. Our song!
EVERYBODY. Our song!
THE KITTEN. Sunshine!
EVERYBODY. Sunshine!
THE FLY. I'll follow them.
THE OLD BOOT. We have come at last. Thank you, Kitten. Here they are. I can see them.
THE POT. We have come at last. Thank you, Kitten. Here they are. I can see them.
THE POT. How frightful they are! Malicious! Thorny!
THE LITTLE CARP. Listen, friends! We must get over them today! Let's forget our quarrels!
THE MOTH. Let's ask them to help us have our way. They may be kind in reality. Perhaps they only try to look frightful! It happens, I know!
THE KITTEN. Thistles!
THE LITTLE CARP. I don't think, they hear our words. They are talking. (Everybody tries to understand, what the thistles are talking about.)
THE KITTEN. But they keep silent! They can't understand our words!
THE MOTH. Another world is waiting for us there!
EVERYBODY. Another world!
THE LITTLE CARP. We'll get another way of living there!
EVERYBODY. Another way of living!
THE OLD BOOT. Let us have our way!
THE POT. Let us, please!
They listen.
THE KITTEN. They can't hear our words!
THE OLD BOOT. How quiet it is here!.. I am afraid.
THE POT. I feel cold.
THE KITTEN. Look, the light goes out. Let's go ahead!
THE LITTLE CARP. Let's gather all our strength.
THE MOTH. Gather the best we have!
THE OLD BOOT. Go ahead!
Mute scene. They attach. The Fly.
THE FLY. What are you doing! They are trying to get over. You won't get over here! I can see everything.
THE OLD BOOT. Let's go ahead!
THE FLY. What are you doing! You'll be hurt all over! You'll be wounded, you'll tear your clothes!
THE MOTH. Go ahead!
THE FLY. So, I won't disturb you. Well… I can't understand. Look back! Look, what you've left! You've got used to such a way of living. And nobody knows, what's in store for you. You, Little Carp, have used to your bog. And Moth hasn't woven his cocoon to the winter yet. And what about you, Boot and Pot. What are your reasons? Did you need anything here? You lived by yourselves. And what are your reasons? And you, Kitten turn back, your best friend maybe dying there!
Everybody stop.
THE KITTEN. Don't look back! Don't turn back! Don't doubt!
THE FLY. It's silly of you to do it. You haven't gone a half of the way yet. Yes. I can see everything. And beside, behind these thistles there are the others. They are more frightful and thorny! I warn you!
THE MOTH. The are thorny…
THE OLD BOOT. Oh-Oh! I've hurt myself!
THE POT. I got scratched!
THE LITTLE CARP. I've caught on it.
THE MOTH. I've hurt myself.
THE FLY. Go back!
THE KITTEN. Ahead! Let's gather our strength. Just a few have left to us.
THE OLD BOOT. How do you know?
THE POT. Who told you this?
THE LITTLE CARP. Listen, Fly, would it be better for us to turn to one side a little!
THE FLY. Turn to your right.
THE OLD BOOT. It's must easier here! Let's go here!
THE FLY. You'd better go to your right a little more!
THE POT. Go here! It's not so perilously here!
THE FLY. A little more once again!
THE LITTLE CARP. It's so easy to go right here! Go here, Friends!
THE KITTEN. Go ahead!
THE MOTH. We've got out!
THE KITTEN. It's the garbage dump!
EVERYBODY. The garbage dump!
THE FLY. Ha-ha-ha! Made sure? And now fall in and march in step. Let's sing a song!
THE OLD BOOT. Together!
THE POT. Come on, music!
THE LITTLE CARP. Hello, Sunshine!
THE MOTH. Our beautiful dream has got the wings!
Damp. The Smart Cat and The Dandelion.
THE SMART CAT. I've kept watching over him for the whole night. I've been lying in wait. I haven't had a wink of sleep for several nights. It fell to my lot… But, what the results are! — He's turned grey. Not me, it's Dandelion, that's turned grey. Any will turn grey, if your best friend leaves you. How unjust it's everywhere! Everywhere! But where's Fly? What are the results? Well, let's see… Dandelion… shone their way for the whole night. How can one do everything at once? I warned him not to do it! — In vain. He shone for the whole night. And here the results! I ask you to switch off the light, when you are leaving (I'm approaching to the point, you know.) I can't look at him — he's changed a lot for these 2 days: first he was green, then yellow and now he's turned grey. I feel pity for him. How could he do that? When you leave, please… Oh, I've already warned you about it. How awful it is! But that is what I wanted, didn't I? Well, it's dangerous to tell the truth. And what if this happens to me? Could I do it? Without having a wink of sleep… He shone for the whole night… Well, I've already told you about it. Let's wait for Fly to come. Let her look at him. But it's better not to look at him at all. How awful it is! Well, it's dangerous to tell the truth… And I've told you about it too! There's nothing unknown in this world. Everything has been told. For the life of me! Well… the only thing, left for us is to live ourselves, There is nothing to add. What happens to me? — I'm telling the truth, and there's nobody to listen to it. I have to be so sophisticated. And this is my life… Oh, my life… I was born. How was I born? — They simply threw me away, and that of it? They made me home my own way. And I have.
But who won't have it? Will he? Nobody asked him or tried to persuade him. Honest! What if you try to persuade me. Nobody knows, what will come of it… I have my own way, and I can rely only on myself. I don't need to think of anybody else… They'll get along without me. What a good boy I am! They'll keep me in mind! But will they! They'll forget me immediately! As if I have never lived here. Well, I'll get along without them! I shall! There are many of us here. And there are just a few of them.
They seem to be returning. I can hear them approaching. I am leaving… But why should I hide myself?.. It's my desert, that he… He's still alive! And what if I?..
THE FLY. Well. I warned them. I was right. I flied and saw everything. He's such a delicate person. And what results! After one night of there were two of them? Or three of them? Well, Smart Cat, you've done a lot without me. What a good boy you are? I'll reward you for your devoted job. You know, there, in the ravine there is a fish head. It's for you.
THE SMART CAT. Thank you. But don't boast about yourself. Well I'm leaving… (He tries to listen.) No, I'll prefer to watch the meeting of the friends first. Perhaps, tears will fall from my eyes.
THE FLY. Well, let's watch it.
The Kitten, The Old Boot, The Pot, The Little Carp, The Moth singing.
How are you, heroes? How are you, Kitten? Where are your friend? And what about you, Little Carp, where are your fins? Moth, have you got your new wings? Ha-ha-ha! Why are you so silent? You sang your song while walking on your road: Together! Our song! Sun! Wings! Look at each other — what have you got? You are silent…
EVERYBODY. She deceived us.
THE KITTEN (to Dandelion). Are You silent? I've returned. Why do you keep silent? You lit our way the whole night. I could see our way even when my eyes got tired. But they deceived me. Do your hear me, Dandelion?
THE FLY. Certainly not, He's went deaf his sorrow.
THE DANDELION. I hear you…
THE KITTEN. Tell me something. Shout at me!
THE DANDELION…if you've got a brave heart…
THE DANDELION…if you even were born in the rubbish heap…
THE KITTEN. If you were born!
THE FLY. Don't listen to him! Close your ears! He's got mad!
THE SMART CAT. Oh, tears sprang to my eyes.
THE DANDELION…even if you were deceived…
THE KITTEN. We're deceived!
THE FLY. He talks nonsense!
THE DANDELION…if you saw your way…
THE FLY. He's dying! Dying!
THE OLD BOOT. Everything will die.
THE POT. Everything passes.
THE DANDELION…everything has changed around me…
THE FLY. It's our life! Ha-ha-ha.
THE DANDELION. Life… I love… Something hurts my eyes…