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Printed under the resolution of Publishing council, Faculty of Economics, St.-Petersburg State University.

ISBN 978-5-4461-0217-4 The collective monograph reflects the most important results of the fundamental scientific research executed at the Faculty of Economic of St.-Petersburg state university at the Dept. of management and planning of socio-economic processes in 2011−2012. It is devoted to the fundamental problems of forming and development of strategic management system at federal and regional levels.

The monograph is written for a wide range of researchers, scientists, specialists in the field of state and regional administration, teachers, post-graduate students and students of higher schools, and also experts and administrative officials participating in development of the major strategic directions at various levels of territorial administration system.

The book is prepared by collective of authors under a scientific guidance of the honoured worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation, Head of Dept. of management and planning of socio– economic processes of the St.-Petersburg state university, Dr. of Econ. Sc., professor Y. Kuznetsov.

ISBN 978-5-4461-0217-4

© Collective of authors, 2014

© Publishing house, 2014

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