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and lamentable form of hysteria’, p. 661.

4. William Jones, Practical Observations on Diseases of Women (H. Bailliere, 1839), p. 1.

5. William Jones, quoting physician, surgeon and writer on ‘diseases of women’ Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, in ibid., p. 33.

6. Ibid.

7. Marshall Hall, ‘On a new and lamentable form of hysteria’, p. 661.

8. Thomas Litchfi eld, ‘On the use and abuse of the speculum’ (letter to the editor), The Lancet, 55(1397) (8 June 1850), p. 705.

9. Charles Locock, quoted in the Proceedings of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society meeting, The Lancet (8 June 1850), p. 702.

10. Phillipe Ricord, A Practical Treatise on Venereal Diseases, trans. A. Sidney Doane (J. S. Redfield, Clinton Hall, 1848), p. 216.

11. Robert Brudenell Carter, On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria (John Churchill, 1853), p. 33.

12. Ibid., p. 47.

13. Ibid., p. 69.

14. Ibid., p. 83.

15. Samuel Ashwell, A Practical Treatise on the Diseases Peculiar to Women (Lee and Blanchard, 1844), p. 500.

16. Ibid.

17. E. A. Heaman, St Mary’s: A History of a London Teaching Hospital (McGill-Queens University Press, 2003), pp. 47–48.

18. Robert Lee, Clinical Reports of Ovarian and Uterine Diseases, with commentaries (John Churchill, 1853).

19. Isaac Baker Brown, On Surgical Diseases of Women (John W. Davies, 1861), pp. 384–392.

20. Isaac Baker Brown, On the Curability of Certain Forms of Insanity, Epilepsy, Catalepsy and Hysteria in Females (Robert Hardwicke, 1866), p. 37.

21. Ibid., p. 58.

22. L. Larmont, Medical adviser & marriage guide: representing all the diseases of the genital organs of the male and female (eighth edition, E. Warner, 1864), p. 339.

23. Brown, On the Curability of Certain Forms of Insanity, p. 13.

24. See Elisabeth A. Sheehan, ‘Victorian Clitoridectomy: Isaac Baker Brown and His Harmless Operative Procedure’, in The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy, ed. Roger N. Lancaster and Micaela Di Leonardo (Routledge, 1997), p. 329.

25. Ibid., p. 330.

26. William Acton, Prostitution, Considered in Its Moral, Social and Sanitary Aspects, in London and Other Large Cities and Garrison Towns, with Proposals for the Mitigation and Prevention of Its Attendant Evils (John Churchill & Sons, 1857), p. 166.

27. Josephine Butler relaying the words of ‘violated women’ in a letter to James John Garth Wilkinson in Wilkinson, The Forcible Introspection of Women for the Army and Navy by the Oligarchy, considered Physically (F. Pitman, 1870), p. 23.

28. Seymour Haden, quoted in ‘Meeting to consider the proposition of the Council for the removal of Mr I. B. Brown’, British Medical Journal, 1(327) (6 April 1867), p. 396.

29. Ibid., p. 408.

30. Ibid., p. 409.

31. Butler quoted in Wilkinson, The Forcible Introspection of Women, p. 22.

32. Butler to Joseph Edmondson, 28 March 1872. Quoted and cited by Brian Harrison, ‘Women’s Health and the Women’s Movement’, in Biology, Medicine and Society 1840–1940, ed. Charles Webster (Cambridge University Press, 1981; 2002), p. 45.


1. Aya Riad, ‘The Surgeon’s Hall riots: A turning point’, Edinburgh Medicine Timeline, University of Edinburgh, https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/edmedtimeline/2020/03/06/the-surgeons-hall-riot-a-turning-point/

2. Sophia Jex-Blake, ‘Medicine as a Profession for Women, in Josephine Butler (ed.), Women’s Work and Women’s Culture (Macmillan & Company, 1869), p. 106.

3. Ibid., p. 108.

4. See Elaine Showalter, ‘Victorian women and menstruation’, Victorian Studies, 14(1) ‘The Victorian Woman’ (September 1970), pp. 83–88; see also Julie-Marie Strange, ‘Menstrual fictions: Languages of medicine and menstruation, c.1850–1930’, Women’s History Review, 9(3) (2000), pp. 607–628.

5. William Buchan, ‘The Menstrual Discharge’, in Dr Buchan’s Domestic Medicine, or a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and Simple Medicines (Claxton, Remsen and Haffelfinger, 1871), p. 398. Buchan, a Scottish physician, first published Domestic Medicine in 1769. It remained one of the most popular ‘lay’ medical manuals in Europe, the colonies and the US for nearly a century, selling over 80 000 copies.

6. Ibid., pp. 398–400.

7. Trial of Martha Brixey (12 May 1845), Old Bailey Proceedings Online https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/print.jsp?div=t18450512-1180.

8. Edward John Tilt, On Diseases of Menstruation and Ovarian Inflammation (Samuel S. and William Wood, 1851), p. 54.

9. Ibid., p. 55.

10. Ibid., pp. 55–58.

11. Thomas K. Chambers, ‘Clinical lecture on hysteria’ (St Mary’s, 7 November 1861), British Medical Journal (21 December 1861), p. 651.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid., p. 652.

14. Edward Tilt ‘On hysteria and its interpreters’, British Medical Journal, 2(572) (16 December 1871), pp. 690–692.

15. Interview with Battey in David W. Wandell and Eley McClellan, MDs, Battey’s Operation (Morton and Company, 1875), p. 5.

16. Robert Battey, ‘Normal ovariotomy’, Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal, 10(6) (September 1872), p. 323.

17. Ibid., p. 324.

18. T. Spencer Wells, Diseases of the Ovaries: Th eir Diagnosis and Treatment (John Churchill & Sons, 1864), p. xiv.

19. Battey, ‘Normal Ovariotomy — a paper read before the Georgia Medical Association’ (Herald Publishing Company’s Steam Presses, April 1873), p. 3.

20. See Lawrence D. Longo, ‘The rise and fall of Battey’s operation: A fashion in surgery’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 53(2) (Summer 1979), pp. 244–245.

21. See Curtis Tyrone, ‘Certain aspects of gynaecologic practice in the late nineteenth century’, read at the meeting of the History of Medicine Society, Tulane University of Louisiana School of Medicine, November 1950.

22. Charles K. Mills, ‘A case of nymphomania, with hystero-epilepsy and peculiar mental perversions — the result of clitoridectomy and oophorectomy — the patient’s history as told by herself ’, reported by William H. Morrison, Philadelphia Hospital The Medical Times and Register (18 April 1885), pp. 534–540.


1. Frederick Douglass, ‘The Rights of Women’, Th e North Star, (July 1948). https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/sis/resources/his-torical-documents/north-star.html.

2. Evette Dionne, Lifting as We Climb: Black Women’s Battle for the Ballot Box (Viking, 2020), pp. 8–9; 34–35.

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