blood [blAd], leaves [lJvz], relieve [rI'lJv]
When the farmer's wife came back to the bedroom she was frightened at the sight of the blood on the bed and on my clothes. However, she seemed very pleased to find that I wasn't hurt in any way. She called a servant to clear up the mess, picked me up and took me down to the garden. I made signs to her that I wished to be placed on the ground. Once there, I tried to make her understand that she should look the other way. She seemed to guess what it was that I wished to do. I walked away and hid between two leaves, where I was able to relieve myself.
I hope that the reader will excuse the fact (надеюсь, читатель извинит меня за то: «извинит /то/ обстоятельство») that this account of my travels includes so many details (что рассказ о моих путешествиях заключает в себе так много подробностей; account — счет; сводка; отчет; описание, рассказ). This voyage made such an impression on me (путешествие это произвело на меня такое /глубокое/ впечатление) that in writing it down (что описывая его = составляя его описание) I have tried to present a true account of all that happened to me (я старался представить правдивый отчет обо всем, что со мной происходило).
detail ['dJteIl], present /в качестве глагола/ [prI'zent], account [q'kaVnt]
I hope that the reader will excuse the fact that this account of my travels includes so many details. This voyage made such an impression on me that in writing it down I have tried to present a true account of all that happened to me.
One of the farmer's children was a nine-year-old girl (среди детей фермера была девятилетняя девочка: «одним/одной из детей фермера…»). She was small for her age (она была небольшой/невысокой для своего возраста), being only about forty feet tall (всего только около сорока футов ростом). She was very good at sewing and at making things for her doll (она очень хорошо шила и отлично одевала свою куклу: «была очень искусна в шитье и изготовлении вещей = одежды для…»). With a little help from her mother (с помощью матери), she fixed up the doll's bed for me (она устроила для меня кукольную кровать = постель в кукольной кроватке; to fix up — привести в порядок; подправить; организовать; обеспечивать). The bed was put inside a drawer (кровать была положена в ящик /из комода/; drawer — выдвижной ящик /комода и т. п./) and placed on a high shelf at night time (и поставлена = а ящик поставлен/ставился на ночь на высокую полку), away from the rats (подальше от крыс).
sewing ['sqVIN], put [pVt], drawer ['drL(q)]
One of the farmer's children was a nine-year-old girl. She was small for her age, being only about forty feet tall. She was very good at sewing and at making things for her doll. With a little help from her mother, she fixed up the doll's bed for me. The bed was put inside a drawer and placed on a high shelf at night time, away from the rats.
She looked after me all the time (она заботилась обо мне: «смотрела за мной» все время) I stayed with her family (пока я оставался в ее семье). She did my washing (она стирала для меня; to wash — мыть; стирать; washing — мытье; стирка; белье /отложенное в стирку или выстиранное/) and also made me seven shirts (и даже сшила мне семь рубашек) and other clothes (и другую одежду), using the finest cloth she could get (употребив /для этого/ самое тонкое полотно = из самого тонкого полотна, какое /только/ могла достать = найти). She wanted to dress and undress me (она хотела одевать и раздевать меня), but I made it clear (но я объяснил /ей/: «сделал ясным») that I preferred to do this myself (что предпочитаю делать это сам). She also became my teacher (она также стала моей учительницей) and helped me to learn the language (и помогала мне учить язык).
washing ['wOSIN], clear [klIq], preferred [prI'fWd]
She looked after me all the time I stayed with her family. She did my washing and also made me seven shirts and other clothes, using the finest cloth she could get. She wanted to dress and undress me, but I made it clear that I preferred to do this myself. She also became my teacher and helped me to learn the language.
When I pointed to something (когда я пальцем указывал на какой-нибудь предмет), she told me what it was in her language (она говорила мне, как это называется на ее языке). In a few days I was able to ask for the things I needed (через несколько дней я мог попросить все, что мне было нужно). She gave me the name of Grildrig (она дала мне имя Грилдриг), which means manikin in English (что по-английски значит "manikin" /человечек/). The rest of the family began calling me by that name (остальные члены семьи стали называть меня этим именем; /the/ rest — остаток; другие, прочие) and before long other people also called me Grildrig (и скоро другие люди тоже называли меня Грилдриг). I called her Glumdalclitch, which means "little nurse" (я называл ее Глюмдалклич, что значит "нянюшка").
means [mJnz], manikin ['mxnIkIn], called [kLld]
When I pointed to something, she told me what it was in her language. In a few days I was able to ask for the things I needed. She gave me the name of Grildrig, which means manikin in English. The rest of the family began calling me by that name and before long other people also called me Grildrig. I called her Glumdalclitch, which means "little nurse".
Word got around about the funny little animal (скоро начали распространяться слухи о забавном зверьке; word — слово; разговор, речь; слух, молва; to get around — распространяться, становиться известным) the farmer had brought home from the fields (которого фермер принес домой с полей). It was said to be a bit smaller than a splacknuck (говорили, что он немного меньше сплякнука) — a small animal in Brobdingnag, no more than six feet long (зверек в Бробдингнаге не более = до шести футов в длину). It looked like a person (/что/ он выглядит как человек), spoke a language of its own (говорит на собственном языке), walked on two legs (ходит на двух ногах) and did what it was told (и делает, что ему говорят/приказывают). Its skin was said to be finer than a baby's (его кожа, как говорили, нежнее чем у младенца; fine — тонкий; утонченный, изящный; деликатный; нежный).
brought [brLt], said [sed], walked [wLkt]
Word got around about the funny little animal the farmer had brought home from the fields. It was said to be a bit smaller than a splacknuck (a small animal in Brobdingnag, no more than six feet long). It looked like a person, spoke a language of its own, walked on two legs and did what it was told. Its skin was said to be finer than a baby's.
A farmer who lived nearby came to visit (один фермер, живший неподалеку, пришел в гости), wanting to know if this story could be true (желая узнать, правдива ли эта история: «могла ли эта история быть правдивой»). I was brought in (меня внесли /в комнату/) and placed on a table (и поставили на стол). I was asked to walk about on the table (меня попросили ходить по столу), to draw my sword (вытаскивать мою саблю) and sheathe it again (и вкладывать ее обратно в ножны). I told the visitor in his own language (я сказал гостю на его языке) that he was welcome (что рад его видеть; welcome — желанный; долгожданный, приятный) and I asked him how he was (и спросил, как у него дела).
Afterwards I saw the two farmers whispering together (после я увидел, как оба фермера перешептывались друг с другом) and pointing at me (и показывали на меня), but I couldn't hear what they were saying (но я не мог услышать, что они говорили). The next morning Glumdalclitch told me (на следующее утро Глюмдалклич рассказала мне) what they had been talking about (о чем они толковали).
nearby ['nIqbaI], visitor ['vIzItq], whispering ['wIsp(q)rIN]
A farmer who lived nearby came to visit, wanting to know if this story could be true. I was brought in and placed on a table. I was asked to walk about on the table, to draw my sword and sheathe it again. I told the visitor in his own language that he was welcome and I asked him how he was.
Afterwards I saw the two farmers whispering together and pointing at me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. The next morning Glumdalclitch told me what they had been talking about.
The visitor had suggested to the farmer (гость посоветовал фермеру) that he bring me to the nearby town on market-day (чтобы тот отвез меня в базарный день в соседний город) and put me on show (и выставил меня напоказ). People would pay money to see me (люди будут платить деньги за то, чтобы меня увидеть). Poor little Glumdalclitch cried as she told me of this plan (бедная маленькая Глюмдалклич плакала, рассказывая мне об этом замысле). She knew me well enough (она достаточно хорошо меня знала) to know that I would hate the idea (чтобы понять, что эта затея будет мне ненавистна; to hate — ненавидеть; не выносить; испытывать отвращение). She was also afraid that I might get hurt (кроме того, она боялась, что меня могут поранить; to get hurt — пораниться, ушибиться; пострадать, получить ранение). People would crowd around me (люди будут толпиться вокруг меня) and I could easily get my bones broken (и мне легко/вполне могут поломать кости). Her mother and father had said that Grildrig belonged to her (ее мать и отец говорили, что Грилдриг принадлежит ей). Last year they had given her a lamb (в прошлом году они подарили ей ягненка), but as soon as it was fattened up (но как только он откормился; fat — жирный; толстый, упитанный; to fatten up — откармливать /на убой/) they had taken it away (они его забрали) and sold it to a butcher (и продали мяснику; to sell).
belong [bI'lON], lamb [lxm], butcher ['bVCq]
The visitor had suggested to the farmer that he bring me to the nearby town on market-day and put me on show. People would pay money to see me. Poor little Glumdalclitch cried as she told me of this plan. She knew me well enough to know that I would hate the idea. She was also afraid that I might get hurt. People would crowd around me and I could easily get my bones broken. Her mother and father had said that Grildrig belonged to her. Last year they had given her a lamb, but as soon as it was fattened up they had taken it away and sold it to a butcher.
I was not so unhappy about the plan (я не был огорчен из-за этой затеи так сильно; unhappy — несчастливый; несчастный; печальный, грустный, подавленный) as my little nurse seemed to be (как, казалось, была /огорчена/ моя нянюшка), as I hadn't given up the idea of regaining my liberty (так как не отказался от мысли = надежды вернуть себе свободу; to gain — добывать; получать, приобретать). And as to the shame of it (что же касается позора), there was nothing I could do about that (/то/ тут я ничего не мог поделать). The same thing could have happened to the King of Great Britain himself (то же самое могло бы произойти с самим королем Великобритании) if he had been so unfortunate (если бы он имел несчастье: «был так несчастен/неудачлив») as to be left on his own in this country (оказаться: «был оставлен» без помощи в этой стране; on one's own — самостоятельно; без помощи, поддержки, надзора).
regain [rI'geIn], liberty ['lIbqtI], Britain [brItn]
I was not so unhappy about the plan as my little nurse seemed to be, as I hadn't given up the idea of regaining my liberty. And as to the shame of it, there was nothing I could do about that. The same thing could have happened to the King of Great Britain himself if he had been so unfortunate as to be left on his own in this country.
On market-day (в базарный день), I was put into a closed box for the journey to the town (меня поместили в закрытом ящике для поездки в город). A small door had been made in the box (в ящике была проделана небольшая дверца) and there were holes to let in air (также были отверстия для воздуха: «чтобы впускать воздух»). My little nurse was allowed to come with us (моей нянюшке разрешили поехать с нами). She had put the bed clothes from the doll's bed into the box (она положила в ящик постельное белье с кукольной кроватки) so that I could lie down (чтобы я мог лечь).
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