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"You thought it might injure his reputation?"

"Well, sir, I thought no good could come of it. But now you have been kind to us, and I feel as if it would be treating you unfairly not to tell you all that I know about the matter."

"Very good, Barrymore; you can go (очень хорошо, Бэрримор, вы можете идти)." When the butler had left us (когда дворецкий покинул нас) Sir Henry turned to me (сэр Генри повернулся ко мне). "Well, Watson, what do you think of this new light (ну, Ватсон, что вы думаете об этом новом /проблеске/ света)?"

"It seems to leave the darkness rather blacker than before (кажется, он сделал мрак еще темнее, чем прежде; to leave — покидать; оставлять в каком-либо положении или состоянии)."

"So I think (и я так думаю). But if we can only trace L. L. (но если бы только мы могли разыскать Л. Л.; trace — след, отпечаток; to trace — обнаружить, установить; разыскать) it should clear up the whole business (это прояснило бы все дело). We have gained that much (мы многого добились; to gain — добывать; добиваться). We know that there is someone (мы знаем, что есть некто) who has the facts (кто располагает фактами) if we can only find her (если мы только сможем найти ее). What do you think we should do (что, как вы думаете, нам следует предпринять)?"

"Let Holmes know all about it at once (дать знать Холмсу обо всем этом немедленно). It will give him the clue (это даст ему ниточку; clue — клубок; путеводная нить) for which he has been seeking (которую он разыскивает). I am much mistaken (я сильно ошибаюсь) if it does not bring him down (если это не приведет его /сюда/ = если это не заставит его приехать)."

new [nju:], darkness ['dA:knIs], clue [klu:]

"Very good, Barrymore; you can go." When the butler had left us Sir Henry turned to me. "Well, Watson, what do you think of this new light?"

"It seems to leave the darkness rather blacker than before."

"So I think. But if we can only trace L. L. it should clear up the whole business. We have gained that much. We know that there is someone who has the facts if we can only find her. What do you think we should do?"

"Let Holmes know all about it at once. It will give him the clue for which he has been seeking. I am much mistaken if it does not bring him down."

I went at once to my room (я тотчас же отправился в свою комнату) and drew up my report of the morning's conversation for Holmes (и составил для Холмса отчет об утреннем разговоре; to draw up — останавливать/ся/; составлять /контракт, завещание и т. д./). It was evident to me that he had been very busy of late (очевидно, что последнее время он очень занят), for the notes which I had from Baker Street (так как записки, которые я получаю с Бейкер-стрит) were few and short (стали редкими и короткими), with no comments upon the information which I had supplied (без комментариев по поводу информации, которую я собрал: «доставил»), and hardly any reference to my mission (с редкими упоминаниями о /целях/ моего задания). No doubt his blackmailing case is absorbing all his faculties (без сомнения, то дело о шантаже поглощает все его время: «все его способности»). And yet this new factor must surely arrest his attention (но все же этот новый факт должен непременно привлечь: «приковать» его внимание) and renew his interest (и вызвать его интерес; to renew — обновлять; вызывать, пробуждать вновь). I wish that he were here (как бы я хотел, чтобы он был здесь).

October 17th (17 октября). — All day to-day the rain poured down (сегодня весь день льет дождь), rustling on the ivy and dripping from the eaves (шелестя по плющу и стекая по карнизам).

report [rI'pO:t], supply [[email protected]'plaI], renew [rI'nju:]

I went at once to my room and drew up my report of the morning's conversation for Holmes. It was evident to me that he had been very busy of late, for the notes which I had from Baker Street were few and short, with no comments upon the information which I had supplied, and hardly any reference to my mission. No doubt his blackmailing case is absorbing all his faculties. And yet this new factor must surely arrest his attention and renew his interest. I wish that he were here.

October 17th. — All day to-day the rain poured down, rustling on the ivy and dripping from the eaves.

I thought of the convict out upon the bleak, cold, shelterless moor (я подумал о каторжнике там, на этих унылых, холодных, бесприютных болотах). Poor fellow (бедняга)! Whatever his crimes (какими бы ни были его преступления), he has suffered something to atone for them (он достаточно страдает, чтобы их искупить; something — до некоторой степени; весьма). And then I thought of that other one (а потом я подумал о том другом) — the face in the cab (о лице в кебе), the figure against the moon (о фигуре на фоне луны). Was he also out in that deluge (был ли он тоже под этим ливнем; deluge — потоп, наводнение; ливень) — the unseen watcher, the man of darkness (/этот/ невидимый наблюдатель, человек из тьмы)? In the evening I put on my waterproof (вечером я надел свой непромокаемый плащ) and I walked far upon the sodden moor (и пошел далеко /вглубь/ этих раскисших болот; sodden — промокший, влажный), full of dark imaginings (полный мрачных грез), the rain beating upon my face (/при этом/ дождь хлестал мне в лицо) and the wind whistling about my ears (и ветер свистел в ушах). God help those who wander into the Great Mire now (помоги, Господи, тем, кто сейчас блуждает по Гримпенской трясине), for even the firm uplands are becoming a morass (потому что даже твердые нагорья /раскисают/, становясь болотом).

convict ['kOnvIkt], bleak [bli:k], morass [[email protected]'r&s]

I thought of the convict out upon the bleak, cold, shelterless moor. Poor fellow! Whatever his crimes, he has suffered something to atone for them. And then I thought of that other one — the face in the cab, the figure against the moon. Was he also out in that deluge — the unseen watcher, the man of darkness? In the evening I put on my waterproof and I walked far upon the sodden moor, full of dark imaginings, the rain beating upon my face and the wind whistling about my ears. God help those who wander into the Great Mire now, for even the firm uplands are becoming a morass.

I found the black tor (я отыскал черную скалу) upon which I had seen the solitary watcher (на которой я видел одинокого наблюдателя), and from its craggy summit (и с ее отвесной вершины) I looked out myself across the melancholy downs (я оглядел унылые дали; downs = downlands — безлесные возвышенности). Rain squalls drifted across their russet face (шквальный ветер с дождем метался по их красновато-коричневой поверхности; to drift — относить или гнать /ветром, течением/; перемещаться), and the heavy, slate-coloured clouds (и тяжелые, синевато-серого цвета тучи) hung low over the landscape (низко висели над всей округой), trailing in grey wreaths down the sides of the fantastic hills (стелясь по склонам холмов причудливыми серыми гирляндами; to trail — прокладывать путь; стелиться /о ползучих растениях/). In the distant hollow on the left (далеко слева, в низине), half hidden by the mist (наполовину скрытые туманом), the two thin towers of Baskerville Hall rose above the trees (поднимались над деревьями две узкие башни Баскервиль-холла). They were the only signs of human life (они были единственным признаком существования человека; life — жизнь; существование) which I could see (который я мог увидеть), save only those prehistoric huts (кроме разве что тех доисторических хижин) which lay thickly upon the slopes of the hills (которые теснились по склонам холмов). Nowhere was there any trace of that lonely man (нигде не было никаких следов того одинокого человека) whom I had seen on the same spot two nights before (которого я видел на этом же месте две ночи назад).

downs [daunz], russet ['rVsIt], above [@'bVv]

I found the black Tor upon which I had seen the solitary watcher, and from its craggy summit I looked out myself across the melancholy downs. Rain squalls drifted across their russet face, and the heavy, slate-coloured clouds hung low over the landscape, trailing in grey wreaths down the sides of the fantastic hills. In the distant hollow on the left, half hidden by the mist, the two thin towers of Baskerville Hall rose above the trees. They were the only signs of human life which I could see, save only those prehistoric huts which lay thickly upon the slopes of the hills. Nowhere was there any trace of that lonely man whom I had seen on the same spot two nights before.

As I walked back (когда я шел назад) I was overtaken by Dr. Mortimer (меня догнал доктор Мортимер) driving in his dog-cart over a rough moorland track (ехавший на своей тележке по ухабистой дороге через болота; dog-cart — высокий двухколесный экипаж с местом для собак под сиденьями), which led from the outlying farmhouse of Foulmire (ведущей к отдаленной ферме на Гнилом болоте). He has been very attentive to us (он к нам очень внимателен), and hardly a day has passed (и не проходит и дня) that he has not called at the Hall to see (чтобы он не заехал в Баскервиль-холл узнать) how we were getting on (как у нас идут дела; to get on — преуспевать; поживать). He insisted upon my climbing into his dog-cart (он настоял на том, чтобы я забрался в его тележку) and he gave me a lift homewards (и подвез меня до дома; to give a lift — подбросить, подвезти /на короткое расстояние/). I found him much troubled (я нашел его очень озабоченным = он был очень озабочен) over the disappearance of his little spaniel (исчезновением своего маленького спаниеля). It had wandered on to the moor and had never come back (он убежал на болота и не вернулся; to wander — бродить; гулять). I gave him such consolation as I might (я утешил его, насколько смог), but I thought of the pony on the Grimpen Mire (/в то же время/ подумав о пони в Гримпенской трясине), and I do not fancy that he will see his little dog again (и я не думаю, что он увидит своего песика снова; to fancy — очень хотеть; думать, считать).

overtake [,@[email protected]'teIk], climb [klaIm], trouble [trVbl]

As I walked back I was overtaken by Dr. Mortimer driving in his dog-cart over a rough moorland track, which led from the outlying farmhouse of Foulmire. He has been very attentive to us, and hardly a day has passed that he has not called at the Hall to see how we were getting on. He insisted upon my climbing into his dog-cart and he gave me a lift homewards. I found him much troubled over the disappearance of his little spaniel. It had wandered on to the moor and had never come back. I gave him such consolation as I might, but I thought of the pony on the Grimpen Mire, and I do not fancy that he will see his little dog again.

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Книги, аналогичгные Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Собака Баскервилей (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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