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Spade winked at his partner (Спейд подмигнул своему компаньону). Miles Archer came forward to stand at a corner of the desk (Майлз Арчер вышел вперед, чтобы встать в углу стола). While the girl looked at her bag (пока девушка смотрела на свою сумку) he looked at her (он смотрел на нее). His little brown eyes (его маленькие карие глаза) ran their bold appraising gaze (бегали наглым оценивающим взглядом; bold — храбрый, смелый) from her lowered face to her feet (от ее опущенного лица к ее ногам) and up to her face again (и вверх к ее лицу снова). Then he looked at Spade (потом он взглянул на Спейда) and made a silent whistling mouth of appreciation (и сложил губы в беззвучном свисте одобрения; to make a mouth — строить рожи, гримасничать, складывать губы определенным образом, mouth — рот).

indistinctly ["IndI'stINktlI] ingratiating [In'greISIeItIN] appraising [q'preIzIN]

"Yes," she said indistinctly. The embarrassment that had gradually been driven away by Spade's ingratiating smiles and nods and assurances was pinkening her face again. She looked at the bag in her lap and picked nervously at it with a gloved finger.

Spade winked at his partner. Miles Archer came forward to stand at a corner of the desk. While the girl looked at her bag he looked at her. His little brown eyes ran their bold appraising gaze from her lowered face to her feet and up to her face again. Then he looked at Spade and made a silent whistling mouth of appreciation.

Spade lifted two fingers (Спейд поднял два пальца) from the arm of his chair (с подлокотника своего кресла) in a brief warning gesture (коротким предостерегающим жестом) and said: "We shouldn't have any trouble with it (у нас не будет: «мы не должны иметь» никаких проблем с этим). It's simply a matter of having a man at the hotel this evening (дело просто в том, чтобы проследить: «чтобы иметь /своего/ человека» у отеля этим вечером) to shadow him away when he leaves (чтобы проследить за ним, когда он уйдет; to shadow — затенять, омрачать, зд. тайно следить), and shadow him until he leads us to your sister (и следить за ним, пока он не приведет нас к вашей сестре). If she comes with him (если она придет с ним), and you persuade her to return with you (и вы убедите ее вернуться с вами), so much the better (то тем лучше). Otherwise (иначе) — if she doesn't want to leave him (если она не захочет оставить его) after we've found her (после того, как мы найдем ее ) — well, we'll find a way of managing that (ну, мы найдем способ справиться с этим; way — путь, дорога, направление, зд. метод, образ действия)."

chair [tSeq] gesture ['dZestSq] otherwise ['ADqwaIz]

Spade lifted two fingers from the arm of his chair in a brief warning gesture and said: "We shouldn't have any trouble with it. It's simply a matter of having a man at the hotel this evening to shadow him away when he leaves, and shadow him until he leads us to your sister. If she comes with him, and you persuade her to return with you, so much the better. Otherwise — if she doesn't want to leave him after we've found her — well, we'll find a way of managing that."

Archer said (Арчер сказал): "Yeh (да)." His voice was heavy, coarse (его голос был низким, грубым; heavy — тяжелый).

Miss Wonderly looked up at Spade (мисс Уондерли подняла взгляд на Спейда), quickly, puckering her forehead between her eyebrows (быстро, морща лоб между бровями). "Oh, but you must be careful (о, но вы должны быть осторожны)!" Her voice shook a little (ее голос немного задрожал), and her lips shaped the words with nervous jerkiness (и ее губы образовывали слова с нервной отрывистостью; to shape— придавать форму, делать). "I'm deathly afraid of him (я смертельно боюсь его), of what he might do (того, что он может сделать). She's so young (она так молода) and his bringing her here from New York is such a serious (и он привез ее сюда из Нью-Йорка — это так серьезно) — Mightn't he (не может ли он) — mightn't he do (не может ли он сделать) — something to her (что-то с ней)?"

coarse [kO:s] deathly ['deTlI]

Archer said: "Yeh." His voice was heavy, coarse.

Miss Wonderly looked up at Spade, quickly, puckering her forehead between her eyebrows. "Oh, but you must be careful!" Her voice shook a little, and her lips shaped the words with nervous jerkiness. "I'm deathly afraid of him, of what he might do. She's so young and his bringing her here from New Yorkis such a serious — Mightn't he — mightn't he do — something to her?"

Spade smiled and patted the arms of his chair (Спейд улыбнулся и похлопал по подлокотникам своего кресла). "Just leave that to us (просто оставьте это нам)," he said (сказал он). "We'll know how to handle him (мы сообразим, как справиться с ним; to handle — обращаться с кем-либо)."

"But mightn't he (но не может ли он)?" she insisted (она настаивала).

"There's always a chance (всегда есть вероятность; chance— случайность, возможность, шанс)." Spade nodded judicially (Спейд рассудительно = раздумывая, оценивая, кивнул). "But you can trust us to take care of that (но вы можете доверить нам позаботиться об этом)."

leave [li:v] mightn't ['maIt(q)nt] judicially [dZu:'dIS(q)lI]

Spade smiled and patted the arms of his chair. "Just leave that to us," he said. "We'll know how to handle him."

"But mightn't he?" she insisted.

"There's always a chance." Spade nodded judicially. "But you can trust us to take care of that."

"I do trust you (конечно, я доверяю вам)," she said earnestly (сказала она серьезно), "but I want you to know (но я хочу, чтобы вы знали) that he's a dangerous man (что он опасный человек). I honestly don't think (я честно не думаю) he'd stop at anything (что он перед чем-нибудь остановится). I don't believe he'd hesitate to (я не верю, что он будет колебаться) — to kill Corinne (чтобы убить Коринну) if he thought it would save him (если он подумает, что это может его спасти). Mightn't he do that (не может ли он этого сделать)?"

"You didn't threaten him, did you (вы не угрожали ему)?"

earnestly ['q:nIstlI] dangerous ['deIndZqrqs] threaten ['Tretn]

"I do trust you," she said earnestly, "but I want you to know that he's a dangerous man. I honestly don't think he'd stop at anything. I don't believe he'd hesitate to — to kill Corinne if he thought it would save him. Mightn't he do that?"

"You didn't threaten him, did you?"

"I told him (я сказала ему) that all I wanted was to get her home (что все, что я хочу — это вернуть ее домой) before Mama and Papa came (прежде чем приедут мама и папа) so they'd never know what she had done (так, чтобы они никогда не узнали, что она сделала). I promised him (я пообещала ему) I'd never say a word to them about it (что я никогда не скажу им ни слова об этом) if he helped me (если он поможет мне), but if he didn't (но, если он не /поможет/) Papa would certainly see (то папа точно проследит; to see — смотреть, видеть) that he was punished (чтобы он был наказан). I — I don't suppose he believed me, altogether (я — я не думаю, что он мне поверил, в общем; altogether— вполне, всецело, совершенно; в общем, в целом)."

"Can he cover up by marrying her (может он компенсировать: «прикрыть», женившись на ней)?" Archer asked (спросил Арчер).

certainly ['sq:tnlI] altogether ["O:ltq'geDq] marry ['mxrI]

"I told him that all I wanted was to get her home before Mama and Papa came so they'd never know what she had done. I promised him I'd never say a word to them about it if he helped me, but if he didn't Papa would certainly see that he was punished. I — I don't suppose he believed me, altogether."

"Can he cover up by marrying her?" Archer asked.

The girl blushed and replied in a confused voice (девушка покраснела и ответила смущенным голосом): "He has a wife and three children in England (у него жена и трое детей в Англии). Corinne wrote me that (Коринна написала мне это), to explain why she had gone off with him (чтобы объяснить мне, почему она сбежала с ним)."

"They usually do (у них обычно есть /жена и дети/; to do— зд. употребляется во избежание повторения глагола)," Spade said (сказал Спейд), "though not always in England (хотя не всегда в Англии)." He leaned forward to reach for pencil and pad of paper (он наклонился вперед, чтобы дотянуться до карандаша и блока бумаги). "What does he look like (как он выглядит)?"

blush [blAS] reply [rI'plaI] confused [kqn'fju:zd]

The girl blushed and replied in a confused voice: "He has a wife and three children in England. Corinne wrote me that, to explain why she had gone off with him."

"They usually do," Spade said, "though not always in England." He leaned forward to reach for pencil and pad of paper. "What does he look like?"

"Oh, he's thirty-five years old, perhaps (о, ему тридцать пять лет, пожалуй), and as tall as you (такого же роста, как вы), and either naturally dark (и или от природы смуглый; dark — темный, черный) or quite sunburned (или довольно загорелый). His hair is dark too (его волосы тоже темные), and he has thick eyebrows (и у него густые брови). He talks in a rather loud, blustery way (он разговаривает в довольно громкой, бурной манере; way — путь, дорога, зд. манера поведения) and has a nervous, irritable manner (и у него нервное, раздражительное поведение). He gives the impression of being (он производит впечатление того, что он) — of violence (/впечатление/ жестокости/насилия/силы)."

Spade, scribbling on the pad (Спейд быстро набрасывая /что-то/ в блокноте), asked without looking up (спросил не поднимая взгляда): "What color eyes (какого цвета глаза)?"

perhaps [pq'hxps] rather ['rQ:Dq] violence ['vaIqlqns]

"Oh, he's thirty-five years old, perhaps, and as tall as you, and either naturally dark or quite sunburned. His hair is dark too, and he has thick eyebrows. He talks in a rather loud, blustery way and has a nervous, irritable manner. He gives the impression of being — of violence."

Spade, scribbling on the pad, asked without looking up: "What color eyes?"

"They're blue-grey and watery (они сине-серые и водянистые), though not in a weak way (однако не как у слабака: «не слабым образом»). And — oh, yes — he has a marked cleft in his chin (и — о, да — у него заметная ямочка на подбородке; cleft— расселина, трещина)."

"Thin, medium, or heavy build (худой, среднего или плотного телосложения; build— форма, строение, конструкция)?"

"Quite athletic (довольно спортивного: «атлетического»). He's broad-shouldered and carries himself erect (он широкоплечий и держится прямо; to carry— нести), has what could be called (обладает тем, что может быть названо) a decidedly military carriage (бесспорно воинской манерой держаться; carriage— осанка). He was wearing a light grey suit (он был одет в светло-серый костюм) and a grey hat (и серую шляпу) when I saw him this morning (когда я видела его этим утром)."

though [DqV] build [bIld] carriage ['kxrIdZ]

"They're blue-grey and watery, though not in a weak way. And — oh, yes — he has a marked cleft in his chin."

"Thin, medium, or heavy build?"

"Quite athletic. He's broad-shouldered and carries himself erect, has what could be called a decidedly military carriage. He was wearing a light grey suit and a grey hat when I saw him this morning."

"What does he do for a living (чем он зарабатывает на жизнь; living— средства к существованию)?" Spade asked as he laid down his pencil (спросил Спейд, когда он положил = кладя карандаш).

"I don't know (я не знаю)," she said (сказала она). "I haven't the slightest idea (я не имею ни малейшего представления; slight — легкий, небольшой, незначительный)."

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