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43. Bahrke, M.S., and Morgan, W.P. (1978). Anxiety reduction following exercise and meditation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2: 323–33. Harte, J.L., Eifert, G.H., and Smith, R. (1995). The effects of running and meditation on betaendorphin, corticotrophin-releasing hormone, and cortisol in plasma, and on mood. Biological Psychology, 40: 251–56.

44. Carter-Morris, P., and Faulkner, G. (2003). A football project for service users: The role of football in reducing social exclusion. Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2: 24–30. (Quote on p. 27.)

45. Meeusen, R., and De Meirleir, K. (1995). Exercise and brain neurotransmission. Sports Medicine, 20: 160–88.

46. Biddle, S.J. H., and Ekkekakis, P. (2006). Physically active lifestyles and wellbeing. In Huppert, F.A., Baylis, N., and Keverne, B. (eds.). The Science of Well-being (pp. 141–68). New York: Oxford University Press.

47. Mutrie, N., and Faulkner, G. (2004). Physical activity: Positive psychology in motion. In Linley, A., and Joseph, S. (eds.). Positive Psychology in Practice (pp. 146–64). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Quotation on p. 146.

48. Чтобы измерить свой сердечный ритм во время выполнения физических упражнений, не прерывая тренировки, остановитесь и в течение шести секунд измерьте пульс на запястье или на шее, то есть подсчитайте, количество ударов пульса в эти шесть секунд. Умножьте результат на десять, и вы получите показатель своего сердечного ритма. Чтобы измерить свой сердечный ритм точнее, измерьте пульс в течение более длительного времени, например в течение десяти секунд (умножьте результат на шесть) или тридцати секунд (умножьте результат на два).

49. Bailey, C. (1994). Smart Exercise. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

50. Stanford University School of Medicine professor William Dement: Dement, W.C., and Vaughan, C. (2000). The Promise of Sleep. New York: Dell.

51. Lyubomirsky, King, et al. (2005), указ. соч.

52. Darwin, C.R. (1896). The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. New York: Appleton. Quotation on p. 365.

53. Strack, F., Martin, L.L., and Stepper, S. (1988). Inhibiting and facilitating conditions of the human smile: A nonobtrusive test of the facial feedback hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

54. 768–77. 54. Levenson, R.W., Ekman, P., and Friesen, W.V. (1990). Voluntary facial action generates emotion-specific autonomic nervous system activity. Psychophysiology, 27: 363–84.

55. Cole, J. (1998). About Face. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Quotation on p. 127.

56. Finzi, E., and Wasserman, E. (2006). Treatment of depression with botulinum toxin A: A case series. Dermatologic Surgery, 32: 645–50.

57. Fromm, E. (1956). The Art of Loving. New York: Harper & Row. Quotation on p. 49. The other findings described in this paragraph are reviewed in Lyubomirsky, King, et al. (2005), указ. соч.

58. Keltner, D., and Bonanno, G.A. (1997). A study of laughter and dissociation: Distinct correlates of laughter and smiling during bereavement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73: 687–702. 59. Berk, L.S., Tan, S.A., and Westengard, J. (2006, April). Увеличение уровня бета– эндорфина и HGH связаны и с ожиданием, и с переживанием радостного смеха. Доклад на ежегодной конференции по экспериментальной биологии, Сан-Франциско.

10. Пять «Как?» длительного счастья

1. Diener, E., Sandvik, E., and Pavot, W. (1991). Happiness is the frequency, not the intensity, of positive versus negative affect. In Strack, F., Argyle, M., and Schwarz, N. (eds.). Subjective Well-being: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (pp. 119–39). Elmsford, NY: Pergamon. Urry, H.L., Nitschke, J.B., Dolski, I., Jackson, D.C., Dalton, K.M., Mueller, C.J., Rosenkranz, M.A., Ryff, C.D., Singer, B.H., and Davidson, R.J. (2004). Making a life worth living: Neural correlates of well-being. Psychological Science, 15: 367–72.

2. Fredrickson (2001), указ. соч.

3. Proust, M. (1982). Remembrance of Things Past, Vol. 1: Swann’s Way and Within a Budding Grove, trans. C.K. S. Moncrieff and T. Kilmartin. New York: First Vintage. (Original work published 1913–1918.)

4. Davidson, R.J. (1993). The neuropsychology of emotion and affective style. In Lewis, M., and Haviland, J.M. (eds.). Handbook of Emotion (pp.143–54). New York: Guilford. Watson, D., Clark, L.A., and Carey, G. (1988). Positive and negative affectivity and their relations to anxiety and depressive disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97: 346–53.

5. MacLeod, A.K., Tata, P., Kentish, J., and Jacobsen, H. (1997). Retrospective and prospective cognitions in anxiety and depression. Cognition and Emotion, 11: 467–79. MacLeod, A.K., Pankhania, B., Lee, M., and Mitchell, D. (1997). Depression, hopelessness and future-directed thinking in parasuicide. Psychological Medicine, 27: 973–77. MacLeod, A.K., and Byrne, A. (1996). Anxiety, depression and the anticipation of future positive and negative experiences. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105: 286–89. For a review, see MacLeod, A.K., and Moore, R. (2000). Positive thinking revisited: Positive cognitions, well-being, and mental health. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7: 1–10.

6. Joormann, J., Siemer, M., and Gotlib, I.H. (2006). Mood regulation in depression: Differential effects of distraction and recall of happy memories on sad mood. Manuscript under review.

7. Brown, G.W., Lemyre, L., and Bifulco, A. (1992). Social factors and recovery from anxiety and depressive disorders: A test of specificity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 161: 44–54. See also Taylor et al. (2006), op. cit.

8. Fredrickson, B.L., and Levenson, R.W. (1998). Positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 12: 191–220. Fredrickson, B.L., Mancuso, R.A., Branigan, C., and Tugade, M.M. (2000). The undoing effect of positive emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 24: 237–58.

9. Fredrickson & Levenson (1998), op. cit.; Fredrickson et al. (2000), указ. соч.

10. Dickerhoof (2007), указ. соч.

11. Fredrickson (2001), op. cit. See also Ong, A.D., Bergeman, C.S., Bisconti, T.L., and Wallace, K.A. (2006). Psychological resilience, positive emotions, and successful adaptation to stress in later life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91: 730–49.

12. А именно когнитивная теория и теория безнадежности.

13. Dickerhoof (2007), указ. соч.

14. Поведенческая терапия, цель которой – побуждать пациента с депрессией увеличивать количество приятных событий в повседневной жизни, является очевидным исключением.

15. Keyes (2005), указ. соч.

16. Lyubomirsky, King, et al. (2005), указ. соч.

17. King, L.A., Hicks, J.A., Krull, J.L., and Del Gaiso, A.K. (2006). Positive affect and the experience of meaning in life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90: 179–96.

18. Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, et al. (2005), указ. соч.

19. Здесь уместно указать на работу Лифа Ван Бовена из университета Колорадо. Он обнаружил, что люди более счастливы, если вкладывают деньги и ресурсы в опыт и переживания (который, конечно, включает большое разнообразие действий), а не в имущество. Он приводит три причины этого: 1) опыт, по сравнению с материальными вещами, со временем начинает приносить больше удовольствия; 2) люди менее склонны сравнивать свой опыт (в противоположность имуществу) с опытом более удачливых других; и 3) опыт имеет больше социальной ценности и чаще укрепляет отношения. Я добавила бы четвертую причину: опыт (в том числе и действия) меньше подвержен гедонистической адаптации. Обзор см. в Van Boven, L. (2005). Experientialism, materialism, and the pursuit of happiness. Review of General Psychology, 9: 132–42.

20. Berlyne, D. (1970). Novelty, complexity, and hedonic value. Perception and Psychophysics, 8: 279–86. McAlister, L. (1982). A dynamic attribute satiation model of variety-seeking behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 9: 141–50. Ratner, R.K., Kahn, B.E., and Kahneman, D. (1999). Choosing less-preferred experiences for the sake of variety. Journal of Consumer Research, 26: 1–15. Berns, G. (2005). Satisfaction: The Science of Finding True Fulfillment. New York: Henry Holt.

21. Tkach, 2005, указ. соч.

22. Robert Jeffery, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota. Personal communication, July 17, 2006.

23. Eugenides, J. (2003). Middlesex. New York: Picador. Quotation is on p. 69.

24. Brown, G.W., and Harris, T. (1978). Social Origins of Depression: A Study of Psychiatric Disorder in Women. New York: Free Press.

25. Dube et al. (in press), указ. соч.

26. Gladwell, M. (2005, September 12). The cellular church: How Rick Warren’s congregation grew. New Yorker.

27. Friedman, H.S. (2002). Health Psychology, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

28. Caplan, R.D., Robinson, E.A.R., French, J.R.P., Jr., Caldwell, J.R., and Shinn, M. (1976). Adhering to Medical Regimens: Pilot Experiments in Patient Education and Social Support. Ann Arbor: Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.

29. Norcross & Vangarelli (1989), указ. соч.

30. Wing, R.R., and Jeffery, R.W. (1999). Benefits of recruiting participants with friends and increasing social support for weight loss and maintenance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67: 132–38.

31. Dickerhoof (2007), указ. соч.

32. Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006a), указ. соч.

33. Seligman et al. (2005), указ. соч.; Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006a), указ. соч.

34. Приписывается ученому и математику XVII века Исааку Барроу: «Ничто ценное или важное не может быть достигнуто при наличии сомнений и малодушия».

35. Oishi, S., Diener, E., and Lucas, R.E. (in press). Optimum level of wellbeing: Can people be too happy? Perspectives in Psychological Science.

36. Lyubomirsky, King, et al. (2005), op. cit.; Fredrickson (2001), указ. соч.

37. Например, Wood, W., Tam, L., and Witt, M.G. (2005). Changing circumstances, disrupting habits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88: 918–33. For a review of the psychological literature on habits, see Neal, D.T., Wood, W., and Quinn, J.M. (2006). Habits: A repeat performance. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15: 198–202.

38. Shiffrin, R.M., and Schneider, W. (1977). Controlled and automatic human information processing: II. Perceptual learning, automatic attending and a general theory. Psychological Review, 84: 127–90.

39. Centers for Disease Control. (1993). Smoking cessation during previous year among adults-United States, 1990 and 1991. MMWR, 42: 504–7. McGuire, M., Wing, R., and Hill, J. (1999). The prevalence of weight loss maintenance among American adults. International Journal of Obesity, 23: 1314–19. Kassirer, J., and Angell, M. (1998). Losing weight: An ill-fated New Year’s resolution. New England Journal of Medicine, 338: 52–54.

40. Schachter, S. (1982). Recidivism and self-cure of smoking and obesity. American Psychologist, 37: 436–44. 41. Klem et al. (1997), op. cit.

Постскриптум. Если вы в депрессии

1. American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., text rev. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

2. Kessler, R.C. (2005, August). Population perspectives on the epidemiology and use of services for behavioral health disorders. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

3. Schatzberg, A.F. (2000). New indications for antidepressants. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 61: 9–17.

4. Kessler, R.C., Michelson, K.D., Barber, C.B., and Wang, P. (2001). The association between chronic medical conditions and work impairment. In Rossi, A.S. (ed.). Caring and Doing for Others: Social Responsibility in the Domain of the Family, Work, and Community (pp. 403–26). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

5. Greenberg, P., Kessler, R.C., Nells, T., Finkelstein, S., and Berndt, E.R. (1996). Depression in the workplace: An economic perspective. In Feighner, J.P., and Boyer, W.F. (eds.). Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Advances in Basic Research and Clinical Practice (pp. 327–63). New York: John Wiley.

6. Это называют diathesis-stress model. Диатезис – это генетическая восприимчивость или склонность. Стресс представляет собой триггер, существующий в окружающей среде, или ситуацию, которая способствует его возникновению.

7. Kendler, K., Neale, M., Kessler, R., Heath, A., and Eaves, L. (1992). Major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 49: 716–22.

8. Sullivan, P.F., Neale, M.C., and Kendler, K.S. (2000). Genetic epidemiology of major depression: Review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157: 1552–62.

9. Thase, M.E., Jindal, R., & Howland, R.H. (2002). Biological aspects of depression. In Gotlib and Hammen, op. cit., 192–218. See also Carlson, P.J., Singh, J.B., Zarate, C.A., Drevets, W.C., and Manji, H.K. (2006). Neural circuitry and neuroplasticity in mood disorders: Insights for novel therapeutic targets. Journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, 3: 22–41.

10. Mayberg, H.S., Lozano, A.M., Voon, V., McNeeley, H.E., Seminowicz, D., Hamani, C., Schwalb, J.M., and Kennedy, S.H. (2005, March 3). Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression. Neuron, 45: 651–60.

11. Monroe, S.M., and Hadjiyannakis, K. (2002). The social environment and depression: Focusing on severe life stress. In Gotlib and Hammen, op. cit., 314–40.

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