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Глава 8

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9. Estela Area-Gomez, Ad de Groof, Eduardo Bonilla, Jorge Montesinos, Kurenai Tanji, Istvan Boldogh, Liza Pon, and Eric A. Schon. “A Key Role for MAM in Mediating Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease.” Cell Death Dis 9(3) (2018): 335. doi: 10.1038/s41419-017-0215-0; R. H. Swerdlow. “Mitochondria and Mitochondrial Cascades in Alzheimer’s Disease.” J Alzheimers Dis 62(3) (2018): 1403–1416. doi: 10.3233/JAD-170585.

10. Fei Du, Xiao-Hong Zhu, Yi Zhang, Michael Friedman, Nanyin Zhang, Kâmil Uğurbil, and Wei Chen. “Tightly Coupled Brain Activity and Cerebral ATP Metabolic Rate.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105(17) (2008): 6409. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0710766105.

11. K. Todkar, H. S. Ilamathi, M. Germain. “Mitochondria and Lysosomes: Discovering Bonds.” Front Cell Dev Biol 5 (2017):106. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2017.00106.

12. Q. Chu, T. F. Martinez, S. W. Novak, et al. “Regulation of the ER Stress Response by a MITOCHONDRIAL MICROPROTEIN.” Nat Commun 10 (2019): 4883. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12816-z.

13. B. Kalman, F. D. Lublin, and H. Alder.

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