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C., General History of Music, II, 662.

46. Weinstock, 60.

47. Ibid., 92.

48. 97.

49. Oxford History of Music, IV, 209.

50. Burney, II, 72m.

51. Ibid.

52. Weinstock, 115.

53. Ibid., 172.

54. McKinney and Anderson, Music in History, 438.

55. Weinstock, 207.

56. Burney, II, 817.

57. Weinstock, 212.

58. Láng, P. H., Music in Western Civilization, 522.

59. Brockway and Weinstock, Men of Music, 76.

60. Oxford History of Music, IV, 84; Weinstock, 225; Brockway and Weinstock, 76.

61. Weinstock, 232.

62. Ibid., 239.

63. 241.

64. Rolland, R., Musical Tour through the Land of the Past, 58.

65. Oxford History of Music, IV, 198.

66. Weinstock, 77.

67. Brockway and Weinstock, 81.

68. Rolland, 49.

69. Davison, A., Bach and Handel, 46.

70. Ibid., 44.

71. Rolland, 67.

72. Weinstock, 303.

73. Ibid., 305.

74. Davison, A., 41.

75. Oxford History of Music, IV, 85–89, 93.

76. Burney, II, 1023.

77. Letter to Thieriot in Strachey, Books and Characters, 122.

78. E.g., Works, XXIa, 211.

79. Works, XIXb, 91.

80. Goldsmith, O., Life of Voltaire, in Miscellaneous Works, 504.

81. Letter of July 19, 1776, in Desnoiresterres, VIII, 108; article «Dramatic Art» quoted in Holzknecht, Backgrounds of Shakespeare, 387.

82. Collins, J. C., Bolingbroke, and Voltaire in England, 201; Brandes, Voltaire, I, 173.

83. Johnson, Lives of the Poets, II, 7.

84. Works, XIXb, 209.

85. In Buckle, I, 528.

86. Philosophical Dictionary, article «Government.»

87. Gay, Voltaire’s Politics, 44.

88. Parton, II, 523.

89. Voltaire, Correspondance, ed. Besterman, II, 31.

90. Johnson, Lives, II, 176; Collins, J. C., 210.

91. Collins, 230.

92. Brunetière, Manual of the History of French Literature, 319.


1. Sée, H., Economic and Social Conditions in France during the 18th Century, 87.

2. Ibid., 84.

3. Sumner, W. G., Folkways, 165.

4. Sée, 104; Goodwin, A., The European Nobility in the 18th Century, 36.

5. Tocqueville, L’Ancien Régime, 107.

6. Ducros, L., French Society in the 18th Century, 158, 207; Wolf, A., History of Science… and Philosophy in the 18th Century, 558.

7. Palmer, R. R., Catholics and Unbelievers in 18th-Century France, 13n.

8. Lacroix, P., Eighteenth Century, 138.

9. Camb. Mod. History, VIII, 53.

10. Lacroix, 138.

11. Ducros, 24; Herbert, S., Fall of Feudalism in France, xvii.

12. Taine, Ancient Regime, 130.

13. Goodwin, European Nobility, 31.

14. Jaurès, Histoire socialiste, I, 32.

15. Sée, 61.

16. Taine, Ancient Regime, 20, 41.

17. Tocqueville, 34.

18. Taine, 15.

19. Camb. Mod. History, VIII, 53.

20. Ibid., 52; Sée, 3.

21. Palmer, R. R., 25; Lacroix, 157.

22. Taine, 42 f.

23. Voltaire, Works, XVIa, 261.

24. Martin, H., XV, 439.

25. Ibid., 439–40.

26. Lacroix, 157.

27. Ibid., 269.

28. Taine, 34.

29. Ibid., 119–20.

30. Goncourts, Woman of the 18th Century, 10, 15; Montalembert, Monks of the West, II, 86.

31. Martin, Kingsley, Rise of French Liberal Thought, 79.

32. Taine, 62; Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 288.

33. Martin, H., XV, 441.

34. Ibid., 442.

35. Taine, 63.

36. Lecky, History of England, V, 329.

37. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 248.

38. Lacroix, 270.

39. Guizot, History of France, V, 48.

40. Sée, 4.

41. Herbert, Fall of Feudalism, 56.

42. Taine, 23–24; Ducros, 256–57.

43. Herbert, 37.

44. Sée, 15.

45. Herbert, 4–5.

46. Sée, 28.

47. Montagu, Lady Mary W., Letters, I, 395 (Oct. 10, 1718).

48. Taine, 330.

49. Martin, H., XV, 216.

50. Sée, 38.

51. Voltaire, Works, XIXa, 94.

52. Philosophical Dictionary, article «Lent.»

53. Cobban, History of Modern France, 42.

54. Sée, 182.

55. Renard and Weulersee, Life and Work in Modern Europe, 193.

56. Mantoux, Industrial Revolution, 409.

57. Sée, 165.

58. Taine, 334.

59. Mornet, Origines intellectuelles de la Révolution française, 28.

60. Parton, II, 184.

61. Lacroix, 228.

62. Ibid., 311.

63. Nussbaum, History of the Economic Institutions of Modern Europe, 124.

64. Jaurès, Histoire socialiste, I, 67.

65. Sée, 151–53.

66. Martin, H., XV, 213.

67. Ibid., 305.

68. Sée, 93.

69. Ducros, 160.

70. Toth, Woman and Rococo in France, 179.

71. Lacroix, 206.

72. Ibid.

73. Goncourts, Madame de Pompadour, 5–7.

74. Desnoiresterres, III, 241.

75. Grimm, Correspondance, VIII, 231–33, in Buckle, I, 539.

76. Saint-Simon in Lacroix, 302.

77. Lacroix, 299.

78. Ducros, 53.

79. Stryienski, Eighteenth Century, 57.

80. Lanfrey, L’Eglise et les philosophes au xviiie siècle, 129.

81. Michelet, V, 277; Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, I, 445.

82. Voltaire, Works, XVIa, 157.

83. Stryienski, 79.

84. Works, XVIa, 158.

85. Martin, H., XV, 256n.

86. Stryienski, 85.

87. Desnoiresterres, II, 336.

88. Martin, H., XV, 251.

89. Saint-Simon, Memoirs, III, 283.

90. Michelet, V, 248.

91. Martin, H., XV, 116n.; Ercole, Gay Court Life, 88.

92. Bearne, Court Painter, 85.

93. Guizot, History of France, V, 78.

94. Goncourts, Pompadour, 9.

95. Michelet, V, 325.

96. Ercole, 167.

97. Lewis, D. B. Wyndham, Four Favorites, 42.

98. Stryienski, 140–41.

99. Webster’s Biographical Dictionary, 833.

100. Brandes, I, 224.

101. Voltaire, Works, XVIb, 224.

102. Carlyle, Thos., History of Friedrich II, IV, 438; Enc.

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