35. Ibid.
36. Ibid.
37. В качестве примера см., R.J. Bain, «Rethinking the Informed Citizen in an A g e of Hybrid Media Genres: Tanner '88, К-Street, and the Fictionalization of the News, «Master's thesis, Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT, 2004, and Cristobal Garcia, «А Framework for Political Entertainment,» paper presented at Mediain Transition 3 Conference, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., May 2003.
38. John Hartley, «Regimes of Truth and the Politics of Reading: A Blivit,» in Tele-Ology: Studies in Television (New York: Routledge, 1992), pp. 45–63.
39. David Buckingham, The Making of Citizens: Young People, News and Politics (London: Routledge, 2000).
40. Уилл Райт, личное интервью с автором, июнь 2003.
41. Peter Ludlow,“ Му View of the Alphaville Elections,“ Alphaville Herald, April 20, 2004, http://www.alphavilleherald.com/archives/000191.html.
42. These and subsequent quotes in this paragraph taken from Jane Mc-Gonigal,“This Is Nota Game': Immersive Aesthetics and Collective Play,“ http:// www.seanstewart.org/beast/mcgonigal/notagame/paper.pdf.
43. http://cdd.stanford.edu.
44. Henry E. Brady, James S. Fishkin and Robert C. Luskin, “Informed Public Opinion about Foreign Policy: The Uses of Deliberative Polling,“ Brookings Review, Summer 2003, http://cdd.stanford.edu/research/papers/2003/in-formed.pdf.
45. David Thorburn, “Television Melodrama,“ в ред. Horace Newcomb, Television: The Critical View (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994).
46. Ithiel de Sola Pool, Technology without Boundaries: On Telecommunications in a Global Age (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990), pp. 261–262.
47. Andrew Leonard, «Trapped i n the Echo Chamber,» Salon, November 3, 2004,
48. Cass Sunstein, «The Daily We,» Boston Review, Summer 2001, http:// www.bostonreview.net/BR26.3/Sunstein.html.
49. Gibbs, “Blue Truth, Red Truth.“
50. Sharon Waxman and Randy Kennedy, “The Gurus of What's In Wonder if They're Out of Touch,“ New York Times, November 6, 2004, p. 12.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ К ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЮ1. Ari Berman, “Al Gets Down,“ The Nation, April 28, 2005, http://www. thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20050516&c=l&s=berman.
2. Berman, “Al Gets Down.“ См. сопутствующие дискуссии вокруг Current у Niall McCay, «The Vee Pee's New Tee Vee,» Wired Nezvs, April 6, 2005, http://www.wired.eom/news/digiwood/0.1412.67143.00.html; Farhad Man-joo, “The Television Will Be Revolutionized,“ Salon, July 7, 2005, http://www. salon.com/news/feature/2005/07/ll/goretv/print.html; Tamara Straus, “I Want My Al TV,“ San Francisco magazine, July 2005, http://www.sanfran.com/home/ view_story/625/?PHPSESSID=d8efl4a995fed84316b461491 dl6f667
3. Cm. Anita J. Chan, «Distributed Editing, Collective Action, and the Construction of Online News on Slashdot.org,» Masters thesis, Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. Больше о журналистике соучастия см. Dan Gilmor, We the Media: Grassroots Journalism By the People, For the People (New York: O'Reilly, 2004), and Pablo J. Boczkowski, Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2005).
4. Manjoo, «The Television.»
5. Berman, «А1 Gets Down.»
6. Ashley Highfield, «TV's Tipping Point: Why the Digital Revolution Is Only Just Beginning,» October 7, 2003, Paidcontent.org, http://www.paidcontent. org/stories/ashleyrts.shtml.
7. “BBC Opens TV Listings for Remix,“ BBC Online, July 23, 2005, http:// news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4707187.stm.
8. W. Russell Neuman, The Future of the Mass Audience (Cambridge, U. K.: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 54.
9. Ibid., pp. 8–9.
10. Betsy Frank, “Changing Media, Changing Audiences,“ MIT Communications Forum, April 1,2004, http://web.mit.edu/comm-forum/forums/chang-ing_audiences.html.
11. George Gilder, Life after Television: The Coming Transformation of Media a American Life (New York: W.W. Norton, 1994), p. 66.
12. Ibid., p. 68.
13. Marshall Sella, “The Remote Controllers,“ New York Times, October 20,
14. Henryjenkins, Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participator/ Cult (New York: Routledge, 1991).
15. Марсия Алиас, интервью с автором по электронной почте, конец
16. Kimberly М. De Vries,“ A Tart Point of View: Buildinga Community of Resistance Online,“ presented at Mediain Transition 2: Globalization and Convergence, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., May 10–12, 2002.
17. Цитаты в этом параграфе заимствованы из Warren Ellis, «Global Frequency: An Introduction,» http://www.warrenellis.com/gf.html.
18. Howard Rheingold, Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (New York: Basic Books, 2003), p. xii.
19. Cory Doctorow, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (New York: Tor, 2003).
20. All information and quotes in this paragraph taken from Michael Gebb, “Rejected T V Pilot Thrives on P2P,“ Wired News, June 27, 2005, http://www. wired.com/news/digiwood/0.1412.67986.00.html.
21. Chris Anderson, “The Long Tail,“ Wired, October 2004, http://www. wired.com/wired/archive/12.10/tail.html?pg=3&topic=tail&topic_set.
22. Ivan Askwith, “TV You'll Want to Pay For: How $2 Downloads Can Revive Network Television,“ Slate, November 1, 2005, http://www.slateuk.com/ id/2129003/.
23. Andy Bowers, “Reincarnating the West Wing: Could the Canceled NBC Drama Be Reborn on iTunes?“ Slate, January 24,2006, http://www.slateuk. com/id/2134803/.
24. Информация взята с заглавной страницы сайта Википедии: http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia.
25. “Neutral Point of View,“ Wikipedia, http://www.infowrangler.com/php/ wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Wikipedia: Neutral_point_of_view.
26. Shoshanna Green, Cynthia Jenkins, and Henryjenkins, “'The Normal Female Interest in Men Bonking,“ в ред. Cheryl Harris and Alison Alexander, Theorizing Fandom (NewYork: Hampton, 1998).
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