Читать интересную книгу "Английский язык с Джонатаном Свифтом. Путешествия Гулливера - Джонатан Свифт"






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On the road home, looking at the size of the trees (наблюдая по дороге домой размеры деревьев), the houses and the cattle (домов и домашнего скота), I began to feel as though I were back in Lilliput (мне стало казаться, что: «я начал себя чувствовать /так/, как будто» я снова оказался в Лилипутии). Even when I came to my own house (даже когда я подошел = подойдя к своему дому) I bent down to go in the door (я нагнулся, чтобы пройти в дверь; to bend), being afraid of banging my head (боясь /иначе/ удариться головой). My wife ran into the hall to embrace me (жена выбежала в прихожую обнять меня). I stooped lower than her knees (я наклонился ниже ее колен), thinking she wouldn't otherwise be able to reach my mouth (полагая, что иначе ей не достать моего лица: «рта»). Feeling that I was a giant (чувствуя себя великаном/гигантом), I tried to lift my daughter up with one hand (я попытался одной рукой поднять свою дочь).

various ['vFqrIqs], embrace [Im'breIs], giant ['GaIqnt]

The captain and I became quite good friends during the journey back to England. We called at various ports for food and fresh water. I stayed aboard until, nine months later on June 3rd, 1706, we arrived in England. I borrowed five shillings from him to pay for the hire of a horse and guide.

On the road home, looking at the size of the trees, the houses and the cattle, I began to feel as though I were back in Lilliput. Even when I came to my own house I bent down to go in the door, being afraid of banging my head. My wife ran into the hall to embrace me. I stooped lower than her knees, thinking she wouldn't otherwise be able to reach my mouth. Feeling that I was a giant, I tried to lift my daughter up with one hand.

I said to my wife that she must have been trying hard to save money (я заметил жене, что она, должно быть, слишком уж старалась сберечь деньги = экономила деньги) and, convinced that my family had grown smaller in size (и, уверенный /в том/, что она и дети стали меньше = уменьшились в размере), I begged them to eat more (я упрашивал их больше есть). For a while they feared that I had gone mad (некоторое время они опасались, что я сошел с ума). Such is the power of habit (такова сила привычки), I really found it very hard to get used to the size of things again (— мне в самом деле было очень трудно заново привыкать к размерам вещей). My family, my friends and I once again learned to understand each other (я, моя семья и друзья опять научились понимать друг друга = находить общий язык друг с другом) and I soon grew used to the world around me (и скоро я освоился с миром вокруг себя). My wife tried to make me promise that I would never go to sea again (жена пыталась заставить/уговорить меня пообещать, что я никогда больше не отправлюсь в море).

But that was a promise I could not make (но такого обещания я дать не мог: «это было обещание, которого я не мог сделать = дать»).

convinced [kqn'vInst], feared [fIqd], promise ['prOmIs]

I said to my wife that she must have been trying hard to save money and, convinced that my family had grown smaller in size, I begged them to eat more. For a while they feared that I had gone mad. Such is the power of habit, I really found it very hard to get used to the size of things again. My family, my friends and I once again learned to understand each other and I soon grew used to the world around me. My wife tried to make me promise that I would never go to sea again.

But that was a promise I could not make.

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