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"Selden told me of him, sir (Сэлдэн рассказывал мне о нем, сэр), a week ago or more (неделю назад или /чуть/ больше). He's in hiding, too, but he's not a convict (он тоже скрывается, но он не каторжник) so far as I can make out (насколько я могу судить; to make out — увидеть, различить; понять). I don't like it, Dr. Watson (мне это не нравится, доктор Ватсон) — I tell you straight, sir, that I don't like it (говорю вам прямо, сэр, что мне это не нравится)." He spoke with a sudden passion of earnestness (он говорил с внезапной горячностью; passion — страсть; взрыв чувств, сильное душевное волнение).

"Now, listen to me, Barrymore (а теперь послушайте меня, Бэрримор)! I have no interest in this matter but that of your master (у меня нет /никаких/ интересов в этом деле, кроме как /интересов/ вашего хозяина). I have come here with no object except to help him (я приехал сюда с одной целью — помочь ему: «с никакой другой целью, кроме как помочь ему»). Tell me, frankly (скажите мне, /только/ честно), what it is that you don't like (что вам не нравится)."

ecarte [eI'kA:teI], library ['[email protected]], precious ['[email protected]]

Mortimer had stayed to dinner, and he and the baronet played ecarte afterwards. The butler brought me my coffee into the library, and I took the chance to ask him a few questions.

"Well," said I, "has this precious relation of yours departed, or is he still lurking out yonder?"

"I don't know, sir. I hope to Heaven that he has gone, for he has brought nothing but trouble here! I've not heard of him since I left out food for him last, and that was three days ago."

"Did you see him then?"

"No, sir, but the food was gone when next I went that way."

"Then he was certainly there?"

"So you would think, sir, unless it was the other man who took it."

I sat with my coffee-cup half-way to my lips and stared at Barrymore.

"You know that there is another man, then?"

"Yes, sir; there is another man upon the moor."

"Have you seen him?"

"No, sir."

"How do you know of him, then?"

"Selden told me of him, sir, a week ago or more. He's in hiding, too, but he's not a convict so far as I can make out. I don't like it, Dr. Watson — I tell you straight, sir, that I don't like it." He spoke with a sudden passion of earnestness.

"Now, listen to me, Barrymore! I have no interest in this matter but that of your master. I have come here with no object except to help him. Tell me, frankly, what it is that you don't like."

Barrymore hesitated for a moment (Бэрримор мгновение колебался), as if he regretted his outburst (как будто сожалея о своей несдержанности; outburst — взрыв, вспышка), or found it difficult to express his own feelings in words (или находя трудным выразить свои чувства в словах).

"It's all these goings-on, sir (все, что там происходит, сэр; goings-on — дела, действия)," he cried, at last (воскликнул он наконец), waving his hand towards the rain-lashed window (махнув рукой в сторону залитого дождем окна; to lash — хлестать, ударять; /о дожде, волнах и т. д./) which faced the moor (которое выходило на болота). "There's foul play somewhere (там что-то нечистое замышляют: «там где-то грязная игра»), and there's black villainy brewing, to that I'll swear (и там затевается какое-то злодейство, готов в этом поклясться)! Very glad I should be, sir (я был бы очень рад, сэр), to see Sir Henry on his way back to London again (увидеть, как сэр Генри возвращается в Лондон: «увидеть сэра Генри на пути в Лондон»)!"

"But what is it that alarms you (но что вас так тревожит)?"

"Look at Sir Charles's death (взгляните на = вспомните смерть сэра Чарльза)! That was bad enough (это было = выглядело довольно зловеще; bad — дурной, плохой; зловещий), for all that the coroner said (несмотря на все то, что сказал коронер). Look at the noises on the moor at night (а взять этот шум на болотах по ночам). There's not a man would cross it after sundown (ни один человек не /решится/ пересечь их после заката солнца) if he was paid for it (/даже/ если ему заплатили за это). Look at this stranger hiding out yonder (а этот незнакомец, что прячется там), and watching and waiting (высматривая и выжидая)! What's he waiting for (чего он ждет)? What does it mean (что это означает)? It means no good to anyone of the name of Baskerville (это не предвещает /ничего/ хорошего никому с именем Баскервиль; to mean — иметь в виду; означать, предвещать), and very glad I shall be to be quit of it all (и я буду очень рад избавиться от всего этого; to quit — оставлять; освобождать, избавлять) on the day that Sir Henry's new servants are ready to take over the Hall (в день, когда новые слуги сэра Генри будут готовы принять /от нас/ Баскервиль-холл)."

outburst ['[email protected]:st], alarm [@'lA:m], servant ['[email protected]:v(@)nt]

Barrymore hesitated for a moment, as if he regretted his outburst, or found it difficult to express his own feelings in words.

"It's all these goings-on, sir," he cried, at last, waving his hand towards the rain-lashed window which faced the moor. "There's foul play somewhere, and there's black villainy brewing, to that I'll swear! Very glad I should be, sir, to see Sir Henry on his way back to London again!"

"But what is it that alarms you?"

"Look at Sir Charles's death! That was bad enough, for all that the coroner said. Look at the noises on the moor at night. There's not a man would cross it after sundown if he was paid for it. Look at this stranger hiding out yonder, and watching and waiting! What's he waiting for? What does it mean? It means no good to anyone of the name of Baskerville, and very glad I shall be to be quit of it all on the day that Sir Henry's new servants are ready to take over the Hall."

"But about this stranger (/кстати/, об этом незнакомце)," said I. "Can you tell me anything about him (можете мне рассказать что-нибудь о нем)? What did Selden say (что говорил Сэлдэн)? Did he find out where he hid (он обнаружил, где тот прятался; to hide), or what he was doing (или что делал = чем занимался)?"

"He saw him once or twice (он видел его пару раз), but he is a deep one (но тот очень скрытный; deep — глубокий; таинственный), and gives nothing away (и сидит, не высовываясь; to give away — выдавать секрет; разоблачать). At first he thought that he was the police (сперва он подумал, что тот — полицейский), but soon he found that he had some lay of his own (но вскоре понял, что у него свои собственные цели; lay — положение; занятие, дело /разг./). A kind of gentleman he was (он своего рода джентльмен = с виду он джентльмен), as far as he could see (насколько он может судить), but what he was doing he could not make out (но чем он занимается, он = Сэлдэн не смог понять)."

"And where did he say that he lived (а где, он сказал, он живет)?"

"Among the old houses on the hillside (в старых постройках на склонах холмов) — the stone huts where the old folk used to live (в каменных хижинах, где жил древний народ)."

"But how about his food (а чем он питается: «а как насчет его пищи»)?"

"Selden found out that he has got a lad (Сэлдэн обнаружил = видел, что у него есть = к нему приходит мальчик) who works for him and brings him all he needs (который на него работает и приносит ему все необходимое). I daresay he goes to Coombe Tracey for what he wants (мне думается, он ходит в Кум-Трэйси за продуктами: «за тем, что он хочет»)."

twice [twaIs], gentleman ['[email protected]], where [[email protected]]

"But about this stranger," said I. "Can you tell me anything about him? What did Selden say? Did he find out where he hid, or what he was doing?"

"He saw him once or twice, but he is a deep one, and gives nothing away. At first he thought that he was the police, but soon he found that he had some lay of his own. A kind of gentleman he was, as far as he could see, but what he was doing he could not make out."

"And where did he say that he lived?"

"Among the old houses on the hillside — the stone huts where the old folk used to live."

"But how about his food?"

"Selden found out that he has got a lad who works for him and brings him all he needs. I daresay he goes to Coombe Tracey for what he wants."

"Very good, Barrymore (очень хорошо, Бэрримор). We may talk further of this some other time (мы, возможно, поговорим об этом еще как-нибудь в другой раз)." When the butler had gone (когда дворецкий ушел) I walked over to the black window (я подошел к темному окну), and I looked through a blurred pane (и взглянул сквозь залитое дождем стекло; blurred — запачканный; расплывчатый, размазанный) at the driving clouds and at the tossing outline of the wind-swept trees (на мчащиеся тучи и колеблющиеся на ветру очертания деревьев; to toss — бросать, кидать; встряхивать; беспокойно метаться; to sweep — мести; сметать; wind-swept — развевающийся от ветра). It is a wild night indoors (в такую ночь и в доме жутковато; wild — дикий; бурный; indoors — внутри дома, в помещении), and what must it be in a stone hut upon the moor (а как должно быть в каменной хижине на болотах)? What passion of hatred can it be which leads a man (какая дикая ненависть может заставить человека; passion — страсть; вспышка /гнева/; to lead — вести, сопровождать; убеждать) to lurk in such a place at such a time (скрываться в таком месте в такое время)! And what deep and earnest purpose can he have (и что это за таинственная и серьезная цель у него может быть) which calls for such a trial (которая требует такого испытания)? There, in that hut upon the moor (там, в той хижине на болотах), seems to lie the very centre of that problem (похоже, и находится самая суть той загадки; centre — центр; ключевой момент) which has vexed me so sorely (которая так мучительно меня беспокоит). I swear that another day shall not have passed (клянусь, что не пройдет и «еще одного» дня) before I have done all that man can do (прежде чем я сделаю все, что может сделать человек = что человеку под силу) to reach the heart of the mystery (чтобы добраться до /самого/ сердца этой тайны).

cloud [klaud], hatred ['heItrId], trial [[email protected]]

"Very good, Barrymore. We may talk further of this some other time." When the butler had gone I walked over to the black window, and I looked through a blurred pane at the driving clouds and at the tossing outline of the wind-swept trees. It is a wild night indoors, and what must it be in a stone hut upon the moor? What passion of hatred can it be which leads a man to lurk in such a place at such a time! And what deep and earnest purpose can he have which calls for such a trial? There, in that hut upon the moor, seems to lie the very centre of that problem which has vexed me so sorely. I swear that another day shall not have passed before I have done all that man can do to reach the heart of the mystery.

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Книги, аналогичгные Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Собака Баскервилей (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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