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Moral Panic Relating to Crime and Drugs Policy in the Netherlands: Towards a testable theory // Crime, Law and Social Change. 1998. No. 29/1.

Chiricos T. Moral Panic as Ideology: Drugs, violence, race and punishment in America // Justice with Prejudice: Race and criminal justice in America / M. J. Lynch, E. B. Patterson (eds). Guilderland, NY: Harrow and Heston, 1997.

Collin M. Altered State: The story of ecstasy culture and acid house. London: Serpent's Tail, 1997.

Cottino A., Quirico M. Easy Target and Moral Panic: The law on drug addiction No. 162 of 1990 // The Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare. 1995. No. 4/2.

Goode E. The American Drug Panic of the 1980s: Social construction or objective threat? // International Journal of Addiction. 1990. No. 45/5.

Hill A. Acid House and Thatcherism: Noise, the mob and the English countryside // British Journal of Sociology. 2002. No. 53/1.

5. Порнография

Burstyn V. Political Precedents and Moral Crusades: Women, sex and the state // Women against Censorship / V. Burstyn (ed.). Vancouver: Douglas and Maclntyre, 1985.

Kinsman G. Danger Signals: Moral conservatism, the media and the sex police // The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada / G. Kinsman (ed.). Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1987.

Murray T., McClure M. Moral Panic: Exposing the religious right's agenda on sexuality, Listen up! London: Cassell, 1995.

Watney S. Policing Desire: Pornography, AIDS and the media. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.

6. Дети под угрозой: насилие над детьми – сексуальное и культовое

Best]. Threatened Children: Rhetoric and concern about child-victims. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Best J. Troubling Children: Studies of children and social problems. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994.

De Young M. Speak of the Devil: Rhetoric in claims-making about the Satanic ritual abuse problem // Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 1996. No. 23.

De Young M. Another Look at Moral Panics: The case of satanic day care centers // Deviant Behavior. 1998. No. 19/3.

Jenkins Ph. Moral Panic: Changing concepts of the child molester in modern America. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998.

Jenkins Ph., Maier-Katkin D. Satanism – Myth and Reality in a Contemporary Moral Panic // Crime, Law and Social Change. 1992. No. 17/1.

LaFontaine J.S. Speak of the Devil: Tales of satanic abuse in contemporary England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Richardson J. T. et al. (eds). The Satanism Scare. Hawthorn: Aldine de Gruyter, 1991.

Victor J. S. Satanic Panic: The creation of a contemporary legend. Chicago: Open Court, 1993.

Victor J. S. Fundamentalist Religions and the Moral Crusade against Satanism: The social construction of deviant behavior // Deviant Behavior. 1994. No. 15.

Victor J. S. Moral Panics and the Social Construction of Deviant Behavior: A theory and application to the case of ritual child abuse // Sociological Perspectives. 1998. No. 41/3.

7. Проблемы социального обеспечения и матери-одиночки

Brush L. D. Worthy Widows, Welfare Cheats: Proper woman– hood in expert needs talk about single mothers in the US 1900–1988 // Gender and Society. 1997. No. 11/6.

Cregan K. (S)he was Convicted and Condemned // Social Semiotics. 2001. No. 11/2.

Hartley D., Taylor-Gooby P. Dependency Culture: The explosion of a myth. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.

Linne O., Jones M. The Coverage of Lone-Parents in British Newspapers: A construction based on moral panic? // Communication Abstracts. 2001. No. 24/1.

Naylor B. The «Bad Mother» in Media and Legal Texts // Social Semiotics. 2001. No. 11/2.

Phoenix A. Social Constructions of Lone Motherhood // Good Enough Mothering? Feminist Perspectives on Lone Mothering / E. Bortoloaia Silva (ed.). London: Routledge, 1996.

8. Беженцы и просители убежища

Campbell С., Clark Е. «Gypsy Invasion»: A critical analysis of newspaper reaction to Czech and Slovak Romani asylum-seekers in Britain // Romani Studies. 1997. No. 10/1.

Chessum L. Race and Immigration in the Leicester Local Press 1945–1962 // Immigrants and Minorities. 1998. No. 17/2.

Kaye R. Redefining the Refugee: The UK media portrayal of asylum seekers // The New Migration in Europe: Social constructions and social realities / K. Koser, H. Lutz (eds). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.

9. Разное

Acton Th. Modernisation, Moral Panics and the Gypsies // Sociology Review. 1994. No. 4/1.

Fordham G. Moral Panic and the Construction of a National Order: HIV/ AIDS risk groups and the moral boundaries in the creation of a modern Thailand // Critique of Anthropology. 2001. No. 21/3.

Ungar Sh. Hot Crises and Media Reassurance: A comparison of emerging diseases and Ebola Zaire // British Journal of Sociology. 1998. No. 49/1.

Williams B. Bail Bandits: The construction of a moral panic // Critical Social Policy. 1993. No. 13/1.



Термин «моральная паника» был впервые использован Джоком Янгом: Young J. The Role of Police as Amplifiers of Deviancy, Negotiators of Reality and Translators of Fantasy // Images of Deviance / S. Cohen (ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971. P. 37. Вероятно, мы оба заимствовали его у Маршалла Маклюэна: Маклюэн М. Понимание медиа: внешние расширения человека. М.: Кучково поле, 2014.


В британских газетах в период между 1984 и 1991 годами зафиксировано 8 упоминаний «моральной паники»; затем 25 – в 1992 году, и внезапный скачок – 145 – в 1993 году. С 1994 по 2001 год в среднем насчитывалось 109 упоминаний в год.


См. книгу Кеннета Томпсона «Моральная паника», вышедшую в серии «Ключевые идеи» издательства Routledge: Thompson К. Moral Panics. L.: Routledge, 1998. Определения см.: Johnson A. G. Black-well Dictionary of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000; Murji К. Moral Panic // Dictionary of Criminology. L.: Sage, 2001.


См.: Morrison В. As If. Cambridge: Cranta, 1997.


Macpherson W. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. L.: HMSO, 1999.


Два показательных примера: McLaughlin E., Murji K. After the Stephen Lawrence Report // Critical Social Policy. 1999. Vol. 19. No. 3. P. 371–85; After Macpherson: Policing After the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry / A. Mar-low, B. Loveday (eds). Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing, 2000.


McLaughlin Е., Murji К. After the Stephen Lawrence… P. 372.


Как гласила передовица The Sun от 1 марта 1999 года: «Британия поддерживает наших бобби: результаты опроса Sun говорят в пользу критикуемых копов».

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