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1. Hellmich N. U.S. Obesity Rate Leveling Off, at about One-Third of Adults // USA Today, 2010. January 13 // http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/weightloss/2010-01-13-obesity-rates_N.htm.

2. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Crude and Age-Adjusted Percentage of Civilian, Noninstitutionalized Population with Diagnosed Diabetes, United States, 1980–2010. Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2012 года // http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics/prev/national/figage.htm.

3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence and Mortality. Последнее обновление: июнь 2011 года // http://cfpub.epa.gov/­eroe/index.cfm?fuse­action=detail.view­PDF&ch=49&lShow­Ind=0&subtop=381&lv=list.list­By­Chapter&r=235292.

4. International Diabetes Federation. Morbidity and Morality. 2009, August 3 // http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.idf.org/book/export/html/23040.

5. Starfield B. Is US Health Really the Best in the World? // Journal of the American Medical Association. 2000. Vol. 284, N. 4. P. 483–485.

6. Starfield B. Is US Health Really the Best in the World? // Journal of the American Medical Association. 2000. Vol. 284, N. 4. P. 483–485.

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 10 Leading Causes of Death by Age Group, United States — 2010. По состоянию на 2 декабря 2012 года // http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/pdf/10LCID_All_Deaths_By_Age_Group_2010-a.pdf.

Глава 2

1. Vogel R. A., Corretti M. C., Plotnick G. D. Effect of a Single High-Fat Meal on Endothelial Function in Healthy Subjects // American Journal of Cardiology. 1997, February 1. Vol. 79, N. 3. P. 350–354.

2. Hitti M. FDA Approves New Angina Drug: Ranexa Is for Patients Who Haven’t Responded to Other Chest Pain Drugs // WebMD. 2006. February 7 // http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20060207/fda-approves-new-angina-drug.

3. Waters J. The History of American Ginseng. По состоянию на 10 ноября 2012 года // http://www.telliquah.com/Ginseng/Ginseng.htm.

4. Morrison L. M. Arteriosclerosis: Recent Advances in the Dietary and Medicinal Treatment // Journal of the American Medical Association. 1951. Vol. 145, N. 16. P. 1232–1236; Morrison L. M. Diet in Coronary Atherosclerosis // Journal of the American Medical Association. 1960. Vol. 173, N. 8. P. 884–888.

5. Pritikin N., McGrady P. M. The Pritikin Program for Diet and Exercise. Bantam Books, 1984. P. 438.

6. Esselstyn C. B. Jr. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure. New York: Avery Trade, 2008; Esselstyn C. B. Jr., Ellis S. G., Medendorp S. V., Crowe T. D. A Strategy to Arrest and Reverse Coronary Artery Disease: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study of a Single Physician’s Practice // Journal of Family Practice, 1995. Vol. 41, N. 6. P. 560–568.

7. Ornish D. Eat More, Weigh Less. New York: HarperCollins, 1993; Ornish D., Brown S. E., Scherwitz L. W. et al. Can Lifestyle Changes Reverse Coronary Heart Disease? // Lancet. 1990. Vol. 336, No. 8708. P. 129–133.

8. Esselstyn et al. A Strategy to Arrest and Reverse.

9. Esselstyn C. B. Jr. Updating a 12-year Experience with Arrest and Reversal Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease (An Overdue Requiem for Palliative Cardiology) // American Journal of Cardiology. 1999. Vol. 84. P. 339–341.

10. Hitti M. FDA Approves New Angina Drug: Ranexa Is for Patients Who Haven’t Responded to Other Chest Pain Drugs // WebMD. 2006 February 7// http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20060207/fda-approves-new-angina-drug.

11. Точное число необходимых экспериментальных точек вы найдете в приложении к любому серьезному учебнику статистики. Здесь главное, что исследование Эссельстина с глубокими результатами можно было провести с небольшим числом участников, а испытания большинства лекарств — нет.

Глава 3

1. Madhavan T. V., Gopalan C. The Effect of Dietary Protein on Carcinogenesis of Aflatoxin // Archives of Pathology. 1968, February. Vol. 85, N. 2. P. 133–137.

2. Mulder G. J. On the Composition of Some Animal Substances // Journal für praktische Chemie, 1839. Vol. 16. P. 129–152 (статья, в которой он упомянул белок, согласно Munro H. N. Mammalian protein metabolism. Vol. I / H. N. Munro and J. B. Allison (eds.). Academic Press, 1964. P. 1–29). Mulder G. J. The Chemistry of Vegetable & Animal Physiology, trans. P. F. H. Fromberg, W. Blackwood & Sons. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1849.

3. Schulsinger D. A., Root M. M., Campbell T. C. Effect of Dietary Protein Quality on Development of Aflatoxin B1-Induced Hepatic Preneoplastic Lesions // Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1989. Vol. 81. P. 1241–1245.

4. Youngman L. D. Recall, Memory, Persistence, and the Sequential Modulation of Preneoplastic Lesion Development by Dietary Protein. Cornell University, 1987. Masters Thesis (T. C. Campbell, Mentor).

5. Dunaif G. E., Campbell T. C. Relative Contribution of Dietary Protein Level and Aflatoxin B1 Dose in Generation of Presumptive Preneoplastic Foci in Rat Liver // Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1987. Vol. 78. P. 365–369; Youngman L. D., Campbell T. C. Inhibition of Aflatoxin B1-Induced Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase Positive (GGT+) Hepatic Preneoplastic Foci and Tumors by Low Protein Diets: Evidence That Altered GGT+ Foci Indicate Neoplastic Potential // Carcinogenesis, 1992. Vol. 13, N. 9. P. 1607–1613.

6. Chen J., Campbell T. C., Li J., Peto R. Diet, Life-Style and Mortality in China. A study of the characteristics of 65 Chinese counties. Oxford, United Kingdom; Ithaca, NY; and Beijing, People’s Republic of China: Oxford University Press, Cornell University Press, and People’s Medical Publishing House, 1990.

7. Muldoon M. F., Manuck S. B., Matthews K. A. Lowering Cholesterol Concentrations and Mortality: A Quantitative Review of Primary Prevention Trials // BMJ, 1990. Vol. 301, N. 6747. P. 309–314.

8. Stemmermann G. N., Nomura A. M., Heilbrun L. K. et al. Serum Choles­terol and Colon Cancer Incidence in Hawaiian Japanese Men // Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1981. Vol. 67, N. 6. P. 1179–1182.

9. Madhavan T. V., Gopalan C. The Effect of Dietary Protein on Carcino­genesis of Aflatoxin // Archives of Pathology, 1968, February. Vol. 85, N. 2. P. 133–137.

10. Madhavan T. V., Gopalan C. Effect of Dietary Protein on Aflatoxin Liver Injury in Weanling Rats // Archives of Pathology, 1965, August. Vol. 80. P. 123–126.

Часть II

Глава 4

1. Wallace D. F. David Foster Wallace, In His Own Words // More Intelligent Life, September 19, 2008 // http://moreintelligentlife.com/story/david-foster-wallace-in-his-own-words.

Глава 5

1. Хорошо помню, как в 1956 году я чуть не провалил экзамен на степень магистра в Корнелльском университете — не смог перечислить все известные тогда аминокислоты и их химическую структуру. Сейчас я их по-прежнему не знаю наизусть, хотя преподавал долгие годы!

2. Preston R. S., Hayes J. R., Campbell T. C. The Effect of Protein Deficiency on the In Vivo Binding of Aflatoxin B1 to Rat Liver Macromolecules // Life Sciences, 1976, October 15. Vol. 19, N. 8. P. 1191–1198.

3. Mainigi K. D., Campbell T. C. Subcellular Distribution and Covalent Binding of Aflatoxins as Functions of Dietary Manipulation // Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 1980. Vol. 6. P. 659–671.

4. MonaVie: Discover the Beat of a Healthy Heart http://www.acaiberry.com/monavie-pulse/.

5. Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Multivitamin/mineral Supplements // http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/MVMS-HealthProfessional.

6. Kubena K. S., McMurray D. N. Nutrition and the Immune System: A Review of Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions // Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1996. Vol. 96. P. 1156–1164.

7. Campbell T. C., Hayes J. R. Role of Nutrition in the Drug Metabolizing System // Pharmacological Reviews, 1974. Vol. 26. P. 171–197.

8. Tietz N. W. Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1986.

Глава 6

1. Эффект плацебо, когда человеку становится лучше просто из-за того, что он в это верит, — одно из самых мощных изученных лекарств. Некоторые полагают, что действие любого медицинского вмешательства на 30% связано с самовнушением пациента, который верит в выздоровление.

Глава 7

1. Campbell T. C., Hayes J. R. Role of Nutrition in the Drug Metabolizing Enzyme System // Pharmacological Reviews, 1974, September. Vol. 26, N. 3. P. 171–197; Campbell T. C., Hayes J. R. The Role of Aflatoxin in Its Toxic Lesion // Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1976, February. Vol. 35, N. 2. P. 199–222.

2. В этой главе я использую слово «афлатоксин» как общее описание всех соединений группы афлатоксина, но моя работа в основном была посвящена наиболее канцерогенному из них — AFB1.

3. Sargeant K., Sheridan A., O’Kelly J., Carnaghan R. B. A. Toxicity Asso­ciated with Certain Samples of Groundnuts // Nature, 1961. Vol. 192. P. 1096–1097.

4. Lancaster M. C., Jenkins F. P., Philp J. M. Toxicity Associated with Certain Samples Of Groundnuts // Nature, 1961. Vol. 192. P. 1095–1096; Butler W. H., Barnes J. M. Toxic Effects of Groundnut Meal Containing Aflatoxin to Rats and Guinea Pigs // British Journal of Cancer, 1964. Vol. 17, N. 4. P. 699–710; Wogan G. N., Newberne P. M. Dose-Response Characteristics of Aflatoxin B1 Carcinogenesis in the Rat // Cancer Research, 1967, December 27. N. 12. P. 2370–2376.

5. Lancaster et al. Toxicity; Butler and Barnes. Toxic Effects.

6. Campbell T. C., Caedo J. P. Jr., Bulatao-Jayme J. et al. Aflatoxin M1 in Human Urine // Nature, 1970. Vol. 227. P. 403–404.

7. Campbell T. C., Salamat L. A. Aflatoxin Ingestion and Excretion by Humans // Mycotoxins in Human Health / I. F. Purchase (ed.). London: Macmillan, 1971. P. 263–269/

8. Campbell T. C. Present Day Knowledge on Aflatoxin // Philippine Journal of Nutrition, 1967. Vol. 20. P. 193–201.

9. Campbell T. C. Present Day Knowledge on Aflatoxin // Philippine Journal of Nutrition, 1967. Vol. 20. P. 193–201. Кстати, если вы хотите избежать контакта с афлатоксином, нельзя есть сморщенные ядра нестандартного цвета.

10. Анализ мочи обычно позволяет надежнее оценить потребление афлатоксина, чем опросы. Люди забывают, недооценивают, переоценивают количество, иногда «улучшают» рацион семьи, чтобы произвести впечатление. Эта очень частая проблема во многих диетологических исследованиях.

11. Campbell et al. Aflatoxin M1 in Human Urine; Campbell T. C., Sinnhuber R. O., Lee D. J. et al. Brief Communication: Hepatocarcinogenic Material in Urine Specimens from Humans Consuming Aflatoxin // Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1974. Vol. 52. P. 1647–1649.

12. Campbell et al. Brief Communication.

13. Campbell et al. Brief Communication. Анализы были проведены доктором Расселом Зиннхубером в Орегонском университете.

14. Wogan and Newberne. Dose-Response Characteristics; Portman R. S., Plowman K. M., Campbell T. C. On Mechanisms Affecting Species Susceptibility to Aflatoxin // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1970, June. Vol. 208, N. 3. P. 487–495.

15. Portman et al. On Mechanisms Affecting Species.

16. Allcroft R., Carnaghan R. B. A. Groundnut Toxicity: And Examination for Toxin in Human Food Products from Animals Fed Toxic Groundnut Meal // Veterinary Record, 1963. Vol. 75. P. 259–263.

17. Conney A. H. Pharmacological Implications of Microsomal Enzyme Induction // Pharmacological Reviews, 1967. Vol. 19. P. 317–366.

18. Maso M. Decrease in Mixed Function Oxidase Activity in Rat Liver Over Time. Cornell University, 1979. Undergraduate Honors Thesis (T. C. Camp­bell, Mentor).

19. Madhavan and Gopalan. Effect of Dietary Protein on Carcinogenesis.

20. Lewis R. L. The Unity of the Sciences. Volume One: Do Proteins Teleport in an RNA World? New York: International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, 2005.

21. Madhavan T. V., Gopalan C. The Effect of Dietary Protein on Carcino­genesis of Aflatoxin // Archives of Pathology, 1968, February. Vol. 85, N. 2. P. 133–137.

22. Madhavan and Gopalan. Effect of Dietary Protein on Aflatoxin; Madhavan and Gopalan. Effect of Dietary Protein on Carcinogenesis.

23. Hayes J. R., Mgbodile M. U. K., Campbell T. C. Effect of Protein Deficiency on the Inducibility of the Hepatic Microsomal Drug-metabolizing Enzyme System. I. Effect on Substrate Interaction with Cytochrome P-450 // Biochemical Pharmacology, 1973. Vol. 22. P. 1005–1014; Mgbodile M. U. K., Hayes J. R., Campbell T. C. Effect of Protein Deficiency on the Inducibility of the Hepatic Microsomal Drug-metabolizing Enzyme System. II. Effect on Enzyme Kinetics and Electron Transport System // Biochemical Pharmacology, 1973. Vol. 22. P. 1125–1132; Hayes J. R., Campbell T. C. Effect of Protein Deficiency on the Inducibility of the Hepatic Microsomal Drug-metabolizing Enzyme System. III. Effect of 3-Methylcholanthrene Induction on Activity and Binding Kinetics // Biochemical Pharmacology, 1974. Vol. 23. P. 1721–1732.

24. Madhavan and Gopalan. The Effect of Dietary Protein on Carcinogenesis.

25. Garner R. C., Miller E. C., Miller J. A. et al. Formation of a Factor Lethal for S. Typhimurium TA1530 and TA1531 on Incubation of Aflatoxin B1 with Rat Liver Microsomes // Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1971. Vol. 45. P. 774–780.

26. Doherty W. P., Campbell T. C. Aflatoxin Inhibition of Rat Liver Mito­chondria // Chemical and Biological Interactions, 1973. Vol. 7. P. 63–77.

27. Hayes J. R., Mgbodile M. U. K., Merrill A. H. Jr. et al. The Effect of Dietary Protein Depletion and Repletion on Rat Hepatic Mixed Function Oxidase Activities // Journal of Nutrition, 1978. Vol. 108. P. 1788–1797; Nerurkar L. S., Hayes J. R., Campbell T. C. The Reconstitution of Hepatic Microsomal Mixed Function Oxidase Activity with Fractions Derived from Weanling Rats Fed Different Levels of Protein // Journal of Nutrition, 1978. Vol. 108. P. 678–686.

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