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And they questioned him, asking him what had befallen him (и они спрашивали его, что с ним произошло; to befall-befell-befallen): and he told them how in the dark wood he had lost his way (и он рассказал им, как заблудился в темном лесу), and had wandered many days and nights (и блуждал много дней и ночей), till, torn and bleeding, he had lain him down to die (пока, исцарапанный и обессиленный, не лег, чтобы умереть; to bleed — истекать кровью).

measure [ˈmeʒǝ] wound [wu:nd]

Now, when they reached the fair castle towards which they had been journeying, they stayed there many days, and made merry; and one night, as they sat in cheerful ease around the logs that burned in the great hall, and drank a loving measure, there came the comrade they had lost, and greeted them. His clothes were ragged, like a beggar's, and many sad wounds were on his sweet flesh, but upon his face there shone a great radiance of deep joy.

And they questioned him, asking him what had befallen him: and he told them how in the dark wood he had lost his way, and had wandered many days and nights, till, torn and bleeding, he had lain him down to die.

Then, when he was nigh unto death (когда он был близок к смерти), lo! through the savage gloom there came to him a stately maiden (вдруг из зловещей тьмы к нему вышла величавая девушка; lo — вот! слушай! и вдруг!; savage — грубый, дикий; свирепый, злой), and took him by the hand and led him on through devious paths, unknown to any man (взяла его за руку и повела по извилистым тропам, неизвестным никому; to lead; devious — удаленный, уединенный; извилистый, окольный; devious paths — окольные пути), until upon the darkness of the wood there dawned a light (пока в темноте леса не забрезжил свет; to dawn — рассветать; проясняться, пробиваться, доходить) such as the light of day was unto but as a little lamp unto the sun (такой, что свет дня был по сравнению с ним, как лишь маленький фонарь по сравнению с солнцем); and, in that wondrous light, our way-worn knight saw as in a dream a vision (и в этом удивительном свете наш утомленный рыцарь увидел, словно во сне, видение), and so glorious, so fair the vision seemed (и таким восхитительным и прекрасным казалось то видение), that of his bleeding wounds he thought no more, but stood as one entranced (что он больше не думал о своих кровоточащих ранах, а стоял как очарованный), whose joy is deep as is the sea, whereof no man can tell the depth (его радость была глубокой, словно море, глубину которого не может постичь никто; whereof — о чем, из чего, о котором).

And the vision faded, and the knight, kneeling upon the ground (и видение постепенно исчезло, и рыцарь, опускаясь на колени на землю; to fade — вянуть, увядать; исчезать, расплываться), thanked the good saint who into that sad wood had strayed his steps (возблагодарил добрую святую, которая в этом печальном/темном лесу увела его с дороги; to stray — сбиться с пути; заблудиться), so he had seen the vision that lay there hid (чтобы он увидел видение, что пребывало сокрытым здесь; to hide — прятать, скрывать).

And the name of the dark forest was Sorrow (а имя того темного леса было Горе); but of the vision that the good knight saw therein we may not speak nor tell (но о видении, которое добрый рыцарь увидел в нем/там, мы не можем ни сказать, ни рассказать).

devious [ˈdi:vjǝs] entranced [ɪnˈtrɑ:nst] kneel [ni:l]

Then, when he was nigh unto death, lo! through the savage gloom there came to him a stately maiden, and took him by the hand and led him on through devious paths, unknown to any man, until upon the darkness of the wood there dawned a light such as the light of day was unto but as a little lamp unto the sun; and, in that wondrous light, our way-worn knight saw as in a dream a vision, and so glorious, so fair the vision seemed, that of his bleeding wounds he thought no more, but stood as one entranced, whose joy is deep as is the sea, whereof no man can tell the depth.

And the vision faded, and the knight, kneeling upon the ground, thanked the good saint who into that sad wood had strayed his steps, so he had seen the vision that lay there hid.

And the name of the dark forest was Sorrow; but of the vision that the good knight saw therein we may not speak nor tell.


(глава одиннадцатая)

How George, once upon a time, got up early in the morning (как Джордж однажды встал рано утром). — George, Harris, and Montmorency do not like the look of the cold water (Джордж, Гаррис и Монморенси не любят вида холодной воды). — Heroism and determination on the part of J. (героизм и решительность со стороны Джея). — George and his shirt: story with a moral (Джордж и его рубашка: история с моралью). — Harris as cook (Гаррис в качестве повара). — Historical retrospect, specially inserted for the use of schools (историческая ретроспектива, специально помещенная /здесь/ для школьников; retrospect — взгляд назад, в прошлое; ретроспектива; use — применение, использование; польза, толк).

How George, once upon a time, got up early in the morning. — George, Harris, and Montmorency do not like the look of the cold water. — Heroism and determination on the part of J. — George and his shirt: story with a moral. — Harris as cook. — Historical retrospect, specially inserted for the use of schools.

I WOKE at six the next morning (я проснулся в шесть на следующее утро; to wake); and found George awake too (и обнаружил, что Джордж тоже проснулся; awake — проснувшийся, бодрствующий). We both turned round, and tried to go to sleep again, but we could not (мы оба повернулись /на другой бок/ и попытались заснуть снова, но не могли). Had there been any particular reason why we should not have gone to sleep again (будь у нас какая-нибудь особая причина, почему = чтобы не засыпать опять), but have got up and dressed then and there (а подняться и одеться сразу же), we should have dropped off while we were looking at our watches, and have slept till ten (мы бы заснули, глядя на часы = едва взглянув на часы, и проспали бы до десяти). As there was no earthly necessity for our getting up under another two hours at the very least (поскольку не было ни малейшей необходимости вставать, как минимум, в ближайшие два часа; earthly — земной, суетный; малейший, абсолютный), and our getting up at that time was an utter absurdity (и наш подъем в это время был полной глупостью), it was only in keeping with the natural cussedness of things in general (только согласно естественному, врожденному упрямству вещей в целом = из-за упрямой человеческой природы; to be in keeping with — соответствовать, отвечать /условиям и т.д./) that we should both feel that lying down for five minutes more would be death to us (мы оба почувствовали, что пролежать еще пять минут будет /равносильно/ смерти для нас).

reason [ri:z(ǝ)n] absurdity [ǝbˈsǝ:dɪtɪ]

I WOKE at six the next morning; and found George awake too. We both turned round, and tried to go to sleep again, but we could not. Had there been any particular reason why we should not have gone to sleep again, but have got up and dressed then and there, we should have dropped off while we were looking at our watches, and have slept till ten. As there was no earthly necessity for our getting up under another two hours at the very least, and our getting up at that time was an utter absurdity, it was only in keeping with the natural cussedness of things in general that we should both feel that lying down for five minutes more would be death to us.

George said that the same kind of thing, only worse (Джордж сказал, что то же самое, только еще хуже), had happened to him some eighteen months ago (произошло с ним где-то восемнадцать месяцев назад), when he was lodging by himself in the house of a certain Mrs. Gippings (когда он снимал комнату в доме некой миссис Гиппингс). He said his watch went wrong one evening, and stopped at a quarter-past eight (что его часы испортились однажды вечером и остановились в четверть девятого: «после восьми»). He did not know this at the time because, for some reason or other (он не знал этого в то время, потому что, по той или иной причине), he forgot to wind it up when he went to bed (an unusual occurrence with him) (он забыл завести часы, когда ложился спать /необычный случай с ним = для него/; to forget), and hung it up over his pillow without ever looking at the thing (и повесил их над подушкой, даже не взглянув на них; to hang up).

It was in the winter when this happened, very near the shortest day (это случилось зимой, перед самым коротким днем), and a week of fog into the bargain (и к тому же в туманную неделю = погоду; into the bargain — кроме того, вдобавок; bargain — сделка), so the fact that it was still very dark when George woke in the morning was no guide to him as to the time (поэтому то, что было еще очень темно, когда Джордж проснулся утром, не было указанием для него в отношении времени = ничего не говорило о времени). He reached up, and hauled down his watch (он протянул руку и потянул /к себе/ часы). It was a quarter-past eight (было четверть девятого).

eighteen [eɪˈti:n] hauled [hɔ:ld] quarter [ˈkwɔ:tǝ]

George said that the same kind of thing, only worse, had happened to him some eighteen months ago, when he was lodging by himself in the house of a certain Mrs. Gippings. He said his watch went wrong one evening, and stopped at a quarter-past eight. He did not know this at the time because, for some reason or other, he forgot to wind it up when he went to bed (an unusual occurrence with him), and hung it up over his pillow without ever looking at the thing.

It was in the winter when this happened, very near the shortest day, and a week of fog into the bargain, so the fact that it was still very dark when George woke in the morning was no guide to him as to the time. He reached up, and hauled down his watch. It was a quarter-past eight.

"Angels and ministers of grace defend us (ангелы и святители небесные, защитите нас; minister — министр, посланник; священник; grace — изящество; благосклонность; милость, милосердие: by the grace of God — по Божьей милости)!" exclaimed George (воскликнул Джордж); "and here have I got to be in the City by nine (да ведь мне надо быть в Сити к девяти). Why didn't somebody call me (почему никто не разбудил меня)? Oh, this is a shame (безобразие; shame — стыд, позор)!" And he flung the watch down, and sprang out of bed (он бросил часы и выскочил из постели; to fling; to spring), and had a cold bath, and washed himself (и принял холодную ванну, и умылся), and dressed himself, and shaved himself in cold water (и оделся, и побрился в холодной воде) because there was not time to wait for the hot (потому что не было времени ждать горячей), and then rushed and had another look at the watch (а потом бросился и еще раз взглянул на часы).

Whether the shaking it had received in being thrown down on the bed had started it, or how it was, George could not say (то ли сотрясение, /которое/ они получили, когда их бросили на постель, запустило их = то ли часы пошли от сотрясения, или по другой причине, Джордж не мог сказать), but certain it was that from a quarter-past eight it had begun to go (но несомненным было то, что /начиная/ с четверти девятого они начали ходить; to begin), and now pointed to twenty minutes to nine (и теперь показывали без двадцати девять).

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Книги, аналогичгные Английский язык с Джеромом К. Джеромом. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки - Jerome Jerome

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