Лучшие авторы книг - Dewey Lambdin

A Jester’s Fortune - Dewey Lambdin - Электронная Библиотека [Русские Книги] 📚 Читать На КулЛиб

A Jester’s Fortune - Dewey Lambdin

The year is 1796 and the soil of Piedmont and Tuscany runs with blood, another battle takes shape on the mysterious Adriatic Sea. Alan Lewrie and his 18-gun sloop, HMS Jester, part of a squadron of four British warships, sail into the thick of it....
Морские приключения | Автор: Dewey Lambdin | Просмотров: 0
King`s Captain - Dewey Lambdin - Электронная Библиотека [Русские Книги] 📚 Читать На КулЛиб

King`s Captain - Dewey Lambdin

Following the footsteps of Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey, whose ripping adventures capture thousands of new readers each year, comes the heir apparent to the mantle of Forester and O'Brian: Dewey Lambdin, and his acclaimed Alan Lewrie...
Морские приключения | Автор: Dewey Lambdin | Просмотров: 0